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The diagrams show the structure of solar panel and its use.


ANSWER (7.0):
The diagrams illustrate the design  of a simple solar panel and the process by which it generates energy.
Overall, the structure of the panel is not complex, consisting of only a few details. This structure enables
the panel to utilize sunshine, which heats up either air or water.
To begin with, the layout of the panel is relatively simple. It is a rectangular container, with
the surface layer made of transparent glass. In addition, there is an inlet and outlet on either side of the
container, allowing water and air to flow through the system.
The energy generation process works by using solar power. Firstly, sun rays are  absorbed by the
transparent glass, thereby capturing the heat of these rays of sunlight inside the panel. This captured
energy then turns air flowing through the system into warm air. Likewise, if the system contains water
inside, it is also heated in a similar manner to air.

ANSWER 2 (9.0):
The charts illustrate the characteristics of solar panels and two possible uses. Firstly, the basic structure
of a solar panel is shown, then how the warming process of air or water works.
Regarding the structure, it can be seen that a solar panel is formed by approximately a box, which has an
inlet on one side and an outlet on the other side. This box has on it a transparent glass, that seals it and
that is the part through which sun rays will pass.
Under the image describing the physical feats, some functions are explained. In particular, the first
possible use of a solar panel is to generate warm air. This function is possible by letting air enter the box
from the inlet and once is in, letting it heat up thanks to the sun rays that get refracted by the glass, thus
creating warmer air that will be let flow from the outlet. On the other hand, an additional step is required to
heat up water. More specifically, a tube that connects the inlet and the outlet is needed to let the water
flow through it. Given this, the principle is the same, with solar energy heating up the water inside the
tube, which will enter from one side and exit from the other.
In conclusion, it can be stated that this simple model can explain the basic principles of a solar panel,
even if is not an accurate representation.

The diagram belows shows how water is produced by solar panels and water filler. (24/06/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+):
The process illustrates how drinking water is produced with the use of solar energy.
It is clear that the process of making drinkable water involves 5 main stages as pointed out below. It
begins when energy from sunlight is collected and ends with taking the water produced for use.
The first stage commences when solar energy is accumulated using a solar panel and then it
is transformed into electricity. The conversion of light into electricity is known as the photovoltaic
Next comes the second stage, in which a pump running on electricity is employed to force natural water
up a pipe. This pipe connects the pump with a filter, whose function is to purify natural water, making it
drinkable. After the purification stage is the storage stage, where decontaminated water is stored in a
tank placed upon a wooden platform. Clean water can be drawn from this tank for different purposes like
drinking or cooking, and this brings the process to an end.

The diagram shows how electricity is generated by a hydroelectric dam.

The diagram illustrates the production of power through the use of a hydroelectric dam.

The process begins with water in a reservoir and ends with the transmission of power via long-distance
power lines.
In order to generate hydroelectricity, the first step is to collect water in a reservoir. When power
generations begins the water passes through an intake in the bottom of the dam and then enters a long
tunnel called a penstock. On the other hand, when power is not being produced the intake is blocked by a
large gate that prevents the flow of water. However, when the intake is opened, the water flows down the
penstock and the pressure it creates is used to spin a turbine, which is connected to a generator in a
place referred to as the powerhouse. At the same time, the water that has gone through the turbine flows
out into the river below the dam. Finally, the generator in the powerhouse is connected to power lines
which are used to transport the electricity over long distances.

The diagrams below show some principles of house design for cool and for warm climates.

ANSWER (9.0):
The graphic explains many architectural techniques for building houses in both hot and cold climates.
Overall, a house in a cold environment employs thermal materials because it concentrates more on
storing heat, whereas a house in a hot climate prioritizes reflecting roof materials and an effective
ventilation system.
In cold climates, heat storage is a key consideration in home design. In order to face the sun, the high
angled roof is a large, open surface area. Right underneath the roof, which is intended to store heat, is
the thermal building material. Additionally, the house has insulation on its walls to prevent heat loss, and
each window is positioned to allow in as much natural sunshine as possible.
The architecture of houses in warm climates varies depending on the time of day. External insulation, roof
materials, and notably the roof itself create shade to survive the heat throughout the day. Additionally,
windows are covered and shuttered during the day, but left open at night to allow the home to breathe its
interior and release any accumulated heat.

The picture below shows how a hot balloon works

The diagram depicts the construction of a hot air balloon and its working mechanism.
Overall, the construction consists of several parts, including the envelope, the skirt, the burner and the
basket. It is also clear from the diagrams that the mechanism of a typical hot-air balloon involves the
upward circulation of hot air.
As can be seen from the picture, the balloon, also called the envelope, is the largest part and this is a
combination of multiple strips of fabric called gores. These gores are made by many nylon panels
sewed together. The gores altogether form the balloon shape when fully inflated. On top of the envelop is
a parachute valve, whose function is to open or close like a sealing flap. This allows hot air to escape in a
controlled manner. The skirt is at the base of the envelope and the inside is made from a flame-resistant
material to withstand the heat from the burners. The burners are fixed to a metal frame below the skirt
and above the basket, which provides seats for passengers and the propane cylinders. These burners
function as an engine, mixing propane with oxygen to generate hot air for the balloon.
As for the working machanism, hot air is fed into the envelope by the burners. The hot air inside is lighter
than the cold air outside, thus providing a bouyant force to lift the entire structure.

ANSWER (7.0+):
The picture gives information about the design of a hot air balloon and how it is operated.
In general, the hot air causes the balloon to rise and therefore one hot air balloon is built with some
certain equipment to heat up the air inside the balloon.
The hot air balloon consists of three major parts: the basket, the burner and the envelope. At the very
bottom is a basket used to accommodate people and store a couple of propane cylinders. The burner
which is attached to suspension wires can be seen immediately above the basket. The other section is
the envelope which helps to retain the hot air. It is made up of the gores which are strips of fabric running
from the skirt to the top of the balloon to form the shape of this craft and individual panels make up the
gores. Lastly, there is a parachute valve which functions as a self-closing flap at the top of the envelope.
Turning to how the hot air balloon flies, the burner produces flame for heating up the air inside the balloon
by mixing propane, stored in the tanks below, with air. The heated air is lighter than the cool air outside
the balloon and this in turn causes the balloon to ascend. The hot air balloon is manipulated by enabling
the hot air to release through the parachute valve at a certain rate depending on the pilot.
ANSWER 3 (8.0+):
The diagram details the various components of a hot air balloon and describes its mechanics.
As is evident from the diagram, the three key parts of a hot air balloon are the envelope, the basket and
the burner. In addition, the hot air balloon’s mechanism for ascending and descending revolves around
thermal regulation of air.
The main part of a hot balloon is large envelope which has an inverted teardrop shape. At the top is the
‘parachute valve’ which is a self-sealing flap used to regulate the pace at which hot air escapes. The large
vertical sections below the valve are called ‘gores’, which are made up of smaller panels. The envelope
tapers into a small base called ‘skirt’. The skirt is attached to the basket using ropes, and the burner
hangs above the basket. Inside the basket are propane tanks which are used to power the burner.
Regarding the function of the hot air balloon, the burner combines regular air with propane to heat the air
trapped inside the envelope, which then becomes lighter and thus makes the balloon buoyant. To begin a
descent, the air is cooled and effectively becomes heavier, pulling the hot air balloon downward.

The picture describe the cutting tools created by our ancestors at two different ages.

The diagram depict the development of a Stone Age cutting tool between 1.4 million years ago and 0.8
million years ago.
In general, over the given time frame, the Stone Age cutting tool has been refined from a simple
fragmented piece of rock to a sharper, more sophisticated one.
The cutting tool from 1.4 million years ago was a jagged piece of rock with no identifiable shape. Its
front and back side were somewhat asymmetric, and looking at the rear view, we can see that the tool
was thick, and its edge was quite blunt. The overall length of the tool was aout 7-8 centimeters.
Further refinement was made to the 0.8-million-year-old stone cutting tool. The tool was 2-3 centimeters
longer, and it was shaped to more or less resemble a primitive teardrop-shaped knife that was quite
rough in the front and rather smooth in the back. The tip of the tool was pointed, and its edge appeared to
be relatively sharp compared to its earlier, 1.4-million-year-old version.
The pictures show how cutting tools in the Stone Age had developed, with tool A dating 1.4 million years
ago, and tool B 0.8 million years ago.
Overall, tool A was much more rudimental, with its edges being less defined, and therefore less sharp.
Tool B’s surface was less rugged and it was larger and longer than its earlier counterpart. These
upgrades allowed humans to hold it more easily and enhanced its cutting functionality.
Tool A was about 9 cm long, which was approximately 2 cm, shorter than tool B. The front and back
views of both tools reveal that the former’s surface was rough and not very indicative of a cutting utensil,
while that of the latter was much more even and smoother. Its shape resembled a water drop with a
broad base and pointy top, allowing prehistoric man to hold and pierce food easier.
The side view indicates that the thickness of both tools stayed relatively the same after 0.6 million years.
However, the well-defined side edge means tool B had become much sharper.

ANSWER 3 (8.0+):
The illustration details the evolution of stone cutting tools used by prehistoric men in the Stone Age.
As is evident from the diagram, the key difference between the cutting tools in the two periods is the size,
with the latter version becoming noticeably larger. Tool B also appears more refined than tool A in terms
of shape and sharpness.
1.4 million years ago, the cutting tool was thin, measured 7-8 centimeters in length, and did not display
much craftsmanship. They were also rather uneven in appearance: the front and the back were shaped
differently, and the surface appears to have been quite rough.
600,000 years later, it is obvious that the cutting tools used by man in the Stone Age had become
significantly more advanced. First of all, they were larger, measuring 10-11-centimeters in length, and had
a more definite tear-drop shape: fat at the base and tapering aggressively toward a sharp tip whereas the
prior versions tended to be obtuse. Second, both front and back sides were ground more evenly and
smoothly. It would also seem that man had learnt to sharpen the sides of their cutting tools as well.

The diagrams below show the development of the horse over a period of 40 million years

The diagram illustrates the evolution of horses after 40 million years, focusing on the changes in foot
Overall, as the animal grew more prominent in size, their feet elongated and broadened and their paws
were eventually replaced by sole hoofs.
Eohippus, which existed around 40 million years ago, is distinguishable by a much smaller body
compared to the modern horse. Its tail and legs were relatively shorter, and there were 4 thin phalanges
on each paw. 10 million years later, the evolution resulted in the appearance of Mesohippus, which had a
slightly larger body and a longer tail. Moreover, the foot had by then lost 1 toe and the middle one
became larger. Notably, the Mesohippus had an additional tuft of hair on the neck which would later turn
into the horse’s mane.
15 million years ago, the Merychippus appeared. This prehistoric horse more resembled the modern
horse however was marginally smaller in size and still possessed 3-toed paws. It had considerably heftier
digits compared to its predecessor, a larger tail and a thicker mane on the neck. Finally, the horse today
emerged with a bulkier body, a full mane, a thicker tail and all 3 phalanges fused into a single hoof.

The pictures show how the horse has evolved over the course of 40 million years.
Overall, the size of the horse has increased significantly with the emergence of some new features such
as manes and hooves.
Forty million years ago, the Eohippus, which was the first in its lineage, had a short neck and tail and it
had four similar-sized toes on each foot. Ten million years later, the Eohippus had evolved into the
Mesohippus, which was almost double its ancestor in terms of size, tail, and neck length. The foot
structure of the later creature had also changed as it had only 3 toes, with the middle one being bigger
than the side ones. The Mesohippus had started to develop what would become the mane.
About 15 million years later, the Merychippus, which had evolved from the Mesohippus, had a discernible
mane and the tail was a bit thicker and longer than that of the Mesohippus. Its body size and other
features were relatively similar to those of its closest ancestor, but the toes of the Merychippus had
become much bigger, with the size of the middle one doubling that of the other phalanxes. Finally, the
present-day horse has become a bit taller and larger than the Merychippus.  It has lost all the toes and
developed a large hoof. Its tail and mane are distinctively longer than those of its ancestors.

ANSWER 3 (9.0):

The picture details the 4 evolutionary phases of the horse over the courses of 40 million years and it
focuses on how the toes on earlier horses transformed into the hoof that we are familiar with today.

Looking at the diagram, it is immediately clear that the size of the horse grew formidably and the modern
horse is significantly larger than its ancestors. Regarding its foot structure, the most noticeable
transformation is the gradual disappearance of the toes found in prehistoric horses.

The earliest horse examined lived 40 million years ago and its scientific name in Eohippus. It is noticeably
furrier than its descendant. Mesohippus which reportedly lived 30 million years ago. All of the hair on its
body seems to have disappeared at this point, and it starts to show some semblance of a mane. The
horse found 15 million years later called Merychippus has a more erect posture, and its mane looks more
fully formed. Nowadays, the horse is considerably taller, larger and more muscular, with a lot more hair in
the tail and the mane.

The foot structure of the horse has exhibited similarly remarkable changes. The foot of the Eohippus is
quite slender and has 5 distinct toes. The one found in Mesohippus only has 3, which is the same number
of toes that the later horse Merychippus has, although that of the latter is much larger in size with a
prominent middle toe. The modern horse, however. has only one hoof and much more developed joints.

The given chart demonstrates how an essay in a formal academic module is written. (21/05/2022)

The given flow chart demonstrates the sequential process of preparing and composing a formal
academic essay for a university course.
Overall, the procedure is divided into two sections. While the first step emphasises research in the library
and field to develop the first draft, the second stage includes scholarly conversations with others in order
to finalise the essay.
In the first tutorial, a student discusses the dissertation subject with the tutor and acquires a list of
resources, which includes books and articles. Then, at a library, they conduct research on the issue by
reading existing literature and annotating. Students also do fieldwork by creating questionnaires,
interviewing respondents, and surveying individuals. University students need to prepare their essays by
organising their information and creating an outline using formal language acceptable for academic
writing at the conclusion of the first stage.
Once the first edition is completed, the students attend the second tutorial when they  address their
concerns and seek comments from others. They then examine their resources and change their initial
draft to suit new insights, keeping this feedback in consideration. Finally, they have to edit the essay,
double-check typos, and add references to literature as well as the title of their writing to meet the

The diagram siws the design of a modern landfill for household waste. (10/10/2020)

ANSWER (8.0):
The diagram showcases the blueprint for a modern landfill for household waste.
Overall, the construction of a landfill involves four components: a man made hole, drainage pipes, a layer
of clay and another unspecified substance, as well as a clay cover.
The building is initiated by emptying the ground in the shape of a trapezoidal prism above a foundation of
natural rock. Then, a layer of an unspecified synthetic substance is placed on top of a layer of clay. A
drainage tank is dug out through the two aforementioned layers in the shape of a cuboid, while a system
of drainage pipes is also installed. 
When it is ready to be used, the landfill is filled with household waste, with the leachate being filtered out
and pumped through the pipes, away from the hole itself. Once the waste has been pulverized into a
layer of mud-like amalgamation,  the top is covered with a clay lid, and gases emitting from the site are
funneled away.

The following are two filter systems (12-11-2020)

The illustrations show two different water filtering systems.
Overall, the main difference between the two systems is that the first is a more compact, self-contained
unit with several filtering elements within it, while the second is a multi-stage system with only a single
filtering element.
The first system has a three-stage filter contained within a single 200L metal container. The water flows
into the system via the inlet pipe and through the first stage sand filter. It is then filtered through the
second stage which is made up of tiny stones. The water then flows through pipe holes within the system
before flowing through the outlet.
The second system is much simpler, but is not a single unit. Firstly, untreated water flows through a sand
filter unit via a tap. The filtered water then flows into a storage tank where it is held until it is needed for
household use. The filtered
water is also accessed from the storage tank via a tap.

ANSWER 2 (8.0):
The diagrams showcase two types of water filtration systems.
As shown, the outdoor filling and storage system requires more steps in order to purify water when
compared to the cross section filter.
The cross section filter contains three different compartments enclosed within a 200L Metal container.
Untreated water is passed through the inlet, where the first filter made of sand removes any large
impurities. Then, water is further treated by tiny stones, which eliminates finer unwanted particles. Lastly,
the filtered water flows through the pipe holes and out to the outlet on the other side, ready for
On the other hand, the second water filter contains four separate sections. Untreated water is first placed
within a tank that can be funneled out via a tube, with a tap controlling the water flow. In the second
compartment is sand where, like the previous filter, large impurities are removed. Following this, treated
water is passed into a tank for storage; when the water is needed for household use, another tap can be
used to direct water into a separate vessel.

The pictures below show three different kinds of bridges. (computer-delivered 05/2021)

ANSWER (8.0+):
The picture compare the designs of the arch bridge, the concrete ginder bridge and the suspension
Overall, each model has a distinctive structure and is erected over a different body of water.
The arch bridge is supposed by an abutment anchored at each end. This model spans over a lake and
has a limited length of 200m and bridge clearance of 50m, allowing only small ships to travel through.
In comparison, the concrete ginder bridge is constructed across a number of I-shape piers which are
positioned under 200m apart, allowing the span to reach any desirable length. This structure, hence, is
usually engineered to cross a larger body of water such as river. With bridge clearance of approximately
150m, the concrete ginder bridge can cater for medium-sized ships.
Standing out as the most massive structure among the three, the suspension bridge is able to span over
a vast distance such as the deep sea. The erection of such a megastructure requires support from a
combination of main towers and suspension cables. These towers can be spaced 400-2000m apart
depending on the topography. The main cables are suspended between two adjacent towers and are
connected to the bridge by vertical suspenders. Having the greatest bridge clearance, the suspension
bridge can accommodate even large vesse

The diagram below shows how geothermal energy is used to produce electricity

ANSWER (7.0):
The provided diagram illustrates how the process of generating electricity in a geothermal power plant
Overall, this process includes 6 steps in which the movement and heating of water plays an essential
role. Water absorbs geothermal energy and converts it into electrical energy.
Specifically about the movement of water to absorb geothermal energy, the process commences when
cold water from a tank on the surface is pumped to the depth of 4.5 km underground. Then, the water
goes through an injection well into a geothermal zone where it absorbs heat energy from hot rocks. At the
third step, after receiving sufficient geothermal energy, boiling water is pumped upward back to the
surface through a production well.
In terms of energy conversion, on the surface, boiling water is stored in a condenser. The higher the
temperature, the higher the pressure, so high-pressure steam created in the boiling process is released
from the condenser to turn the turbines. Then, a generator which is powered by the turbines produces
electricity. Finally, electrical power is transmitted into the national grid, and the process finishes.

The diagrams illustrate the process of building an igloo.

ANSWER (8.0):
The pictures show the different steps involved in constructing an igloo.
Overall, there are 12 stages, from finding hard-packed snow to cutting ventilation holes in the wall and
roof of the finished igloo.
Using a snow saw, blocks are cut in hard-packed snow. Large blocks are used for the base. Next, the
edges of the blocks are smoothed and placed to form a circle. Then, an entrance is made by digging a
hole under the circular wall. The last opening on the top is filled by a large block, carefully cut to the exact
After that, snow is thrown on the igloo and packed into all the crevices or gaps. Inside the igloo, the walls
are smoothed by hand. Next, the entrance is built and the hole is covered with snow blocks. Finally,
ventilation holes which allow air to enter are cut in the walls and roof, and the igloo is finished.

ANSWER 2 (8.0):
The diagram illustrates the process that is used to build an igloo from snow.
There are five main stages in this process, starting with finding an area covered by hard-packed snow
and culminating in covering the entrance hole with snow blocks.
As can be seen from the process, after a surface of hard-packed snow is found, a snow saw is used to
cut large blocks to the appropriate size to build the base. The edges of the blocks are then smoothed with
the saw and are placed in a circle, and a hole is dug under the wall to make an entrance. Next, a slightly
over-sized block is precisely shaped and placed on the top of the igloo.
Out of the remaining steps, snow is shovelled onto the outside of the igloo and is packed into all crevices
while the internal surface of the igloo is smoothed by hand. Any excess snow is also removed from the
inside of the igloo. And finally, a hole is dug in the shape of the entrance, and is then covered with snow
blocks to complete the igloo.

The diagram shows the growth cycle of a volcanic island.

ANSWER (9.0):
The diagram illustrates a natural process in which a volcanic island grows from beneath the sea,
explodes, and then eventually sinks to become an underwater reef. The process is divided into nine
In the first two stages, called the ‘preshield’ and ‘protoshield’ stages, a mountain gradually builds under
the surface of the sea. In the third or ‘explosive’ phase, hydro-explosions occur which deposit a cone of
ash. A large number of cinder cones then pile up to form a ‘shield’ on top of the volcano.
This shield gradually erodes and subsides to form reefs below the surface of the sea. However, there
may be ongoing volcanic activity including lava flows. By the time of the ‘coral atoll’ stage, the original
form of the volcano has disappeared, and the whole structure sinks further under the sea during the
‘guyot’ stage.
In summary, huge volcanoes rise and fall under the sea in a natural process known as the volcanic island
growth cycle.

The flow chart below shows the procedure to get a driving license in the US.

fail Retake the written exam pass

Go to the driving license center

Retake the written exam
Fill in the forms
Pay Go to the driving license center
Take an eyesight test pass

fail Do the road exam fail

No license

Get the driving license

ANSWER (8.0+):
The chart illustrates the steps necessary to obtain a US driving license.
First, it is necessary to go to the driving license centre and fill in the forms. An eyesight test is then given,
and no license can be given to those who fail this test. However, those who pass the eyesight test must
then pay the fees and take a written exam.
The result of the written exam determines the next steps. Those failing the written exam may then retake
it and, if they pass, they are then able to take the road exam. Some people may fail the written test and
they are allowed to sit it for a third time and, once more, if they pass they can take the road exam. If they
fail the written exam again, they must pay fees before being allowed to retake the written exam once
more. Others, in contrast, pass the written exam first time and may then take the road exam immediately.
Finally, all who pass the road exam will get the driving license. Those who fail must pay fees again and
retake both the written and road exams.

The chart illustrates how to obtain a driving license in the US. 
Overall, there are a number of steps, beginning with the applicant going to the driving license center, and
ending with either him or her being  rejected or successfully receiving the license. 
The first thing one needs to do to get a driver’s license is to go to the driving license center and fill out
in the appropriate forms. After that, an eyesight test is required, with only those who passed this test
being allowed to take further steps to get their license issued.
At the next stage, these applicants will then pay fee for the written and road exams, and it is obligatory
for them to pass, firstly, the written test, and then the road test in order to be eligible for the driving
license. However, if they fail the written test, two more chances to reattempt it will be offered, and they will
have to pay fee afterwards. It is important to note that if they cannot pass the road exam, they will have
to pay fee immediately so that they could resit both the written and road test.

ANSWER 3 (8.0):
The given flowchart shows numerous stages involved in the procedure of acquiring a driving license in
the United States of America.
As can be inferred from the diagram, it is immediately obvious that there are five main stages in this
system. It is also apparent that the process commences with the registering for the license in the driving
license center and culminatingin obtaining the license.
At the beginning of the process, unlicensed drivers will go to the driving license center and fill out the
requisite forms. Subsequently, an eyesight test is taken which is compulsory for everyone. If someone
fails this test, they cannot enter the following procedures. Success in the eyesight test leads to the
following phrases where one needs to pay the fees of a written examination and be present in the test. If
the individual passes the written examm he or she is eligible for the practical or road drive test.
Nevertheless, failure in the written test would mean that he or she will have to retake the written exam,
albeit free of charge. Failing again in the exam will result in the fact that one has to re-sit the exam with a
After successfully completing the road-drive test, a person is qualified and could be able to acquire his or
her driving license. If he or she fails in the practical tests, it can be taken again with another payment.

The diagram below shows a simple system that turns dirty water into clear water (29/07/2023)

ANSWER (8.0+):
The diagram illustrate a simple water filter assembly for cleaning dirty water to produce drinking water.
Overall, there are seven stages in the process of producing clean water, beginning with the supply of dirty
water and ending with the production of clean drinking water.
At the first stage, dirty water is poured into the top of a plastic barrel. It thenpasses through three filters in
turn. The top filter is sand, followed by charcoal and, at the bottom of the barrel, gravel. As a result of the
filtering process, the water is clean and ready to drink.
Next, the filtered water is transferred to a storage drum. A pipe connects the barrel and the drum. One
end of the pipe is located in the gravel, and this pipe then conducts the filtered water into the storage
drum. Finally, a tap located at the bottom of the storage drum may be opened to allow the clean water to
be collected for drinking.

The diagram illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand particles (15/03/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+):
The diagrams illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand particles.
Overall, there are three stages, beginning with sand particles being blown by the wind and ending with
them stacking on top of each other to make sand dunes. Besides, four elements are involved in
this natural phenomenon, including sand particles, wind, wet ground, and dry ground.
To commence, sand particles scattered all over the ground are driven by wind. Specifically, the wind
blows downward to carry them from dry ground to wet ground, which contains water to increase
the adhesion. As this process continues, particles of sand start to pile up on top of each other.
Once formed to a certain height, the sand dune creates a blockage, deflecting the wind upward on one
side and forcing it downward on the other. This results in sand particles on the top of the dunes
rolling downhill to other nearby wet grounds and forming other hills of sand.

The process below shows how drinking water is made using solar power. (27/10/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+):
The process illustrates how drinking water is produced with the use of solar energy.
It is clear that the process of making drinkable water involves 5 main stages as pointed out below. It
begins when energy from sunlight is collected and ends with taking the water produced for use.
The first stage commences when solar energy is accumulated using a solar panel and then it
is transformed into electricity. The conversion of light into electricity is known as the photovoltaic
phenomenon. Next comes the second stage, in which a pump running on electricity is employed to
force natural water up a pipe. This pipe connects the pump with a filter, whose function is
to purify natural water, making it drinkable.
After the purification stage is the storage stage, where decontaminated water is stored in a tank
placed upon a wooden platform. Clean water can be drawn from this tank for different purposes like
drinking or cooking, and this brings the process to an end.

The diagrams below show the stages in the development of simple cooking equipment

The diagram illustrates the development stages of cooking equipment.

Overall, there are three main stages in the process, starting with the simplest structure of the cooking
machine and ending with equipment which is more modern and complicated in structure.
As can be seen, the first stage of the development of cooking equipment which is called stage A, includes
the simple structure of three stones putting on a circle. There are gaps between stones where people can
put grass in for creating fire. Then, in the next development process which is stage B, there us a clay
shield which is built around the stones and has a hole to put the grass and wood in the stove for fire
Finally, on stage C, the equipment is developed to be more complicated than the two previous ones.
There is door on the foot made by mental of the cooking machine which allows ash to come out and air to
come in when necessary. Above the foot, there is a pot made by clay which has a handle on the sides,
small tools to support the pot on the top and the grate for charcoal at the bottom.


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