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Skill building: Attraction and Prejudice

The Lonely Hearts Club


Read each personal ad, and, using your knowledge of psychology, determine which two people
will be most likely to become involved and why.

Person 1: Shy and Single—Long Island, Jewish, professional (32) seeks long-term relationship. I
enjoy music (folk and rock), the outdoors, reading, and sushi.

Person 2: Come Build a Future With Me—Suburban, Chicago, carpenter looking for a companion
(25- 35) for friendship and more. Favorite activities include concerts, dining, and athletics.

Person 3: Alone in the City That Never Sleeps—Manhattan business executive ready to settle
down. I love pets and children and like to travel, go to movies, and read.

Person 4: Life of the Party Seeks Partner—Single secretary in San Francisco looking for life
partner. I am ambitious, vivacious, and delicious. I enjoy jogging, yoga, and creative pursuits

Which pair would match better? Show off now your knowledge in psychology and create
arguments tosupport your claim.

It is possible for a Person 4: Life of the Party Seeks Partner and Person 2: Come Build a
Future With Me to have a successful relationship, but there are some potential challenges that
they may face. According to the principle of complementarity, people are often attracted to
those who possess qualities that they lack. Therefore, Person 2: Come Build a Future With Me
may be drawn to the fun-loving and outgoing nature of a Person 4: Life of the Party Seeks
Partner. Individual differences can be complementary in a relationship. Having different
strengths and weaknesses can be complementary, as each partner can contribute to the
relationship in unique ways. Person 4 may bring excitement and energy to the relationship, while
Person 2 may bring stability and commitment.

For the relationship to work, each one should know that communication is key. In any
relationship, effective communication is essential. If the couple can communicate openly and
honestly about their expectations and desires for the relationship, they may be able to find a
compromise that works for both. Another thing to consider is to respect each other's needs.
Each partner's needs and desires should be respected in a healthy relationship. Person 4 should
respect Person 2’s desire for a serious relationship, and Person 2 should respect Person 4’s need
for fun and socializing.
Activity 7.2 - Muling Ibalik

a. Identify a relationship you like the most. It is not necessarily a romantic relationship, but any

relationship. Share how the relationship started and share also how it ended (if it ended).

b. Look for a partner and let your partner read your story.

c. Give comment on factors that lead to the relationship.

High school is often viewed as a time of excitement, socializing, and self-discovery.

Friendships can provide support, validation, and a sense of belonging during transition and
uncertainty. However, friendships can also come to an end, whether due to growing apart,
conflict, or other factors. One relationship I encountered during high school is the one I will
never forget.

She was the “life of the party”, and was also my best friend. We shared every moment
together, from the good times to the bad days. She was the first and only person I trust with my
life and I would do anything for her. Our friendship grew until we reached senior high school,
where we may not see each other every day anymore, but the bond and connection are still

Fast forward to second-year college, I discovered that she started a rumor about me to
all of my batchmates since we were still in high school that I never knew about for years. I have
never felt the type of range I felt when I found out the only person, I trust is making up stories
about me behind my back. The moment I found out, I never confronted her, and I never asked
why she did it. For years, she knew everything about me, all my secrets, and worst fears. It was
her choice to betray me. The sense of connection and shared experiences that I once had with
that person is lost, leaving me feeling angry and betrayed.

Today, I have applied the saying, “Forgive but never forget.” Forgiveness involves letting
go of anger, resentment, or a desire for revenge toward someone who has wronged us.
However, it does not necessarily mean that we should forget the harm that was caused, as
remembering can serve as a reminder of what we have learned and help us to avoid similar
situations in the future. I have forgiven her even though I never received an apology. I have not
let go of what she did, but I chose my peace over dwelling on the thing that was beyond my


Activity: 8.1

Prejudice, Stereotype, and Discrimination Identification

• Look for actual situations where Prejudice, Stereotype, and Discrimination has been observed
or felt.

(only 1 situation for each)

• Identify the possible source of the situations you identify above.

Prejudice: A woman was denied a job because of her gender. Despite having the necessary
qualifications and experience, the interviewer told her that they were looking for a man to fill the
position. This is an example of prejudice based on gender.

Possible sources of prejudice in this situation could include societal and cultural norms that
perpetuate gender-based stereotypes and discrimination, as well as personal biases and beliefs
held by the interviewer.

Stereotype: A group of teenagers was walking down the street, and a passerby saw them and
immediately assumed they were up to no good and potentially dangerous, simply because of
their clothing and the way they were walking.

Possible sources of this situation is that the passerby may have held stereotypes about
teenagers and their behavior, based on previous experiences or societal stereotypes about

Discrimination: A gay couple was denied a rental application for an apartment by a landlord who
said that he didn't want "those kinds of people" living in his building.

The source of this situation could be homophobia and prejudice against the LGBTQ+
community, which is still prevalent in some parts of society despite progress in LGBTQ+ rights
and visibility.

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