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Create a table named Student_<student_id> in the database with the following columns
● StuId NUMERIC(12),
● StuName CHAR(50)
● CourseId INT
● StatusId INT
● BatchId INT

2. Create three tables:

● Course_<student_id> (CourseId INT, CourseName VARCHAR(100)). CourseId is the
primary key.
● Batch_<student_id> (BatchId INT, BatchName VARCHAR(100)). BatchId is the primary key.
● StudentStatus_<student_id> (StatusId INT, StatusDesc VARCHAR(100). StatusId is the
primary key.

3. Create foreign key constraints on the following columns of Student_<student_id> table:

● CourseId -- references to CourseId of Course_<student_id> with ON UPDATE SET NULL
option. The foreign key name should be FK_Stu_Course_CourseId_<student_id>.

● BatchId -- references to BatchId of Batch_<student_id> with ON DELETE CASCADE

option. The foreign key name should be FK_Stu_Batch_BatchId_<student_id>.

● StatusId -- references to StatusId of StudentStatus_<student_id>. The foreign key name

should be FK_Stu_Status_StatusId_<student_id>.

4. Insert 3 records in each of the four tables: Student_<student_id>, Course_<student_id> ,

Batch_<student_id> , StudentStatus_<student_id>.

5. Write a Select query to retrieve the StuId and StuName details of all the students who are
studying the course ‘B.Tech’ with status ‘Active’ and are part of the batch ‘BCS3B’.

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