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The Benitez family as a legacy to the work of Jaime Benitez Tobón after his death, created the
Jaime Benitez Tobón Foundation, the children Jaime Ariel Benitez, Ana Patricia Benitez,
Monica Benitez and Maria Elena Benitez; and his wife Amparo Londoño Santacoloma.


The Jaime Benitez Tobón Foundation provides support to young undergraduate university
students with exceptional academic abilities, from very low income backgrounds from the towns
and cities outside Bogotá; with fully equipped housing, creating a healthy and safe environment
with the best conditions for them to complete their studies. It is complemented with the support
of professionals in psychology who equip them with tools for personal growth, projecting them
as professionals who generate a positive impact on society. Additionally, they receive a food
allowance so that their basic needs are covered.


The program “Hogar Estudiantil” began in January 1993, when Jaime Benitez Tobón was still
alive. When he passed away in July 2000, the family decided to create the foundation in his
honor, and it was legally constituted in January 2003


Currently we operate in an apartment complex located at Carrera 69 # 80-20 and 80-70 are two
sets where we have 4 apartments owned by the foundation and 14 rented ones, it is important for
their attention to have them close by so we depend on the growth that people living in the
complex rent us more apartments. It is important for the community logic that our organization
implies that the apartments are close, that is why we opt for apartments located in the same

One of the main problems experienced by the young population in Colombia when it comes to
professionalizing is that they must leave their place of origin and move to the main cities, which
incurs maintenance costs that for a large part of the young population and their Families are not
easily assumable, which translates into university dropout or in undignified housing and study
conditions for their full development. Is for it that the main Focus of the Jaime Benitez Tobon
foundation are Low-income young people between the ages of 16 and 23 from outside Bogotá
who do not have support networks in the capital city where they are pursuing their undergraduate
careers. In addition to this, they are very good students, who, thanks to their academic averages,
have obtained scholarships at the country's main universities or entered public universities.


Our budget for the year 2023 is 700 million COP for the operation, 3 apartments were already
endowed at the beginning of the year, if 2 more are endowed the total investment in endowment
will be 125 million COP in the year added to monthly costs


The main resources are provided by the Benitez family through the family business
Construcciones Arrecife SAS and the Escobar Varela family, who joined the project two years
ago, and currently the largest contribution comes from the latter. There are other small resources
that have been achieved -some permanently and others sporadically-, these come from the Arturo
Calle Foundation, Multicarton SAS, and individuals such as Andres Montoya. It is the first time
that we go to entities abroad despite the years of operation that we have. Nor has it been thought
of in the short term to ask graduates to return some of the benefits they received, but this model
would make it even easier to maintain.


There are 7 people: 4 health professionals: Angela Ibague, Paula Vélez, Evans Gama, Nicolás
Solano, 1 administrative: Juan Manuel Ospina. 1 maintenance manager: Astrid Muñoz and the
executive director: Maria Elena Benitez.


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