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Week 4

Day 18

We began the day at 11 am. The agenda was to go through a already worked out case. Dr.
Srikanth dictated the Case History and MSE of the patient. After the details were given, we had
to look at ICD-10 and figure out the correct diagnosis. We concluded on autism spectrum
disorder since the symptoms matched. Then Dr. Srikanth handed a manual of Bender-Gestalt
Test and I studied it.

BGT is a psychopathology test.

The factors related to organization are:

1. Sequence in placement of the designs

2. Position of the first drawing
3. Use of space
4. Collision
5. Shift in the position of the paper

Factors related to changes in the Gestalt are:

1. Closure difficulty
2. Crossing difficulty
3. Curvature
4. Changes in angulation

Factors related to distortions of the Gestalt:

1. Perceptual rotation
2. Retrogression
3. Simplification
4. Fragmentation
5. Overlapping difficulty
6. Elaboration or doodling
7. Perseveration
8. Redrawing of the total figure
List of Emotional Indicators:

 Confused order
 Dashes for circles
 Large size
 Fine Line
 Second Attempt
 Box around design
 Spontaneous elaboration or addition to a design
 Wavy line
 Progressive increase in size
 Small Size
 Overworked or reinforced lines
 Expansion

12 essential discriminators or brain damage:

 Overlapping difficulty
 Simplification
 Fragmentation
 Retrogression
 Perseveration
 Collision or collision tendency
 Impotence
 Closure difficulty
 Motor incoordination
 Angulation difficulty
 Cohesion


1. Copy Phase
2. Recall Phase
3. BGT-II motor test
4. BGT-II perception test

As soon as I finished reading about the test, I left for the day.

Day 19

The day began at 11 am. A client came in and Dr. Srikanth gave me the responsibility to
administer BGT to one of the client’s in the couple counseling session. Since, they were above
50 years, the test was to check for any cognitive impairments. After I administered that, then we
scored the test. We found no cognitive impairments. As a confirmation, Dr. Srikanth asked me to
administer Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices to the husband. After I finished that, I handed
the scores to Dr. Srikanth and left for the day.

Day 20

The day started at 11 am. We discussed an already working case at the rehabilitation centre. The
case history and MSE indicated a case of Polysubstance abuse. Then we had a client come in.
We noted down the MSE of the client and administered Rorschach Test and TAT to them. When
the client left, we discussed the case and identified that maybe there is a possibility of psychosis
in the patient. After that, Dr. Srikanth ended the day.

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