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More and more people are becoming seriously overweight.

Some say that increasing

the price of fattening foods will solve this problem. Agree or disagree?

Nowadays, there has been an increasing number of individuals who are becoming obsese.
Many people suggest that a price rise in fatty food is a feasible solution. While I agree
that this proposal might hold the potential to tackle the problem, other measures would be
more efficient and relevant.
On the one hand, it can not be denied that surging the price would reduce the
consumption of fattening food. As the cost of fatty food is higher, the public purchasing
power will be discouraged. Customers tend to reduce the frequency and quantity of their
purchases. So that, the overall consumption declines and the possibility of obesity goes
down. However, even the supply takes a nosedive, the demand for high – fat food
remains the same. Therefore, some businesses, in response to customers’ needs, will
produce and sell high – caloric food with an affordable price. Hence, increasing the price
is inefficient approach.
On the other hand, instead of making the food price higher, education is a more feasible
solution. Children should be taught about portion control and healthy life-style at school.
Nutrition and physical activity lessons can be woven into the curriculum and after-school
programs to teach skills that help students choose and maintain healthy lifestyles. In
addition to educating, schools should focus on getting students involed in regular
activities. Futhermore, family members sholud also encourage their children to have
more balanced meal and healthy lifestyles.
In conclusion, while I believe that surging the price of fatty food might help to decrease
the possiblity of obesity, a combination of other solutions would be more effective

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