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Weightage : 10%
Date Submitted: 09/03/2023
Semester : FEBRUARY 2023


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Name Student ID
Farhan Najmi Bin Farizal 012022021181
Haikal Nazmi Putera Bin Nasir 012023021909
Mitchell Brapui Tidan 012022020436
Shazril Iman 012022021763
Muhammad Zharfan Bin Ahmad Halim 012022021187



1. You are required produce a report about any laboratory based on the following information:
(a) State and explain about EIGHT (8) basic laboratory safety practices.
(b) List down and explain FIVE (5) laboratory safety equipment that is commonly used.
(c) As a safety officer, you were given a task to discuss on accidents that can be avoided by
early counter measures. Your scope is for classes at level 8 science building at MSU. You
need to briefly discuss about:
i. precaution plan for emergency.
ii. how to response upon emergency.
iii. evacuation plan of the laboratory including the floor plan.

As the name suggests, industrial safety refers to the safety management practices
that apply to the industrial sector. Those processes aim to protect industrial workers,
machinery, facilities, structures, and the environment.

Industrial safety is overseen by federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The
Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) is the primary regulatory body
in the United States dedicated to workplace safety, including the industrial sector.

The Importance of Industrial Safety

Although every workplace and job task carry some safety hazards, industrial hazards
are often higher risk and have the potential to cause severe injury, extensive
properties damage, or devastating environmental harm.

Given the highly specialized nature of the work, many of the jobs are carried out by
trained and skilled employees. Workers who sustain lost time injuries can be difficult
to replace, even temporarily. Because of this, injuries can have significant effects on
a company's production output, shipping schedules, fulfillment, vendor relationships
and customer satisfaction. Good safety practices, then, not only keep workers safe
but also help maintain employee, vendor, and client satisfaction [1].

Industrial Safety Objectives

• Preventing work-related fatalities, disabling injuries, illness, and damage to

machinery or materials
• Ensuring continued production by preventing disruptive incidents
• Reducing workers compensation costs, maintaining lower insurance rates,
and minimizing indirect costs associated with accidents.
• Strengthening safety culture and increasing employee morale
• Meeting vendor and client expectations
Industrial Safety Planning
Industrial safety takes place long before the work begins. In fact, it should be part of
the job planning and site design. Some important early and ongoing considerations

• Plant layout
• Fire prevention systems
• Health and hygiene
• Safety training
• Alarms and warning systems
• Adequate lighting in work areas and corridors
• Flooring and working areas that are easy to clean and organize.
• Insulation
• Signboards and written safety instructions
2.0 Question and Answer

2.1 Question 1: State and explain about EIGHT (8) basic laboratory safety practices.

Wear PPE and proper lab attire

PPE, or personal protective equipment, is clothing and gear used to reduce exposure to dangers
that might result in life-threatening illnesses and injuries at work. Many illnesses and injuries could
be brought on by exposure to workplace risks such as chemical, radioactive, physical, electrical,
or mechanical ones. Items such as gloves, safety goggles, shoes, coveralls, vests, respirators,
earplugs or muffs, hard helmets, and respirators are examples of personal protection equipment

No food or drink

Consuming food or beverages contaminated with these substances can expose one to hazardous
chemicals and other substances. When food or beverages are brought into a lab or are kept in
cabinets, refrigerators, or freezers alongside laboratory supplies, they run the risk of becoming
contaminated. When this happens, food or drink may be able to collect chemical vapors or other
contaminants, which could result in an exposure when the food or drink is ingested.

Good hygiene

As was stressed, laboratory safety and hygiene go hand in hand. Recommendations frequently
cross over, but their common goals are to advance laboratory safety, lessen cross contamination,
and increase the dependability of laboratory data.

Work with someone

Any laboratory worker working alone runs a higher risk of harm to their health and safety. The
prospect of being unable to call for emergency assistance is one of these concerns, as does not
having access to basic first aid.
Keep an eye on the surroundings.

Your teammate may not have seen or be able to see a hazard, therefore if you are situationally
aware, you may be able to alert them to it and help them avoid a hazardous situation. When it
comes to many chores, one individual always observes something that another person
consistently overlooks. The likelihood that safety hazards will be identified increases as more
people practice alertness [2].

Practice safety drills

Employees can get accustomed to the emergency procedures, their escape routes, and their
meeting places by participating in evacuation exercises, which will help them respond
appropriately in the event of a true disaster. For keeping staff prepared, drills should be held
frequently. In the event of an emergency, first aid can help you save a life. To give you the
confidence to step up and take the appropriate action, training is advised. You probably already
know that providing first aid as soon as possible helps save injuries from getting worse and from
being permanently disabled.

Know where things at

Before performing any type of experiment, it is important to thoroughly understand your lab's
equipment because, without it, you won't be able to use your materials or fix a mistake you might
make with it. Working with substances such as chemicals, minerals, or other objects that could be
harmful to you or others makes science both enjoyable and risky. In addition to using, it for your
experiment, you must be familiar with your lab equipment and how to operate it in case of problems
that can arise during or after the experiment.

Choose a suitable storage container.

Chemical storage is ultimately the most effective form of prevention given our knowledge of the
possible risks that chemicals may pose. As a result of the fact that it aids in preventing spillage,
contamination, harmful exposures, and spoilage. Also, it aids in the separation of dissimilar
materials to prevent chemical reactions that could result in fire, explosions, or the release of
hazardous gases.
2.2 Question 2: List down and explain FIVE (5) laboratory safety equipment that is
commonly used.

Safety Goggles

Goggles will help protect the eyes from being exposed to dangerous material. This is also the
most simple and inexpensive lab gear.

Disposable Gloves

Having a stock of disposable gloves will provide protection from chemicals and other irritants.
Such as latex glove which are effective only against water-based solutions. For added
protection, Nitrile gloves are recommended.

Lab Coats

Lab coats provides a full body protection hazardous material. Lab coats are manufactured to be
flame and chemical resistant and must be worn by all team members.

First Aid Kits

Several first aid kits must be available around the lab in case of an emergency. Bandages,
scissors, tweezers, hand sanitizer, antibiotic ointment, etc. should be included in each of the kits.

Fire Extinguisher

Laboratories are required to have multiple extinguishers. There are several types of
extinguishers a lab should have available such as water based, AFFF Foam and Wet
Chemical Extinguishers [3].
2.3 Question 3: As a safety officer, you were given a task to discuss on
accidents that canbe avoided by early countermeasures. Your scope is for
classes at level 8 science building at MSU. You must briefly discuss about:

i. Precaution plan for emergency

The first step when developing an emergency response plan is to conduct a risk
assessment to identify potential emergency scenarios. An understanding of what can
happen will enable you to determine resource requirements and to develop plans and
procedures to prepareyour business. The emergency plan should be consistent with
your performance objectives.

At the very least, every facility should develop and implement an emergency plan for
protecting employees, visitors, contractors, and anyone else in the facility. This part of
the emergency plan is called “protective actions for life safety” and includes building
evacuation (“firedrills”), sheltering from severe weather such as tornadoes, “shelter-in-
place” from an exterior airborne hazard such as a chemical release and lockdown.
Lockdown is protective action when faced with an act of violence [4].

When an emergency occurs, the priority is always life safety. The second is the
stabilization of the incident. There are many actions that can be taken to
stabilize an incident and minimize potential damage. First aid and CPR by
trained employees can save lives. Use of fire extinguishers by trained
employees can extinguish a small fire. Containment of a small chemical spill
and supervision of building utilities and systems can minimize damage to a
building and help prevent environmental damage.

Figure 1: shows what you need to have in case of fire [5].


ii. How to response upon emergency

An emergency can happen at any moment, often when you least expect it. But
when disaster does strike whether it be a violent work incident, or a natural
disaster try and remember the following tips which can aid in the survival of you
and other victims. These are stepped to respond upon emergency.

Don’t Panic. Whatever the issue is, giving way to mindless panic will nothelp in
the slightest. On the contrary, it can make an already bad situation much worse.
Panic drives away all rational thought and will prevent you from looking at a
situation objectively. When you feel that you are being overwhelmed by panic,
just take a few deep breaths, and try to calm down.

Make sure that you can help rather than hinder rescue efforts. The age-old
adage “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” is as accurate today as it was
when it was first coined. If you see guns being fired or a building engulfed in
flames, there is no need to rush in like a comic book hero. Always remember
that the golden rule of responding to emergencies is to be the rescuer, not the

Loosen any tight clothing. If you see that any article of clothing is restricting the
airways of an injured person or is increasing his/her discomfort in any way, you
should immediately loosen all such apparel.

Check for any fractures and other bone injuries. If the patient is not able to move
the affected area and appears to be in excruciating pain, it is likely that they
have suffered a bone injury. Do not attempt to move the patient at all but keep
them as stationary as possible [5].

iii. Evacuation plan of the laboratory including the floor plan

In the event of a fire or other emergency, seconds count. The safe, orderly,and
prompt evacuation of building occupants depends on having the physical safety
features of a building in operating condition as well as having an emergency
evacuation plan. The cooperation and participation of every building occupant

is essential. Every person that lives and works in a building has an individual
responsibility to know how to evacuate in anemergency and to accomplish the
evacuation when the fire alarm device sounds or when directed by an authority.

Pre-plan your escape. Know the location of fire alarm pull box locations. Make
sure your floor has at least two unobstructed ways out. Check the fire exits to
make sure they are usable. Do not use the elevators. They could become
disabled, trapping you on the fire floor. Know the location offire rated stairwells
that will provide a protected path all the way to the outside. Learn the sound of
your buildings fire alarm. They could be bells, chimes, horns, or a coded gong.
Post emergency numbers near all telephones. If you have fire blankets in your
area, know how to use them [6].

Figure 2: shows the alarm pull box and water hose available at Level 8 Science

If there is a fire or fire alarm, everyone evacuates. If you discover fire or

smoke condition, sound the building alarm by activating the nearest pull station.
Whenever you hear the fire alarm sound, leave immediately, don’t assume the
fire alarm is false or a test and wait to see what others do. In a fire, seconds
count. Try to help others if you can do so safely.

Unless unusual circumstances suggest otherwise, the best evacuation route is the
nearest stairway and out the nearest exit. When departing, close (do not lock) the door
behind you. Take your key with you if the door closes automatically in case you need to
return for safety. Once outside, gather at your gathering location and conduct a head
count to ensure that everyone is present and presentable. Never try to enter the structure
again to look for a missing person; instead, contact the fire department or police [6].

Figure 3: shows the Exit door on level 8 Science Building


3.0 Reference

[1] Safeopedia. (November 29, 2021). Industrial Safety, Retrieved From

[2] UC SANTA CRUZ. (January 4.2021). ENVIROMENTAL & SAFETY. Retrieved from

[3] Laboratory Safety Equipment. Lab Supply Network. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

[4] Government of Canada. During an Emergency. Retrived from

[5] Janice Ponce De Leon. (January 22,2018). What you should do in case of fire,
retrieved from

[6] VIRGINIA TECH. (2023). During a Building Fire. Retrieved from

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