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© 2019 Amanda Rose

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any

form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by
U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

Cover by Amanda Rose

Morning Routine
Hydrating right after we wake up is one of the best things we can do
to help our bodies wake up naturally.
Water helps you:
• ward off headaches
• improve digestion
• get rid of bloating
• aids with brain function
• boost your immune system
• lose weight
• have clearer skin
The list does go on, but this gives you the gist. When you wake up
drink 20-25 oz of water right away. Continue to drink regularly
throughout the day.
A grateful heart has no room for sadness or negativity. When we are
grateful for all we have we allow more abundance to flow to us. No
matter our situation, there are always things we can find to be grateful
for in our lives.
Make a list of 10 things that you’re grateful for in your life and then
re-read each one and say, “Thank you!” This simple practice is
profoundly life-changing. By doing it in the morning you set yourself
up in a positive frame of mind for the day.

Affirmations help us to implant new ideas and beliefs through
repetition. When we hear something enough, we begin to believe it.
Affirmations allow you to choose your own beliefs that support who
you want to become. Say or think each of the following affirmations
Your Wealth Factor Affirmations are:
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am a money magnet.
Money is energy.
Money is the conduit for creation.
I love money.
Money is all around me.
I am worthy.
I can have money and love.
Money enables me to be the best version of myself.
Money allows me to do, be, and have, the things and experiences that help me
to grow into my best self.
Money empowers me.
I handle money well.
I am financially free.
I am abundant.
I live in a kind and caring Universe.
The Universe supports me in all of my endeavors.
What do you want? It may sound like a simple question; however,
most people are completely unsure of what they really want when
asked. The truth is deep down everyone knows what they truly want,
but over time, for fear of failure or never attaining that dream, those
goals get pushed back, back, back, so far to the most remote corner of
our minds until we barely remember what those desires are.
It’s time to unbury those dreams. It’s time to bring them to the
forefront of your mind; what you focus on expands. Your thoughts
become manifest in the physical world, so by thinking regularly about
those goals you are setting the Law of Attraction into action.
Be honest with yourself. Write out a list of 10 goals, that if they came
to pass within the next year, would blow your mind. Be bold, think
big, do not hold back. You are the creator of your destiny. The first
step on the path of creation is clarity about what you want. By writing
out your goals you are gaining focus and direction.
Use the following categories to help inspire your goals list:
Our mind manifests our physical reality based on our thoughts.
Everything in the Universe is energy, when you think your brain fire
neurons, creating energy. As science tells us, energetically, like
attracts like. In psychology, we know that thought is the prelude to
emotion which is the prelude to action. Your thoughts, therefore,
become manifest in your life.
It’s important to simplify this process. ‘Do’ and ‘don’t’ do not factor
in; you manifest what you’re thinking about no matter if you’re
thinking you do or don’t want that thing. You must work on being
aware and conditioning your mind to focus on what you do want, and
to stop thinking about the things you do not want.
By making visualization a daily practice you will condition yourself
to regularly be thinking about what you do want. Think about your
goals list. I want you to pick one of the things from your goals list
and go through the following practice. Close your eyes, and imagine
in vivid detail, the very moment your goal comes to fruition…
Where are you when you get the news? What does it look like?
What can you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell?
How do you feel?
Who tells you the news?
Who is the first person you tell?
How do you celebrate?
This kind of detailed clarity brings you into that moment as if it’s
already happened. Keep bringing your mind back to this place; it is
the vision of what is to come. Try this with various goals on your list.

Continuous personal development is how we train our brains, learn
new ideas, and grow. Your mindset is paramount to your success.
Books are one of the easiest and least expensive ways for you to work
on your mindset and skills on a daily basis.
You can explore a wide variety of books in the self-help arena for
your growth. For our purposes, I highly recommend wealth specific
readings. Below you will find a list of excellent books that focus on
abundance mindset.
If you don’t have immediate access to a book on wealth creation, be
sure to get one as soon as possible, and in the interim be sure to look
up some wealth positive blogs.
Recommended Readings on Money Mindset:
Manifesting Money by Amanda Rose
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think of your brain like a computer; when you haven’t rebooted in a
while what happens? The computer runs slow, crashes often, and is
frustrating to use. The same thing happens to your brain. Just 5
minutes of stillness allows your brain to reboot.
In our The Wealth Factor Intensive Facebook Group you will find a 5-
minute video with soothing relaxation music you can play during
your meditation (use the group search bar and type Meditation Music
to bring up the post quickly). If you prefer quiet, you do not need to
listen to anything.
Find a quiet place to sit or lay where you will now be interrupted. Set
a timer for 5 minutes. Get into a comfortable position and close your
eyes. Take in a deep inhale and then exhale slowly. Close your eyes
and breath normally. Clear your mind and focus on the breath. As
thoughts bubble up, gentle release them and refocus on your breath.
When your timer goes off open your eyes, turn it off, and take a
moment to take stock of how you feel.

When we’re working on creating a wealth-positive-mindset it is
imperative that we work through any feelings of anger, jealousy,
envy, or hate towards the rich. By teaching ourselves to instead
celebrate those who are rich, we are doing 2 important things:
1. We are making the idea of being rich a positive thing in our
brains; if our mind has to choose between wealth or being a good
person, it will always choose to be a good person. By being
wealth positive you subconsciously are teaching yourself that
you can be both.
2. You are feeding your mind with possibilities. When you read
through the stories of these now rich and successful people you
will learn of the struggles they had to overcome to get there.
You will develop a sense of relatability, understanding, and
come to realize they are people like the rest of us, who faced
their fears and built their dream life.
Hop on the internet and search for information on someone rich and
successful that you admire. Read through their story, see how they
struggled and overcame, and realize that you can do it too!
Some suggestions if you can’t think of anyone to look up:

Unload your thoughts. All too often we attempt to process our
thoughts and remember everything in our heads. The problem is that
takes up all of our mental bandwidth and then we have no more room
left to accept new ideas, opportunities, or anything else. By writing it
down you don’t have to remember it. By writing it down you can
process your thoughts and let it go.
This doesn’t have to take long. You don’t have to write for a set
amount of time or a set number of pages. Open up a journal (if you
don’t have one go get one and use a spare piece of paper today) and
just let the words flow. Whatever you’ve been mulling over, get it out
on the paper. Notice how you feel afterward.

Get your body moving. Your body is your one and only vehicle in
this life, take care of it. When you do daily exercise, you help to
stimulate your brain, boost your metabolism, build muscle, lose
weight, get rid of stress, feel happier, get sick less often, and live a
longer life. Even if it’s only 10 minutes a day it makes a huge
difference. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!
It doesn’t matter what you do – go for a walk, yoga, hold a plank, do
some squats, head to the gym, etc. – what matters is that you show
up every day. Consistency is the key. For me, home fitness allows me
to have a daily fitness routine. If you’d like access to a massive array
of home fitness options, head to and
sign up for a free account and then go and explore the home fitness
streaming subscription.

Just as our bodies need movement to provide optimal quality of life,
they also need good food to fuel them. All too often in our busy day
and age people skip breakfast and run off of coffee alone, but that is a
hardship on the body. After 8+ hours without food overnight our
bodies need nourishment.
Eating in the morning engages the digestive system and starts your
metabolism for the day. It gives your body energy and fuels your
brain, which helps you to be more alert and to think more clearly.
What you eat is just as important as making sure you eat. Fruit,
vegetables, lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats are all
excellent choices. If you find eating in the morning hard, try making
up a smoothie, as drinking is easier than eating when we do not feel
This is such a simple thing to do, and yet it leaves us feeling wholly
empowered. By simply standing in this pose, the way Superman
stands, your body motion will affect you emotionally. We create
neurological connections between motion and emotion. Let me give
you an example: Try smiling right now. Keep smiling for 30 seconds.
How do you feel? Happier right? It’s because we naturally smile when
we’re happy, so if we smile at any given time it will summon up those
feelings of happiness in us.
Superman pose is an empowering and confident pose. Stand with
your feet hip-width apart, hand in fists resting on your hips, chest up,
chin up, and eyes to the sky. Hold this for 60 seconds. See how you
feel as time progresses. At the end, it should leave you feeling like
you can take on the world!
Your focus guides you through your day. By setting an intention, you
are communicating to the Universe about your intent, and you will
draw opportunities to you based on the intention you set. You will be
aware of times throughout the day to engage in activities or with
people based on that intention. Your perception of the world is largely
based on what you open your mind up to and focus on. So, by
choosing your focus, you sculpt your reality.
Recommended intentions:
I Lead with Love
I Attract Wealth
I Act on All Opportunities That Come My Way
I Operate Through Understanding
I Make Decisions
I Act in Spite of Fear
I Slow Down and Appreciate the Little Moments Throughout My Day
I Support Others
I Lift Others Up
I Work with Joy
I Recognize Accomplishments

Create a to-do list for the day. This simple act helps you to take
meaningful and actionable steps towards completing your goal.
When we use a list and check off each thing we do, we:
• Stay on Track
• Accomplish More
• Avoid Procrastination
• Get a Feeling of Gratification
With large goals, we can often feel like we aren’t making progress.
As soon as you begin tracking your steps, no matter how big or small,
you can see tangible progress being made. Checking off one of your
to-do’s will also cause your brain to release dopamine, which will
make you feel good; it’s our brain’s natural reward system.
Do not multitask. Studies have been done, and when we multitask
our efficiency goes down on each task significantly. This actually
means you will do a worse job and it will take longer to complete each
thing you’re doing. It can cause feelings of overwhelm that affect
your mindset. Focus on one thing at a time, get it done, check it off,
and celebrate those little wins throughout the day.
Make a list, stick to it, and you will make your dreams into your
reality. Success doesn’t happen in leaps and bounds, it happens
through our small daily habits. If you can consistently, and daily,
make progress, you will accomplish your goals.

Nighttime Routine
60 Minutes before bed unplug from your tech. No more phone, no
more computer, no more tablet, which means no more texting, e-
mails, apps, working, web surfing, or anything else tech. When we
use our devices all the way up until bedtime, then when we try to
sleep our brains are buzzing and awake thinking about all of the tasks
we left incomplete for tomorrow. Why? Our tech endlessly pops up
with notifications, no matter how much you try to tackle them all,
another pops up. This causes anxiety and overwhelm. When you
purposefully stop using your tech an hour before bed you can actually
unwind, and then you can sleep peacefully.
Tips for Tech Use:
• Do one task at a time until it’s complete, for example, if you
start answering e-mails and then get a text DO NOT go and
check the text message until you’re done answering e-mails. Just
like with your to-do list, when you complete a tech task you will
get a dopamine release. It will make you feel good and
accomplished, and you won’t feel like the tasks are endless.
• Don’t pick up any tech until you are done your morning routine.
Your thoughts and mindset at the very beginning of the day set
the tone for the rest of the day. *If you need your tech to play
music for meditating or if you stream your workouts, etc. then
use it ONLY for that. Don’t check anything else.
• 60 Minutes before bed you stop using your tech. Turn off your
phone if necessary, put it on airplane mode, turn the volume off;
whatever it takes so that you’re not tempted to use it.
No more watching the news at night. Why? Because you have to
protect your mind. When we watch the news what do we see? Mostly
all of the negativity in the world. If they have 10 stories in an evening,
we’ll see 8 or 9 negative ones and 1 or 2 positive ones. Why? Because
the scary stuff they show us is what sells.
Your mind is your manifesting tool, so you need to protect your
thoughts. I’m not saying to live with your head buried in the sand,
but don’t feed yourself that negative garbage. You can get up to date
simply by hopping on social media; people will be talking about it on
If you rely on the news to help you with information, such as for your
business or for investing, set up an RSS feed on the specific
information you need so you do not inundate yourself with all of the
other stuff you don’t need.

What is something that helps you to unwind? This is different for
everyone. Whatever makes you feel good, that lets your brain relax,
that feels good, do that. This is a time to nourish your needs and
wants. If you are so used to doing things for others or used to be on
your tech or working until you go to bed, then this is a time to
rediscover the things that bring you joy. If you’re rediscovering what
makes you feel good, here are some suggestions:



You may or may not be a fan of tea, and that’s OK. I suggest a cup of
decaffeinated tea at night because it helps with relaxation. The smell
and the hot liquid are comforting and soothing.
If possible opt in for green tea. Green tea has many benefits for the
body. It aids with hydration, boosts the metabolism, improves overall
health and brain function, reduces stress, high in antioxidants, kills
bacteria, among many other health-positive benefits.

What did you accomplish today? It doesn’t matter if they were big or
small, what did you do today that you’re proud of and that moved you
closer to your overall goals? Take a moment to acknowledge and
thank yourself for showing up and doing that work today. You could
have stayed in bed, and done nothing, but instead, you showed up.
If you took a day off, that’s important too; your happiness along the
way is paramount to your overall success. Success is hollow without
happiness. Always remember that success is fleeting, it’s the journey
that matters, so enjoy the ride! Thank yourself for giving yourself the
time and love and support to enjoy your path to success.

45-30 minutes before bed have a big glass of water. Your body is about
to go for many hours without getting any water while you sleep. Give
your body some love before you go to bed by drinking water so that
you can flush out the toxins and make your body feel good.

Think through your day and find the best thing that happened today.
I love this process because while your mind seeks out the best thing
that happened, you’ll think through all of the wonderful positive
experiences you had. This trains your mind to always be seeking out
the positives.
Once you find the best thing that happened to you, say in your mind
or out loud, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” This is your
nighttime gratitude practice. When you operate from a grateful heart
first thing in the morning and last thing at night, your life will


Set a bedtime that allows you to get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep at
night. You’ve heard this before. Our bodies need 8 hours to be fully
rested. It affects everything from brain function to our overall health.
Of course, sometimes this just isn’t doable, but I’m talking about
more often than not, make it happen. Get to bed early enough to get
in the proper amount of sleep so that you can operate at peak

The Wealth Factor Intensive Workshop
This guide was developed to be used throughout the Wealth Factor 3
day Online Intensive Workshop.

The Wealth Factor | 3 Day Intensive Workshop

This online course delves into your money blocks, busts them,
teaches you the foundation to create sustainable wealth, and propels
you into taking action!

How it Works:
Day 1: Rewriting your Money Beliefs
Day 2: How to go about Creating Sustainable Wealth
Day 3: Actionable Wealth Building

Course Structure for Each Day:
8AM – 9AM Daily Written Lesson to Review
🔸 The Foundation for each day to get your mind focused
9AM – 11AM Structured morning routine
🔸 Putting you in energetic alignment
11AM – 12PM Break
🔸 Rest up and prepare for the rest of the day
12PM – 3PM LIVE video Teaching by Amanda / Q&A
🔸 This will be a mind-blowing conversation full of all of the
information you've always wanted to know about money
3PM – 6PM: Break and Homework time
🔸 Time to reflect and put what we've learned into practice
6pm-9pm Group discussion and time to ask questions
🔸 Ask questions, engage in the group, share ideas, breakthroughs,
‘ah-ha’ moments; I’ll be answering questions throughout the night
9PM: Nighttime Routine
🔸 Closing the day with an empowering mindset

This is an all-day intensive virtual style workshop.

Now is the time to create the abundant life you've always dreamed
of! If you're ready to up-level, play big, and go ALL IN then contact
Amanda Rose at to inquire about
our next course start date.
About the Author
Amanda Rose is an avid reader and
storyteller. Working in a variety of mediums
and genres, communicating new ways of
thinking is her passion.
Amanda works as an online Health and
Fitness coach, Law of Attraction Coach,
Actor, Model, Motivational Speaker, and
Writer. Residing in Kingston, Ontario, with
her husband and 3 cats, Amanda is currently
working on her next novel. Get in touch with Amanda by visiting
her website,

Amanda also loves to help others write their own books. Her course
is available online through Udemy: Get Published Workshop

Author’s Other Works
• Manifesting Your Best Life
• Manifesting on Purpose
• Manifesting Money
• Get Published Workbook
• Fire Fury Freedom
• Fire Fury Frontier
• The Impending End
• A Strange Dream
• The Orgasmic Cookbook

Manifesting Your Best Life
Manifesting Your Best Life Book
Stop dreaming about a better life and
start living it!

Manifesting You Best Life is going

to show you that “Living Your Best
Life” isn’t just some cute meme on social media – it can be your
way of life! The 21 nugget-of-wisdom chapters in this self-help
book are for people who want to start living their best life, but
don’t know where to begin. It will give you the skills to take you
from dreaming about your best life, to making it your reality!

You will learn:

•How to Identify what living your best life really means to you.
•The steps needed to stop wishing and start living your best life.
•How to use the Law of Attraction to support your efforts.
•Successful habits that will change your life.
•And how to create the life you’ve always wanted... And start
living it NOW!

By the end of Manifesting Your Best

Life, you will have a clear picture of
what your dream life looks like, how to
get there, and the tools and skills to
make it into your reality!

Are you ready to begin?


The Orgasmic Cookbook

The Orgasmic Cookbook Book Description:

Nutrition Meets Flavor.

Just because it’s healthy doesn’t mean it should be boring. In The

Orgasmic Cookbook Amanda teaches her best tips and tricks to make
healthy food pop with flavor! Having lost over 100 pounds Amanda
knows the importance of eating healthy. As a food lover she’s made
it her mission to create healthy recipes packed with rich taste!

Get ready for mouth-watering recipes that will give you a whole
new appreciation for food!

Manifesting on Purpose
Manifesting on Purpose Book Description:
It's time to take manifesting off auto-pilot, get behind the
wheel, and start steering your life in the direction you want it
to go!

Manifesting on Purpose clarifies why we manifest what we do,

why we experience the same things over and over again, until
we step in and weed out our own mental gardens.

Ever wonder how is it that 2 people can start off with the same
opportunity, and one will become a massive success, while the
other barely scrapes by? What's the defining factor?

What do successful people know that we're missing? We've been taught that the harder we
work the more money, happiness, and success we'll have in life; but if this was the case
successful people would constantly we run ragged, and be bleary eyed from lack of sleep,
instead of enjoying lots of free time pursuing their heart's desires. So, what are we missing?

The Law of Attraction is always working, even when we're not focused on it. The Law of
Attraction states that, "Like Attracts Like," we are all energy, so our thoughts get reflected
back to us. Your thoughts create your physical reality. The problem? We're always thinking!
Our thoughts, ungoverned, bounce around from idea to idea, and all too often, focus on the
immediate problems in our lives, creating a feedback loop. Since we attract back what we
think about, if we're focused on our problems, what's going to show up? More problems!

Your mind is your most valuable asset. Your thoughts literally create your reality. Your
current situation is a reflection of your previous thoughts.
Most people, however, do not consciously decide what they want, their subconscious belief
systems run everything on auto-pilot; making most people feel as if they are victims of their
You are in the driver’s seat, you simply have to take control of the wheel! Take manifesting
off auto-pilot and create the life you want!
"But I think positive thoughts," you say. Your conscious thoughts will always be secondary
to your subconscious thoughts in the way of manifestation. Until you change your core
beliefs to line up with who you wish to become, and what you wish to do, you cannot break
the old cycles.

Are you ready to take control? Have abundance in money, love, health, freedom, experiences,
and all other areas of your life? Then let's get started!

Manifesting Money: How to Master and Apply Abundance
Mindset in Your Life

Manifesting Money Book description: Master Your Mindset and You Master
Your Life!
Why does 99% of the population struggle financially? Is it a lack of
opportunity? An issue with education? Not having the right skills? Poor
investment choices? Bad timing? Low work performance?
The startling answer is: none of the above!
Wealth creation is a mindset.
It’s not what rich people do, but how they think that sets them
apart. Manifesting Money is going to teach you how to:
•Discover and Get Rid of Money Blocks
•Kick Fear and Doubt to the Curb
•Create New Supportive Money Beliefs
•Develop Wealth Consciousness
•Build Multiple Sources of Income
•Work Smarter Not Harder
•Manage Money
•Implement the Successful Habits Rich People Use
•Have the Wealth You’ve Always Wanted
It’s time to start Manifesting Money!
Get Published Workbook: Write | Publish | Market
Get Published Workbook Book Description:
Most people have thought about publishing a book, but the
majority will never even begin writing one. Why? The process
can seem daunting. Conceptualizing, writing, editing,
formatting, copywriting, publishing, and finally marketing; it
can seem like an overwhelming amount of work when you
aren’t sure what each step entails.

In this workbook, you’re going to learn all of my best practices

so you can go from concept to published in 2-6 months pending on the length and
style of your book, with full knowledge of what to expect, and what to do, so
nothing will stand in your way of becoming a successful author!

Self-publishing is an incredible avenue to get your work to your readers fast, with
widespread distribution, that allows you to take the lion’s share of the profits for the
book you put all the work into creating!

With self-publishing, you’re in control, but that also means you are in charge of
your own marketing campaign. Don’t let that scare you away! With social media
and online sales booming, you can reach your ideal reader audience easier, and at
much less cost, than with traditional marketing. You just need to learn how!
Through this book, you’re going to learn…
•How to brainstorm and develop a concept
•How to effectively begin writing your book
•How to create disciplined habits to finish your book
•How to edit, format, and polish your book so it’s ready for publication
•Why reviews are the life-blood of self-publishing, and how to get them
•How to write an effective book description
•How to write a gripping back cover
•Why your book cover is your most important investment
•How the self-publishing process works
•Best practices for ultimate exposure
•How to use inexpensive pay-per-click campaigns to drive traffic
•Social Media Marketing
•Free marketing practices
•Inexpensive marketing options
•Importance of an author web site to boost SEO
…And much more!

Fire Fury Freedom

“A veritable saga of a dystopian novel by

an author with a genuine flair for detailed
originality, and narrative driven
storytelling, "Fire Fury Freedom" by
Amanda Rose is an extraordinary and
truly memorable read from cover to
cover.” -Midwest Book Review
Prequel to the Fire Fury Frontier Series
Fire Fury Freedom Book Description:
A dying planet on the verge of collapse….
tormented pasts that haunt the present… an
ancient hidden magick…
The C.D.F.P. mega-corporation rules all,
with unchecked power, and dark secrets...
The planet is dying, and they are the last hope to save it… Mack, an ex-soldier of the
C.D.F.P. military division, and his mercenaries, standalone against the C.D.F.P.
(AKA the Company), in the fight for humanities survival. Left unchallenged, the
company has ruled over the East Green Continent with an iron fist for decades. The
pollution they’ve caused has devastated the planet, destroying the ozone, and killing
off plant and animal life.
Outside of domed cities the air is thin, and the sun scorches all; it’s a veritable
wasteland. In the past two decades the planet has reached entirely new levels of
decay. Extreme weather patterns, and massive quakes, ravage the land.
Time is running out…
Mack and his mercenary troupe set out on a quest to stop the C.D.F.P. once and for
all, and the planet will test them to their limits… But are they ready for the horrors
they’ll uncover? Can they alone stand up against the all-powerful C.D.F.P.?

Fire Fury Frontier

Fire Fury Frontier Book Description:

One ship, one last chance to survive…

Humanity’s home world has been

destroyed from extensive global
warming. For over two hundred years
the last remaining humans have lived in
space aboard a single massive ship, the
Saisei. After generations in space, living
aboard a ship is all anyone has ever

But space is an inhospitable home.

The ship is old and damaged, rations are low, and a planet fit for
colonization has never been found.

In the vast expanse of space, as

the Saisei makes way to resupply
their ship, they stumble upon a
discovery that will change the
course of human history forever.


The Impending End
The Impending End Book Description:
It’s 2005. Ayla Jefferson is 17, incredibly intelligent,
sensitive, imaginative, and thoughtful. She’s also
contemplating suicide…
After a life long battle with mental illness plaguing her
every move, Ayla is ready for death. Eerily calm, she
says her goodbyes, and sets out to commit her final act.
But despite her stubborn conviction, life isn’t as easy to
let go of as she expected. Her hyper-imagination blurs reality and she finds
herself getting lost in gripping memories. Mentally disengaged, Ayla’s
experiences are surreal, and discerning fact from fiction becomes harder and
As the life she’s so eager to leave behind begs to hold on, will she be able to
leave it all behind?
A Strange Dream: Anthology of Short Stories
and Poetry
A Strange Dream Book Description:
Death, Depression, Insomnia, Prostitution, Eating
Disorders, Abortion, Convicts, Insanity, and Marital
issues… This anthology of short stories and poetry
explores the dark reaches of the mind and mental
health issues.

The 9 short stories, including award winning EGGS and OUTSIDER, as well
as runner up in the Canadian Writer’s Guild Short Prose competition,
DROWNING IN SILENCE, and 9 poems, take us on a journey from the
surreal to the mundane. From day-to-day life to fantasy, the characters and
situations explore many walks of life.


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