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VL eee LA ‘ N a Soe etarses8? ( General Advice Pattern « Rhodotus * Pixie’s Parasol © Body Cap .. Mini Mu: Assembly © Hydnellum Peckii.. Body Arm: Legs Cap Ea Flower Assembly Basic crochet techniques French knot guide Dnt Pestana Beet Comet pe aon © iy Ryan esta ey eee Er & Ge 1 This pattern is for your personal use only. You may not modify, share it or distribute it in any way rey Aree Nae Reo nV aes eahy 2, You can sell finished products made from thi Crediting us on the physical item (such as on a ta ern on a small scale, provided that you made them yot Prono Mon Chery cena er tie EMTs rece res cial media. ceca Deca ate Cauca Tee T TEM acy Ch = chain stitch St = stitch Sl st = slip stitch Inc = increase Dee = invisible decreas 3 setog Cx [. = total number of stitches in the row F.0. = fasten off 7 = repeat instructions in brackets crochet a decrease with three stitche MR Rnd = round magic ring Sc = single crochet FLO = front loops only BLO = back loops only Hee = half double crochet Hae ine = half double crochet increase De = double crochet De ine = double crochet increase Toole + Sport weight (No.2) - Alize Cotton Gold DarkRed Red Dar 2mm Hook Yarn needle Stitch marker Pins (to facilitate assembly) Scissors Stuffing 18mm safety eyes (you may need to use bigger or smaller eyes depending on yarn size) You can use any rm size, color and type you want. Keep in mind that the size of the finished toy will change ‘depending on what yarn and hook combination you use. Using the indicated tools, each mini will be ~10 cm / 4 inches tall. 3, General Advice and [ips Make sure your tension is tight. This will ensure that the stitches will come out neat and no stuffing will show through at the end. Ifyou want to make the toy smaller or larger, you can either change up the yarn size, the hook size, or a combination of both. If you want a larger toy, work with thicker yarn or a bigger hook or both, and vice versa for a smaller toy. When working in the round, start with a magic circle or foundation chain, then crochet continuously without joining with a slip stitch at the end of the round. This will ensure you do not end up with an inaesthetic seam. Use a stitch marker at the end of each round to keep track of your position I recommend using the Yarn Under/Yarn Over method when crocheting “single crochet” stitches in amigurumi, as this will produce the more aesthetically pleasing X stitches. Turn your project right side out. The side that should be on the outside is the one that has the neat X stitches (if using the yarn under method) or the V stitches (if using the yarn over method). Another way to determine the right side, is to go by the yarn tail from the magic ring ~ this should be on the inside of the work. And yet another way to figure this out is by the direction in which you work. If the project is right side out, you will be working clockwise. If it's wrong side out, then you're working counterclockwise, ‘Take your time with stuffing. More stuffing than you think is necessary for a firm shape. Stuff as much as you can, without stretching the stitches too much Scan the QR code or check page 43 for a guide on French knots. I! aa Khodotus Yarn Tble oe contents * Sport weight (No.2) - Alize Cotton Gold * Rhodotus 5 © Body 6 Arms 8 Legs 8 © Sport weight (No.2) — YarnArt Jeans a 9 Sport weight (No.2) — Yarnrt Jean: a 2 © Assembly 12 4 Let 2 make a Khodotus mushroom: Instructions 6 sc ina magic ring (ine) x6 (Ge, ine) x6 (250, ine) x6 2.s¢, ine, (3 se, ine) x5, se (456, ine) x6 2:80, ine, (5 sc, ine) x5, 3s¢ (66, ine) x6 386, ine, (7c, ine) x5, 4 se (85s, ine) x6 4 8¢, ine, (9 sc, ine) (ao sc, ine) x6 72:8 (5 rounds) “The Safety eyes will be inserted between rounds 17 and 18, leaving 12 stitches between the posts and 7-8 stitches between the eyes. If you're using big safety eyes (16-18mm or more) with thicker posts, you can make inserting them easier by crocheting chains to form holes in round 18. To crochet spaces for the posts, pick a segment in round 18 where you crochet: Cha, skip 2 sts, 12 se, ch 2, skip 2 sts (Pic. 1) You may need to leave more or fewer stitches between the posts depending on the eye size, just make sure the space between the actual eyes is about 6 8 stitches. If you're using small safety eyes with thinner posts, you can skip chains and insert the eyes later on by poking holes for them with scissors, color to PEACH yarn. Change color to PEACH yarn. Change color to CREAM yarn. Change color to PEACH yarn. (B56, dec) x6 se, dee, (7 se, d Teave a mediun the yarn tail, pa nd pull closed. Weave in the remaining, yarn tail (Pic The last rounds will be the bottom of the body. Make 2x ARMS. Work with CREAM yarn and work in a continuous spiral Round | Instructions 1 6 sc in a magic ring (ine) x6 (se, ine) x6 18 sc (2 rounds) 3 45 6 (45sc, dec) x3 i (3 sc, dec) x3 Stuff lightly up to this point, Do not stuff beyond. 10 12 sc (3 rounds) Flatten at the last round and erochet 5-6 se through both sides together to close (Pic. 1). F.0. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pic. 2). ‘Make 2 x LEGS. Work with CREAM yarn in a continuous spiral. Instructions 6sc in a magic ring (ine) x6 (Sc, ine) x 6 (2s¢, ine) x 6 24 ¢ (3 rounds) 6 s¢, dec, (Se, dec) x 2, 2 sc, dee, 6 se 6 s¢, (dee) x 4, 6 sc (280, dee) x4 to this point (Pic. 1). Do not stuff anymore after this. 1-12 | 12s¢(2 rounds) 2] Crochet more or undo a couple of stitches if needed (I had to undo 2 se) so that you end at the side of the bump (Pic. 2), flatten at the last round and crochet 5-6 sc through both sides together to close (Pic. 3). F.0. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pie. 4). Make 1x CAP. Work with SALMON yarn in a continuous spiral. Instructions 26 7 sc in a magic ring (ine) x7 BLO: (se, inc) x7 BLO: (2:50, inc) x7 BLO: sc, ine, (3 sc, ine) x 6, BLO: (4 s¢, inc) x7 BLO: 2 sc, ine, (5 se, inc) x 6, 3 sc BLO: (6s, inc) x7 BLO: 36, ine, (76, ine) x 6, 4 se BLO: (8 se, ine) x7 BLO: 455, ine, (9 sc, ine) x 6, 5 se BLO: (10 se, ine) x7 BLO: 6 sc, ine, (13 se, ine) x 5, 7 sc BLO: (14 se, ine) x6 BLO: 7 50, inc, (15 so, inc) x 5, 8 sc BLO: (16 se, ine) x6 BLO: 8 se, ine, (17 se, ine) x5, 9 se BLO: 114 sc (7 rounds) BLO: (175¢, dec) x6 FLO: (750, dee) x12 (701 tl [84] [90] [96] [102] [108] [a4] (ual (208) [96] STst, F.0, and weave in the yarn end (Pie. 1-2), ‘Turn the cap upside down, attach PEACH yarn to a back loop from round 2 5 and crochet clockwise (Pic. 3). 1 108 se (780, dee) x12 (se, dec) x12 {108} [96] [84] (azse, dec) x6 (arse, dec) x6 (10 se, dec) x 6 SI st, F.O. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pie. 4) Attach PEACH yarn to the first front loop of round 2 (Pic. 5) and crochet the below sequence all around the first round of front loops. (Chg, sIst in the next stitch) x repeat all around, sl ‘ stinto the first st F.O. and cut the yarn (Pic. 6). Skip 4 rounds and attach PEACH yarn to. front loop of round 7, repeating the same sequence all around. (Chg, sist in the next stitch) x repeat all around, sI ‘ st into the first st F.O. and cut the yarn (Pic. 7). Skip 4 rounds and attach PEACH yarn toa front loop of round 12, repeating the same sequence all around. (Chg, slst in the next stitch) x repeat all around, sI : stinto the first st F.O. and cut the yarn. Skip 4 rounds and attach PEACH yarn toa front loop of round 17, repeating the same sequence all around. (Chg, slst in the next stitch) x repeat all around, sI + st into the first st F.O. and cut the yarn. Skip 3 rounds and attach PEACH yarn toa front loop of round 21, repeating the same sequence all around. (Chg, sist in the next stitch) xrepeat all around, s1 in st into the first st FO. and cut the yarn (Pic. 8). Embroider French knots with PEACH yarn between rounds 23 and 24, leaving 4 free stitches between each French knot (Pic. 9). Scan or click the QR code for a yideo guide on French knots. Sproat Make 1x SPROUT. Work with LIGHT GREEN yarn. Instructions -cond leaf to the base of the first leaf with a sip stitch (Pi 2) and crochet 5 slip stitches along the chain (Pic. 3). F.0. and leave a medium yarn tail. You will hi the tail from the first leat J z Sy) ° WY 7 fe two yarn tails, counting Place the legs on the bottom of the body, to the sides of the magic ring. Count four rounds to either side of the magic ring and pin the legs (Pie. 1). Sew them on using the leftover yarn tails and a needle. After sewing, don’t cut the yarn yet. Arrange the legs to “hug” the body (Pic. 2 tops of the legs to the body using the yarn tail, so that they won't dangle (in the approximate position arms sit on top of the legs (Pic. 2). Sew them on using the leftover y and a yarn needle. After sewing, anchor them to the body using the yarn tail, so that they won't dangle, same as for the legs Weave in the remaining yarn tail and cut the excess. Embroider details like in Pic. 2. Embroider the mouth between the lower part of the eyes by making a three-stitch wide line with black embroidery thread (Pie. 2, points 1-2). Bring the needle out ne round lower, wrap the thread around the middle of the mouth and insert the needle b: body through the same stitch to pull the mouth into a curved shape (Pic. 2, point 3) Stuff the sides of the cap slightly (Pic. 4) room cap on top of the head, with the brim the cap a few rounds ab e a ap slightly lower than the front (Pic. 5 pins to keep it in place and sew it all around the head using the yarn tail. Place the sprout on top of an arm, bring the yarn tails down through the bottom of the arm, knot and push the knot back inside the arm (Pie. 6). Pine ¢ Parasol Gorn Table off contente * Sport weight (No.2) - Alize Cotton Gold * Pixie’s Parasol © Body o Arms Legs © Sport weight (No.2) — YarnArt Jeans o Cap Mini Mushroom © Assembly Instructions 6 scin a magic ring (ine) x6 Ge, ine) x6 (25e, ine) x6 2.80, ine, (3 se, ine) x5, se (456, ine) x6 2:80, ine, (5 se, ine) x5, 3 se (Gse, ine) x6 3 Se, ine, (7 se, ine) x 5, 4 8¢ (Bsc, ine) x6 48¢, inc, (9 sc, inc) x 5, 5 s¢ (20 se, ine) x6 72 sc (5 rounds) ‘The safety eyes will be inserted between rounds 17 and 18, leaving 12 stitches between the posts and 6-8 stitches between the eyes. If you're using big safety eyes (16-18mm or more) with thicker posts, you can make inserting them easier by crocheting chains to form holes in round 18. To crochet spaces for the posts, pick a segment in round 18 where you crochet se, ch 2, skip 2 sts (Pic. 1) You may need to leave more or fewer stitches between the posts depending on the eye size, just make sure the space between the actual eyes is about 6- 8 stitches. If you're using small safety eyes with thinner posts, you ean skip the chains and insert the eves later on by poking holes for them with scissors (5 rounds) (2se with PEPPERMINT, 1 se with AQUA) You can insert the safety eyes at this point (Pic. 2). Ifyou crocheted holes for them, insert them into the holes. Otherwise poke holes with the help of seissors. Continue with AQUA yarn. Cut PEPPERMINT yarn, 72sec (a0 se, dee) x 6 486, dec, (9 s¢, dec) x5, 5 8¢ (Bsc, dec) x6 358¢, dee, (7 se, dec) x 5, 4 sc (se, dee) x6 ase, dee, (5 se, dee) x5, 3 se (se, dee) x6 ffing firmly and keep stuffing as you go. 2:86, dec, (3 se, dec) x 5,18¢ (@s0, dec) x6 (e, dec) x 6 (dec) x6 Leave a medium-long yarn tail and cut the yarn. Using a yarn needle and the yarn tail, pass the needle through the front loops of the last six stitches and pull closed. Weave in the remaining yarn tail (Pic. 3) Make 2 x ARMS. Work with PEPPERMINT yarn in a continuous spiral. Round | Instructions 6 scina magic ring (ine) x6 (6c, ine) x6 18 se (2 rounds) (ase, dec) x3 (se, dec) x3 Stuff lightly up to this point. Do not stuff beyond. 8:0 | 128¢(3 rounds) Flatten at the last round and crochet 5-6 sc through both sides together to close (Pic. 1). F.O. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pic. 2) Make 2 x LEGS. Work with PEPPERMINT yarn in a continuous spiral. Round | Instructions Total 6 sein a magic ring [61 (ine) x6 fa] (sc, ine) x6 [18] (250, ine) x6 [24] 24 se (3 rounds) [24] 650, dee, (Se, dec) x 2, 2 sc, dec, 6 se [20] 650, (dec) x4, 6c [16] (250, dec) x4 he] Stuff up to this point (Pie. 1). Do not stuff anymore after this, 12 | 12s¢(2 rounds) fal Crochet more or undo a couple of stitches if needed (I had to undo 2 se) so that you end at the side of the bump (Pie. 9), flatten at the last round and erochet 5-6 se through both sides together to close (Pie. 3) FO. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pic. 4). Start with DARK BLUE yarn and work in a continuous spiral. Instructions 7sc in a magic ring (ine) x7 (Se, ine) x7 (2580, ine) x7 se, ine, (3 s¢, ine) x 6, 2 se (45s, ine) x7 2:50, ine, (5s, inc) x 6, 3 se (65s, ine) x7 3.s¢, ine, (7 se, ine) x 6, 4 se [63] (Bs¢, ine) x7 Pie.) [70] ie ae DARK BLUE, 1 se with INDIGO) x 35 70} Continue with INDIGO yarn. Cut and F.O, DARK BLUE yarn. 12 456, ine, (9 sc, ine) x 6, 5 sc 71 (10 se, ine) x7 [sa] 650, ine, (13 se, ine) x5, 7c [90] (ase with INDIGO, 1 se with TURQUOISE) x 45 (Pic. 3) ie with TURQUOISE yarn. Cut and F.0. INDIGO yarn. (1450, ine) x6 [6] 96 se [96] 7:s¢, ine, (45 se, inc) x 5, 8 sc [102] 102 se (5 rounds) [no2] [90] 24 (1sewith TURQUOISE, 1 se with PEPPERMINT) x 51 [102] Continue with PEPPERMINT yarn. Cut and FO. TURQUOISE yarn. 25 | 10280 [03] 26 FLO: (se, hde, de, hde, sc, sl st) x17 fio2] SIst, FO, and weave in the yarn end (Pic. 4). Tur the cap upside down, attach AQUA yarn to a back loop from and crochet clockwwi 102 se hog] (a5 se, dec) x6 [96] (6c, dec) x12 [84] (22 se, dee) x6 [78] (arse, dec) x6 [21 (22 se, dee) x3 [69] SI st, F.0. and leave a long tail for sewing the cap to the head. Do not stuff the cap (Pic. 5), Embroider vertical lines with INDIGO yarn starting from every other peak of round 15, alternating between a short line (three stitches long) and a long line (six stitches long) — Pic. 6 Embroider French knots with INDIGO yarn above round 24, leaving around ten stitches in between (Pic. 6) Scan or click the QR code for a video guide on French knots. Make 1 x MUSHROOM STEM. Work with PEPPERMINT yarn in a continuous spiral. Round Instructions Total 6 sc ina magic ring (5c, ine) x3 9 sc (15 rounds) (ine) x9 (Ge, ine) x9 (250, ine) x9 36 se (2 rounds) (G50, ine) x6 (Gse, ine) x 6 48se [6] fo] fol 8] [27] [36] [36] 48] 8] FO, and cut the yarn, You may need to stuff a bitif using thicker yarn. ‘Make 1 x MUSHROOM CAP. Start with INDIGO yarn and work in a continuous spiral. Round Instructions Total 6 se in a magic ring (ine) x6 (Se, ine) x6 (256, ine) x6 se, ine, (3 s¢, ine) x 5, 2 se (se with INDIGO, 1 se with AQUA) x15 [6] he] 8] [ea] [30] [30] ie with AQUA yarn. Cut and F.0. INDIGO yarn. 10-11 (486, ine) x6 2:56, ine, (586, inc) x5, 3 s¢ (se, ine) x 6 48 se (2 rounds) [36] [42] [48] [48] Embroider vertical ines with INDIGO yarn starting from every other peak of round 6, alternating between a short line (two stitches long) and along line (four stitches long) ~ Pie. 2. e cap over the stem and crochet through both parts together TO. and weave in the yarn end. Place the legs on the bottom of the body, to the sides of the magic ring. Count five rounds to either side of the magie ring and pin the legs (Pic. 1). Sew them on using the leftover yarn tails and a yarn needle. After sewing, don't cut the yarn yet. Arrange the legs to “hug” the body (Pic. 2) and using the remaining yarn tail from the legs, tie the tops of the legs to the body, so that they won't dangle. Weave in the remaining yarn tail and eut the excess. Place the arms with the last round about two rounds above the legs (Pic. 3), so that the front of the arms sit on top of the legs (Pic. 2). Sew them on using the leftover yarn tails and a yarn needle. After sewing, anchor them to the body using the yarn tail, so that they won't dangle, same as for the legs. Weave in the remaining yarn tail and cut the excess: Embroider face details as shown in Pie. 2. Embroider the mouth between the lower part of the eyes by making a three-stitch-wide line with black embroidery thread (Pie. 2, points 1-2). Bring the needle out one round lower, wrap the thread around the middle of the mouth and insert the needie back into the body through the same stitch to pull the mouth into a curved shape (Pic. 2, point 3). Embroider eyebrows diagonally above the outer half of the eyes with black embroidery thread. Place the mushroom cap on top of the head, with the brim of the eap a few rounds above the eyes (Pic. 4). Push the back of the eap slightly lower than the front (Pic. 5). Use pins to keep it in place and sew it all around the head using the yarn tail. Place the mini mushroom on the right side of the big mushroom and using a string of peppermint yarn, tie it to the arm and leg. Hyduellan Peckii Yarn Toble of contents * Sport weight (No.2) - Alize Cotton Gold Da ey © Hydnellum Peckii o Ears Body Arms Legs Cap Flower Assembly Instructions: 6 sein a magic ring (ine) x6 (se, inc) x6 (2s, ine) x6 286, ine, (3 se, ine) x 5, se (Ase, ine) x6 286, ine, (5 se, ine) x5, 3 8¢ (656, ine) x6 3:88, ine, (7 se, ine) x5, 4 se (Bsc, ine) x6 480, ine, (9 se, ine) x (10 se, ine) x 6 72:8 (5 rounds) The safety eyes will be inserted between rounds 17 and 16, leaving 12 stitches, between the posts and 6-8 stitches between the eyes. If you're using big safety eyes (16-18mm or more) with thicker posts, you can make inserting them easier by crocheting chains to form holes in round 18. To crochet spaces for the posts, pick a segment in round 18 where you crochet Ch 2, skip 2 sts, 12 se, ch 2, skip 2 sts (Pic. 1) You may need to leave more or fewer stitches between the posts depending on the eye size, just make sure the space between the actual eyes is about 6- 8 stitches. If you're using small safety eyes with thinner posts, you can skip the chains and insert the eyes later on by poking holes for them with scissors. 728¢ (7 rounds) "You can insert the safely eyes at this pomt (Pic. 2), Ifyou crocheted holes for them, insert them into the holes. Otherwise poke holes with the help of scissors, Gao se, dec) x6 4.50, dee, (9 se, dec) x5, 5 5¢ (Bsc, dec) x6 s¢, dec, (7 s¢, dec) x5, 4 sc (se, de (250, dec) (se, dec) x6 (dec) x6 Leave a medium-long yarn tail and cut the yarn, Using a yarn needle and the yarn tail, pass the needle through the front loops of the last six stitches and pull closed. Weave in the remaining yam tail (Pic. 3). Make 2 x ARMS. ‘Work with LIGHT CREAM yarn in a continuous spiral, 6 sc in a magic ring (ine) x6 (sc, ine) x6 point. Do not stu round: 6 se through both feo! ites ee Ga tal eae ae ets) Make 2 x LEGS. Work with LIGHT CREAM yarn in a continuous spiral, aes 6 sein a magic ring (ine) x6 ine) x6 BLO: (2 s¢, inc) x 6 2450 (3 rounds) 6 s¢, dee, (se, dee) x 2, 2s¢, dec, 6 se 6 36, (dee) x4, 6 s¢ (2c, dec) x4 Crochet more or undo a couple of stitches if needed (I had to undo 2 sc) so that you end at the side of the bump (Pic. 2), flatten at the last round and crochet 5-6 se through both sides together to close (Pic. 3). FO. and leave a long tail for sewing (Pic. 4). -n in a continuous spit Total sc, ine, (3 se, inc) x 6, 2 (45, ine) x7 (se, ine) x6 3:86, ine, (7s¢, ine) x ine) x6 4 8¢, ine, (9 (ao se, ine) x6 5 s¢, inc, (11 se, ine) x (24 s¢, ine) 96 se (10 rounds) (14 50, dee) x6 dec) x6 dec) x6 Make 6 x BIG SPOTS (Pic. 2). ‘with DARK RED yarn in a continuous spiral. Sist, FO. and leave a =e ie Sew all the spots randomly on the cap and embroider French knots in between them with RED y guide on French knots. Make 2.x EARS. Work with LIGHT CREAM yam in a continuous spiral Instructions Total 6 scina magic ring (6) (sc, ine) x3 (91 (2s¢, ine) x3 [2] (ase, ine) x3. Os] (ase, ine) x3 fas} (550, ine) x3 [ai] (6se, ine) x3 [24] 24 se (5 rounds) (24] (6 se, dec) x3 [21] (se, dee) x3, [48] Flatten at the last round and crochet 7-8 sc through both sides together to close (Pic. 1). Fold the ears in half at the last round (Pic. 2) and crochet 4 se eee both halves together (Pic. 3). F.O. and leave a Jong tail for sewing Make 1 x SMALL FLOWER with DARK PURPLE yarn (Pic. 1). Round | Instructions Total 1 6 seina magic ring (61 (ine) x6 fa] [Gin the same st: se, hde, de, picot st”, de, hdc), sl st in the next st] x6 *picot stitch = ch 2, sIst into the 2" ch from hook F.0, and leave a tail for sewing Make 1 x BIG FLOWER with DARK TURQUOISE yarn. 6 sc ina magic ring [6] (ing) x6 12] (se, ine) x 6 (18] [(in the same st: sc, hdc, 2 de, picot st*, 2 de, hdc), skip one st, sl st in the next st] 6 TO, Place the small flower over the big flower and sew it with the yarn tail by making a few stitches around the middle ring. Leave the remaining yarn tail for sewing to the head. Place the legs on the bottom of the body, to the sides of the magic ring. Count five rounds to either side of the magic ring and pin the legs (Pic. 1). Sew them on using the leftover yarn tails and a yarn needle. After sewing, don't cut the yarn yet. Arrange the legs to “hug” the body (Pie. 2) and anchor the tops of the legs to the body using the yarn tail, so that they won't dangle (Pic. 4). Weave in the remaining yarn tail and cnt the excess Place the arms with the last round about two rounds above the legs (Pie. 3), so that the front of the arms sit on top of the legs (Pic. 2). Sew them on using the leftover yarn tails and a yarn needle. After sewing, anchor them to the body using the yarn tail, o that they won't dangle, same as for the legs. ‘Weave in the remaining yarn tail and cut the excess. Place the eap on top of the head, with the brim of the cap about three rounds above the eyes (Pic. 4) Push the back of the cap slightly lower than the front (Pic. 5). Use pins to keep it in place and sew it all around the head using the yarn tail. When you are about 2/3 done sewing, stuff the cap firmly (Pie. 6) then finish sewing. Sew the ears to the sides of the body, above the arms, right under the cap. Embroider face details like in Pic. 7. Embroider the mouth between the lower part of the eyes by making a two-stitch wide line with black embroidery thread (Pic. 7, points 1-2). Bring the needle out one round lower, wrap the thread around the middle of the mouth and insert the needle back into the body through the same stitch to pull the mouth into a curved shape (Pic. 7, point 3). Embroider eyebrows diagonally above the outer half of the eyes with black embroidery thread, Embroider three French knots on each foot, placing them in a semi-circle at the top of the foot. Use pink blush on the inside of the ears. Place the flower on the cap, sew it on with the yarn tail and weave the remaining yarn tails in the cap (Pie. 7). AU done/ fea) elyrataner slyralunede Ac yon for waking the Vee Po MRA NT ad OE AMA # Place the tail end of the yarn over the rest of © Flip the loop over the new position of the initial loop is hig! « Insert the hook below the thread (Pic Pull the hook up so that a loop forms around the hook (Pie. 4) and pull on the thread to tighten the loop around the hook (Pie. 5) ‘Wrap the thread of yarn from back front over the hook, called yarn over (Pic. 6), and pull it through the loop that’s on the hook. This will count as the chain stitch (Pic. 7) at previous step until you hs X-shaped stitches are created using the yarn under/yarn over method in single crochet (Gee chapter 4). The X-shaped single crochet stitch is the best fit for amignrumi as it has a neater aspect and is tighter than the stitch created by the yarn over/yarn over method The loops on top (shaped like a sideways V) form the top of the stitch, made of two loops (front and ack) and most stitches must be crocheted by inserting the hook throngh either both or one of these oops (see next chapter). Front loop. ! ‘The V shape on top is made from two loops. No matter what stitch you want to create, you must, insert your hook through these loops. The ws which you insert the hook will produce different ~~ results. 4. Inserting the hook under both loops (between the V on top and two of the Xs under it) This is the default way you will almost alwa insert the hook when doing amigurumi, if the pattern doesn't specify differently. ‘The next two techniques of inserting the hook are typically used for aesthetic reasons, to create ribbing effects, ridges or sharp edges ete. 2, Inserting the hook through the back loop only This the second most used technique for inserting the hook in amigurumi. It eaves the front loops aridge which can be useful in multiple ways. A practical example for this is creating a sharp corner when crocheting a cuboid. Insert your hook through the middle of the Von top and under the loop that's furthest away from you Continue crocheting whichever stitch you need after inserting your hook in the back loop. ty E Back loop Ve = 3. Inserting the hook through the front loop only Insert the hook from the front, but instead of pushing it all the way through both loops, exit in the uniddle of the loops, grabbing only the loop closest to you on the hook. Continue crocheting whichever stitch you need after inserting your hook in the front loop. Front loop is the most used stitch in amigurumi. It creates a neat, dense pattern, perfect for keeping the stuffing well contained. There are two ways of doing the single crochet stitch: 1. Yarn under/yarn over or the X stitch. This method creates a neater, denser, pixel-like look for amigurumi and uses less yarn, as you don’t loop the yarn over the hook two times. Amigurumi created this way will be slightly smaller than their YO/YO counterparts, as the stitch is inherently tighter. 2. Yarn over/yarn over or the V stitch. This creates a looser type of stitch and is easier to ‘work into, but requires more care with your tension as it’s easier to have gaps in your work when crocheting this way Iwill only exemplify the Yarn under/yarn over method as this is the only one I ever use in my patterns. In this example I am working into the loops of a previously crocheted round. I will exemplify later how to work in rows or rounds. Insert the hook under the top loops, place the yarn thread under the hook. Drag the yarn back through the top loops, as indicated by the arrow. (Pic. 1) You now have two loops on your hook. Grab the yarn thread again, this time wrapping it over your hook and drag it back through both of the loops on the hook, as indicated by the arrow. (Pic. 2) Youhave now completed one single crochet stitch. Continue crocheting by repeating steps 1-2 into the following top loops, as instructed by the pattern you're following. 5, Working single cwochet stitehes in rous 2 Start with a foundation chain, as described in Chapter 1, until you have the length you desire Next, we will be working single crochet stitches in the loops of the foundation chain. Skip the first chain from the hook and insert the hook in the second chain from the hook, highlighted in Pic. 1, Grab the yarn under the hook and pull it back through the chain loop (Pie. 2) Grab the yan .ook and puil it back through both loops on the hook at once (Pic. 3) You have now completed your first single crochet stitch into the cl Continue with the above steps into each of the chain loops until youreach the end of the foundation chain (Pie. 5) When you reach the end, make one chain. This is meant to help you turn the work in order to crochet the next row (Pic. 6) Flip the projeet horizontally. Do not work into the chain you just made, that was only 1 allow you to turn more easily. Instead, in mur hook into the second stitch from the hook (under the top loops of the last single crochet stitch yon made in the previous row) and continue doing single crochet stitches until you reach the end of the row again (Pic. 7) ‘When you reach the end of the row, chain 1 again, turn your project and continue in this way until you complete the required number of rows. ee ‘The half double crochet stiteh (hde) isa stiteh that provides more height than th crochet stitch. I amigurumi, iti and not for the m: of allowing stuffing to show through. To start, wrap the yarn over your hook (Pic. 1) With the yarn wrapped over it, insert your hook through the next stitch. Wrap the yarn over the hool ain and pull it back through only the first loop (Pic. 2) You now have three loops on your hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook again and pull it back through all three loops on your hook at once (Pic. 3) Your half double crochet is now completed. °e@ 7. The deuble crochet stiteh The double crochet stitch (dc) is a stitch that provides more height than the single crochet and half double crochet stitch. In amigurumi, like the half double crochet stitch, it is generally used for accessories, clothes, ete. and not for the main body of the toy. Being even taller, it leaves even more empty spaces between stitches, and it cannot hold the stuffing inside without it showing through. To start, wrap the yam over your hook (Pie. 1) With the yarn wrapped over it, insert your hook through the next stitch. Wrap the yarn over the hook and pull it back through only the loop you just went through. (Pie. 2) You now have three loops on your hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook again and pull it back through the first two loops on your hook at once (Pic. 3) You now have two loops left on your hook. Wrap the yarn one last time over the hook and pull it back through both the oops on your hook (Pic. 4) Your double crochet stitch is now completed. Most amigurumi are worked in a continuous spiral instead of rows. The most common way to start this is by crocheting into a magic ring «Place the yarn over your index and middle finger, as shown in Pie. 1 Bring the long end of the yarn under your fingers and cross it over the short end of the yarn (Pic. 2), then wrap the long end all the way around and over the top of your finge Insert the hook under the first th second thread (Pic. 4) Drag the second thread with the hook back under the first thread (Pic. 5) ‘Twist the hook so that the thread forms a loop on the hook (Pic. 6) With the loop on the hook, grab the thread of yarn over your hook (Pic. 7) and drag itback through the loop on your hook (Pie. You will now have created the knot that completes the magic ring. You can remove the magic ring from around your fingers (Pic. 9) Arrange the tail of the magic ring neatly behind the loop (Pic. 10) Grab the magic ring between the fingers of your non-hook holding hand and insert the hook Uhrough the ring (Pic. 11) rab the thread of yarn with the hook (Pic. 12) and drag it back through the ring ~ you should no tivo loops on your ho: With two loops now on your hook, yarn over again (Pic. 14) and pull the yarn through both loops at once — you will now have completed the first single crochet in your magic ring (Pic. 15) Continue crocheting rochet stitches into the magic ring until you have the number called for by the pattern, which is most commonly 6, as in Pie. 16 he magic ring by grabbing the ring and holding tight with one hand and pulling on the tail with the other hand until disappears and turns into a little circle (Pic. 17) ‘Now is where would start your second round by crocheting into the stitch marked with the num 6 in Pic. 18. From this point you will crochet around in a continuous spiral, following the ructions in your pattern -asing is done by working two or more stitches into the same stitch. It ean be used for any stiteh, but I will be exemplifying single crochet increas ‘Work your first single crochet as you would normally (Pi Insert your hook right next to the green hi stitch, into the same stiteh you worked the ether before completing your new stitch ng from two stitches to one). To achieve the invisible effect, you will only grab the front ps of the stitehes you are crocheting together. (Pic. 1) Insert the hook through the front loop of the next stitch (Pic. 2) Insert the hook through the front loop of the second stitch (Pic. 3) rab the yarn and pull it back through the first two loops on the hook (arrow in Pic. 3) Grab the yarn again and pull it through the two loops on the hook to complete the decrease. (Pic 4) The slip stitch is the shortest stitch, that adds the least height to your work as it doesn’t have a pillar (ike the X part of the single crochet stitch). In my patterns, this stitch is used when doing color changes, when joining rows or rounds occasionally, or to add a thin line of a different color on a toy (usually in the eyes). Itegins the same way asa single crochet, but instead of yarning over a second time, you just complete the stitch with the first yarn you grabbe + Insert your hook in the next stitch and grab the yarn with your hook as you would for a single crochet (Pic. 1) + Pull the yam back throngh the stitch. You now have two loops on your hook (Pie. + Pull the first loop through the second loop to complete the slip stitch (Pic. 3) Many amigurumi include some degree of color changing throughout the project, and these changes, especially when done for full rounds can be quite noticeable. While there isn't really a way to make them 100% seamless, this technique should help minimize the difference. When your pattern calls for a color change, this color change always begins one stitch before. This means that you attach color 2 half-way through your last stitch of color 1 — you begin the stiteh in color 1, grab color 2 and finish with color 2 Start by. inserting your hook through the next stiteh, grabbing the yarn and pulling it back through the stitch to form two loops on the hook (same as the first half of a single crochet stiteh). (Pic. 1) Now wrap the new color yarn on your hook and pull it back through the two loops on your hook (Pie. 2) You are now left with the new color yarn on your hook. You could now continue crocheting normally, but we will take a few more steps to make the color transition look smoother. (ie. 3) In the next stitch, do a slip stitch (Pic. 4) Finish crocheting the round following the instructions in your pattern. When you reach the end of the round (Pie. 5), do one more slip stitch into the first slip stich you did at the beginning of the round to complete the round (Pie. 6). crocheting normally after this. Crocheting around a chain is usefull when you want to work in a continuous spiral but want to obtain amore oval or rectangular shape as opposed to the round you create when starting with a magic ri + Tostart, create a chain of the desired length. A shorter chain will create a rounder shape, a longer chain will create a narrower ellipse. In this example, I begin by chaining 6. (Pic. 1) After you make your base chain, begin the first row normally, doing a single crochet in the chain from the hook. Continue doing SC stitches into every chain of the hook (in my example, 3 more SC), stopping before the last one (following my example, at this point you will have a total of 4 SC stitches). In the last chain, do 3 single crochet stitches in one stitch. This will help you turn the work to continue crocheting on the underside of the chain. Turn the work upside down, so that the single crochet stitches eated are facing down and continue working in the the base chain. Crochet in each loop on the underside, stopping before the last one (in my example, this will be 3 SC stitches) (Pic. 4) When you reach the last loop, do an increase into it (2 SC stitches into 1 stitch) (Pie. 5) Crochet one more slip stitch into the first: the round, but do not count this stitch. Pla¢ into it and the first round is complete. From here on, you will typically crochet in a continuous spiral, following your pattern VAC a The right side of your project is important because it will determine the aspect your finished piece will have. When you work from a magic ring, your project has the tendency to curl wrong side out as you add more rounds, which is why at some point you must turn it right side out ‘The right side when working in the round can be determined b 1. The tail ofthe magic ring must be on the inside of your project. 2. The right side of your project will show the neat X pattern ‘when working in single crochet. 3. When your project is right side out, you will be working clockwise around your pr _—} The right side when working in rows is determined by the position of the tail of the beginning chain. When looking at the correct side, the chain will be on your left A Rica » The loop stitch is useful when trying to create fur or hair. After doing the loop stitches, you can cut them and then brush them to make it look like hair or fur. Since it’s easier to show than tell, I have uploaded a quick video showing the method. The Loop Stitch Ae The bobble stitch is made out of a cluster of stitches formed by working the beginning half of usually five double crochet stitches into the same stitch. It is used to add a nice puffy texture, to make fingers, burls ete. iow than tell, [have uploaded a quick video showing the method. Ae » The French knot is a popular decorative embroidery stitch, used to add a small dot to your project. Since it’s easier to show than tell, [have uploaded a quick video showing the method,

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