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Words, Math, and Art-Wrangling: Robert J. Schwalb

Word-Polishing: Tom Cadorette
Last Defense Against Shit: Jay Spight
Layout and Graphics Guru: Kara Hamilton
Cover: Israel Pato
Interior Beautification: Kim Van Deun, Wilson Carreño,
Roberto Cantos, Marco Paraja, and Alberto Cimadevilla
Maps: Jack Kaiser

The Scumbag’s Guide to Scrapbridge is © 2021 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
PunkApocalyptic: The Game is © 2014 Bad Roll Games.
PunkApocalpytic: The Roleplaying Game is © 2020 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.
PunkApocalyptic: The Game and its associated logos are trademarks of Bad Roll Games. Shadow of the Demon Lord,
Schwalb Entertainment, and their associated logos are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
WELCOME TO SCRAPBRIDGE....................... 4
ANYTHING ELSE GOES..............................................................................................................................................5
WALLS AND BARRICADES......................................................................................................................................5
THE GUARDS................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
GETTING AROUND TOWN........................................................................................................................................5
THE LIFTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
LOCALS............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
NATIVES........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
TOURISTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
LAW & ORDER.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
CITIZEN COUNCIL.........................................................................................................................................................................................7
CITIZEN WATCH............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
UNION FOR MORAL DECENCY AND FAMILY.................................................................................................................................. 8
YES WE MUTATE.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ANTI-MUTANT REPRESSION FORCE.................................................................................................................................................. 8
JUDGES............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
THE GROSS WAY................................................................................................... 8
BLEACHED ASSHOLES.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
THE BEAM.............................................................................................................. 9
LA TRINI GANG............................................................................................................................................................. 9
THE SKOOL..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
SHITHOLE.............................................................................................................. 11
THE DETENTION CENTER........................................................................................................................................11
THE REXXOL...................................................................................................................................................................11
SHELTER............................................................................................................... 12
FOOTLICKER......................................................................................................... 12
THE MONSTER............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
SCRAPBRIDGE METHANE AND MEAT ELECTRO-PROTEIC GUILD...................................................13
YELLOW................................................................................................................ 13
THE PROMENADE................................................................................................ 13
ARMPIT................................................................................................................. 14
TITGRAB................................................................................................................ 15
BARRY’S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET.........................................................................................................................15
FACESMACK......................................................................................................... 15
THE TUNNEL WACKOS............................................................................................................................................15
TUNNEL 666.................................................................................................................................................................16
MAX’S BUTCHER SHOP...........................................................................................................................................17

DRUGGIETOWN................................................................................................... 17
COVENANT SQUARE........................................................................................... 17
SPEECHMAKER AND RABBLEROUSER...........................................................................................................18
THE STADIUM....................................................................................................... 18
OUTER LANDS...................................................................................................... 18
BACKGROUNDS................................................ 19
BLEACHED ASSHOLE..............................................................................................................................................20
GREASE JOCKEY.........................................................................................................................................................21
LA TRINI SCUMBAG...............................................................................................................................................22
OUTER LANDER..........................................................................................................................................................23
SEX WORKER..............................................................................................................................................................23
TEACHER’S PET..........................................................................................................................................................23
TUNNEL WACKO........................................................................................................................................................24
FRESH MEAT................................................. 25
GASPUMPER........................................................................................................ 27
GIGGLER ..............................................................................................................28
THE GRIM..............................................................................................................29
MIGRANT............................................................................................................. 30
MOUTHER............................................................................................................. 31
RATUS BAD-ASSUS.............................................................................................33
SCALY VIXUMS.....................................................................................................35
MERCS.................................................................................................................. 37
CAPTAIN HAMMERICA............................................................................................................................................37
CRAZY MEL..................................................................................................................................................................38
LIZZY DEVILLE............................................................................................................................................................38
IMPERATRIX RABIOSA............................................................................................................................................39

Welcome to Scrapbridge

Even mercenary bands need a place to call home, a place to But don’t be a cheapskate: go out and buy a fucking copy of
kickback, drink a few beers, and chow down on a couple of the PunkApocalyptic: The RPG rulebook so I can feed my cats. Do
lizardcock kebabs without having to worry about some fuckers you want them to eat me?
trying to kill them. As the PunkApocalyptic: RPG rulebook notes, OK. Enough bullshitting. Turn the goddamned page.
there ain’t many places that can offer these kinds of comfort Even Jasper the Dink knows about Scrapbridge, and he’s a
with anything that comes close to reliability. Scrapbridge, fucking moron who eats rocks and uses his bare hands to wipe
though, offers all this and a bit more. Hence, it makes a lot of his ass. Scrapbridge earned its fame for being just about the only
sense to start here when exploring the Wasteland and all the place a body can go and let down their guard long enough to
fucked-up shit kicking around there. guzzle cheap beer, suck down a few lizardcock kabobs, bet on a
The Scumbag’s Guide to Scrapbridge does a few things. First, sand hockey game, and find true love, all without having to keep
it offers more detail on the Wasteland’s number one destination an eye out for fuckery.
and the only actual place of relative safety for poor bastards You see, Scrapbridge doesn’t give a shit about whatever beef
living in the great unknown. Second, you’ll find all kinds of visitors might have with each other. Bridgers don’t care that the V
shit about the various people and places in the town. And Reich butchered your whole family or that your daughter ran off
third, you’ll get plenty of plot hooks upon which you can hang with a Black Blood Child and is now so burned you can’t recognize
missions of your own making. Fun! her. The community has survived all these years by keeping its
This book also gives you a few new options for the kids, nose out of other people’s business and making damn sure the
mechanical bits and bobs for the players. You’ll also find some people living inside its walls, including visitors (especially visitors),
new paths, backgrounds, and some other goodies as well. keep their bullshit outside the burg’s limits where it belongs.
Last, this book adds more creatures to the game. These Some amount of violence does happen, but then the
critters come from the warped imagination of the folks at Bad community comes down like a hammer when anyone takes
Roll Games and are presented here for your players to hack the fighting too far. You kill some shitheel? You’re going to be in
apart and blow up to their hearts’ content. the same boat. You jump some dude in an alley, and the hastily
Hopefully, you have a copy of PunkApocalyptic: The RPG, since assembled Watch catches you? You’re out, your Scrapbridge
you’ll need it for this product. However, if you’re coming to this privileges forever revoked, assuming they don’t outright kill you
setting by way of Shadow of the Demon Lord and, specifically, the on the way to throwing you out the main gate. The risk of losing
Godless setting book, a lot of this book is useful as you can easily access to clean hookers, a steady supply of blow, and all the
drop the setting, places, and characters in whatever fucked-up comforts the place offers keeps most folks on the level since no
version of post-apocalyptic North America you’re using. one wants to be the asshole who fucks it all up.

Welcome to Scrapbridge

So where is it? Ask anyone. Assuming they’re not trying to

steal your boots or put a knife in your ass, they can point the THE GUARDS
way. It’s south. Somewhere over those dunes. Just follow the 70 Scrapbridge has never had a standing army or, really, much of a
east, and you’ll get there. Getting to Scrapbridge from just about militia. The community expects everyone who lives here to take a
anywhere takes a few weeks of hard travel over dusty flatlands, turn at guard duty, and a dozen or so stand around at the various
through twisting defiles, and across territory controlled by the points of entry into the community, scratching at their genitals or
various gangs at large in these desperate lands. Eventually, probing their nostrils for hidden treasure. The guards don’t have to
though, persistent travelers will find it, rising up from a stretch of be nice, and most aren’t. They thoroughly search travelers on entry,
largely flat land. explain the community’s rules, and then usher the visitors inside.
Scrapbridge grew on and around an old bridge that stretched
across a mostly dried riverbed. The bridge towers still stand, with
their main cables trailing the suspender cables below to either
side and in between. The deck—that’s the road part of the bridge,
peanut—is now pockmarked with bigass holes, having taken a
serious beating over the years. The rusted-out wrecks of cars, People get lost in Scrapbridge all the time. The trouble stems
trucks, and other vehicles remain, more or less, where they died, from how much the town changes. One week a nice little path
though locals have stripped anything useful from them a long cuts through Shelter and gets you to the base of Yellow, and the
fucking time ago. next, you find a rusted-out car that’s now home to ten foul-
People live on the bridge: in containers hanging below it, on mouthed orphans who demand a toll from anyone who wants
the piers supporting it, on top to either side, and down on the by them. Roads are little more than narrow, twisting alleys,
squeezed together by the press of buildings on either side, too
muddy riverbed at the bottom. The ramshackle collection forms
narrow for anything more than a person or two at a go.
several levels connected by lifts, ladders, and stairways to form
a crowded labyrinth of houses, shops, restaurants, and a whole
lot more. People here live wherever they can and for as long as
they can keep some other asshole taking their home away from Aside from the stuff on the ground, there’s plenty to see and do
them. An incredible stench hangs over the whole chaotic mess of above, whether you want to kick around on the Beam or check
improvised buildings: the place reeks of rancid cooking oil, shit, out the old containers hanging on chains and ropes dangling
boiled cabbage, burned meat, sweat, and other foul odors—after from the decaying remains of the old bridge. Getting up and
a few days, though, you hardly notice. down, though, is a bit harrowing, and the methods used to do so
have never been all that safe.

ANYTHING In the early days after the Big Nasty, people used tall ladders
or rope-and-pulley mechanisms to move folks and materials up

and down Scrapbridge. However, the ladders tended to collapse,
and the mechanisms often broke, leaving a squalling buffamel
twisting in the air. One day, a clever fellow named Cletus
Outside the prohibition against violence, Scrapbridge tolerates
McFetus, figured out a way to move a lot of people at once.
just about anything. Drugs, prostitution, god-bothering, gambling, With the aid of his first born, Nugget, Cletus fashioned a large,
booze, and much worse go on within its walls. Scrapbridge wooden crate with a big hook bolted onto the crate’s top, to
makes a fair number of bullets on catering to people’s vices, which he attached a thick, heavy rope dropped down from the
so no matter how disgusting the predilection, there’s probably bridge above. The plan was simple: his hired hands would haul
someone here that will provide it—for the right price, of course. on the rope from the bottom, causing the box to climb up toward
the bridge or let loose the slack to lower the box back down to
WALLS AND the ground. It didn’t go as planned. When the muscle started
tugging the rope to lift the box, it started swinging around all
BARRICADES over the place, sending passengers and goods tumbling out the
front. Worse, McFetus completely overlooked the need to build a
Folks stick to Scrapbridge’s rules for the most part. However, platform for people to get off once the box reached the bridge. It
there’s always some asshole out there who believes the rules was up to them to figure out how to get off. Oops.
don’t apply to them. For that reason, Scrapbridge’s folk invested As badly as he botched the lift process, though, he inspired
heavily in defense. From the riverbed to either side rise big ass others to come after him and improve on the design. The lifts have
walls that look a lot like dams. Above, concrete barriers and been stabilized with additional ropes, and a landing platform
barbed wire barricades make attacking Scrapbridge from along has been built near the top, accessible to the rest of Scrabridge.
the cracked and pitted road a nightmare. Here and there, watch Despite the added protections, accidents still happen, and more
towers stand above it all, giving the sentries a great vantage than a few Bridgers lost their lives after the hauling rope slipped,
point for picking off nefarious ne’er-do-wells before they ever the hook on top ripped off, or the rotted floor in the lift collapsed.
come close. The number of lift inspectors in Scrapbridge? Zero.

Welcome to Scrapbridge
Still, people use the lifts all the time, knowing the risks.
Passage costs a quarter-ration of food or water per person, but it LOCAL COLOR
includes a return trip at any time. Now, that’s a bargain! d20 Bridger

1 Inés, a mutant with three boobs looking for a boy with extra limbs.
2 Ben Banker, buys gold for bullets, no questions asked, teeth
Scrapbridge’s leadership never bothers to count heads to get an
3 Lovely Snouts, looking for someone to escort pigs to Samanthia,
accurate number of people living within the community’s walls, payment on return.
but the general estimate is that about a thousand folks are in the
4 Pamela Lillian, a friendly green mutant woman.
place at any given time. People come and go all the time, and
more than a few go and never come back. Accidents, sickness, 5 “Rattle” Joe, complains about seeing shit coming out of the
desert in the night under gray clouds.
stupidity, and the occasional outbreak of disease or violence
keep the numbers manageable. There’s always someone new 6 Isaac, local man troubled by someone shitting in front of his place.
outside, though, knocking on the door, asking to be let in. 7 Tara, woman looking for Jax of the Sons of Entropy who went to
buy smokes and never came back.
NATIVES 8 Aaron, a recuiter for the V Reich, seeking pure, sober, hard-
working humans to clean out the filth in the Wasteland.
Locals grant “native” status to anyone born in Scrapbridge,
and about a third of the folks living here qualify, and nearly all 9 Elizabeth, looking to give away mongrelmorph puppies.
of them, if they bothered, could follow the family tree through 10 Daryl, cook known for his leather jacket with angel wings on
a bunch of natives going all the way back to Scrapbridge’s the back.
founding. To be clear, though, many have no idea who sired 11 Scam Joe, always has a hustle.
them, let alone have the wherewithal or interest to look back a 12 Rosy the Bristles, famed for her bristles.
generation or more. No subscribers here!
Nearly all the natives work in a trade related to keeping the 13 Carlos Bismark, runs a general store.
community going. Scrapbridge relies on trade and scavenging 14 Incoming Martinez, person who puts up fences.
for many things, but without the poor bastards scrubbing in 15 AB Normal, corpse-buyer.
the riverbed to grow crops or to cook the food in the fryers and 16 Fynn, recently lost his Enchiridion, will pay top bullets to anyone
ovens, the people would have starved a long time ago. These who finds it.
folks, then, form the community's unbreakable backbone and 17 Crazy Bitch at Crooked Point (at the end of the cliff east of the
produce what passes for finished goods here. bridge) claims to have weird powers to know things. Sometimes
Generally, natives tend to be dirty folks in worn and patched sends pronouncements to the Gazette.
clothing. They benefit from the safety Scrapbridge provides, 18 Sam Hell, a fertile man looking for action.
but nearly everyone living here has something to bitch about, 19 T Dunphy, dumbass looking for a highjacker claw to impress or
whether it’s the Council, the fucking mutants, or the lizardcock kill his father-in-law.
kabobs at the market. Deep down, Bridgers must know how lucky 20 “Cirrhosis” Pete, a drunk who eats weird lizardbats.
they are not to have to face death and disaster day in and day
out, but most of them, like people in our day, are selfish pieces of of earshot, one is bound to hear a snide comment or spot an eye
shit who can’t think past their own comforts or see beyond the roll. Tourists don’t give two shits for the people living here, and
ends of their noses. the natives know it. So as much as the natives need visitors, they
Speaking of mutants, mutations among the native are would much rather live without them.
uncommon at best. Sure, everyone has a relative with an extra Tourists have free access to Scrapbridge and thus might
finger or a weird patch of skin, but few have anything that would appear anywhere in the community. That said, most stick to the
count as a serious mutation. Those who do usually hide their Promenade, Titgrab, and the Beam. They might be scavengers
unusual features to get along in town or hang about in areas and junkers, V Reich assholes, or mutants, but most are survivors,
of the settlement where they’re less likely to be messed with. gangers, and their ilk, who came to the outpost to rest their heels
Even though Scrapbridge offers unprecedented protections for for a spell before hitting the road once more. Tourists have a few
mutants, locals are not always so generous and tend to show obvious tells: they ask/demand directions, talk too loud, make a
their bigotry in the revulsion and fear they show when they mess, and get in a huff when shit doesn’t go their way.
encounter “the changed.”
TOURISTS Scrapbridger police their own for the most part. Law-breakers
Everyone else in Scrapbridge is a tourist, at least by local find the whole community will rise up against them to shut down
standards, and being a tourist is a tricky deal for people hoping any shit before it becomes a serious mess. Some districts run a
to make their way in this place. Yes, folks are all too happy to tighter ship than others, but pretty much everyone in town looks
take the bullets from visitors, but they don’t really want them as after everyone else, and no one puts up with fuckery, especially if
neighbors. Natives smile and say the right things, but once out it comes from a tourist.

Welcome to Scrapbridge

these days. He has a thick white beard, thinning hair, and wears
CITIZEN COUNCIL a monocle over his left eye. He’s held his seat the longest of
Scrapbridge’s council consists of five or so people drawn from anyone and has seen councilors come and go. Bitter, cynical,
the community’s major districts. On average, the councilors get and given to grumbling about everything, he’s close to giving
together around the middle of the month to hash out problems, up his seat to a younger and more enthusiastic heir, but he has
complain, posture, and make deals between each other’s yet to find anyone in his district to make a genuine go at looking
districts. These leaders lack much in the way of competence, but out for their community. Until then, Lucius shows up, adds little
they really don’t need to be good at their jobs as Scrapbridge is to the conversation, and gathers what information he can to
pretty self-sufficient. benefit Yellow.


Representing the Gross Way, Corey Banks bought his place A flamboyantly dressed brothel owner of ever-shifting gender,
on the Council after making a small fortune selling scraps and Antoine Le Magnifique, works hard to maintain an appearance
salvage. A man accustomed to the finer things, he dresses in of civility and discretion inside Titgrab, Scrapbridge’s “red-light”
tailored suits in a variety of bright colors, wears fancy hats, district. Before claiming a seat on the Council, Antoine earned a
and carries a cane topped with a clenched fist. He’s a shrewd reputation for being one of the district’s most notorious pimps.
negotiator and has a knack for coming out ahead in nearly Known as the “Terror of Titgrab,” anyone who crossed Antoine or
every deal. Banks wants Scrapbridge to take a bigger role in the refused to knuckle under had a habit of disappearing. The pimp
Wasteland. It’s already the center of trade, but Banks believes relentlessly drove sex workers to make sure they earned but also
new opportunities await in some of the far-flung places, even made sure they were all fed, stayed relatively clean, and drug-
including, he hopes, the free. Once the girls and boys in
megalopoli. He’s been working Antoine’s employ understood
hard to convince the Council to what the deal was and what
fund the establishment of new was expected of them, they
trade routes and expeditions soon discovered that despite
into unknown territories. their extremely busy work
schedule, life was hella better
DYNA DYNAMITE for them than it might have
Once the La Trini Gang took otherwise been.
charge of the Beam, gang First and foremost, Antoine
leader Dyna Dynamite took is all about earning enough
the seat on the Citizen Council bullets to make bank and build
from her inept and corrupt a fortune. Running prostitutes
predecessor, a man who hasn’t goes only so far. Antoine
been seen since and whose bought out the previous
name has been forgotten. councilor and took over his
Dyna Dynamite is a smoking place at the adults’ table, so to
hot redhead dressed in snug speak. Antoine’s an arrogant
leather and latex clothing. asshole, but can back it up.
She wears her bright hair big, The former pimp stays clean,
with bullets for earrings. She obsessively so, and is rumored
won the Council award last to bathe several times a day.
month for the most inventive Antoine wears only the finest
demonstration of colorful clothing, accented with gold
language, and she’s made jewelry. When Antoine attends
grownups break down in tears meetings, there’s always pretty
after she gives them a lashing. young things along for the ride
Perhaps the worst kept secret along with a half-dozen toughs
about Dynamite is her driving for protection.
ambition to dismantle the
Council and make herself the sole ruler of Scrapbridge. She has FACEMUNCHER
the bullets, connections, and backing to make this happen—she’s Everyone in Scrapbridge knows Facemuncher. He gained the
just waiting for the right time to make her play. sobriquet after his habit of tearing off the faces of his opponents
in the fighting pits and eating them. As grisly as this sounds,
LUCIUS THE SPYGLASS Scrapbridgers loved his panache, and when he fought, he
Retired junker Lucius the Spyglass represents Yellow on the brought out the people in droves. He would have kept fighting
Council. He’s reached the ripe old age of forty-six—unheard of (and eating), but his reputation suffered greatly after the well-

Welcome to Scrapbridge
endowed King Dong gave him the beating of his life. Faced with that if Salgado doesn’t shut up and disperse his mob, the town
a miserable retirement in the violence of Facesmack, the old pit might tear itself apart.
fighter decided to get into politics. He’s new to the Council and
doesn’t much like it, as he’s finding he can’t solve problems with JUDGES
his fists and teeth anymore. Dissatisfied with the Citizen Watch’s ability to curtail crime, the
Judges formed to protect good and innocent people from theft,
CITIZEN WATCH robbery, assault, murder, and the like. The Judges avoid spilling
Scrapbridge maintains a small peacekeeping force, but few blood when possible, but they know that sometimes you have no
people want the job, given how dangerous and unfun it is. choice but to beat justice into some people.
Instead, each district, except Facesmack, has a Citizen Watch,


an all-volunteer force of part-time peacekeepers. The Citizen
Watch, when on the job, wears distinctive blue helmets and
has the authority to settle small disputes. If the shit gets real,
though, the Watch has standing orders to put out an all-call Some folks say that first impressions are everything in a new
for help. relationship, and, in Scrapbridge, the district known as the Gross
Way does not disappoint. Straddling either side of the bridge, the
UNION FOR MORAL Gross Way benefits from more room, better building materials,
DECENCY AND FAMILY and a cleaner, healthier population. Buildings made out of
It’s hard to imagine anyone protesting sex workers earning something other than detritus dredged from the river or materials
fair pay, security, and some healthcare, but the Union for Moral cannibalized from the bridge and its towers greet newcomers
Decency and Family has a big axe to grind against Titgrab and as they come into the settlement from the 70. These well-built
all the degenerates who work and play there. The organization structures of metal, concrete, and wood crowd both sides of the
started in protest of current fashion trends adopted by certain old highway. They have actual plumbing and electricity—it’s a
gang members and picked up steam by protesting against fucking paradise!
prostitution, alcohol consumption, and just about anything else Enjoying all the glitz and glamor comes at a steep price, and
that could be construed as fun. the Gross Way does a better job at parting strangers from their
If the Union gets a sniff of anyone having a good time, you bullets than anywhere else in Scrapbridge. Want to sample a
can bet a few placard-waving protestors will show up if they’re glass of Malört from the world before? Cabby’s Roadhouse has a
not there already. They scream and shout and chant and make case of the stuff. Have an itch you’re tired of scratching yourself?
nuisances of themselves on the edges of Titgrab, paste their Well, Patti’s Pink Room has some of the best companions
posters in front of the watering holes, and blow countless bullets Scrapbridge can offer, and most of them are even disease-free!
in printing and circulating their pamphlets. Restaurants, casinos, bars, clothing stores, mechanics shops:
Many Bridgers ignore the Union assholes, but lately, the you name it, the Gross Way has it, and you’ll pay through the
members have grown so pushy that they’re starting to piss off
nose for it.
folks. In fact, the La Trini Gang set on them when they showed
up on the Beam making a racket about the apparel choices of Most folks who work in the Gross Way live elsewhere, usually
a gang known as the Cheesecakes. After the protestors and the in one of Scrapbridge’s seedier districts. Only the richest of the
Cheesecakes nearly came to blows, La Trini stepped up and beat rich can afford to live here, and those who do enjoy all the finer
the snot out of the union troublemakers. things in life that bullets can buy. Several walled compounds
ring the commercial buildings that press against either side of
YES WE MUTATE the road leading to and away from the bridge, and each one has
The most recent in a long line of pro-mutant groups active in barbed wire fencing, elaborate gardens, pools, a small armed
Scrapbridge, Yes We Mutate formed in response to rumors of security team, and super-nice double-wide mobile homes that
violence instigated by the Anti-Mutant Repression Force. Yes We offer all the comforts. Merchants, magnates, crime lords, and
Mutate aims for peaceful co-existence, but its members aren’t retired gang leaders claim these properties.
above scrapping with bigoted assholes.
ANTI-MUTANT The Gross Way offers the closest thing to the good life a person
REPRESSION FORCE can hope to find anywhere in the Wasteland, and the folks living
Rumor has it that the AMRF’s founder, Jester Salgado, takes here ain’t shy about letting everyone know how good they have
bullets from the V Reich to stir up shit in Scrapbridge. Whether it. Locals dress better, have most of their teeth, smell like soap
true or not, he’s not at all shy about his hatred for mutants. He or perfume, and look like they wouldn’t survive five minutes
believes honest folks don’t have tentacles and that Scrapbridge outside. But they’ve grown so comfortable here and so confident
should have only honest folk living there. A rash of anti-mutant in the guards protecting them that they conduct themselves with
crimes has struck the town lately, and the Citizen Council worries towering arrogance and scorn for people less well off.

Welcome to Scrapbridge


If you’re looking for work, rumors, or just the news, you can do
worse than The Scrapbridge Gazette. Old Ratcutter puts this
Once you escape the noise and lights of the Gross Way, you reach one-sheet newspaper together whenever the mood strikes
the Beam, which has the distinction of being the oldest district him (or he has enough wits in his addled head to do so),
in Scrapbridge. When refugees first settled the site, they staked filling it with news, rumors, and announcements pertaining to
their claim on the steel beam that stretched across the riverbed Scrapbridge. For samples of this rag, be sure to check out the
selection offered here:
and began work of scavenging materials from it. What remains of downloads/the-scrapbridge-gazette/
this first settlement is the Beam.
In truth, more hangs from the Beam than lives on it. Buildings
made from shipping containers, old cars, slabs of asphalt, and
concrete crowd every available space. And, having run out
of room, locals started hanging living spaces from the beam LA TRINI GANGER DIFFICULTY 5
on cables and chains, connected by a maze of catwalks and Defense 12 Health 12 Size 1 Speed 6
suspended walkways. Want to get down to the lower levels or up
Muscles 12 Hands 11 Brains 10 Mouth 10
to the higher? Crude elevators raised and lowered by rope and
pulleys offer access to the various levels. Recently, people have Meat 12 Feet 12 Eyes 11 Guts 11
been pushing hard for a ramp to be built, running from the Beam
to the bottom, and have been collecting funds for the project Menacing Whenever the total of a roll to attack is 20 or higher, choose
with rummage sales. one creature that can see the ganger. The target must succeed on a
Guts roll with 1 complication or become frightened for 6 rounds.
No matter how much commerce the Gross Way claims, the Gear light armor, machete, pistol with 1d6 bullets
Beam sees all the real action. Bullets flow through the district
like water, and stores offering new and scavenged goods, WEAPONS
kennels, drinking-holes, and drug dens keep their doors open Fist (melee) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success: 1
day and night. One can hear raucous music at all hours, with damage.
brawling, drinking, vomiting, and fucking happening pretty much Machete (melee) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success:
1d6 + 2 damage.
wherever one looks. Pistol (melee) Roll Hands (+1) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success: 1d6
+ 3 damage.
With its dense population and rowdy locals, one would think the
Beam would be a sketchy place with blood and shit flowing in That people place little importance on learning stuff should come
what passes for streets. Instead of a noisy, festering shithole, as no surprise. Why, people stopped listening to the scientists,
the Beam is relatively well-kept, with almost no crime. It is by far the thinkers, the brainiacs a long time before the Big Nasty went
one of the safest place and cleanest places in Scrapbridge—all down. Wear a mask in the middle of a global pandemic? Fuck
thanks to the La Trini Gang. you! You don’t own me! FREEDOM! You mean to tell me the Earth
A few years back, a bunch of nasty gangs started causing is round? Fuck you! Anyone can see the Earth is flat. Climate
trouble in the Beam, trouble that soon spread to other districts change? Fuck you! It’s a hoax!
and threatened to destabilize the whole damned community. As So when folks in the Beam put forward the idea of building an
Scrapbridge generally leaves it to its “citizens” to sort their own institution for opening the minds of young folks, not everyone
shit out, the La Trini Gang felt moved to settle things by taking was on board. But Dyna Dynamite was, and she can be very
down the upstart gangs one at a time. Gang leaders who refused persuasive, especially when she’s holding a machete to your
to bend the knee to La Trini found themselves disappeared from neck, and thus the Skool opened its doors a few years back.
Scrapbridge, though more than a few resurfaced in the wastes, The Skool exists to provide youngsters with a rudimentary
their bodies torn apart, dismembered, and picked over by the education before letting them run wild in the Wasteland. Don’t go
carrion eaters. Since then, the La Trini Gang has kept the peace thinking that these kids are learning philosophy, studying Latin,
with no trouble at all. or how to be good citizens; none of that shit goes down in the
Gang members wear distinctive uniforms such that no one Skool. Instead, the teachers educate the young on how to keep
fucks with them: clean white cargo pants tucked into blood- their knives sharp, guns clean, how to find water, set traps, and, of
red combat boots. Scrapbridge’s prohibition against violence course, build birdhouses for their moms and pops in shop class.
keeps their machetes, guns, and knives stowed, but if anyone At any given time, there’s a dozen or so students in the Skool.
uses more than their fists, the gangers are more than happy to Truancy has become something of an ongoing issue, what with
escalate and make things messy. so many “funner” things to do in the Beam, but so long as Dyna
Gang members patrol the quarter in groups of five. If they Dynamite calls the shots in the Beam, the Skool will stay open.
find themselves up against something they can’t handle, Who knows, maybe one day Bridgers will learn how to diagram
reinforcements are never far off. sentences!

Welcome to Scrapbridge

Welcome to Scrapbridge


The one thing everyone in Scrapbridge can get behind is dog- CREAMY PASTIES
racing, and there’s nothing like watching sleek greyhounds going One of the best food stalls in the Beam, Mike Lardboy
round and round a track. Bridgers really love these dogs, and as delivered his pasties right from the oven and into your
a result, the pups enjoy a life far better than most people do. And, mouth. The business shuttered its doors for a few weeks
fuck, that’s the way it ought to be. after Lardboy wound up dead after dressing up as Santa
and breaking into homes on Winternal night to deliver
Several places in the Beam breed dogs for the tracks, but pasties to good boys and girls. His good (?) intentions died
Ferrera’s Kennels is the best and most reputable, having earned with him in a shotgun blast from a startled homeowner.
its reputation for producing champions a half-dozen times or A new owner, Maggie Lardboy, has taken over, but most
more. Madam Ferrera, a middle-aged woman with frizzy blue hair folks agree that her pasties aren’t anywhere near as fine
as the late Mike’s.
and a penchant for wearing shapeless dresses in flower prints,
runs the shop with a few helpers, which is a small building made
of corrugated metal with a fenced-in space in the back lined
with cages for the pups. A typical greyhound sells for 50 bullets,
though Madam Ferrera is quite discerning about who gets to
take one of “her little babies and make them great.”


Spend any time in Scrapbridge, and you’re bound to catch wind CENTER
of the great reeking mess known as Shithole. No one thought Some people just can’t help themselves. Even in a place as
dumping waste and rubbish inside the town’s bounds would awesome as Scrapbridge, there’s bound to be some thieving,
be a good idea, but no one living in Scrapbridge was about to robbing fucker to make a mess of things. People who commit
haul their garbage out of town when they could just toss their violent crime more often than not find themselves tossed out
filth over the edge onto the mountain of refuse that has grown of Scrapbridge altogether, left to fend for themselves in the
steadily higher and smellier over the years. Peering over the Wasteland, naked and alone. The real psychopaths, those
edge of Beam, one can spot people dumping whatever they no deemed too dangerous to release into the wild, find themselves
longer want or can no longer sell onto the pile, and there it sits. locked up in Scrapbridge’s Detention Center—at least until
The mound, which climbs almost as high as the Beam itself, someone can figure out what to do with them, assuming anyone
contains a great variety of noisome treasures: old, shit-filled bothers to do anything with them at all.
diapers, soiled sheets, spoiled food, maggots and flies in the The Center, as it’s most often called, stands on the eastern side
millions, old toilets, mattresses, and worn out, used up parts for of the rubbish mound, a boxy, windowless structure assembled
things not even useful to the least discerning junker. Flammable from cinderblocks. A hole in the roof, covered by a heavy iron
grate, allows some ventilation, and it’s through this hole that
gasses rise from the decomposing heap, and every so often, the
prisoners find themselves tossed. Rainwater, rubbish, and the
mound belches, releasing an odor so profound, so offensive, and
occasional bucket of food also find their way through this hole,
so deadly that it kills several people each time it happens. Stuff
and the prisoners fight each other for whatever makes it through
tumbles down from the top of the mound, and rainfall helps a bit, to them. Rumors of cannibalism and worse swirl around the
for a time, carrying off the sludge into thin streams that feed the Center, and more than a few Bridgers want to see it shut down
brown stew that passes for what remains of the river that used to and forgotten.
flow here.
Since people began dumping their shit here, Shithole
has remained the foulest location in Scrapbridge, bar none,
unsanitary and unsafe for anyone. Yet, against all common
The Red Rashers, a nasty gang of lightly mutated scum, active
sense and decency, some Bridgers make their home here, in a few years back, used to have an initiation rite for anyone who
a small shantytown in and around the mound. Mind you, no wanted to join their crew. To become a Red Rasher, you had to
one chooses to live here; rather, it’s where people, usually go down to the Rexxol, Shithole’s one and only bar, and get your
desperate and at the end of their rope, wind up. Orphaned genitals sucked by Rancid Ruby, a famously offensive sex worker
children, called “shitlarks,” crawl through the rubbish heaps known for spreading an unfortunate and stubborn STD through
looking for buried treasure while broken-down gangers blind the lower quarters of Scrapbridge. Once the rash showed up, you
themselves by sipping rot-gut distilled from fermenting organic got into the gang.
wastes recovered from the heap. Old, used-up sex workers, failed The gang disappeared after members started complaining
merchants, the shunned, the freakish, and the predatory all end about the discharge leaking from their delicate bits, and more
up tossed on the heaps of Shittown, fighting each other for the than a few found their noses rotting off, bouts of madness,
choicest scraps. and worse. While the Red Rashers might be gone, the Rexxol

Welcome to Scrapbridge

remains, and it does a brisk business serving the residents of The first people who made their homes in Shelter understood
Shithole. The Rexxol consists of a one-room building with a few the limitations of available space and began building upward
wobbly stools in front of a bar. Candles and an old hurricane almost as fast as the district spread out. Using whatever
lantern provide what passes for light, and no one here really materials they had on hand, the place has become a maze of
wants any bright light. Here one can find prostitutes of dubious crates, containers, cinderblock structures, with some sharing
quality, drug dealers, scumbags, the broken and destitute. As walls and others cemented together and riddled with tight,
few people have bullets to spare, the Rexxol takes treasures narrow passageways that crawl through the stacks. Since safety
from the mound as trade for drink and whatever they happen to was always a priority, the construction throughout Shelter is
have on hand for eating. quite sound, and collapses and slides almost never happen.
People take their lives in hand when they visit the Rexxol since A residential community first and foremost, Shelter has few
none of Scrapbridge’s rules apply here. It’s nothing to hide a body operating businesses, and the ones it does have tend to be
in the mound, and if someone from the outside pisses off the side hustles. One family might take in clothes for patching,
wrong person, that someone is going to disappear, and there’s no while another bakes a thick, chewy bread with crunchy grubs
one who can or will even want to do a thing about it. baked in the dough. People living here work elsewhere, many in
construction and labor, and come home to a place chosen for its

SHELTER quiet and security. Shelterites keep their heads down and avoid
causing trouble; they want everything to stay just the way it is.

Nearly everyone who makes a living on the Beam lives in
Shelter, which takes its name for the relative safety it offers.
Positioned under the bridge, those living there generally don’t
have to worry about being on the ugly end of lift failures, Not as nice a place to live as Shelter, but a quaint and active
shipping containers snapping free, urine showers, tossed community all the same, Footlicker grew from Shelter’s overflow,
rubbish, or any of the other things that happen as a result of and its population has enjoyed steady growth while Shelter’s has
falling off the bridge. Shelter’s relative security and popularity stagnated due to lack of room. Less crowded, Footlicker offers
encouraged Bridgers to settle there to the point that there’s not inhabitants a place to call home with a little space between
much room left for any further expansion. themselves and their neighbors.

Welcome to Scrapbridge

By all rights, though, Footlicker ought to be a squalid dump offices, the Scrapbridge Methane and Meat Electro-proteic Guild
due to its proximity to Shithole and Druggietown. One can works towards some goal, one held close to the chest so far, but
see the ever-increasing mound rising from Shithole from the witnesses have spotted the comings and goings of numerous
community's streets, but the smell somehow never intrudes. hooded and masked individuals in and around the large white
Similarly, people often use Footlicker’s paths to reach the drug brick building standing on the edge of Shithole. And from the
dens in neighboring districts, but they hardly ever cause any numerous pipes jutting up from the roof, one can see bright blue
trouble. The main thing about Footlicker’s folk is that they are flames and trailing smoke. Since the Guild began its work, foul
mostly a hard-working, honest group of people who are doing odors drift from the place and creep through Footlicker, stronger
the best they can to provide for themselves and their families, odors than have ever come out of the giant rubbish heap next
and they want none of the trouble from their neighboring door in Shithole. This malodorous atmosphere raises concerns of
communities. many since no one knows what the doctor hopes to accomplish
A foul current of murky water passes through the heart of here. Whatever it is, anyone familiar with the doc’s reputation
Footlicker, flowing through the neighborhood until it joins the knows it can’t be good.
Cleavage, the broad, shallow sludge-filled stream that passes
for the river these days. Since this runoff comes from Shithole,
several enterprising locals make a decent amount of bullets
filtering the water with old screens from windows and then
The central tower of the Beam overlooks the thick sludge
boiling the stuff to make it potable. It smells and tastes awful, but known as the Cleavage as it struggles to flow westward.
folks in the Gross Way buy the shit up, suckered into believing Originally known as Riversight for its fine view of Scrapbridge’s
“it’s artesianal!” (sic), with many healthful benefits. waters, construction on the tower has seen the growth of
Footlicker also boasts a number of legitimate businesses, from dozens of levels extending out from it, upon which stand
restaurants to some manufacturing. Recycling sees big business numerous shops, bars, and cheap accommodations. Riversight
here, and Big Johnson’s Second Chance turns all kinds of never quite stuck as a name, and the district soon acquired
garbage into useful things. He buys materials from the shitlarks, the moniker Yellow: local custom has people pissing from the
and some whisper he even buys things he cannot use just to sidewalks and railings directly into the river below. Years of
keep the poor kids fed. spraying urine on the pillar have turned it from yellow to a vile
shade of brown.
THE MONSTER A near-constant state of violence defines life in Yellow. Even
Footlicker earned its name for the monster purported to live in though the town prohibits fighting within its bounds, Yellow’s
the river and that sometimes “attacks” the people who wade people just don’t give a fuck. It’s been years since hard-
in its dark waters. The monster, called the footlicker, wriggles working, honest folk lived here—they have all since moved out
about the muddy sediment and runs its tongue (or some other to Footlicker or elsewhere, and into their vacuum have come
unspeakable appendage) all over the feet, toes, arches, and a whole host of undesirables. Most killings and brutal acts
heels of the unfortunate individuals who caught its attention by happen in secret to avoid attracting too much attention from
standing in the stew. A few surprised individuals have tried to outside of Yellow, with clandestine battles spilling from level
organize an effort to rid the waters of the monster, but efforts to level, plunging the whole district into chaos. Power swings
sputter out before they start as many people find the attentions from one faction to another, often in the same day, as people
of the footlicker quite nice. brutally claw and fight each other to become the rulers of this
stinking quarter.


METHANE AND Locals call the dryland flanking and following the Cleavage the
MEAT ELECTRO- Promenade or, sometimes, the Walkaround. Close to the Cleavage
stands a confusing tangle of stalls, tents, and carts, with
PROTEIC GUILD merchants and peddlers and tinkers all hawking their wares to
passersby. Places all over Scrapbridge offer spaces for sellers to
A great many strange—and not entirely useful— innovations sell their wares, but they often charge a hefty rental fee payable
have sprung from the twisted mind of the notorious Doctor at the start of each day. Since it costs nothing to sell on the
Sarious. Many of these have inflicted disaster and death on Promenade, it has become quite busy of late, while other venues
the hapless bystanders who witnessed the product of his see their crowds diminishing.
genius, but that hasn’t dimmed Sarious’s hope of producing The freewheeling nature of the Promenade invites many
something useful. dubious sorts to prey on visitors—thieves and charlatans do brisk
To support his research and encourage others to engage business here. Other vendors complain about the crime, but they
in it with him, Doctor Sarious has founded a new guild in don’t make enough bullets to pay for anyone to patrol the market,
Scrapbridge. Choosing Footlicker as the place to host its new which leaves it to the vendors to do what they can to police

Welcome to Scrapbridge
PETE’S JOINT the marketplace, which is pisspoor at best. At some point, an
arrangement will need to be made, or people will go elsewhere
The most famous foodery in Armpit, Pete’s Joint offers tangy for their shopping.
barbeque year-round, and the smoke from its ovens carries

the alluring odors of cooking meat across much of the
community. Pete hosts an annual Big Pig Raffle, which gives
the winner a free meal a week for the whole year and also
helps him stay in business with a nice big infusion of bullets.
A lively district wholly given over to commerce and
entertainment, Armpit occupies a series of levels climbing up
MONROE’S PROBLEM from the riverbed to within reach of the Beam. At every level,
one finds fast-food joints competing for customers, open-air
Monroe’s Place, a seedy little dive bar near the bottom of the bars, gambling dens, and numerous tables and chairs for people
‘Pit, recently gained attention after Monroe, the owner, fell afoul
of a scam. He claims a young girl with ponytails, built like a to eat, drink, and swap rumors. The district takes its name from
brick shithouse, with a kitten in her bag, used witchcraft to rob the thick atmosphere of cooking grease, sweat, vomit, and the
him of over 50 bullets worth of stuff. He’s posted a reward for yeasty odor of booze. Adding to the ambiance is the ever-
the same amount, but he’s been tightlipped about the “spell” present noise of ringing bells, frying food, screams, barking,
she cast. Folks all over Armpit have been gossiping about his
misfortune, and a lurid story about “a pussy in a sack” has and more. Armpit has all the chaos of Yellow but without
been making the rounds. any of the unrest and danger. Armpit attracts people from all
over Scrapbridge since you can get just about anything you
might want to eat, drink, or otherwise ingest, from fried food,
barbeque, noodles, soups, and more.


d20 Rumor and/or Lie d20 Rumor and/or Lie
1 People report hearing booms and thunder out beyond the 12 The makers of MoskoKill—a toxin designed to kill
Last Waste. moscorpions—are looking for volunteers to test the stuff out in
the Wasteland.
2 Some crazy bitch in the Biter Hills sells psychedelic
mushrooms that are causing Wasteland gangs to go nuts. 13 Eat Shit and Die—"the hardest, nastiest punk band to come
out of the Wasteland!” (they’re actually Scrapbridgers)—is
3 A junker caravan loaded down with weapons is due to arrive putting on a concert in the Stadium. Locals expect to hear their
any day now. favorites, including “You Need A Fucking Map?!”, “Tell That To
4 Nowater is recruiting pit fighters from Scrapbridge during a My Face If You Got The Balls,” “I Got Serious Issue On My Hands,”
limited enrollment period. Opportunities are open to anyone “A Highjacker Up Your Ass,” and their big crowdpleaser, “You’re
who wants to test their luck in the trade of professionally Going Home Toothless!”
gutting, cutting, and smashing folks up. 14 They finally caught the freak who had been painting himself
5 The Clockwork Baroness of Samanthia goes through husbands green and peering in through Ganon Dolf’s windows. The
like Cirrhosis Pete eats lizardbats. Rumor has it that she farmer is hopping mad and wants the peeping tom hanged.
executes some and exiles others. Some just simply disappear. 15 Weasel Muldoon came back from a trip to the Wasteland, where
6 The Three Fangs and the Blue Blades, rival gangs, are duking he claims to have seen something in the sky. He’s not sure what
it out in the lands between Scrapbridge and Pigsty. Folks are it was but believes it was a craft sent by people from the stars.
heartily encouraged to avoid the area. 16 Ricky Durango, the famous private investigator, solved
7 Posters of Prometheus—the mysterious mutant leader who the “mystery of the severed cock” and plans to make an
allegedly lives in the Twins—have started showing up all over announcement at Covenant Square soon.
town, and now lots of folks start giving mutant residents the 17 Johnny Two Hands claims to have seen a village sprouting from
stinkeye. Leaflets promoting Prometheus and promising the the back of a gigantic beast. Folks laughed at him until some
dawn of a new era have been making their rounds. graybeard confirmed the story, telling folks that the place is
8 The Citizen Council sent an expedition to Gleaming Towers Wanderbury and it’s home to folks from all over the Wasteland.
a few months back, but have gotten no word from them yet. 18 A big ol’ mawworm erupted from the stadium floor, gobbling up
Gossip and rumors paint a dire picture of the expedition’s fate. a dozen folk too slow to get away. The Stadium is closed until
9 Excessive hunting of martabbits created a surplus of pelts, and someone goes into the tunnel to make god-damned sure the
prices are falling. mawworm’s gone.
10 People suspect the monks from the Shrine of the Watch of 19 Yuri Three-Nipples, the famous cook at Fat Pig Pub, is offering
being up to no good. The monks come to Scrabridge to shop free bowls of his new meat stew. He ain’t telling anyone where
and trade, sometimes, but keep to themselves and rarely talk the meat comes from, but no one’s died yet.
to anyone.
20 The Mycological Society of Scrapbridge unveiled new
11 The World-Famous Mutant Travelling Fair is coming back to mushroom specimens that have all the awesome kick of
Scrapbridge. The recent surge in anti-mutant sentiment has the the old Blood Cap but without the poison. Free samples are
community concerned about violence. available at their stall on the Promenade.

Welcome to Scrapbridge

WHISKEYDICK’S His shop is little better than a gloomy, reeking cave dimly lit
by flickering tube televisions showing people doing what they
Named for the unfortunate side-effect suffered by some men
do in all sorts of positions and with all manner of partners.
from drinking way too much whiskey, this tavern attracts the
Racks hold well-thumbed magazines, VHS tapes, costumes, and
lowest of the low in the Armpit. A charming place, the air inside
the concrete bunker has the trifecta of odors—puke, piss, and merchandise appealing to even the most discerning customers,
shit. The daytime regulars are fixtures, pickled from the vast while rentable curtained rooms grant views through small holes
quantities of cheap liquor they pour down their throats. The staff into rooms containing worn-out sex workers too fat, too old, or
consists of six burly bouncers (guards) and a few bartenders too sick to work the streets, but still spry enough to avoid the
and servers who all grow more attractive the more one drinks. horror of life in Shithole.
If you’re looking for a brawl, this is the place. The furniture looks Barry himself sits behind a high counter, littered with
like it’s holding itself together by sheer willpower alone, having greasy bags and Buffalocamelslammer wrappers. He normally
been thrown, fallen upon, or picked up and used as weapons. conducts business with only one hand showing. A disgusting
Everything wobbles and has been patched, taped, and glued and shameless man, a thin sheen of grease covers his pimpled
together several times over. The bouncers try to keep order, but face, and his black hair is always glued to his brow. He wears an
they enjoy a good fight as much as the next person, so they’re old, stained t-shirt, and it’s a mystery that none care to solve as
bound to let a melee rock the place for a bit for the chance to get a to whether he bothers wearing pants. Yet, despite his vileness,
few punches in before tossing the unruly patrons out. Barry deals with folks all over Scrapbridge and could tell you a
thing or two about his clientele. In fact, he’s just as happy to sell

TITGRAB their secrets—for the right price—as he is to sell pornography.

As the name might suggest, Titgrab is Scrapbridge’s “red-

light” district, although there’s no need for anyone to put out
the red light—most of the residents here are sex workers who
Shithole might be the most disgusting and Druggietown the
understand that everyone gets an itch that needs scratching, so saddest, but each of these places at least has something to offer
why not make a few bullets in return? Despite its vulgar name, the desperate. There’s never a good reason to visit Facesmack,
Titgrab presents a nice front to visitors—Antoine le Magnufique, and it barely qualifies as a district since hardly any of its
head of the district, requires that things look respectable or residents pay into the town or pay any attention to the laws or
else. Antoine also makes sure the madams and pimps don’t fuck those charged with enforcing them.
around when it comes to clamping down on crime: if clients feel Instead, Facesmack belongs to the gangs, and there’s no
unsafe, they won’t come here. The sex workers, who come in all shortage of them there. The strongest gang rules here, and
shapes, sizes, and genders, tend to be clean and professional the mantle of “ruler of Facesmack” changes all the time, with
in their dealings, and a couple of clinics, paid for by the leading a frequency that puts Yellow to shame. Unlike Yellow, no
brothel-owners, make sure the workers stay healthy. effort is made to keep the violence hidden or secret—people
Titgrab controls a big piece of Scrapbridge’s economy and in Facesmack just don’t give a fuck, and no one in the other
supplies the Citizen Council with a sizeable chunk of its operating
districts wants to risk their lives to do anything about it.
budget. This fact hasn’t stopped the Union for Moral Decency and
As such, Facesmack embarrasses the rest of Scrapbridge,
Family from harassing the folks working here. One can usually find
and the Council does its level best to ignore the place, which
some placard-bearing wacko standing on a street corner haranguing
passers-by about the perils of moral turpitude. Most Bridgers don’t explains why nothing has been done to shore up the crumbling
even know or how to spell turpitude is much less how to spell it. infrastructure. Last year, heavy rains caused extensive damage
to the southern shore, which sent a mudslide crashing into the

BARRY’S DIRTY district, wiping out a few structures and even one of the lifts.
Repairs are happening slowly, with armed guards on site to

LITTLE SECRET guard the workers being paid to rebuild.

Wandering the Wasteland in search of salvage about 20 years

ago, a nasty old motherfucker named Barry came across (no
pun intended) a humongous stash of lingerie, sex toys, and
magazines stored in the basement of an ancient building. He
immediately saw a fortune in all that pervy junk and somehow Recently, a certain “order” has been achieved in Facesmack. The
hauled the shit all the way across the blasted lands to Tunnel Wackos currently run the show there, and sometimes
Scrapbridge and set up shop in the Beam. He has been doing a even send one of their members to represent them on the
brisk trade ever since, selling weird pornography, used condoms, Council—much to Facemuncher’s chagrin. An old, powerful
and mostly dried up tubes of foul-smelling jelly. Much of his shit gang, they made their fortunes by delving deep into the darkest,
sells for just a few bullets, if that, but, being a fan of hardcore nastiest places in the sewers and finding all kinds of crazy shit,
smut, he’s happy to trade for stuff he’s never seen before. from weapons and machinery to strange creatures and worse.

Welcome to Scrapbridge

No one fucks with the Tunnel Wackos. They know the sewers d6 Result
better than anyone else and made their name smashing other
1 The device explodes and deals 4d6 damage to the wacko and
gangs by coming up from below to attack. everything within 5 yards of it. A creature that would take this
A few weeks ago, the gang made a big play and wiped out damage can roll Feet and takes half the damage on a success.
most of their rivals in Facesmack and sent the rest packing. This 2 Nothing happens. Suck it, wacko.
hasn’t stopped the violence there—the Tunnel Wackos have 3 The device does something hilarious and unexpected. The
little interest in making it safe for any who live there besides wacko takes 1d6 damage, and one randomly determined
themselves. Instead, they’re extorting everyone for anything they creature within 5 yards takes 2d6 damage.
can get, letting all the smaller fries battle each other for whatever 4 The device tries to turn a creature of your choice within 5 yards
scraps are left. inside out. The target must roll Meat, taking 4d6 damage on a
failure or half the damage on a success.
5 The device makes an irritating sound, not unlike the noise
TUNNEL WACKO DIFFICULTY 25 created by babies on an airplane. For 1d6 rounds, every
creature within 5 yards of the wacko becomes impaired but
Defense 11 Health 18 Size 1 Speed 6 deals 1d6 extra damage with melee weapons.
Muscles 11 Hands 12 Brains 10 Mouth 9 6 Roll a d6. On any number other than a 6, the wacko disappears
Meat 12 Feet 12 Eyes 11 Guts 11 and reappears somewhere within 1d20 yards, preferably
somewhere unpleasant. On a 6, you must ignore page 30 of the
Overwhelming Force During the first round of combat, a tunnel wacko PunkApocalyptic rulebook for 1 hour of real-time. If you don’t,
increases the number of moves it can make and the number of someone will likely shit in your mouth at least once before you die.
So, just ignore this fucking page and pretend that anything that
actions it can use by one each. references a rule on it just doesn’t happen. Just do it. Make it work.
Hammer (melee or range 5) Roll Muscles (+1) with 1 asset to hit
Defense: Success: 2d6 damage.
Somewhere in Facesmack stands the entrance to Tunnel 666.
Wacko Tech Use an action to make use of a bit of wacko technology.
Roll a d6 to see what happens on the table below. Once used, the Everyone knows it exists, but no one can agree where it opens.
wacko loses this special activity until the end of time. Some claim Tunnel 666 leads to Hell, while others suggest it

Welcome to Scrapbridge

burrows down to the center of the world. Some stories claim

killer robots prowl this tunnel, while a few tunnel runners say it ONE BULLET FOR
leads to a buried city. Even the Tunnel Wackos steer clear of it. TWELVE DEAD COCKRATS
Covenant Square has always had a problem with
RATCUTTER cockrats. Locals believe they were brought in by
outsiders years ago, and they’ve been breeding
The meanest, nastiest son of a bitch to ever set foot in unchecked ever since. They’re everywhere and in
Scrapbridge or in the sewer tunnels beneath it, Ratcutter has everything. If they were good eating, they wouldn’t
done more than his fair share in making the Tunnel Wackos be a problem, but their innards break down into
notorious. He was a drinker, a pill-popper, an eater of cockrats. a creamy, stinking mess when killed, so only the
shells remain—and there are few willing to eat them
He ate his own shit and slept in the vomit. He knew all the alive. The cockrat problem has gotten so bad that
tunnels and could find the best stuff in the old sewers. As bad the Citizen Council has placed a bounty on these
he was, he got a whole lot worse after he went into the mythical vermin, currently paying a bullet for every twelve
Tunnel 666 and spent three days gone in the dark. carapaces.
When he finally emerged, Ratcutter was pale, sweaty, and A cockrat has the shape and size of a rat and
the brown-black shell of a cockroach, with two
covered in goo and blood. The only thing he said was, “the thin tails and three antennae thrown in for good
horror,” and ever since, he’s been living on the streets, staying measure. They carry all kinds of diseases and make
as high as fuck all the time, shouting at himself or offering up a shrieking noise when crushed.
choice bits of wisdom to any who will listen. He is usually found
wandering around Facesmack in his rat-hide cloak, muttering
and scratching at himself.
Bizarrely enough, in his rare moments of mental clarity,
he disappears from Facesmack to nobody knows where. He
is apparently the source for much of what is printed in “The shelters dot the field, and here and there lay bodies stretched
Scrapbridge Gazette,” and its publication is coincidental with his out, some lost in the fever dreams of their addictions, others
regular disappearances from Facesmack. No one knows where dying or dead from overdoses. Scrapbridge has no prohibition
or how this happens—somewhere, somebody must have an against drug use, despite the continuing efforts by the Union
old typewriter and an even-older hand-cranked mimeograph. for Decency, and it has been ravaged many times by all kinds of
The Gazette is printed and then distributed for sale (for one strange addictive substances: some harvested in the Wasteland,
dirty bullet!) throughout Scrapbridge by persons and methods others spilling out from the Megalopoli as yet another effort by
unknown. And then Ratcutter’s back out on the streets of the city elites to empty the Wasteland of “undesirables.”
Facesmack, raving madly and dispensing eerily relevant advice
to any who will listen.
Until recently, that is. A couple of Gazette issues have come out
in the past month or so, but Ratcutter hasn’t been seen in almost
Candycorn (criminal), so named for his orange and white
two. Rumor is that he’s dead, the bloody remnants of his rat-hide stripped skin, prowls Druggietown, selling candy from an old
cloak found near where the entrance to Tunnel 666 might or stained box. He makes the candy himself using a secret recipe.
might not be. Is this some kind of weird publicity stunt? Or did (Some say he makes the shit from puppet hornets, but no one
whatever demon the old bastard met inside the tunnel call him has yet offered up any proof.) The candy isn’t particularly sweet
“back home”? It’s a mystery.
or tasty, but it’s popular with drunk gamblers looking to take

the edge off their hunger after losing their shirts. Recently,
Candycorn has had a bit of trouble after he was caught watching

the kiddies. He didn’t mean anything by it and even offered the
tots free candy, but angry parents don’t want him around and
call him terrible names. He’s become angry and has started
Max’s Butcher Shop does a brisk business in Facesmack. If you
thinking about getting revenge on those people—revenge in the
need to get rid of a corpse, Max is the man to see. Much of what
form of rusty nails, razor blades, and the like that he could hide
he sells is from legitimate or semi-legitimate sources, but he
sells a special mix of ground meat, very popular with the more inside his sweets.

ghoulish types, that’s said to be divine.

Druggietown occupies a stretch of rushes and reedbeds off to
the side of Shithole, and it’s here where people can come and Where Armpit, Titgrab, and Facesmack meet stands Covenant
wreck their bodies with whatever chemical they like without Square, the very place where the warring factions came together
fear of interference or judgment. Tents, sleeping bags, and crude back in the day and established Scrapbridge as neutral territory.

Welcome to Scrapbridge
Now, Covenant Square serves as a large, open-air market for Currently, the Gross Way, the Beam, Armpit, Facesmack,
merchants, junkers, and other peddlers, all of whom pay a Titgrab, Shelter, Yellow, and Service Road, a small outlying
small fee to keep pickpockets and other scum from preying on settlement, all have hockey clubs. The Beam Hockey Club
customers. Business runs day and night, and many vendors dominates the league thanks to their star player, Janett the
sleep in their stalls to keep the best spots. Badass. People are still talking about how she was benched
On the northeastern edge stands the Citizen Council Building, after beating the shit out of a referee for making what she
and the city leaders meet here and hash out the bullshit goings- thought was a bad call in the Beam’s last match against the
on in the community. Compared to much of Scrapbridge’s Service Road 32. The ref’s expected to pull through, though
construction, the Council Building appears quite nice, built he might not walk or piss right again. The other referees
from brick and mortar, with only a few sections walled with the complained to the Council and demanded that Janett be banned,
traditional rusting corrugated steel sheets commonly found in but their complaints fell on deaf ears—the councilors know a
Scrapbridge construction. moneymaker when they see one.


RABBLEROUSER You know what Bridgers need more than anything else? If you
guessed food, you’re a goddamned genius! Scrapbridge can’t
Covenant Square offers a stage to anyone who wants it, and
no one takes advantage of this fact more than D’ostender. A grow enough food inside the town to feed its people, and there’s
famous ganger who retired long ago, he regularly climbs up on a nowhere near enough room—or even soil—inside the walls to
soapbox to deliver speeches about fighting among the Wasteland raise any of the new breeds of livestock who hand over their
gangs, tips on battlefield selection, and complaints about toxic merry lives to be eaten and turned into steaming piles of shit.
pools. Once he gets started talking, he’s liable to keep talking all For this reason, the scattered farms populating the Outer Lands
day, audience or no. have the town over a barrel. Without them and their sacrifice,
Scrapbridge would go the way of most other settlements in this

THE STADIUM god-forsaken place.

The Outer Lands covers just about everything within a few
miles of town. Basically, wherever toxins, radiation, and poison
The Citizen Council knew damn well that so long as they keep
the Bridgers supplied with enough to eat and enough to distract haven’t sterilized the ground, you can find a farm run by one or
them, the Council members can do whatever the fuck they want. a dozen Outer Land folks. It’s dangerous out there, though, and
So there was little debate when it came to building the Stadium the near-constant threat of raids, forced recruitment, buggery, or
to host the bloody and brutal “sand hockey” games. Now, the worse by the denizens of the Wasteland, who do not give a single
Stadium draws crowds each week to watch their neighborhood fuck for who they kill or what they take from the needy, has
teams beat the ever-living fuck out of each other, and most folks made the Outer Landers an interesting breed. Most keep their
don’t think twice about coughing up a bullet to get in or get knowledge of farming and herding to themselves, sharing what
drunk on ethanol in the stands while watching. they know to their immediate family members and hired hands to
Not for the faint of heart— for either player or spectator—sand make damned sure they remain good and valuable. A fair number
hockey pits two teams against each other on the stadium’s have developed some curious ways of seeing the world from all
sandy floor, with each team running back and forth, chasing a their time suffering and working and suffering some more. More
severed head knocked around with heavy clubs toward the nets than one Outer Lander has some sympathy for, if not allegiance
at either end. The team that scores the most goals wins, but, to, the V Reich. After all, someone needs to be blamed for all
usually, fights break out, and the winner becomes the team with this bullshit, and someone needs to stand up and do something
the most players still standing at the end. about it, right?


Books like these usually include new character options to make
sure they’re valuable to everyone who fucks around with the
roleplaying game (in other words, I need to put something out
to make money, right?). So, as you might expect, this chapter You wanted to be one thing when you grew up and one fucking
introduces some new toys for players. Now, lots of this shit ties thing only. You wanted to represent your neighborhood as a
directly to Scrapbridge, which makes all of it fucking aces for sand hockey player. The trouble was you were shit at the sport.
those mercs using the town as a starting point for a new series Maybe you had asthma. Perhaps you thought you were supposed
of missions set in the Wasteland. It also works for those who to wear ice skates and showed up with them on your feet. Hell,
make a pitstop here before moving on to do other shit. Here’s maybe you just didn’t have the hand and eye coordination
what you’ll find. needed to hit the goddamned ball. Whatever the reason, the
Just as the runoff from the mound in Shithole carries lumpy league drummed you out before you got a start. You hope to win
chunks of shit and rubbish into the Cleavage, so too does the a place one day, but you know it’s going to take a lot more than
Wasteland spew filth into Scrapbridge. Here, you can expect wishing to get you there.
to find all kinds of weirdos, from drugged-out loonies hanging Attribute: Increase your Muscles by 1.
around the sewer entrances listening for wisdom from the Language: You know a language of your choice.
depths to the pompous, fancily dressed assholes parading along Chirper: You know how to trash-talk your opponents—it’s
the Gross Way, looking down their noses at everyone they meet. probably the one thing you are good at. In combat, you can
The following backgrounds give you some interesting options choose to run your mouth at one creature that can hear you. This
for mercs living in the town. For learning about how to use isn’t an action, and you can do it while doing something else, but
backgrounds, see the rulebook, page 8. you make any rolls during your turn with 1 complication since

you’re spending a fair amount of time bullshitting instead of
paying attention. Anyway, roll Mouth against the target’s Guts. On
a success, you piss the target off, and it goes insane for 1 round. d6 Background
On a failure, the target becomes immune to your use of this talent 1 You had talent. Really. But you pissed off the wrong person, and
for a good long time. they smeared you.
Starting Stuff: You have a sand hockey uniform that’s seen 2 You took a hit in the mouth and lost most of your chiclets as
better days, a sand hockey stick (treat it as a spiked club a result. You cried like a little bitch and got laughed out of the
arena. You’ll show them!
because why not?), a bag carrying a few jockstraps, an old, furry
stick of deodorant, and some talcum powder for your crotch. You 3 You confused the rules of sand hockey with Ummerikan
football. Back to square one for you.
also have 2d6 bullets.
4 Your arch-enemy plays for a sand hockey team. This
MISSION 4 BENEFIT motherfucker stole your main squeeze, kicked sand in your
face, and took a shit in your mouth. You hate this asshole so
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. much, you fantasize about killing them.
Health: Increase by 5 5 Having failed to make a go of sand hockey in Scrapbridge, you
Take a Hit: The first time you become injured, you can use this set your sights abroad. You want to try out for a team in another
talent to recover. Then, for 1 whole round, you make Muscle rolls, community. You just need to find someone to help you get there.
and Guts rolls with 1 asset. Once you use this talent, you need 6 You heard about this pro sand hockey player named Shoresy.
to hunker down and rest for about 8 hours before you can use it You’ve been keeping your ears opened to see if you can learn
where you can find this dude. You believe that if you kill him
again. and eat his heart, you will steal his power. Hardcore.


Even if your asshole was bleached, you’d never call yourself a
bleached asshole. That’s a name foisted on you and your kind 1 One of your parents made a fortune renting out property to
the poor.
by the wretched riffraff living in Scrapbridge’s less-fortunate
quarters. Sticks and stones, right? Right. It’s not your fault you 2 Your family made their bullets producing a special carbonated
beverage that contained opiates.
have bullets to spare, fine clothes, a nice place to stay, and can
enjoy all the finer things. It’s just the way things worked out. 3 You have enjoyed a life of privilege and believe you can do
anything you want and get away with it.
Some people are tops, and the rest serve them as bottoms.
Attribute: Increase your Mouth by 1. 4 One of your parents ripped off junkers and sold what they stole
for an incredible sum.
Language: You know a language of your choice.
Insufferable Shit: While you are conscious and able to use 5 You have never been off the Gross Way and have become
desperate to see the rest of the world (i.e., Scrapbridge).
actions, you impose 1 complication on rolls made to attack any
team member within 5 yards of you, other than yourself, of 6 You often dress up in ratty clothes and pretend to be poor to
make your parents angry.
course, you insufferable shit.
Starting Stuff: You have fancy clothes, all new and clean, plus
a suitcase filled with more clothing. You have 30 bullets and a BURNOUT BACKGROUNDS
small dog that can fit in your fanny pack or purse. d6 Background
1 A sex partner, who gave you the clap, also got you started on your
MISSION 4 BENEFIT addiction. You haven’t seen them since your infection cleared up,
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. but you’ve sworn to kill the fucker if you run across them.
Health: Increase by 3. 2 You’re a regular in Druggietown, and you’ve found a nice spot
Untouchable: When someone succeeds on a roll to attack to tune out. Recently, though, some of your fellow junkies have
started disappearing.
you, you can use a reaction to switch the target from you to
someone else within 5 yards. Once you use this talent, roll a d6. If 3 You heard about a bad batch of drugs going through
Druggietown, and one of your people turned up dead.
you roll a 3 or less, you lose this talent until you finish a rest.
4 You had everything, once. You lost it all at the dog tracks and

started using to make the pain go away. Some old creditors
have been sniffing around and you worry they’ll find you.
5 You’re trying to get clean and have done everything you can.
You don’t have a problem. You can quit at any time. You need your Maybe Scrapbridge is the problem. The sooner you quit this
medicine. It’s the only way you can cope. Yeah, you might spend town the better.
days in a stupor, and you probably shit your pants when you are. 6 You ran with a gang for a time and it was in their company
You have a nasty rash that won’t heal now too. Really, just one that you picked up your habit. You washed out and have been
more fix, and you’ll quit for good. circling the drain since.


Attribute: Increase your Feet by 1.

Language: You know a language of your choice.
The Keith Richards Effect: You’ve done so many
drugs, you’re pretty sure nothing can kill you now. You
make attribute rolls to resist the effects of drugs with
1 asset. In addition, while you’re impaired from using
drugs, you reduce any damage you take by 1d6.
Nasty Habit: You start the game addicted to
recreational drugs.
Starting Stuff: You share your filthy clothing with
a nice crop of lice. You sold everything you own for
6 hits of recreational drugs, which you keep in an old
plastic bag.

When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the
following stuff.
Health: Increase by 2.
Fire It Up! You treat recreational drugs as combat
Portable Lab: You know how to make your own
drugs using a portable stove. It takes 1 hour of work
using ingredients worth 2 bullets. At the end of this
time, you manufacture a dose of recreational drugs.

You’ve flipped burgers, shoved dubious meat into
tacos, turned the spit at the rotisserie. You’ve burned
just about every part of your body, and you have so much MISSION 4 BENEFIT
grease in your clothes that if you wrung them out, you could When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff.
refill the frier with not-so-fresh oil. Working in fast food is Health: Increase by 5.
thankless, shit work, one that pays little and gets next to no Look Busy: In combat, if you’re within 5 yards of one of your
respect from the fuckers up on the Gross Way, but they sure love pals, you can use an action and move on a fast turn. If you’re not,
coming down to Yellow on high holy days to fill their craws with you can only use an action or move, regardless of when you take
the shit you peddle. Bitter, jaded, and battle-scarred, you’ve no your turn. It’s good to conserve your resources, man.
fucks left to give.
Attribute: Increase your Meat by 1. GREASE JOCKEY BACKGROUNDS
Language: You know two languages of your choice.
d6 Background
Immune to Pain: You don’t suffer from the impaired affliction
when you’re injured. You can just slather some grease on it 1 You started working in food to avoid going to Skool. You stuck
around when everyone else found better work anywhere else.
and keep going. Also, when fatigued, you reduce the number of
complications the affliction imposes on your rolls by 1. 2 You have management ambitions. You work hard, put in long hours,
and all for the same pay that lazy fucker who works fries gets.
Starting Stuff: You have a filthy, stinking uniform stained
with hardened ketchup, grease, blood, sweat, and plenty of 3 You owe bullets to some ganger, more bullets than you will ever
be able to pay back.
your tears. The uniform comes with a paper hat, which you
wear all the time. A manager yelled at you enough for not 4 You’re new to Scrapbridge and slaving in a hot kitchen was the
only place hiring.
wearing it that you start crying when you can’t find it. You
5 Your rich parents on the Gross Way thought that you having a
have an old plastic bag with a change of underwear, the stub job would give you character. What it got you was burns and a
of your last check, a box of smokes, a lighter that works half nasty STD from sleeping with your manager.
the time, and a moldy sandwich you stole from work. You also 6 You’ve been fired so many times from so many places, you can’t
have a spatula with a sharpened edge (as a knife—maybe also remember if you’ve worked at this joint before or not. Who the
a metaphor for you, too). fuck cares? You sure don’t.



You jumped at the chance to join the La Trini gang. Not only does
d6 Background
no one fuck with you anymore, but you can do whatever you
fucking want, and no one will say shit. Or so you hope. Your betters 1 A La Trini gang member saved your life, and you joined to pay
off the debt.
in the gang keep you on a short leash, but you’re going to climb up
the gang’s ranks and be the one who gets to call all the shots. 2 People kicked you around when you were young. Now you get
Attribute: Increase your Muscles by 1. the chance to kick back.
Language: You know how to speak a language of your choice. 3 Secretly, you belong to a rival gang and have infiltrated the La
Menacing: Whenever the total of your roll to attack is 20 or Trini organization to steal their secrets and weaken them from
higher, choose one creature that can see you. The target must
succeed on a Guts roll with 1 complication or become frightened 4 A relative belonged to the gang but died under mysterious
circumstances. You joined to find out what happened.
for 6 rounds.
Nasty Reputation: While on the Beam, you impose 1 5 You have big dreams of expanding the La Trini influence across
all of Scrapbridge.
complication on rolls made against your Defense and attributes.
Starting Stuff: You have clothes in the La Trini colors—clean 6 A close friend or lover found a place for you in the gang, but the
white denim cargo pants, red combat boots, and whatever the connection went sour, and now you don’t feel safe anymore.
fuck else you want to wear. You also have a club, a knife, a sack, 1
food, 1 water, and a piece of junk.
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. d6 Background
Health: Increase by 4.
Gang Up: You know how to fight as part of a team. When you 1 You’re a peeping tom. You’ve leveraged your weird fetish into a
paying gig.
roll to attack a creature that has already been attacked in the
same round, you make your roll with 1 asset. 2 If your spouse/significant other hadn’t gotten roped into crime,
they’d still be alive today. You’re out there fighting crime in the
only way you know how.
NARC 3 You survived Skool by informing on your fellow students.
Everyone but your teacher hated you.
You just can’t mind your own goddamned business, can you?
4 You believe there’s a right way to live, and if everyone would just
You’re a smarmy, do-gooder who just can’t pass up the chance do what you say, they would be better. You watch other folks
to rat out your fellow ‘Bridgers. The Citizen Watch gives you and expose their shenanigans in the hopes of shaming them
just the place you need to put your snooping skills to use. Yeah, into a better way of living.
you might actually do some good. Scrapbridge doesn’t need 5 You hate people. Exposing their foibles reveals their flaws.
murderers or sex offenders, and you can help by exposing those 6 There are mutants everywhere, dirty, stinking mutants who
fucks and get them thrown out of town. want to infect us all with their foul juices. You’ve got your eye on
But you’re also not above chasing down every salacious rumor them. They won’t take you unawares!
or gossip to advance your own ends either. So, you’re probably a
mixed bag: concerned citizen and nosy asshole.
Attribute: Increase your Eyes by 1.
Language: You know a language of your choice. OUTER LANDER BACKGROUNDS
Read My Lips: You’re so good at listening in on people’s d6 Background
conversations that you’ve learned how to read lips. You can get
1 You lived a long, hard, boring life. It’s either “kill yourself” or
the gist of what a person says even if you can’t hear the person “get yourself killed.”
speak, but you do have to be able to see the person’s lips (or
2 Some gangers attacked your shitty little farm. They killed your
what approximates as lips). kids. Your fuck partner ran off with the big head honcho. You
Starting Stuff: You have threadbare clothes, a fancy badge got left there, swinging in the wind.
announcing your membership in the Citizen Watch, a blue helmet, a 3 The ground is rotten. Nothing will grow there. Time to move on.
club, a knife, purse or sack, and 1 food, 1 water, and a piece of junk.
4 You tried watering your plants with energy drink, but you just
MISSION 4 BENEFIT killed a whole crop instead.
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. 5 You made a ton of bullets farming and raising buffamels, but
Health: Increase by 4. you got tired of the routine. You packed your shit and headed to
Scrapbridge to find your fortune.
Nose for Trouble: Increase your Eyes by 1. In addition,
whenever you would be surprised, roll Eyes. On a success, you’re 6 You drank some strange fluid, and before you knew it, you
not surprised. killed your whole family. Oops.



Without you and your kind, Scrapbridge wouldn’t be worth a fart in
d6 Background
the wind. You know that it falls to you and others like you to keep
the fuckers in town all fat and happy. Where do they think all that 1 You always dreamed of running a brothel.
meat comes from or the vegetables, so-called, you grow? From 2 You came to Scrapbridge a few weeks ago and found your
your hard work, that’s where! You’ve known not much more than a corner in Titgrab.
life of toil, and it sucks. It really does. But you’re third, fourth, who 3 You have clientele in the Gross Way and keep their secrets.
knows how many generations Outer Lander and you’ve become 4 One of your fellow workers went missing. You’ve been trying to
accustomed to the shit that piles on your head. Or have you? learn what happened to your friend and have vowed to never
Attribute: Increase your Muscles by 1. stop.
Language: You know a language. 5 You had a big hulking lover who watched out for you, who was
Rub Some Dirt On It: When you spend grit to heal damage, gunned down outside Scrapbridge, and now, you’re trying to
you heal 1d6 extra damage. find out why.
Starting Stuff: You’ve got some muddy rags, a sore back, a 6 You were an amateur, but soon discovered you were good at the
garbage bag filled with an extra shirt, 1 food, 1 water, 1d6 bullets, work. You have since gained a powerful client.
and a garden tool (mattock, pickaxe, sledgehammer).
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. BACKGROUNDS
Health: Increase by 10. d6 Background
Life Is Suffering: You make rolls to resist perils and hazards
with 1 asset. 1 Mommy never loved you enough. You’re looking for a
replacement parent.


You got the hots for one of your teachers, and your favorite
song is Not Standing So Close to Me or something like that.
You killed one of your classmates. No one knows. You’d like to
Despite regular efforts by some serious assholes to shut down keep it that way.
the industry in Scrapbridge, the oldest profession remains alive
and well in these parts, along with many others. If it’s A-OK to 4 You don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Your teachers
deserve the respect and adoration you show them.
folks to give it away for free, what’s wrong with charging a few
bullets for it? So, you’ve found your niche and fill it nicely—or get 5 You got a hall pass to use the bathroom. When you got there,
you looked in the mirror and felt such self-loathing that you
it filled nicely, so to speak. To be clear, you’ve chosen this line of never went back to Skool. You still have the hall pass, and you
work, and you’re happy doing your thing. While practicing your keep it as a reminder of who you once were.
trade, you meet all kinds of folks who say all kinds of things 6 Naïve, you have no idea how irritating you are. You just want to
in bed, and odds are, you’ve learned something that could get along with everyone!
land you in a whole heap of bullets or a whole heap of shit.

Jury’s still out.
Attribute: Increase your Mouth by 1.
Language: You know a language of your
choice. You’d eat the peanuts out of your teacher’s shit if
Seen It All: When you would be it meant scoring an A on the exam. You’re so far
surprised or frightened, roll a d6. On a 4 or up your teachers’ asses, you only seem to breathe
higher, you’re not surprised or frightened. when they break wind. Your klassmates hate you,
Starting Stuff: You have provocative clothing, since you rat them out all the fucking time, and since
normal clothes for when you’re off the clock, a knife, you’re the first one with an answer to any question, every
a can of mace, 1 medicine, and a couple of loyal, question, even when you don’t know. You ply your teachers
regular customers. with gifts, usually shit you find or stole, and they put up
MISSION 4 BENEFIT with you. Maybe you fooled them. Maybe they do like
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the you. Then again, maybe they hate you just as much as
following stuff. everyone else does. No one has to like you so long as
Health: Increase by 4 you’re safe and you succeed.
Been Around: When you would gain any affliction, Attribute: Increase your Brains by 1.
you can roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, you don’t Language: You know three languages, you
gain the affliction. On a 3 or less, you lose this goddamned nerd.
talent until you spend 1 grit to regain it or you
complete a rest.

Well, folks, I’m sorry to report that I cut the shit gibbon Fun fact: Tunnels run under and all around Scrapbridge and
background from this book. While immensely funny, I’m house all sorts of fucked-up things. Some folks believe that
sure it would piss off three people to whom I’ve already there was some secret government installation under the river,
given enough shit to be pissed off about. So rather than
throwing gasoline on the fire, I’m going to skip it. though why any government would put a bunker under a river
If, though, you want to play a politician in Scrapbridge is anyone’s guess. True or not, the tunnel wackos, of which you
or elsewhere, go right ahead. Some suggestions follow. are one, find all kinds of cool toys under Scrapbridge. You know
If such a background were to exist, you’d probably boost your way around under the town and have a few safehouses
your Mouth by 1 and know a language. You might have a underground. But—and this is the big, swinging ass of it—the
talent that lets you inflame your friends by feeding them
horseshit. I’m thinking you’d grant them 1 asset for 1 round, tunnels are the exact opposite of safe. People go bananas
but grant all your enemies 1 asset on rolls made to attack seeing some of the shit that’s down there. Worse, not everything
your friends. under Scrapbridge is dead, and what’s not dead is typically
For starting equipment, a bad tan, ill-fitting clothing, super hungry.
Wasteland notoriety, a stupid red hat, a golf club, and Attribute: Increase your Feet by 1.
so on. For mission 4, you don’t get to boost your Health,
because fuck you. And, your talent would be a limited, say Language: You know a language of your choice.
a couple of times per day, ability to foist damage you’ve Tunnel Vision: You’re accustomed to spending long stretches
taken onto one of your pals. in gloomy places. As a result, your eyes adjust themselves so
But, this is all just speculative bullshit, since, you know, you can see pretty well. For obscured terrain, you treat the level
I’m not going to make this about politics or anything. of obscurement as being one less. So, you treat rain, which is
normally partially obscuring, as clear, and darkness, which is
totally obscuring, as heavily obscured.
Starting Stuff: You have a coverall stained with oil, mud,
blood, and nastier stuff, a wrench, a backpack, 1 food, 1 water, and
two random pieces of junk, one of which you found on your last
Suck Up: In combat, choose one hostile creature and foray into the tunnels.
ingratiate yourself to it. You impose 2 complications on rolls
made to attack you by everyone but the target and grant the MISSION 4 BENEFIT
target 2 assets on rolls it makes to attack you. This shit lasts When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff.
until the fighting stops, the target kicks the bucket, or you Health: Increase by 5
become incapacitated. Once you use this talent, you gotta wait Tunnel Rat: You can always retrace your steps underground.
a bit before you can use it again, like at least 1 minute. In addition, you reduce the degree of obscurement by one
Starting Stuff: Fancy clothes, all clean and pressed, a additional step.
backpack containing a few textbooks, paper, a couple of pencils,
a Valentine’s Day card for one of your teachers, and a small
journal listing all the people you hate and why. You also have a TUNNEL WACKO BACKGROUNDS
packed lunch that consists of 1 food, 1 water, and 1 medicine. d6 Background
1 You followed some shitheads into the tunnels, and they left
MISSION 4 BENEFIT you there after taking all of your sand hockey cards. You had
When you wrap your fourth mission, you get the following stuff. to find your way out.
Health: Increase by 4 2 You got really, really, REALLY high and had a vision that there
I’m Telling: When you become injured, you can use a reaction was something badass in Tunnel 666. You’ve been scouring
to scream and cry. Move up to your Speed away from the source the tunnels ever since.
of the damage, and this movement doesn’t trigger any free 3 You saw an old movie called Whore of the Rings that led
attacks. you to believe you’d find true love in the tunnels under
4 You changed your name to Pardu and became obsessed
with wandering the steam tunnels under Scrapbridge.
5 Some kids played this game in which they talked about their
feelings in between chopping up dragons in old dungeons.
You were inspired. Maybe one day, you’ll make your way to
the Lizards of the Moat.
6 You lost your best friend to something wandering in those
tunnels. You’re going to find whatever it was and kill the

Fresh Meat

What’s a fucking roleplaying game expansion without a new set No. That shit will most def-fuckin-itely NOT happen here. This
of things to kill? Nothing! What? Were you expecting a whole means you’re going to have to FIGURE IT FUCKIN’ OUT on your
section on getting in touch with your feelings through better own using the words the Schwalb gave you. Fuck all the rest.
roleplaying? OK. Enough. This writer has beer to drink.
Nope. Fuck that. This is the Wasteland, and Scrapbridge, and
your insatiable need to impregnate the bad guys with bullet
babies. And that’s what this chapter’s all about. It’s got all kinds
of things to kill. You’ll find fuckers who deserve to die, fuckers ACCORDING TO
just out minding their own business that might be fun to kill, DOCTOR SARIOUS
fuckers who’ll plead with you to not kill them, and fuckers so
Everyone knows that all sorts of dangerous critters live
overcome with self-loathing, they’ll suck your dick or whatever in the Wasteland, real scary shit that can rip your balls
else it takes to earn a blessedly quick end to their awful off if you don’t know what you’re doing. But folks just run
existence. Good stuff. Real good. around, fucking off like jackasses, never sparing a thought
How do creatures work, you ask? Jesus fucking Christ on a about what actually lives out there. And then, wouldn’t you
know, something finds them, or they find something, and
pogo stick, have you not read PunkApocalyptic: the RPG?! All the that’s when all the crying and bleeding starts.
shit for using creatures and whatnot can be found in that book. I want to help people. I do. I really do. That’s why I
Doubt me? Go look it up. It’s in the chapter entitled, “Assholes, have decided to consecrate my life to be a boffin about all
this, a respected Official Bugger and Mutantologist from
Shitheads….” (named for YOU and your dumbass questions). the Scrapbridge Methane and Meat Electro-proteic Guild
Now, pay close attention because I can promise you there will (of which I am founding member, as well as president,
not be a legion of self-congratulatory Twitter-lovin’ fuckbags secretary, treasurer, and field specialist). I am Doctor
to take you by your wee little hand and hop, skip, and jump Sarious, and I will try in this Guide to the animals, critters,
and mutations of the Wasteland to make a cool study
you to the magical land of love and happiness that is tabletop about the animals that live in our world.

Fresh Meat
Salvage: You can use just about every part of the buffamel

BUFFAMEL carcass, and most people in the Wasteland depend on them for
survival. Buffamel hide makes great, durable clothing, and the meat
and organs of just one beast can feed a settlement for months.
“During my long years as an expert in things, animals, beasts
and toxic people in general, I have captured, dissected, Some folks even drink buffamel milk, claiming the beverage is not
researched, experienced, documented and even fuc… whatever, only tasty but nutritious too. Horns and hooves can be carved into
enough with this list… dozens of creatures useful tools or boiled for gelatin, if that’s your thing.
of all sizes and shapes. Some of them are really strange and, of Most folks, though, use buffamels for labor, and it’s nothing to
course, very interesting… Well, this buffamel ain’t nothing of that!” see a buffamel dragging a cart or plow. You can get a buffamel in
—Doctor Sarious reasonable health from just about any settlement for 80 bullets,
give or take. Or, speaking of take…
It’s been theorized that the buffamel appeared long before
society went down the crapper and was, in fact, some unhappy BUFFAMEL DIFFICULTY 10
merging of two species to make a better one. Most buffamels
Defense 9 Health 30 Size 2 Speed 4
look like oxen with two humps on their backs. Big and resilient,
they are giant slabs of muscle under thick hides and coarse hair. Muscles 15 Hands 9 Brains 7 Mouth 8
They have large heads, with large noses and bulging brown eyes. Meat 14 Feet 8 Eyes 10 Guts 10
The males have horns extending out from the sides of their heads
right above their small ears. A full-grown buffamel stands six feet WEAPONS
tall, nine feet long, and weighs around two thousand pounds. Head, Horns, or Hoof (melee) Roll Muscles (+5) with 1 complication to
Roaming Grazers: A great many buffamels live in captivity, hit Defense: Success: 1d6 damage.
raised by herders and slaughtered for their meat, hides, and
other parts. In the wild, buffamels gather in herds that roam the
rare green zones. Some travelers claim there’s a sanctuary for Spit When a creature within 5 yards that the buffamel can see attacks
these beasts somewhere west of the Black Hole. it, use a reaction to have the buffamel spit at the triggering attacker.
The attacker must succeed on a Feet roll or become blinded for
Buffamels might combine the traits of other animals, and some 1 round. Once the buffamel uses spit, it must wait 1 minute before
even can develop mutations, but, at the end of the day, they’re it can use it again.
animals. They think as animals do and behave as such. They
don’t fuck with other creatures, though males become dangerous
during mating season, and every buffamel spits when irritated.
Otherwise, they are harmless. Mostly.
“Across the Wasteland, you can find quite a few creatures that
will kill you in a thousand creative ways. There are others that
will make you chuckle at their funny looks. Many of them are just
minding their own business. But there are few creatures as mean,
cunning, and dastardly as a faceflip can be.”
—Doctor Sarious

Fucking, petty thieves, every one of them,

faceflips steal anything they can reach, so you
have to be on guard when you’re around them,
or they’ll rob you blind. What do they steal?
Food, of course. Or anything that looks like food
and can fit in their mouths.
Faceflips ain’t much to look at, and in fact, most
people prefer not to. They’re quadrupeds, between two and three
feet tall, with muscular hind legs and thin, dexterous forelimbs.
They have short fur in dull colors ranging from gray to brown along
the flanks, but brightening toward their spines, which might be
bright red, yellow, or a combination of different colors. These aren’t
attractive creatures, by any means, and their heads look like round
loaves of bread. They’re called “faceflips” because when they’re
having a good time, the skin on their faces rolls back to expose the
muscle and bones of their heads. It’s really fucking gross.
Relentless Scavengers: Faceflips have a fondness for human
company and haunt the outskirts of settlements, large and
small. They choose these places since it’s easier to steal food

Fresh Meat

than hunt for it in the Wasteland. They’ve become so common

that most folks ignore them, and some have even gone so far as
to make pets of them.
Once faceflips show up, they’re hard to drive off. These critters
“I crack meself up just thinking of the gaspumper you caught
can climb, jump, and run fast, so when they piss off the locals, today. Top notch, buddies. I have put my ass on the line out there
the faceflips scatter, making for their hiding places until the many times getting too close to deadly beasts of any kind, but few
coast is clear. times in my life have I laughed out so loud as I did with a bitch
Faceflip Packs: Unless they’re living a pampered existence as this hilarious. The days I was following it were the most funny
some dumbass’s pet, faceflips hang around in packs of two to four. of me life, not a big deal when you live in a shithole like this,
So if you spot one, chances are a few others are hiding and waiting
but apart from those three days I spent in that whorehouse in
for their chance to steal something from you. People mistake
Titgrab when they mistook me for a famous pit fighter and I could
them for dumb animals. Sure, they don’t wear clothes, slobber on
do anything on the house, up until they realized their mistake
everything, and don’t wipe their asses, but they’re smart as shit,
and beat me up so bad I almost died before they threw me into
and they use all sorts of tricks to get what they want.
One common tactic is for two faceflips to make it look like they’re the river… yes, apart from that, I swear to all gods that this little
going after one thing, while a third sneaks up to grab the thing creature is the funniest thing in the whole world.”
they’re all really after. They can open bags and take things from —Doctor Sarious
them. They can open doors, nudge windows open, and identify and
exploit people’s habits and behaviors to their own advantage. Few critters in the Wasteland match the gaspumper for style.
Faceflipping: The whole thing with pulling their skin back Bright blue, it has a soft coat of fluffy, thick, and curly fur. It has
from their faces is just nasty, and people have been known to huge, round eyes, wet to the point that it looks like it’s about to
puke when they see it happen the first time. It’s thought that cry. The goddamn thing is so fucking cute, you just want to wrap
faceflips do this as some sort of defensive mechanism, to make your arms around it and hug it to death. A long—as long as its
themselves look really unappealing to a potential predator. But, body long—muscular trunk hangs from its face, and it has four
faceflips do this trick when they’re happy. Give a faceflip a chunk legs, walking on two or four as it chooses, and when running, it
of meat, it gobbles the snack down and turns its face inside makes a high-pitched whinnying noise, making it sound as if the
out as a way of thanks. They also faceflip when they’re playing, sand was burning its paws. It’s a sight to see, for sure.
fucking, or when you scratch their bellies. It’s weird, and no one Gaspumpers tend to be loners, but they sometimes gather
really knows why they do it except as a way to fuck with folks. in small numbers. In groups, they cooperate with each other,
Salvage: Faceflips have few uses when encountered in the suggesting, perhaps, some level of intelligence.
wild, but you can usually find something useful in their shit. Thirsty for Gas: Gaspumpers drink gasoline, diesel, oil, and
They eat anything they can fit in their mouths, so you might find just about any other kind of petroleum product they can find.
bullets, an artifact, a gun, toy car, and just about anything. In So, you can expect to find them roaming around old refineries,
fact, there’s a whole industry of people who sort through faceflip scrapyards, junkyards, gas stations, and toxic pools. Gaspumpers
shit looking for treasure. These “shit-stirrers” are the lowest of seem content to mind their own business, hopping around and
the low, but if there weren’t bullets in the work, no one would drinking till full, at which point they wander off.
fucking do it. Right? Well, no one without a shit fetish. Hated by the Black Blood Children: As inoffensive as
Faceflips do make pretty good pets. They’re smart and can learn gaspumpers seem to be, their drinking habits seriously piss off
how to do tricks. They’ll bring you your slippers and herd your the Black Blood Children. Gasoline attracts them, and they have
lizardcocks. They’re not really aggressive and, if they’re fed, they no problem removing gas caps and sticking their snouts into
won’t steal too much. And when they do, you just have to wait a the tanks to drain them dry. Over and over again, Black Blood
few hours and retrieve your crap from their shit…so to speak. Children find their bikes, oil drums, gas cans, and more emptied
by these little freaks.
FACEFLIP DIFFICULTY 10 You could say the gaspumpers have become the faction’s
Defense 12 Health 10 Size 1/2 Speed 6 worst nemesis. Gaspumpers stalk their camps, refineries,
warehouses…and as soon as the Black Blood Children drop their
Muscles 11 Hands 12 Brains 8 Mouth 10
guard, pump it goes! It runs on its short little legs, making a
Meat 10 Feet 12 Eyes 12 Guts 12 weird “uy-uy-uy-uy-uy!” sound as it closes in on its target. Once
there, it attaches its thick trunk to whatever holds the gas—can,
Faceflip If the faceflip is happy, all the skin on its face pulls back to
reveal the raw muscle and bone of its head. Each creature that sees tank, or drum—and guzzles the stuff, making enough racket that
this must succeed on a Guts roll or become sickened for 1d6 rounds. it can’t help but draw attention to itself. But by then, it’s too late.
On a success, the creature becomes immune to the Faceflip of all Loaded with high octane fuel, the gaspumper goes nuts. Its eye
faceflips forever. bulge, pupils dilate, its body shakes, and then it speeds off, like
WEAPONS a bat out of the Last Waste, all the while going “uy-uy-uy-uy-uy!”
Teeth (melee) Roll Muscles (+1) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success: while the Black Blood Children throw rocks and curse at it—even
1d6 damage. they know better than to shoot at it.

Fresh Meat

“They say laughter adds years to your life. Fuck that! If you
suddenly hear some giggling in the Wasteland, you better start
running like your ass was on fire, or stand still as a post. Hell. Stop
breathing. Because hearin’ loud, hysterical laughter means one of
these two things: either my brother-in-law Julio is laughin’ at one
of his own unfunny jokes, or, maybe even worse, there’s a Giggler
—Doctor Sarious

You’d have to be half-blind to miss a giggler. This monstrous

beastie has a long, muscled body that measures about forty-five
feet from the tip of the snout to the end of its tail. It moves about
on four thick legs, the front pair equipped with clawed fingers.
The thing’s head lacks eyes, but it does have enormous ears that
are quite sensitive to sound, and the giggler can also use its long
tongue to taste its way around. A lush, brown mane encircles its
neck where it connects to the rest of its shit-brown furred body.
Toxic Neighbors: Gigglers live near, but never in,
contaminated areas—preferably flat, open spaces free from
obstacles or terrain. Solitary brutes, they have little to no
interaction with others of their kind, leading many to speculate
about how they reproduce, if they do at all.
Dormant Beasts: If you find yourself stumbling into giggler
territory, you’re likely to find the beast sleeping because that’s
pretty much what it does all the time. And when it sleeps, it sleeps
the sleep of the dead, ignoring anything and everything around
it. Too many fools think that a sleeping giggler is easy prey—when
they discover otherwise, the lesson they learn is usually fatal.
The Giggle: When not sleeping, a giggler makes an annoying
noise all the fucking time that sounds a lot like hysterical
Salvage: Catching a gaspumper ain’t easy. They’re super-fast chuckling. It’s from this sound that the creature takes its name.
and cunning when dodging projectiles. But, if you can catch Shocking, right? Well, when awake, this thing becomes quite
one and kill it without destroying its body, you can retrieve gas terrifying because it can hear you breathing from 100 yards away,
from the carcass by giving it a good, long squeeze. You got to move to exactly where you are, shred your armor to pieces with
be careful, though. You don’t want to shoot them because they its massive claws, and rip your head off, all the while giggling at
explode and burn up fast. your misfortune.
The furry hides are quite nice, and you can get enough to make Blind Hunters: Gigglers do just fine in wide-open spaces but
a small rug. The gasoline smell never really comes out, but some are well and truly fucked in broken terrain or places with lots
folks are cool with that. of obstacles. They can still pinpoint their prey but are blind and
crash into obstacles, at least until they grow wary enough to feel
their surroundings with their tongues. People who run afoul of a
giggler stand the best chance at surviving by running for cover.
Defense 13 Health 8 Size 1/2 Speed 8 Salvage: You can put a giggler’s carcass to good use. There’s
Muscles 8 Hands 12 Brains 10 Mouth 8 enough meat for sixty food units. Their hide, when properly
tanned, makes great, stylish clothing, and their manes make
Meat 9 Feet 16 Eyes 10 Guts 8 great wigs, blankets, or even clothes. Claws serve well as knives
Living Gas Tank A gaspumper has 1d6 units of fuel inside its body. If the
and machetes too.
gaspumper dies from fire, lightning, or a bullet, it explodes and deals
1d6 damage per unit of fuel it holds. GIGGLER DIFFICULTY 500
Pedal to the Metal On the gaspumper’s turn, expend one unit of fuel to
triple its Speed until the end of its turn. Defense 12 Health 190 Size 9 Speed 6

Muscles 18 Hands 10 Brains 10 Mouth 10
Trunk (melee) Roll Hands (+2) to hit Defense: Success: 1d6 damage. Meat 19 Feet 12 Eyes 12 Guts 15

Fresh Meat

Critter Sense A giggler can pinpoint the location of each creature of at help. The skin stretches taut over its bent, hunched back, and
least size 1/4 that’s within 100 yards of it. it bristles with spurs, spikes, and nodules, with vents to release
Blinder Than a Bat A giggler can’t see obstacles. puffs of toxic mist. The worst part of it, by far, is its face, which
Giggling A giggler makes a hysterical giggling noise that’s quite
upsetting to everyone who hears it. The sound carries out to about is really just a big pair of bulging bloody eyes and needle-sharp
100 yards. Any creature that’s not a giggler that hears this noise has teeth jutting out in all directions from its maw.
to succeed on a Guts roll or become frightened. During each upkeep, Evil Intelligence: Folks throw around the evil label a little
a creature frightened in this way can repeat the roll and remove too often. You know, just because a person beats the fuck out
the affliction from itself. Any creature that succeeds on a Guts roll of other people to take their bullets doesn’t mean they’re evil.
becomes immune to this giggler’s Giggling for 24 hours.
Shake It Off A giggler shakes its bigass body. Each creature within 1 Maybe they’re just misunderstood. Maybe they asked nice first.
yard of it must succeed on a Feet roll with 1 complication or take 1d6 Heck, maybe they just really needed those bullets.
damage and fall prone. When it comes to the Grim, though, it’s evil. Really fucking evil.
It thrives on making others suffer. When it hunts, it plays with its
victims. It pulls them apart, bit by bit, reveling in their screams.
Claws (melee) Roll Muscles (+8) with 2 assets to hit Defense: Success: It shows cunning when on the hunt and sets traps for its prey. It
4d6 damage.
even shows itself to terrify its victims, disappearing long enough
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES for them to overcome the initial shock, and then springing out of
Maul The giggler makes two claws attacks. hiding to punch a claw in their delicate bits.
Headlong Charge The giggler moves up to twice its Speed in a straight- Septic Tank…and Beyond? The Grim lives in the waters and
line toward a creature. If the giggler runs into an obstacle, it takes 2d6 area around Septic Tank. Locals don’t talk about it but get them
damage, and its turn ends. Otherwise, the creature it’s running toward drunk enough, and they’ll spill the details about townfolk being
must succeed on a Feet roll or be slammed to the ground, taking 8d6
damage, falling prone, and becoming stunned for 1d6 rounds. picked off ever so often by the beastie.
Most folks think there’s only one Grim, and maybe they’re
right. But goddamn if there aren’t rumors

of one being spotted hundreds of

“I have seen plenty of nasty things and witnessed the weirdest

shit across the Wasteland. I have lived in my own bollocks the
craziest situations almost impossible to believe. I have been face
to face with beings, monsters and creatures with more teeth than
hairs in a martabbit’s fur, and claws longer than a mongolongo’s
dick. But only once was I petrified by utter fear. That day
something inside me died, because I ended up face to face with…
The Grim!”
—Doctor Sarious

Few people outside of Septic Tank have ever heard of the Grim;
locals there like to keep their troubles to themselves as
they won’t do nothing that fucks with their leechcrab
business, for which they are famous. But every now
and then, stories about the Grim bubble up like
trapped air in the bottom of a septic tank, and
it’s worth paying attention if you ever had plans
to spend a weekend in the Tank and fill yourself
to the brim on steamed leechcrabs in buffamel
cream butter sauce.
The most anyone can really say about the Grim is
that it’s a creature born from corruption. Legend has
it that somebody in olden times committed an unspeakable
crime, one so foul that it went against the very laws of nature.
Or it might just be a really nasty psycho mutant with an axe to
grind against everyone.
The Grim is a fucking nightmare in the flesh. Vaguely
human, it moves about on backwards-bent, saggy legs that
end in talons, and its wiry arms have hands with long, slender
fingers. A second set of arms jut out from its chest, almost
as if something had grown inside its body and now reaches for

Fresh Meat

The mission “Downright Nasty” features The Grim
as the central antagonist. Feel free to subject the “I bet my balls you have sometimes felt one of those horrible
mercs to all the fun contained in that delightful headaches like someone was punching a hole through your
romp through Septic Tank. brains. The pain usually includes dizziness and a strong urge
to puke. Maybe sometimes, although I find it hard to believe,
those headaches were for no reason and not due to some heavy
drinking the night before. Hear this, buddy, because all that
suffering is nothing compared to the effect a big migrant can
cause on you if it’s nearby.”
—Doctor Sarious
miles away. That might mean there’s more than one. And if there
is more than one? Folks in the Wasteland are well and truly Migrants are like the badass cousins of regular ants, and each
fucked. one is about the size of a dog. A real dog, I mean, not like one
Sneaky Killer: The Grim uses stealth to take its prey. If you see of those fancy-ass pussylickers that fit in a lady’s purse. These
it, you’re probably not its target. But you won’t forget it. Ever. critters are bigass ants with black bodies and some reddish
Salvage: Ah, right. No. Don’t even think about trying to hunt hues, and from the back of their heads protrude what appear to
this thing. Run. be pincers. But those aren’t pincers. Nope. They don’t use them
for eating, scrapping, or carrying; they’re high-powered antennae
THE GRIM DIFFICULTY 100 to broadcast a nightmarish psychic signal that wrecks the fuck
out of the minds of just about everyone in range. No one knows
Defense 13 Health 39 Size 1 Speed 7
why, or who (or what) the fuck it’s for.
Muscles 13 Hands 11 Brains 10 Mouth 9 They have some small teeth for biting and chewing and big
Meat 12 Feet 14 Eyes 13 Guts 15 whitish eyes for seeing, and they always seem to be judging,
frowning, as if they find you to be somehow beneath them.
Scary as Fuck When a creature sees the Grim, the creature must
succeed on a Guts roll with 1 complication or become frightened
for 6 rounds. Once the creature makes this roll, regardless of the
outcome, the creature does not have to do so again until after it
completes a rest.
Stealthy Motherfucker The Grim only makes sounds when it moves if
it chooses to. In addition, other creatures can’t see the Grim while it’s
obscured by shadows and darkness.
Toxic Fumes At the end of the round, each living and breathing creature
within 2 yards of the Grim must succeed on a Meat roll or become
sickened for 1 round from toxic fumes. If the creature is already
sickened, it instead takes 1d6 damage.
Implant Foul Seed Any creature who is incapacitated from damage
dealt by the Grim and left alone with it for 1d6 rounds will become a
host for its foul seed—after the number of rounds have elapsed, the
Grim will depart, leaving the creature alive. Within 1d6 hours, a grim-
spawn (as subhuman) tears free from the host, instantly killing it. The
newly born grim-spawn can immediately stand up and act normally
thereafter. Kill it, kill it a lot. Trust me.
Claws (melee) Roll Muscles (+3) with 2 assets to hit Defense: Success:
1d6 + 2 damage.
Grab (melee) Roll Muscles (+3) with 2 assets to hit Defense: Success:
The target becomes grabbed for 1 round. While grabbed in this way,
the target grants 1 asset on attack rolls made against it and the Grim
imposes 1 complication on rolls made to escape.
Grab and Rend The Grim uses grab and then attacks with its claws.
Grab and Go When the Grim successfully grabs a target, it can
immediately move up to its Speed without triggering free attacks.

Fresh Meat

Desolation Dwellers: Migrants avoid people when possible. Distance Effect

They favor dry, desolate areas in which they build their colonies. in Yards
Since dry and desolate describes just about everywhere in the 0–5 The creature’s head explodes, and the creature dies.
Wasteland, it’s important to mention again that they have no
6 – 10 The creature falls prone, takes 3d6 damage during
truck with people. So, you might find colonies up near the each upkeep, and is confused, impaired, sickened,
Shrine of the Watch, maybe Luckyland as well, but more often, slowed, and stunned. Oh, and it can’t stand up.
you’ll find them in the places between, in those barren stretches 11 – 15 The creature falls prone, takes 2d6 damage during
no one wants. each upkeep, and is confused, impaired, sickened,
and slowed. And, it can’t stand up.
Loners: You’ll never see two migrants together, which is kind
of weird since they have to hang out some in order to make little 16 – 20 The creature takes 1d6 damage during each upkeep
and is confused, impaired, sickened, and slowed.
migrants. Some believe the migrants all come from a gigantic
20 – 30 The creature is confused, impaired, and sickened.
queen that lives near the Shrine of the Watch, or the Acidic
Land, or deep in the heart of the Final Wastes, depending on 30 – 40 The creature is confused and impaired.
who you ask. It’s believed she pops out eggs that spawn into the 40 – 50 The creature is impaired.
migrants that wander the Wasteland. They might all be using
their antennae to stay in communication with one another, and WEAPONS
the psychic phenomena could be their communications to their Mandibles (melee) Roll Muscles (+1) with 1 asset to hit Defense:
queen. Or not. No one knows. Success: 1d6 damage.
Mindfuckers: People all over the Wasteland report suffering
from headaches that come on for no reason at all. Just out of
nowhere comes this sharp pain in the brain that throbs and MOUTHER
pulses and makes you puke. The reason for this anguish might “Have I ever told you about that time I was swallowed whole by
be because there’s a migrant nearby. Anyone who gets too close a mouther? I was travelling with a group of scholar colleagues
to a migrant suffers sharp pains in their heads, which grow near Samanthia and one of those beasts came out of nowhere…
stronger the closer they get to the giant ant. At about fifty yards, well, not exactly nowhere, because those critters are big, obvious
you feel the dull throb in your head. At thirty, it becomes hard and clumsy… but it came out of… of… Ug, ok, fine, I’m just making
this thing up just to leave you eager to read more! The fact is that
to see. At ten feet, you’re on the ground, puking and screaming
mouthers are just another one of the many nasty creatures you
and crying. can stumble upon in the Wasteland and get killed by. In a single
The psychic fuckery affects just about everything from people bite.”
to critters. A migrant can knock a bird out of the air. And there’s —Doctor Sarious
no limit on the number of folks they can affect. A migrant has no
control over its broadcasts; it’s always on. There. Out there. On the horizon. A bright light shines, brighter
Salvage: Kill a migrant, and its psychic signal shuts off, and than the angry sun blazing overhead. A flash of fluorescent
what’s left is the carcass of a big ant with some bizarro not- yellow, maybe radioactive green, some bright, sickly pink color,
at-all ant-like anatomy. Killing it is tricky since it’s just about it blazes like a lighthouse. The light could be anything, anything
impossible to get close enough to it. There’s not much to take at all, but seasoned travelers know better. They know the light
from them. You can’t eat the “meat,” and the carapace ain’t shines from a dreaded mouther.
Yet another brutish beast spawned from the post-war horrors
worth much. You might take the head as a trophy. That’s cool.
of the Big Nasty, mouthers wander across the flat, clear stretches
of the Wasteland, their iridescent hide shining like beacons in the
MIGRANT DIFFICULTY 25 light of the full day. They move singly, in pairs, or in packs of up
Defense 10 Health 10 Size 1/2 Speed 5 to six members, usually led by a male, swinging their ponderous
Muscles 11 Hands 11 Brains 9 Mouth 8
heads this way and that, their wide, toothy mouths yawning wide
to scoop up anything slow or dumb enough to be in their way.
Meat 10 Feet 10 Eyes 10 Guts 11 Mouthers grow a bit bigger than buffamels but have heavier,
bulkier bodies. Their weirdly colored hide protects them well, as
Psychic Fuckery A migrant emits a psychic signal out to a range of 50
yards. The closer one is to the migrant, the more severe the effects, as
neither teeth nor claws seem able to find purchase, and even
shown in the following table. A creature immediately suffers the effect bullets bounce off them. Huge mouths dominate their faces—it’s
based on its distance from the migrant. for this feature they take their names—and they always hang
wide open, making them look a bit stupid. They have big teeth
too, but the teeth aren’t anything to worry about, really, since
they’re flexible, almost rubbery. Nostrils and eyes appear on
either side of their big heads.

Fresh Meat
Relentless Predators: Considering their size and slowness
and bright, obvious colors, it’s a wonder anyone falls afoul of
them. Here’s the thing: they never stop. Once they pick up a
scent, they follow, moving at the same constant pace until they
“Although my job here is talking about the beasts that roam the
eventually wear down their prey and then scoop it up in their big, Wasteland, I don’t have a fuckin’ clue whether these things fall into
cavernous mouths. that category or not, as their origins seem to be rooted in
Oh sure, a scavenger who picks up a mouther can easily the very, very strange mind of some weird scientist from the World
outpace it. Can go miles and miles and then settle in for a long of Before, apparently to be living weapons of mass destruction. But
night’s rest, with the mouther nowhere to be seen. But a couple let’s be honest, isn’t that true for most of the creatures I talk about?”
hours later, there it is, closing the gap, ready to eat. —Doctor Sarious
Swallow Whole: When a mouther finally reaches its prey,
it grabs it with its mouth and swallows it down. Its big spongy Quite possibly the loveliest, fluffiest creatures you’ll ever see,
teeth hold it in place and muffle the sounds of its screaming. punkicorns are soft, cuddly animals with big, wet eyes that say
There’s not much chance of cutting oneself free since the “Love Me!” Like the horses of legend, they have a single horn on
mouther’s innards match its hide for toughness. their foreheads, but are otherwise short, chubby, and funny-colored.
You might think this is the end of the poor fucker, but no. The Rare Sights: You don’t normally see punkicorns roaming
mouther’s digestive juices start working on the poor bastard, enough free in the wild, but they’re out there, and most critters won’t
to cause extreme pain, but not enough to kill it, yet. Eventually, the fuck with the goofy things because they know better. Instead,
mouther pukes up its meal so another, different mouther can take you’re more likely to spot one in captivity, waiting to carry out
a turn digesting. This goes on and on until the last mouther just dry their purpose as living weapons. Captors keep them in cages,
heaves. Then, the pack moves on to find something else to eat. all wrapped up in soft, plushy cloth so that the punkicorns can’t
Salvage: A living mouther has no fucking use, but their press themselves up against a hard surface.
carcasses provide a cornucopia of salvage. The mouther Hug Me: Every punkicorn wants to be hugged, and when
has tough hide and, though tough to treat and cut, it makes hugged hard enough, they explode. Isn’t that wonderfully
outstanding armor. One mouther hide can produce two sets of fucked-up? Kind of a metaphor there. Not like martabbits,
light armor that offer Defense 15 and offer the same protections where one pop only covers everything nearby in their guts.
as a bulletproof vest except that you take half damage on a roll No, these cute fuckers fly apart with the force of a car bomb.
of 3 or higher. The only drawback to the armor is its color: it Their bones splinter and scatter in every direction, tearing
imposes 1 complication on rolls made to hide or be sneaky. bystanders to ribbons. And when the smoke and red mist clear,
only a crater remains.
When a punkicorn sees a person, it perks up and jogs toward
them, lovely eyes wide, and spraying rainbow-colored pellets
Defense 9 Health 90 Size 3 Speed 4 from their asses—they poop adorable multi-colored turds.
Muscles 15 Hands 9 Brains 7 Mouth 6 And when the punkicorn comes close, the person feels an
overpowering urge to hug the little fellow and coo and preen
Meat 15 Feet 8 Eyes 10 Guts 12 and say shit like “did the punkicorn go potty?” or “cuddly
Obvious Target A mouther grants 1 asset on rolls made to attack it. widdles.” You get the idea. It sure feels nice, and it’s not a bad
Tough Hide A mouther takes half damage from weapons. way to commit suicide, but the experience is generally fatal for
everyone nearby. Friendship is magic!
The resulting explosion takes out the punkicorn, the hugging
Mouth (melee) Roll Muscles (+5) to hit Defense: Success: 1d6 damage nitwit, and pretty much everything nearby, while filling the air
and a size 2 or smaller target is grabbed. with a lightweight, colorful confetti of the punkicorn’s guts.
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Designed to Kill: Whatever psycho made these things made
Swallow Use a reaction when the mouther grabs a target to have it swallow them to kill, and some folks have grown wise to their uses as
the target, causing it to move inside its space. A mouther’s gullet can walking bombs. Throw open the cage door, and they’ll find your
hold a number of creatures whose combined size is no more than 2. enemies soon enough. You can be confident that their charm will
A swallowed creature is blinded, deafened, immobilized, and take care of the rest.
impaired. Each hour the creature remains swallowed, it takes 1d6 Wastelanders frown on using punkicorns in this way, since
damage from the mouther’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature
can attack only with light melee weapons and then only weapons children are especially susceptible to the critter’s appealing
with a point or edge do anything—half damage. nature. It’s possible to keep a punkicorn as a pet, but it’s rarely
Any creature in the mouther’s gullet, when the mouther dies, a good idea since the punkicorn’s adorable nature eventually
removes the immobilized affliction from itself and, if it climbs out, erodes any common sense you might have, and soon enough,
removes the other afflictions from itself. you find yourself moving in for that warm, inviting embrace.
Vomit Use an action to have the mouther puke up everything inside Salvage: Dried punkicorn shit, sometimes called a turdbow,
its gullet, which moves out of the mouther’s space and lands prone
in a space you choose within 2 yards of the mouther. Any creatures has a pleasant appearance and sells as decorative stones,
among the contents that are still alive must succeed on a Guts roll or usually worth a few bullets. Legend has it that the horn works
become stunned for 1 round. better than the little blue pills, but you have to insert the thing

Fresh Meat

in an orifice for it to work. Finally, punkicorn hide can be used to basically harmless unless you’re old, a small child, sleeping, sick,
line cushions, but it’s hard to harvest as the li’l bastards remain or camping near their nests. You get the idea.
explosive for a few hours after death. If you’re not careful, you Ratus Bad-assuses belong to a whole separate category for
might find you’re the one filling the cushions. fuckery. We’ve seen how some critters out there got a lot bigger
since the time before, but these motherfuckers went from being
PUNKICORN DIFFICULTY 100 maybe a foot in length to six fucking feet long. Yeah, this includes
that long, fleshy pink tail, but still. These are god-damned huge!
Defense 10 Health 10 Size 1 Speed 5 OK. Maybe not huge, but they’re three feet long and drag three-
Muscles 10 Hands 10 Brains 8 Mouth 12 foot-long tails behind them. That’s big.
Meat 10 Feet 10 Eyes 10 Guts 12 You can find all kinds of ratus bad-assuses out there. Some
with black fur, others white, gray, brown, blotchy, red, whatever.
Hug Me! Whenever a creature moves to within 5 yards of a punkicorn They excrete grease from their pores, probably to help them
or takes a turn there, it’s gotta succeed on a Brains roll with 1 squeeze through tight spots, but it gives them a downright nasty
complication or become confused. While confused in this way, smell. Think about whipping up a soft turd with mayonnaise.
the creature becomes friendly to the punkicorn and feels an
overwhelming urge to hug it. Unless stopped, the creature moves
Leave it in the sun for about an hour and take a good whiff.
toward it and uses an action to hug on its next turn. Fast and Furious: You might think their big size would
Punkicorn Go Boom! If a punkicorn takes any damage or becomes make them slow as old plugged up Bobby gets after eating at
grabbed, the punkicorn explodes. Everything within 5 yards of it takes Fromunda’s Cheesery for a week, as he’s given to do, but they’re
10d6 damage. A creature that has the punkicorn grabbed takes double not. You see, they have big, strong legs, and they run about like
damage and all other creatures that would take this damage can roll they’re on fire. They got long, nasty claws for climbing, so don’t
Feet and take half the damage on a success. After it explodes, the
falling confetti of the punkicorn’s organs partially obscure everything be surprised to see one hanging on a wall or creeping along the
within 5 yards of the place where it exploded for 1d6 rounds. ceiling. That’s messed up.
Watchful Buggers: These varmints all have triangular heads

RATUS with two big eye sockets on each side. But—and this is the
big but—each socket holds two fucking eyes! Worse, each eye

moves all independent-like, which lets them see in any direction.
They also have good sniffers. They reek, so they can cut
through their own stinking, rotting stench and pick out prey
“During my long life as a bugger, I have run into many different that’s hidden from them. They can also hear good too.
creatures, of all sizes and shapes and in places all across The Goddamned Teeth and Claws: Ratus Bad-assuses prefer
the known Wasteland. And I have to say, as big honcho of the meat, and their teeth make this pretty damned clear. They have
critterology guild of Scrapbridge, that you can find these little sharp, chisel-like teeth—you’d call them incisors—capable of
fuckers skittering around any place with heaps of rubbish, waste, chewing through flesh, bone, brick, even metal pipes. Give them
or any organic decaying material… which, now that I think enough time, they’ll chew through corrugated metal
about it, is a description fit for all Scrapbridge…. siding, so it’s impossible to keep them out if they really
“I’m talking about the Ratus Bad- want in.
assus—or in your illiterate language— They also have claws, natch. Each one is a
big-ass rats. They are steroid-buffed retractable scythe designed to create pain and
cousins of their lesser kin, the misery in any poor fucker they scratch. Of
cockrats, which you can find hiding course, these claws are filthy, and the ratus
in any pipe, tunnel or drainage bad-assusses carry all sorts of sickness,
system in almost any decent which they spread through their shit,
settlement.” their scratching, and bites. Don’t
—Doctor Sarious invite these guys to dinner.

The first thing you gotta do when

talking about Ratus Bad-assus
is to put all the shit you think
you know about cockrats and
their ilk out of your head.
Cockrats live anywhere
and everywhere. They
might be nasty to look
at, but they’re

Fresh Meat
Defense 13 Health 13 Size 1

Muscles 11 Hands 14 Brains 8 Mouth 8 “When you walk around the Wasteland for a while you end up
Meat 12 Feet 14 Eyes 12 Guts 9
picturing an addled Creator with brains only to put together the
different parts of animals and see what they made. Well, with
See in Shadows A ratus bad-assus can see into areas of shadows as if these rustmoths he certainly won the first prize. Those huge-ass
those areas were light. moths (not saying they have big asses, mind me, you pervs) that
Keen Fucking Senses The ratus bad-assus can pinpoint the exact flap around leaking corrosive acid as they fly. Why the fuck?
location of anything it might eat within 20 yards of it. Because, that’s why. How would I know, I’m just a scholar.”
Climber The ratus bad-assus moves at full Speed while climbing. —Doctor Sarious
Squeezy The ratus bad-assus can fit through openings that are at least
1-foot wide.
Down With the Sickness Any creature that takes 10 damage or more Most folks know rustmoths in their final forms: fucking huge
from the ratus bad-assus has gotta succeed on a Meat roll or become flappy things. They don’t, though, start out looking like that. Like
sickened. While sickened, the poor bastard runs a fever, shits all other moths, they begin as long, larvae about the size of human
the time, and develops nasty sores around the wound. Each time babies and nearly as wrinkled and ugly as them. Their greenish
the creature wraps up a rest, it’s gotta roll Meat and loses 1 Grit on a skin recalls throw-up, especially since they’re speckled with dots
failure. Three successes, none of which have to be consecutive, lets ranging in color from violet to bubblegum pink. Thick hairlike
the creature shake off the sickness. spines bristle all over their bodies; prick your finger on one and
WEAPONS you’re dealing with a nasty rash worse than what Grandma gave
Teeth and Claws (melee) Roll Hands (+4) with 1 asset to hit Defense: you at the last gangbang.
Success: 2d6 + 2 damage. In time, the larva creeps off, encases itself in a cocoon that
pulses as the larva liquifies, and remakes its body. A couple of
weeks later, a damp, sopping rustmoth emerges. In this form, it
Scurry When a roll fails to hit the ratus bad-assus’s Defense or Feet, use has a long, slender body with big old butterfly wings giving them
a reaction to move up to half its Speed. a five-foot wingspan. Rather than the color of split pea soup, they
Dark, Wet Holes: Caves are your best bet if you’re hunting for have bright green, almost iridescent bodies, and the feathers on
a colony of ratus bad-assuses, though why anyone would is an their wings might be green, purple, brown, yellow, or some mix of
open question. By cave, we mean any damp hole in the ground. all, usually making weird patterns.
This includes old sewer systems, natural caverns, big heaps of Rustmoths might be just bigger, weirder versions of the other
rubble with plenty of twisty-turny openings. shit that used to live in the lands before the world went to shit,
Scrapbridge has plenty of these fuckers, and all kinds of but don’t be deceived. See, they excrete corrosive liquid from
desperate folks make good bullets killing them. You can also find their wings, and when they fly around, they rain the shit on
them in Pigsty. The biggest colony is under Gleaming Towers. everything below them. The fluid can burn right through skin,
Thousands of these assholes live there, and the junkers can tell melt bone, and score metal. Nasty stuff.
you all you need to know about how hungry they can get. Pollution’s Spawn: Rustmoth larvae thrive in areas polluted
Hunting and Fucking: You thought, probably, that ratus bad- with radiation, chemicals, and heavy metals, so adult rustmoths
assuses have complex societies, with art, culture, and all that tend to hang about places like the Acid Lands. Unfortunately,
shit. Nope. These things are smart, but they’re still wild animals. they don’t stay there, sticking around only long enough to lay
Males tend to be the hunters, while females lurk about in their eggs and flutter away to fuck with the environment.
lairs, shitting out litter after litter of young, until they can’t do it Hungry, Hungry Larvae: Part of what makes polluted
any more and get eaten as a result. sites such a perfect breeding ground for rustmoths is the
Salvage: Ratus bad-assuses have little of worth. You don’t preponderance of “causticsap,” a bizarre plant that thrives in
want to eat their meat. If you do, you’re bound to sicken and die these environments and whose sap can melt the flesh off the
fingers before you’ve even gotten the thing halfway out of the
in a few days. If you survive, your asshole is bound to look like
ground. (Contact with this shit deals 1d6 damage from the acid
a pink tubesock, so wear loose pants. That said, you can safely
plus 1d6 damage at the end of each round until cleaned away,
eat the tail and snout, if you’re desperate enough; a typical snout usually with alcohol.) Rustmoth larvae have no trouble eating
and tail yields 1d6 + 3 food units. and digesting the stuff and seem to prefer it since they spend
The skins, while waterproof, tend to be heavy, and you can their time munching and growing fat on it.
never, ever get the smell out of them. If you have your heart set Destructive Scavengers: Adult rustmoths must lose their
on ratus-skin armor, it counts as light armor, but you make rolls taste for causticsap since they largely subsist on scraps and
in social situations with 1 bane since you smell like a sewer. The other plants. They don’t stick around in places for long, though,
skins are waterproof and make for decent containers. since their excretions burn away any excess fodder.
The claws are too brittle to serve as weapons, but the incisors A rustmoth infestation can wipe out an entire crop in a matter
can be turned into knives with a bit of work. Say, two knives per of hours. Stories abound of caravans that camp in the Wasteland
carcass. in the night, only to find their cargo destroyed in the morning.

Fresh Meat

Day or Night: Larvae stay active at all times, while the adult
rustmoths appear more active at night. Like ordinary moths,
light attracts them, and open fires, electric lights, or anything of
the kind might draw them close. Rustmoths pose grave danger
to people living in the Wasteland, but there’s no malice in them.
They’re just doing their thing like everyone else.


Defense 8 Health 5 Size 1/2 Speed 4

Muscles 10 Hands 9 Brains 5 Mouth 5
Meat 10 Feet 8 Eyes 8 Guts 6

Stinging Hairs Any creature that touches the larva or hits it with a
melee weapon must succeed on a Hands roll or take 1 damage and
become sickened for 1d6 hours from the hives that rise around the
puncture wound.
Teeth (melee) Roll Muscles (+0) to hit Defense: Success: 1d6 damage.


Defense 10 Health 10 Size 1 Speed 5

Muscles 10 Hands 11 Brains 5 Mouth 5
Meat 10 Feet 11 Eyes 10 Guts 8

Flier The rustmoth can move by flying.

Acid Rain When the rustmoth flies, corrosive droplets fall from its wings.
Each creature over which the rustmoth flies must succeed on a Feet
roll or take 1d6 damage. A creature makes this roll just once per round
no matter how many times the rustmoth flies over it.
Legs (melee) Roll Hands (+1) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success: 1d6
damage plus the target must succeed on a Feet roll or be splashed
with acid droplets that deal 1d6 damage.
Frantic Flapping If the rustmoth is injured, use an action to have it SCALY
frantically flap its wings. Corrosive droplets fly from its wings out to
5 yards. Everything in the area takes 1d6 + 3 damage. A creature can
roll Feet and takes no damage on a success.
“When you think about creatures lurking in the ruins of the cities
Salvage: This is going to read really fucking weird, but would of the World of Before, ready to tear you apart, you usually think
you believe that chefs prize the rustmoth’s acid-secreting organ? of huge predators capable of killing you in a single blow. The truth
Sure, eating it right out of the rustmoth is a terrible way to die, is that it’s usually the smaller critters that turn out real nasty. And
but with proper preparation, it adds a distinctive flavor to any no doubt the scaly vixums fit that role pretty well. There are those
dish. Well-heeled cooks pay top bullets for these organs, as much kinds of creatures you can say “Aw, that’s cute!” if you find only
as 5 per. one, but you change your tune when a rabid herd joins the first.
Don’t bother trying to capture a living rustmoth and then Then, shit gets real.”
attempt to remove the organ. It ain’t going to happen. Instead, —Doctor Sarious
the best way to harvest them is to catch the moth while it’s still
in its cocoon. It needs to be in there a bit, but not so long that By itself, a scaly vixum poses little threat. It’s small, about the
you get a face full of rust. Assessing the suitability of a cocoon size of a doggo, with overlarge ears that might be round or pointy
requires a successful Brains roll, and extracting the organ from a or somewhere between the two. Scales cover its body from its
cocoon requires a sharp knife and a successful Hands roll with 1 snout down to the end of its tail. Sharp teeth crowd its mouth,
complication. Good luck! sharp enough to tear through leather, to say nothing of skin.

Fresh Meat
Keen Ears and Fast Feet: A scaly vixum’s ears can shift in any
direction and pick up even the faintest whisper from a hundred SCALY VIXUM PACK DIFFICULTY 25
yards away. The ears also help the vixum maintain its balance Defense 12 Health 24 Size 2 Speed 6
when it takes off, which it does when it needs to flee a predator Muscles 6 Hands 12 Brains 7 Mouth 8
or when it gathers a few friends to take their prey apart.
Ruin-Dwellers: The ruins from the World of Before provide Meat 8 Feet 12 Eyes 12 Guts 10
scaly vixums with plenty of places for them to hide from larger Mass of Biting Vixum The scaly vixums form a mass of creatures that
predators. They can wriggle through tight places, small openings cover every surface in their space. When moving, the scaly vixum
through which nothing bigger than them can follow. Vixums pack can move freely through any opening large enough to permit
make their dens in hollows accessed by these cramped, twisting the passage of at least one of their number (about the size of a small
passages. dog), and the scaly vixum pack can move through spaces occupied
by other creatures. Likewise, other creatures can move through and
A vixum colony has at least a dozen members and can grow as occupy spaces occupied by the scaly vixums, but their space counts
large as four times as many. The colony depends on having large as fucked-up terrain, and creatures are impaired for as long as they
numbers for their survival since they work together to make remain in their space.
a kill. So, they reproduce at a steady rate, having two to three The scaly vixums take no damage from attacks made by rolling
to hit the pack’s Defense or attributes, but make rolls to resist area
litters each year to replenish their dead. attacks with 1 complication.
Vicious Carnivores: Scaly vixums eat other animals and can Gnashing Teeth At the end of the round, any creature inside a space
survive on insects, rodents, and other small varmints, but when occupied by the scaly vixums takes 1d6 damage.
food becomes scarce, they can take down much larger prey. WEAPONS
When on the hunt, they squeeze every advantage they have from
Teeth (melee) Roll Hands (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success:
their superior numbers. Like a wave, they crash over their victims, 1d6 damage.
using their sharp teeth to rip and tear the flesh until their victim

stops moving and screaming. Then, they eat. It doesn’t take them
long to strip a carcass down to the bone. Minutes. At most.
Sometimes Pets: If you can separate a scaly vixum from
the colony, it becomes a little less aggressive and might even “We ain’t discovering gunpowder when we say that since the
become docile as their courage and viciousness grows with World went kaboom, some weird as fuck creatures have been
their numbers. By themselves, they don’t cause much trouble. showing up. Some are quite cracking and others would be so if
They spend their time sleeping, eating, and ignoring not for being so damned nasty. I’ve talked about all of them here
their owners. Provided they receive regular because I think they are all fun to watch.
feeding, they stick around. If they don’t, “But if you still think the Wasteland ain’t so bad, you haven’t
they take off. been out there. Anyone you meet out there would waste you for
Salvage: A scaly vixum’s hide a dirty bullet, but the Wasteland is a place where you can find
can be used to create small really horrible creatures that seem to have been engineered to
items—belts, wallets, kill in the most gruesome ways. If there is one of them beasts
and pouches—so that should scare the shit out of anyone just by their name
and if you find it you better start praying to any god who
they might
gives a fuck about you, that’s the shredder.”
fetch a bullet
—Doctor Sarious
or two.
Not just predators, shredders are the apex
predators of the Wasteland. They hunt and
kill, and that’s it.
Shredders take their name from the
long claws that curl out from their front
and back paws. The front claws can
be as long or longer than a scythe
blade. These monsters can grow
to enormous size, the biggest
reaching up to twelve feet
in length. Thick fur
covers their bodies,
growing longer
along their spines.
Coloration runs
from light sand to
the color of bloody

Fresh Meat

stool. Beneath all that fur is thick hide that even gunfire can’t

When on the hunt, little stops these hunters. They can keep Defense 16 Health 100 Size 2 Speed 9
pace with a Black Blood cultist riding a motorbike at top speed. Muscles 16 Hands 14 Brains 10 Mouth 10
Their long claws can find purchase on almost any surface, and,
given sufficient motivation, they can tear through concrete walls. Meat 18 Feet 18 Eyes 14 Guts 16
Once a shredder picks up your trail, you’re dead. It’s just a matter Uncanny Senses The shredder ignores the blinded and deafened
of time. afflictions. It can pinpoint the location of each creature within 100
The weird thing about these creatures is that they all have yards of it.
really small heads that lack much, if anything, in the way of facial This Fucker Goes First The shredder always goes first in combat, and,
features. No eyes, ears, or noses: but if their lack fucks with them on each of its turns, it can move twice and use an action.
in any way, it doesn’t show. Most likely, they pinpoint prey by Bulletproof The shredder takes no damage from ranged attacks made
from more than 5 yards from it and takes half damage from ranged
sensing vibrations in their surroundings. attacks made from within 5 yards of it.
Shredders do have mouths, but compared to their claws, Incredibly Fast In a chase, the shredder adds 10 to its Feet rolls.
they don’t pose much of a threat. Their teeth, claws, and bones
all have a metallic sheen, almost as if they had been coated in
metal. Does this mean they’re machines? Probably not. It just Claw (melee) Roll Muscles (+6) with 3 assets to hit Defense: Success:
3d6 damage.
means they’re fucking hard to kill.
Territorial Brutes: Shredders avoid large settlements, where SPECIAL ACTIVITIES
prey can organize to take them down and instead stake out large Rending Claws The shredder makes two claw attacks. If it hits the same
territories in the Wasteland. They live in pairs, mated for life, target with both attacks, the target takes 2d6 extra damage.
but they do not tolerate other shredders encroaching on their Fuck You Up If the shredder takes 7 damage or more, use a triggered
territory. Such encounters turn ugly quick, as they are, more action to have it make a claw attack at one creature it can reach.
often than not, equally matched. Sometimes the best approach to
deal with a shredder on the hunt is to flee to another shredder’s
territory and let the monsters tear each other apart.
Idle Hunters: When not on the hunt, which happens about
Given the Wasteland’s many dangers, most folks work together
once a week, shredders pass their time sleeping, mating, and to improve their chances at survival, but there’s always someone
fooling around. Nothing hunts them, so they have nothing to fear, out there who wants to go their own way, much like the player
other than other shredders, of course. characters, who typically sell their services to the highest bidder.
Shredders might be big brutes, but they’re smart. They change As the player characters explore the Wasteland, they might
up their hunting grounds so as not to deplete prey. When encounter any of the following famous mercs, who might be
working in pairs, they cooperate to flush out prey so the other
working for one faction or another or might sell their services to
can open them up with their claws. They have an uncanny ability
the team if the characters can cough up enough bullets.
to track their victims and can be silent when they need to be.
Since shredders require significant amounts of meat to
survive, they go after the biggest targets they can find. Travelers
through the Wasteland often bring buffamels along with them, CAPTAIN
sacrificing the beast to the shredder if needed to cover their
Salvage: Taking down a shredder is no mean feat. Only a few People all over the Wasteland have heard about Captain
large hunting parties have managed to take one down, and most Hammerica; he’s something of a legend. Some folks see him as
came away from the effort with half or fewer of their numbers. a great, noble warrior who fights for justice. Most others see him
If someone manages to kill a shredder, the carcass has much to as a weirdo and loony.
offer. According to him, he was fighting in a great war for freedom
A shredder’s claws can cut through steel and thus make in the World of Before, but after some fucked up accident, he
excellent swords, machetes, or spear tips. Weapons made from wound up frozen for years until some dudes in crazy outfits
shredder claws grant 1 asset on rolls made to attack with them. pulled him out of the ice. Most people don’t believe this shit,
Shredder hide serves well for armor, though you need a tough and neither should you. He’s probably just some crazy old dude
blade to cut through it. One shredder hide can produce two sets who lost his shit after reading too many books from the World of
of armor. The armor counts as light but offers a Defense 15. Before and has since decided to fight for truth, justice, and the
A person could eat shredder meat, but it has a metallic taste, Hammerican way.
plus it’s hard and chewy. Edible, but barely. You can get 2d6 + 10 As incredible as it might sound, though, a scientist from
food units from a carcass. the Kraken Organization of the V Reich, fed up with all the
Hanging a shredder head on your wall, though, can do mutant-hating stuff, ran off with the only viable sample of the
wonders for your popularity. People will clamor for the chance Ubersoldat’s serum and gave it to a truly gentle and good soul
to buy you drinks to hear how you pulled it off. (or the first crackpot he came upon): Captain Hammerica.

Fresh Meat
Not long after, Red Helmet killed the scientist, and Captain
Hammerica barely escaped with his life.
Now, all juiced up on the punkserum, Hammerica has shown CRAZY MEL
he has balls big enough to take on the worst offenders in the A true legend of the Wasteland, Crazy Mel roams the Wasteland
Wasteland. He won’t hesitate to kick all kinds of ass when he in his car with Meatball, his dog and best friend. Crazy Mel says
thinks someone is doing something shitty, and he’s committed little, and no one really knows where he came from. Most folks
himself to protecting the good folk of the Wasteland. believe he became the sour, taciturn dude he is today after losing
Hammerica’s Shield: The Captain carries a reinforced shield someone special. Although he avoids sticking his nose where it
made from some super-rare metal. Its Defensive property grants doesn’t belong, he often finds himself dragged into whatever shit
a +3 bonus to Defense instead of the usual +2. is going down.


Defense 17 Health 24 Size 1 Speed 6 Defense 15 Health 26 Size 1 Speed 6

Muscles 13 Hands 11 Brains 9 Mouth 11 Muscles 12 Hands 11 Brains 11 Mouth 9
Meat 12 Feet 12 Eyes 10 Guts 14 Meat 13 Feet 12 Eyes 11 Guts 15

Hammer Time If incapacitated, Captain Hammerica heals 3d6 damage, Meatball Crazy Mel’s loyal dog follows him wherever he goes. The dog
stands up, and makes rolls with 1 asset for 1 minute. He then loses is a good dog, so it’s immune to everything. Thanks to Meatball, Crazy
Hammer Time for 24 hours. Mel never triggers free attacks when moving. Also, Meatball fucks
Stuff medium armor, hammer, reinforced shield with people that fight with his friend and grants Crazy Mel 1 asset on
rolls made for his melee attacks.
WEAPONS Stuff medium armor, machete, shotgun
Hammer (melee) Roll Muscles (+3) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success:
2d6 damage. WEAPONS
Reinforced Shield (melee) Roll Muscles (+3) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Machete (melee) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success:
Success: 2d6 damage. 2d6 + 2 damage.
Shotgun (range 50) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense:
Success: 3d6 damage.
Worst Time Possible When Crazy Mel attacks with a shotgun, roll a d6.
On an even number, the gun misfires and is worthless until a creature
uses an action and spends 1 salvage to repair it.

A familiar face to most people of the Wasteland, Lizzy DeVille has
been wandering since she was a child. She’s seen it all and been
in more shit than anyone else her age. She’s comfortable taking
up with other mercs, but the arrangement lasts only so long as
she feels comfortable. She’ll leave her companions swinging in
the wind the first time she gets a bad vibe.


Defense 13 Health 26 Size 1 Speed 7

Muscles 11 Hands 14 Brains 12 Mouth 13
Meat 13 Feet 14 Eyes 13 Guts 14

Cover Girl Lizzy Deville earned her status as an icon of the Wasteland
by her almost supernatural ability to escape harm. She can dodge
bullets, twist away from sword thrusts, even walk away when struck
by a falling anvil. Whenever Lizzy DeVille would take damage, roll a
d6. On a 4 or better, she takes no damage.
Stuff Light armor, pistol, medium blade
Medium Blade (melee) Roll Muscles (+1) with 1 asset to hit Defense:
Success: 1d6 + 2 damage.
Pistol (range 50) Roll Hands (+4) with 1 asset to hit Defense: Success:
1d6 + 3 damage; burst fire

Fresh Meat


Defense 15 Health 22 Size 1

Speed 6
Nowater’s most famous pit fighter, Eightfingers won the “Da Big Muscles 12 Hands 14 Brains 12 Mouth 12
Blow” twice. In the old days, he’d sign on for all kinds of shit, but now
his Crib thinks he’s too valuable for mercenary work, and it takes Meat 11 Feet 13 Eyes 14 Guts 15
a fuckton of bullets and a damned good reason to drag him out. Mechanical Arm Imperatrix Rabiosa has a mechanical arm. It grants her
Eightfingers is a hulking monster. He scrapes all the stubble a +2 bonus to Defense (included).
from his face and scalp and wears nothing but pants. He’s Never Forget a Face If a creature deals damage to Imperatrix Rabiosa,
nothing special in a fight until he gets hurt, at which point he make all rolls to attack that creature with 1 asset and her attacks deal
1d6 extra damage to it.
loses his shit and goes bananas. Stuff Leather armor, rifle with scope, knife
Rifle with Scope (range 300) Roll Hands (+4) with 2 assets to hit
Defense 10 Health 24 Size 1 Speed 5 Defense: Success: 2d6 damage.
Knife (melee or range 5) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense:
Muscles 12 Hands 10 Brains 9 Mouth 10 Success: 1d6 damage.
Meat 12 Feet 10 Eyes 10 Guts 13

Shaking the Ropes When injured, Eightfingers goes fucking nuts. He

imposes 1 complication on rolls made to attack him and he makes
all attribute rolls with 1 asset and his melee attacks deal 1d6 extra It’s been said over and over again about just how fucking
damage. dangerous the Wasteland can be, and wise folks don’t head out
Stuff Two medium blades there alone or without supplies. Magnus, though, doesn’t give a
fuck. It’s said he pisses gasoline and shits watermelons. He goes
wherever the fuck he wants, showing off his perfect pecs and
Medium Blade (melee) Roll Muscles (+2) with 1 asset to hit Defense: minding his own business.
Success: 1d6 + 2 damage. One doesn’t hire Magnus. Rather, Magnus chooses who he
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES works for and demands payment. Once he gets his bullets, he
Double Strike Use an action to have Eightfingers make two medium kicks the shit out of whomever you want until he gets tired of it
blade attacks. and moves on to work for someone else. Magnus follows his own
code or no code at all. He walks the thin line between awesome

IMPERATRIX and psychotic.

Defense 10 Health 51 Size 1
Speed 5
The Lord of Bullets rules over the Junker bands working far to Muscles 15 Hands 11 Brains 10 Mouth 10
the north. For a long time, Imperatrix Rabiosa was the warlord’s
favored scout as she was the best, by far, of all the other scum in Meat 17 Feet 10 Eyes 10 Guts 15
his employ when it came to unearthing good salvage. However, Scary Motherfucker Magnus imposes 1 complication on rolls made to
the relationship soured after the Lord of Bullets betrayed her, for attack him.
reasons unknown, to the Black Blood Children. She was to deliver Stuff Cool Automatic Rifle with Scope, Chainsaw
a gigantic rig to the cultists, but when she got there, they were WEAPONS
fixin’ to put her in chains and sacrifice her, something else nasty, Chainsaw (melee) Roll Muscles (+5) with 2 assets to hit Defense:
or worse. Anyway, she cut, shot, and butchered her way free and Success: 3d6 + 3 damage and wooden targets take double damage
now roams the Wasteland as a merc. Cool Automatic Rifle (range 300) Roll Hands (+1) with 2 assets to hit
Defense: Success: 4d6 damage; Magnus uses this weapon on full
auto only.





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