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Course 2st

Vocabulary Mini Quiz 3

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. I’m (sure/shore) that he is Jane’s brother.

2. I don’t know (weather/whether) he will join the football match.

3. If you want to pass this level, you need to go (threw/through) this door.

4. She will wear a (pear/pair) of these pink shoes for the party tonight.

5. Please don’t go (there/their). It’s a haunted house!

6. He (blue/blew) all the balloons for his sister’s birthday party just now.

7. Did you (hear/here) the news about James?

8. I have (red/read) all the books you gave me.

II. Fill in the missing letters of the definitions below.

1. The facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true =
2. A piece of information, or a story, that people talk about, but that may not be true =
3. The ability to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this =

III. Correct the spelling of the words in the brackets below.

1. I have many (colechons) of Pokemon cards at home. (collections)
2. My sister can play (volibal) well. (volleyball)
3. I took part in the (arceri) competition. (archery)
4. Emma found a beautiful shell on the (sore). (shore)
5. Don’t put the (daem) towel into the bag! (damp)
IV. All the underlined words below are misplaced. Fill in the brackets with the correct words.

1. They were so frightened when their car broke down on a pastime street last week. (DESERTED)
2. You don’t have to use your deserted when you are watching television. (IMAGINATION)
3. Cycling is an enjoyable boundary for people of all ages. (PASTIME)
4. The fence marks the pastime between my land and hers. (BOUNDARY)

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