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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, the pertinent

conclusions and recommendations given by the researcher based on the

results obtained.

Summary of Findings

The following findings are enumerated and summarized as

discussed in the preceding chapter.

1. Based on the result, the extent of teaching practices in terms of

engaging positive teacher-learner interactions, fostering positive

relationship among students, employing proactive classroom

management and engaging students in cooperative learning

activities has a grand mean 0f 4.22, with a descriptive equivalent of

Highly Extensive.

2. The extent of students’ needs has a grand mean of 4.28 with a

descriptive equivalent of Agree.

3. The extent of learning environment obtains a grand mean of 4.20

with a descriptive equivalent of Agree.

4. On the extent of psychosocial adjustments, Social aspect got a higher

mean of 4.29 than the mean of Emotional aspect which is 4.21; both

have a descriptive equivalent of Agree.

5. On the test of relationship between the three independent variables

and psychosocial adjustment, the p-value of 0.00 is less than 0.05

level of significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected.

6. The combined influence of teaching practices, students’ needs and

learning environment as predictors of psychosocial adjustments in

Science is significant at 0.383 having the probability value of 0.00

which is less than the 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null

hypothesis was rejected.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are


1. Teaching practices in Science in terms of the given indicators are

always observed.

2. Student needs are perceived by the students.

3. A conducive learning environment is observed in most occasions.

4. 4. Psychosocial adjustments in Science is highly extensive.

5. Teaching practices, students’ needs, and learning environment have

significant relationship to psychosocial adjustments in Science.

6. Teaching practices, students’ needs and learning environment

significantly predict the psychosocial adjustments of students in


Based from the findings, analysis and conclusion drawn in this

study, the following recommendations are summarized:

1. Teachers are encouraged to engage a positive teacher-learner

interaction to enhance good relationships among students and help

students to be motivated in school.

2. Teachers and parents are encouraged to attain the emotional needs

of students so that they could have a positive behavior towards


3. School administration, teachers and parents are encouraged to make

sure that the needs of students like functional laboratories, books,

access in the internet are available in order to help students in

performing their daily tasks and be motivated to achieve it.

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