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Methods proven
to Combat Anxiety

Mark Metry
Meditate 2x Daily
I recommend Mindfulness & Ziva Meditation
First thing in the morning & in the afternoon

Intense Cardio
Endorphins, triggering a positive feeling, similar to
morphine, which interact with receptors in your
brain that reduce your perception of pain.

Meal Prep
It's easy to forget about food when you are busy and
in turn order fast food or eat any kind of simple junk
snack foods. Prep your meals at the start of the

Mark Metry
Schedule the Future
Sometimes we can have anxiety about the future
because we haven't created it yet. Look forward to
1-3 things that you will do each week on your

Change Your Environment

Thought patterns connect with the external
environment. If possible distance yourself physically
from a location. Example: sitting down with your
laptop at your desk gives you anxiety. Bring a chair
outside and go do the work with a cup of tea.

Do Nothing
In today's world it's easy to always be doing something
in every second of the day. For some people this can
create anxiety. Give yourself a rest and set a timer on
your phone for 15 minutes to do nothing but think.
Create Something
Channeling your electric energy from the unconscious
undirected anxiety to something you love doing in a
conscious effort can be extremely powerful.
Personally for me it's music & writing

Focus on Fats & Nutrients

Not feeding your body will more often than not impact
your mind as well. Anxiety can be a symptom of a
malnutritioned brain. When I began eating a whole
foods unprocessed diet with plenty of healthy fats I
felt my brain turn on for the first time.

Targeted Supplements
I advocate for natural supplements that specifically
work for your body and not just generally. There are
tests you can do like Viome & VIT-ASSESS. Ex. I
supplement with vitamin D, B12 and Turmeric.


March 14th, 2020
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