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CIA 1 Marketing Management

Q. 1. A popular fast-food chain introduces a new

burger with plant-based meat alternatives to cater to
health-conscious and environmentally conscious
consumers. Which market segmentation strategy are
they employing?
A) Demographic Segmentation
B) Behavioral Segmentation
C) Psychographic Segmentation
D) Benefit Segmentation

2. A customer visits a high-end electronics store to

purchase a new smart phone. The sales representative
takes the time to understand the customer's needs and
recommends a phone that perfectly matches the
customer's requirements. The customer leaves the
store feeling satisfied and delighted with the purchase
experience. Which concept best describes the
customer's positive perception?
A) Customer Value
B) Customer Satisfaction
C) Customer Loyalty
D) Customer Experience
3. A luxury car manufacturer plans to introduce a new
model designed for affluent customers. They identify
locations with high-income households and target
marketing efforts specifically to those areas. Which
market segmentation variable is the company using in
this scenario?
A) Demographic Segmentation
B) Psychographic Segmentation
C) Behavioral Segmentation
D) Geographic Segmentation

4. An electronics company segments its customers

based on their loyalty and usage patterns. They offer
exclusive rewards and special discounts to frequent
buyers to maintain their loyalty. Which market
segmentation strategy does the company follow?
A) Demographic Segmentation
B) Psychographic Segmentation
C) Behavioral Segmentation
D) Geographic Segmentation
5. A smartphone manufacturer decides to reduce the
price of its flagship model to attract more customers
and gain a competitive edge in the market. Which
pricing strategy is the company using?
A) Penetration Pricing
B) Price Skimming
C) Psychological Pricing
D) Premium Pricing

6. A new start-up company is developing a

revolutionary health drink that claims to boost energy
levels and improve mental focus. The marketing team
conducts market research to identify potential target
customers and understand their needs and
preferences. What core marketing concept is the team

A) Product Concept
B) Selling Concept
C) Marketing Concept
D) Societal Marketing Concept

7. Which of the following marketing management

concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia
A) Production concept
B) Selling Concept
C) Marketing Concept
D) Product concept

8. A car manufacturer designs its vehicles to be eco-

friendly, with reduced emissions and improved fuel
efficiency. The company emphasizes its commitment
to the environment in its advertising campaigns.
Which core marketing concept is the company

A) Product Concept
B) Selling Concept
C) Marketing Concept
D) Societal Marketing Concept

9. A hotel chain focuses on providing exceptional

service and exceeding guest expectations. They go the
extra mile to surprise their guests with unexpected
amenities and attention to detail. As a result, many
guests become advocates, recommending the hotel to
friends and family. Which concept is evident in this
A) Customer Value
B) Customer Satisfaction
C) Customer Loyalty
D) Customer Referral

10. A popular electronics store ensures that it has a

wide range of products available in its physical
stores as well as on its e-commerce website. The
company also offers convenient delivery options and
after-sales service to enhance the overall customer
experience. Which element of the marketing mix is
the store emphasizing?

A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

11. A retail chain has been using traditional

marketing methods for decades, such as print
advertisements and television commercials.
However, they are struggling to reach and engage
with the younger tech-savvy audience who prefer
digital media and social platforms. What
marketing challenge does the retail chain need to
A) Globalization
B) Digital Transformation
C) Intense Competition
D) Consumer Behavior Shifts

12.A premium chocolate brand decides to target

high-income consumers who value luxury and
exclusivity. The brand uses high-quality
ingredients and elegant packaging to position its
chocolates as a symbol of indulgence and
sophistication. Which element of the marketing
mix is the brand focusing on?

A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

13.Marketing is the process by which companies

create ______ for customers and build strong
customer _______ in order to capture value from
customers in return.
A) ads, campaigns
B) products, discounts
C) value, relationships
D) none of the above
14.Anything that can be offered to a market for
attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that
might satisfy a want or need is called a

A) Idea.
B) Demand.
C) Product
D) Service

15. A mobile phone company is launching a new

smartphone model. They want to segment their
market based on user behavior, such as heavy users
who use their phones for gaming and multimedia, and
business users who prioritize productivity and
communication. What type of market segmentation is
A) Geographic Segmentation
B) Demographic Segmentation
C) Psychographic Segmentation
D) Behavioral Segmentation

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