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1. The Concept of Optimal Workplace in Providing A Great Experience to

Improve Work Professionalism in The Interior Design of PLN Corporate Univ

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

The Concept of Optimal Workplace in Providing A Great Experience to

Improve Work Professionalism in The Interior Design of PLN Corporate
University, Ragunan, Jakarta
Asep Yudi Permana1*, Juang Akbardin2, Aathira Farah Salsabilla Permana3, Hafiz
Department Architecture, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engeneering, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Department Architecture, Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung, Indonesia

PLN Corporate University is one of the facilities established by PLN Inc. to develop the potentials of
subsidiaries and educate employees to gain competence and professionalism. One of its roles is to
balance the company’s needs with learning activities using an integrated information system. PLN
Corporate University acts as a medium in enhancing excellence in the areas of leadership, competence,
and high work ethics. To make it happen, it needs to be supported by spatial planning which supports
the work performance and productivity of all employees. Thus, PLN Corporate University needs an
office concept which emphasizes on promoting sustainability and on understanding work activities
which are more flexible, dynamic, and interconnected, among office spaces, technology, and functions.
An office with good characteristics is not only feasible but also able to stimulate the employees to
achieve accomplishments in accordance with the employees’ potentials. The development of building
and information technology has a major influence on human activities in a space, where offices not
only fulfill the need to work, but also have other advantages, such as providing the improved
environmental quality and work quality, stimulating the interaction and teamwork among staffs and
departments, and encouraging the emergence of innovation through creative processes that occur at
the work environment. To achieve the desired condition, the basic concepts applied in the interior
design of PLN Corporate University are open-space, flexible, simple, inspiring, performing,
phenomenal, and creative in order to realize its vision and mission as the center of excellence in
Keywords: Productivity, comfort, flexibility, dynamic, sustainability

1. Introduction
Industrial revolution 4.0 which is very dynamic requires employees of both government and
private sectors to improve their performances for companies’ progress. The key to the success of
companies is the ability of their human resources [1], [2]. At the same time, the development of the
work world is increasing along with the development of companies’ office buildings, both government
and private office buildings. Office buildings are also developed because activities that occur in the
office building, both administration and work-related activities, require creativity.
The success of an employee, like human resources, can be seen from his/her work which is
precisely in line with the job description to achieve the goals set by the company/office [3]. Employees
are the main and strategic elements in the success of the company [1], [2], [4]. At the same time,
technological developments, which become other strategic elements in the success of the company,
require employees to be able to work with, in order to accomplish the high performance for fulfilling
the targets that have been set by the company/office. Infrastructure and facilities are the next strategic
elements that support the implementation of work. Infrastructure and facilities include workspace,
stationery, and other supports [5], [1].
In increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of an office, the role of management is very
important. Management [6] is the art of obtaining optimal results in accordance with the objectives [7].
Management conducts preparation, managing, structuring, and supervising of employees, as human
resource, in achieving the office objectives [6]. For obtaining the optimal results, it is highly determined
by the work productivity of employees as executors of work; and for this reason, it needs to be supported
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

by a comfortable atmosphere so that the employees can do the work optimally.

Research on the influence and relationship between the atmospheres of space and productivity
has been widely studied, but however, the majority of the results of the study have not significantly
discussed the influence of workspace arrangement. By far, workspace is viewed as a minimum
fulfillment for working employees; whereas, workspace is the major fulfillment which needs to be
arranged carefully in supporting the productivity and work ethic of employees.
Workspace where the employee's work requires arrangement which provides the employee the
comfort in working. [8] State that office interior design is an arrangement of equipment in accordance
with the amount of space and its function. Related to the interior design activity, [9] explains that the
activity starts from determining the needs and space functions based on the factors influencing
implementation, to calculating the cost budget. Even explains that space design needs to consider the
standardization of space which considers the user, distance, and workflow [9], [10], [11], [12].
Spatial planning in interior design is important and inseparable from the atmosphere of the
physical space around because it greatly affects the performance of employees. Thus, spatial planning
in the workspace [13], is an important thing that must be considered in supporting employees’
effectiveness and productivity. At the same time, the increase in work productivity through empowering
human resources must become the commitment of management.
The activities that happen in the office, such as employees’ workflow processes, start from
designing and printing the documents to running and storing the document well. Explains that the flow
of office work needs very careful consideration to determine the composition of physical unity [14],
There are six elements in the physical work environment consisting of the interior, lighting,
color, air, music, and noise levels [2]. Meanwhile, according to [16], the atmosphere of space through
the composition of furniture placement by considering the needs of employee activities will increase
employee’s enthusiasm [16]. Therefore, the spatial design must be based on the workflow of each unit
or division, so that the productivity and effectiveness of the unit can increase. The implementation of
information technology systems will further enhance and provide distinct advantages.

2. Materials and Literature Framework

2.1 Studi Area
PLN Inc. is one of the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) engaging in the energy sector, more
specifically in the electricity business. The company was founded in the late 19th century when some
Dutch companies engaging in the sugar factory business set up a power plant. At the beginning of World
War II (1942-1945), there was a transfer of management from the Netherlands to Japan. Then, the
transfer of power occurred after Japan lost to allies. Because there was a vacuum of power in the
ownership of this company, the delegation of employees of this company together with KNI (Indonesian
National Committee) handed over the company to the President of Indonesia. On January 1st, 1961,
BPU-PLN (General Leadership Agency of the State Electricity Company) was formed after previously
named the Electricity and Gas Bureau. At the same time, it officially became the National Electricity
Company (PLN) as the state electricity manager. The research site at the PLN Corporate University,
Ragunan, Jakarta (figure 1).

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

Figure 1: (A). Map of the Research Site (Google Map); (B and C). Main Entrance of the PLN
Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta
Source: Google Map and Researchers’ data, 2018

2.2 Office Interior: between Work Efficiency and Effectiveness

Office layouts are intended to manage spatial structure through the composition of furniture.
Explains that in designing the interior space, it first needs to determine the function, requirements, and
other factors of the office space, so that the plan of the budget used can be calculated properly and
accordingly [9]. This is in line with Nuraida’s argument, that office layout is the media for supporting
employee activities by considering the amount of space available [17]. Moreover, [18] explains that
achieving work efficiency needs regulation and arrangement of furniture placement in accordance with
its functions because this will provide comfort and flexibility in working [18].
The work efficiency of employees[13] is about how to create dynamism on the layout of the
workspace. [19] State that space layout will affect the functioning of the managerial system at the office.
Furthermore, [20] explains that the use of functional space will provide employee satisfaction in doing
their work [21],[13].
Thus, spatial planning is the ability to manage rooms and arranging both furniture and work
equipment to produce appropriate results. The space design must pay attention to the costs incurred and
the space of rooms so that the dissipation does not happen and the job satisfaction of the office
employees can be achieved [13].
The job satisfaction of the office employees will influence the work productivity of the employees
[22]. This is in line with [23] who reveal that in determining the composition of space, management
must regularly choose the space because it will affect the work productivity of employees [21], [1].
Furthermore, State that the design of space should be based on the consideration of the spatial extent
and proper placement of furniture [8]. Besides, [24] argues that spatial layout begins with determining
the needs and users by considering other influencing factors, including budget. Thus, the furniture
placement must directly affect the comfort and costs which will give a further significant effect on the
level of employees’ work effectiveness [9].
The level of work effectiveness is a very important factor in designing office interiors. According
to [25], work effectiveness is related to whether or not the target which is set by the office/company is
achieved by the employees punctually. Meanwhile, work efficiency is related to whether or not the
work is done accordingly [26], [27]. The level of work effectiveness is directly influenced by three main
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

indicators: characteristics, capacity, and time. Thus, work effectiveness is a reflection of the office’s
success level in achieving the goals and demands that have been set through the implementation of the
work of its employees.

2.3 Office Spatial: between Goals and Benefits

According to Penn,, Spatial planning is basically to produce adaptive and interactive spaces
so that staff interactions will be connected to one another and easily accessible [28], [14]. Thus, the
office interior should be designed with the placement of equipment and furniture components which
will make employees easier to do their jobs. On the other hand, the level of work efficiency is related
to time, energy, and costs which can be saved. In addition, the level of comfort and employee
satisfaction will have an impact on feeling at home and enjoying the work.
Space organization plays an important role in the spatial planning of offices. For leaders or
supervisors of the office, arrangements and groupings of space can facilitate them when conducting
supervision. Meanwhile, for visitors or clients, office space arrangement will establish a good image
and give a special impression to the office; especially, if the office deals with the community service in
which the space organization will provide convenience in providing service. This will result in
customers’ satisfaction.
Besides, the proper interior-design space will support employees in completing their work.
Explains that there are some benefits of good office settings: (1) energy and time efficiency; (2) smooth
work processes; (3) efficient use of space; and (4) no interference of one another [3], [14]. Thus, a good
office-interior design will facilitate and accelerate activities and can improve relations between

2.4 Effective Interior office

Employee’s work effectiveness is influenced by good office-interior design. [20] states that there
are nine factors that influence the design of office interiors:
1. Employee Tasks.
The facilities for each employee are determined based on their duties and level of autonomy. This is
intended for work optimization
2. Work Flow
The layout is designed according to the workflow so that the movements of tasks and information
are directly proportional.
3. Organizational Chart
Work relations between employees will affect the layout and grouping of spaces, in which the right
location is the workspace that is placed close to each other for the related work.
4. Projection of Employee Needs
There are long-term predictions of space needs, based on employee projections in the future.
5. Communication Networks
The design of the interior layout is based on zoning and grouping. It is intended to facilitate the
interaction and use of media, so that communication between divisions will become higher, easier,
and closer.
6. Division in the Organization
This form is intended based on the functioning of the work-space placement according to the
workflow between employees.
7. Public and Private
This concept is applied to activities that require different job characteristics.
8. Space Needs
This concept is applied based on the types and kinds of furniture, tools, and commitment of
employees at work.
9. Consideration of Security
The circulation area must not be disturbed by the placement of goods that can possibly hinder the
movement of employees so that interior design provides services and space which is easy and does
not have any obstacles.
Categorizes four principles in determining the location and arrangement of office space: (1) for the
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

typical jobs such as public services, the office space should be placed in a place that is easily accessible
and does not interfere with circulation of other divisions; (2) the grouping of the same division should
be based on close relations of related work; (3) the administrative-work unit should be placed between
divisions that have working relationship so that it is easy to communicate and correspond; (4) divisions
with relatively high noise levels are better to be placed far away with divisions that require concentration
in working and thinking. Based on those principles, the efficient office-space layout must be designed
by structuring the placement of equipment, furniture, and other elements needed by every employee.
Jobs that are related or relatively the same are placed close together so that the jobs can be done easily.
It is also important to pay attention to the ergonomics and communication flow between employees.
This kind of interior design will create a space atmosphere that supports employee s’ jobs. The standard
of space based on the job position in the office [29], [21] is:
Table 1: Need for Outdoor Space
No Position Space Needed
1 Top Executive 125 m
2 Middle Manager 95 m2
3 Supervisor 65 m2
4 Employee 20-30 m2
5 Modular Workstation 30 m2
6 Conference Room 7,5 m2 per person
7 Reception Room 8,5 m2 per person
8 Main Corridor 2-3 m (in width)
9 Secondary Corridor 1.5-2 m (in width)
10 Hallway Intersection 1-1.5 m (in width)
Source: [20], [21]
According to The Office Act, among the standard requirements of office space are that the office
interior is not over-full of employees, and each room must accomplish the minimum requirement of 40
square feet or around 3.7 m2 for employees [21].
Explains that there are four basic plannings which become the main consideration to support the
work efficiency:

a. Light
Argues that there are four kinds of light: (1) direct light, which leads to the surface of table; (2)
half direct light, which falls on the surface of table and reflects back; (3) half indirect light, in which
the source mostly comes from the ceiling; and (4) indirect light, which is the general lighting leading
to the ceiling. This light is soft and does not cause eyestrain.
According to [30], 80-85 percent of information data is affected by sight. Thus, visual comfort
will support work productivity. For that reason, lighting in the room must be taken into account,
especially in terms of quality and quantity.

b. Color
Color is the main element in the work environment. Choosing the right color will increase the
productivity and work motivation of employees. Color can also affect someone emotionally [31],
[32]. As it is explained [30], the color will affect psychology, productivity, fatigue, morale, behavior,
and tension.

c. Air
The design of the office space must consider air circulation. This is intended to make the room
not stuffy and humid. Each room should be arranged as well as possible to get fresh air because the
air inhaled will have an impact on health and give a calm feeling while working. The temperature in
the room also needs attention. From the above reasons, it can be easily concluded that the quality

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

and quantity of air provide an impact on the quality of work, productivity, health, and enthusiasm
for work. These also give unsaturation and comfortable feeling for visitors.

d. Sound
Sound has a direct impact on work effectiveness, especially for a job requiring high
concentration, such as counting. Noise can increase employees’ emotions and have a negative impact
on employees’ health. If the employees are exposed to noise for an extended period of time, their
psychological and physical condition will be affected. In addition to causing health problems, noise
can also result in reducing employees’ productivity and causing anxiety, disturbance, and tension.

2.5 From Work Effectiveness to Work Professionalism

[33] Explains that human resource management has to strive for providing education and training
in shaping the character and professionalism of employees. Professionalism is a reflection of knowledge
and skills based on experience and time [34], [35], [36]. This opinion is in line with [37] that the attitude
of professionalism will be supported by ability which is skills and potentials as the manifestation of
practice [38][39]. Professionalism is intended to provide services that are fast, easy, appropriate, and
affordable. The basic concepts of professionalism are (1) elements of professionalism (knowledge,
actions, time management, facilities, and costs); (2) characteristics of professionalism (service, fairness,
loyalty, and responsibility); and (3) attitude of professionalism (appearance, accountability, loyalty and

3. Method
The research method used in this study was a survey method [40], aimed at getting responses from room
users as input in measuring the success of the office-layout design. The instrument used was
questionnaires intended to gather information from respondents. In this study, the respondents which
consisted of 60 people were employees of PLN Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta. Moreover, the
rating scale used was differential semantics in the evaluative dimension (good-bad or high-low).

The indicators of the research instrument consisted of three groups: (a) the condition of the
office interior (there are eleven indicators: lighting, temperature, humidity, air circulation/ventilation,
noise, mechanical vibration, aroma, color, motif, music, and security); (b) the level of work
effectiveness (it is related to quality, quantity, and time); and (c) the measurement of professionalism
(it consists of three indicators). The three indicators of the measurement of professionalism are
composed of: (1) elements of professionalism (the knowledge of employees in providing services,
ability of employees doing their work, punctuality in completing work, and responsibility for work), (2)
features and characteristics (treatment on the provided services, fairness, loyalty, and responsibility);
and (3) professionalism factors (the performance, accountability, loyalty, and ability of employees).

The technique of collecting data is divided into three processes as stated by [41]. These three
processes are: (1) the process of visiting the site, which is a form of direct interaction with data sources);
(2) the process of conducting direct observation on site, which is intended to obtain information through
observations toward the phenomena that occur; and (3) the process of collecting data, which is carried
out through observation, interviews, and documentation [42].

Furthermore, in the data analysis, this study used a mix-method model analysis which is the
combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The steps began with analyzing the data by
presenting the designs that include the existing floor plan, the shape of the space, characteristics, and
needs of the office-space facilities. This step was followed by the quantitative analysis which was
carried out by analyzing the questionnaires from each research indicator. Finally, this process went on
the qualitative analysis which was carried out by the process of condensation of data, data presentation,
and drawing conclusions [43].

4. Results and Discussion

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

public space, pantry, and dining room, ceramic or granite materials are applied. This is intended to
make the room clean and stylish. This also gives a modern impression. Furthermore, for wet areas,
such as toilets, unpolished ceramics are chosen.
b. Wall Element
Three different materials are used for the wall. They consist of: (1) red-brick walls which are
plastered and finished with paint; (2) glass-partition walls with aluminum frames; and (3) double-
gypsum-partition walls which are finished wallpaper combination. The choice of colors for red-brick
walls and double-gypsum-partition wall uses neutral colors combined with contrasting colors on
certain walls. This gives the impression of spacious and clean.
c. Ceiling Element
The ceiling materials use white-apple finishing paint which very characterizes broad
impression. This is supported by optimal and maximum lighting elements.
d. Furniture Element
The application of furniture use combines simple and modern forms with typical industrial
hand-made which has unique and simple characteristics. Furniture is designed to be simple, but still
considers the aspects of anthropometry, ergonomics, comfortably, and functions.
e. Aesthetic Element
The decoration as aesthetic elements is selected carefully. This mainly employs simple forms.
On certain parts of wall corners, several frames that are reinforced by spotlights are installed. These
frames give a masculine impression.
f. Lighting and Ventilation
In this building, the use of artificial light is minimized because the office is designed with many
openings. Natural light from the sun is utilized optimally. Meanwhile, the artificial light uses LED
to save energy up to 60% compared to incandescent light. On some walls, spotlights are used as
accents that enhance the appearance of the room.
Meanwhile, for ventilation, the building uses the concept of artificial ventilation. The central
air conditioner is applied as artificial ventilation. The use of a central air conditioner gives an overall
impression. This also imparts a cool and comfortable feeling to the users in the office.

4.2 Entrance, Guest Waiting Room, Corridor, and Meeting Room Area
The concept of interior design in this office space is intended to provide an increase in the quality
of the work and work environment, to supply functional guidance and efficiency in accommodating
diverse activities, to encourage interaction and teamwork between staff, and to boost the emergence of
innovation through creative processes. Based on these goals, some material is implemented in this
interior office design to support the desired space atmosphere.
At the entrance and waiting room area areas, the floor materials use a polished ceramic with
unpolished-ceramic combinations. For the corridor, concrete cement finished with epoxy is applied.
Meanwhile, the finishing of the walls uses with HPL-layer play wood varied with hollow wood-fiber
grille finishing. For separating the rooms, aluminum frames with glass partition are used. These areas
are also equipped with spotlights for their illumination.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

Completion of entry
Finishing the walls using
HPL plywood varied with
wood fiber hollow
finishing gratings.
Writing acliric material.
The gypsum partition (left
and right door( is coverted
from wood material into
an aluminium frame glass
partition). Lighting uses
stop lights.

Figure 3. Interior atmosphere of the entrance

Completion of waiting room:
- The TV horder wall uses HPL
finishing playwood panels
- The lattice panels use HPL coated
playwood combination of meaningful
plant pots
- Wallcoverings use wallpaper
- Ceilling HPL layer playwood grille

- Three seater curved sofa + tea table
- Discussion table + chair lounge
- Aesthetic elements

Figure 4. Interior atmosphere of the Guest Waiting Room

Source: Researchers’ Design, 2019

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

Epoxy floor and spot ceramic policy, drop
ceiling gypsum finish paint ash partition as
a room separator using skeleton glass and
sun-blass finishing.
In addition, the room divider also uses a
hollow finish duco paint iron rack equipped
with meaningful plant pots.
Lighting uses LED Downlights and indirect

Figure 5. (A) Interior atmosphere of the Corridor and (B) Interior atmosphere of the External and
Internal Meeting Room

4.3 The workspace of Senior Managers and Staffs

In the workspace of senior managers and staff, the selection of floor coverings which uses parquet
is intended to give the impression of comfortable, calm and, airy. Meanwhile, the floor coverings at the
discussion room, dining room, and pantry use ceramic materials. The atmosphere of these spaces is
supported by the selection of furniture that contrasts with the choice of floor and wall colors. This
combination forms a space that is not monotonous, as shown in Figures 6, 7, and 8.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

Senior Manager Work Room:

Partition using double gypsum finish wallpaper.
Floor coverings using parquet.
Work desks,, discussion tables and credenza use
playwood finish HPL with table legs using
hollow finish duco paint.
Work chairs and facing chairs with legs using
stainless with leather pads.
Discussion chairs and lounge chairs, with even
feet using metal and duco paint finishes

Partition using double gypsum with

metalstood and finish wallpaper frames.
Some partitions use allumunium frame
As for the aesthetic elements of space
also use the HPL playwood finish lattice
The floos coverings use parquet

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

Figure 6. Interior atmosphere of the Workspace of Senior Manager, Secretary, Functional, Contract
Workers, Staffs, and Co-Working Space

Figure 7. Interior atmosphere of the Discussion Room, Dining Room, and Pantry
Source: Researchers’ Design

Figure 8. Interior atmosphere of the Workspace of Sub Division and Staffs

Sumber: Researchers’ Design, 2019
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

4.4 Conditions of the Office Interior in Supporting Work Effectiveness

Questions were asked to 40 (forty) respondents / employees, based on 11 indicators, namely safety,
music, decoration, color, aroma, mechanical vibration, noise, air condition, humidity, temperature, and
lighting. The result is the respondents’ answers to the questionnaires are shown in figure 9. This figure
describes the condition of the office layout based on the data obtained.

Color Lay out
Mechanical vibration
Air Circulation

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Very Bad Bad Moderate Good Very Good

Figure 9. Respondents’ Answers regarding the Condition of the Office Layout

Based on the questionnaires on the condition of the office layout presented in Figure 8, the average
value for the office interior is 3.48 This means that the employees assume that the condition of the office
interior at PLN Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta is good. More complete detail can be seen in
table 2.
Table 2: Description of the Office Spatial Condition
No Indicator Average Interpretation
1 Lighting 3.56 Good
2 Temperature 3.54 Good
3 Humidity 3.51 Good
4 Air Circulation 3.50 Good
5 Noise 3.45 Moderate
6 Mechanical Vibration 3.42 Moderate
7 Aroma 3.55 Good
8 Color Lay Out 3.52 Good
9 Decor 3.44 Moderate
10 Music 3.34 Moderate
11 Security 3.43 Moderate
Average 3.48 Moderate

Based on table 2, respondents argue that the office interior is in a good category. Lighting becomes
the highest indicator which is 3.56. This means that the lighting condition in all workspaces is
considered in good condition (bright enough) according to employees. Meanwhile, music which
becomes the lowest indicator of 3.34 is classified into the moderate category. Based on these data, it
can be concluded that although the interior conditions are considered good by the employees, the
employees still think that the interior conditions need to be improved so that the spirit and dynamics of
the work will be more increasing.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

4.5 Level of Employees’ Work Effectiveness

Questions were asked to 40 (forty) respondents / employees. The result is the respondents’ answers
to the questionnaires related to employees’ effectiveness are shown in figure 10.






Very low Low Moderate High Very High

Work Quality Work Quantity Working Times

Figure 10. Respondents’ Answers regarding the Work Effectiveness

Source: Researchers’ Data, 2019

Based on the questionnaires on the work effectiveness presented in Figure 9, the average value for
the work effectiveness is 3.77. This means that the employees assume that the level of employees’ work
effectiveness at PLN Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta is high. More complete detail can be seen
in table 3.
Table 3: Description of the Office Spatial Condition
No Indicator Average Interpretation
1 Quality 3.83 High
2 Quantity 3.58 High
3 Time 3.91 High
Average 3.77 Tinggi
Source: Researchers’ Document, 2019

Based on table 4, respondents argue that the work effectiveness of employees is in the high
category. Time becomes the highest indicator which is 3.91. Meanwhile, quantity becomes the lowest
indicator consisting of 3.58. Based on these data, it can be concluded that time is the key factor in
influencing the level of employees’ work effectiveness. The completion of work is in accordance with
the time which is given.

4.6 Work Professionalism

Questions were asked to 40 (forty) respondents / employees, based on 11 indicators, namely
knowledge, aaccuracy of action, use of times, use of facilities, use of fees, equality, equity, loyality,
responsidle, performance, accountability, employeebility, ability. The results is the respondents’
answers to the questionnaires related to work professionalism are shown in Figure 11.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254






Aaccuracy of action

Use of fees


Use of facilities



Employee loyalty

Use of Times

Elements characteristic Factors

very bad bad moderat good very good

Figure 11. Respondents’ Answers regarding Work Professionalism

Based on the questionnaires on the work professionalism presented in Figure 11, the average value
for the work professionalism is 3.41 on the aspect of elements, 3.45 on the aspect of characteristics, and
3.44 on the aspect of factors (table 4). This means that the employees assume that the level of
professionalism at PLN Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta is high. More complete detail can be
seen in table 4.
Table 4: Description of Work Professionalism
No Indicator Sub Indicator Average Interpretation
1 Knowledge 3.48 Moderate
2 Accuracy of 3.40 Moderate
3 Elements Use of time 3.34 Moderate
4 Use of 3.51 Good
5 Use of fees 3.32 Moderate
6 Equality 3.43 Moderate
7 Equity 3.36 Moderate 3,45
8 Characteristics Loyalty 3.40 Moderate Moderate
9 Responsibility 3.62 Good
10 Performance 3.48 Moderate
11 Accountability 3.40 Moderate
12 Factors Employee 3.45 Moderate 3,44
loyalty Moderate
13 Ability 3.43 Moderate
Average 3.43 Moderate

Table 4 shows that the level of work professionalism is in the moderate category. Characteristics
become the highest indicator and responsibility as the sub-indicator of characteristics has a value of
3.62. This means that the respondents think that working is the responsibility of the employee.
Meanwhile, the lowest indicator goes to use of fees which have a value of 3.32. This means that although
the employees think that work professionalism is in the moderate category, some employees still
consider the results of their work to be not really optimal to the desired targets. Infrastructure and
facilities as the supporting factors are still lacked so that the services and results of work are not optimal.

5. Conclusion
The concept of the interior design of PLN Corporate University, Ragunan, Jakarta considers some
design principles: (a) adaptive design, which has a high degree of flexibility based on zoning; (b)
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3238-3254

activity-based and zoning-based workspace, which accommodates diverse activities and groups them
into the same group; (c) maximizing shared space and minimizing individual workspace, which is a
response to the transition, from individual work concepts to collaboration demanding coordination; (d)
adding supporting facilities, such as entertainment, which is aimed at sustainability in reducing
saturation and supporting employee productivity; (e) constructing collaboration space with
communication facilities, in which virtual space through digital screens and teleconferences is designed;
and (f) the use of bright colors and biophilic elements, which is aimed at constructing positive energy
to increase productivity.
The condition of the office space is considered good for all employees. This is based on the
indicators of lighting, temperature, humidity, ventilation, noise, vibration, aroma, color, decoration,
music, and security. Meanwhile, the results of data analysis on work professionalism are considered
moderate by all employees. This is based on the indicators of elements, characteristics, and factors that
influence it. Thus, office interiors have a positive effect on employees’ work effectiveness and will have
a further impact on increasing the level of professionalism of all employees, and vice versa.

6. Acknowledgments
The author would like to thank the General Manager of PLN Corporate University, Ragunan,
Jakarta who has provided an opportunity to participate in designing the office interior while conducting
research. The author would also like to thank the LPPM UPI which has provided funding in the research
grants of the Lecturer Development Research Scheme in 2019.

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