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Working with NoSQL Databases


-> Databases are divided into 2 types

1) SQL Databases (Structured Query Language)

Ex: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server etc...

2) NoSQL Databases (Not Only SQL)

Ex: Monogo DB, HBase, Cansandra, Dynamo DB etc...

-> To represent structured data we will use SQL databases. SQL databases are also
called as Relational databases.

-> To represent semi-structured and un-structured data we will use NoSQL database

Working with Dynamo DB in AWS


-> Dynamo DB is AWS product

-> Login into AWS Management console

-> Search "Dynamo DB" and goto "Dynamo DB" Service in AWS

-> Click on "Create Table" option and choose "Table Name" and "primary key" name

-> Once table creation completed, we can create items in the table

Note: Item means record in the table

-> While creating item we can add new attributes with datatype

Note: Attribute means Column name

-> For item we can choose attributes

-> Once items are added we can scan and query items

-> Scan means retrieving all items from table

-> Query means retrieving item based on primary key

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