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06 August, 2023

Hey, Ben! Have you seen

the latest smartphones in
the market?

Oh, absolutely! Some of them

are cutting-edge! I was
particularly impressed by the
hands-free options available in
the new smartphones.
That sounds cool! I remember
when everything used to have
buttons. Now, it's all about being
user-friendly and intuitive.

Right? It's incredible how technology

has evolved. Those outdated gadgets
from the past seem like ancient relics
I agree! And with voice-activated
features becoming more common,
it's like we're living in the future.

I know, right? It's like having your

own personal assistant at home!
Anyways, let's go check out the
latest gadgets together sometime.
It's always fun to see what's new in
the tech world.

Sounds like a plan, Ben!


1. Cutting-edge means the

most modern and advanced
2. Outdated technology
means the latest
3. Voice-activated technology
is controlled by someone’s
voice talking to it.
4. User-friendly means
difficult to use.
5. Hands-free technology is
designed to be used
without being held in the

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