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Act One Scrooge: Who are you?

MARLEY’S GHOST Marley: I was your co-worker long time ago, your friend, Jacob Marley.
(Roles: Narrator, Nephew, Scrooge, Flame, Marley) Narrator: the ghost sat down in front of Scrooge, as he was in his house.
Narrator: Once upon a time, in a cold Christmas night old Scrooge sat busy Marley: You don’t believe me!
in his chair. Scrooge: I don’t.
Nephew: Merry Christmas, uncle! Marley: Why don’t you believe me?
Narrator: It was his nephew. Scrooge: Because little things affect people, you can be a bit of beef, an
Scrooge: Blah… blah… blah!!! Trash! uncooked potato, or the lack of rest. There are many factors that may provoke
Nephew: Christmas is trash? You don’t mean it, I am sure? hallucinations.
Scrooge: I do! Christmas is trash! Narrator: … the spirit raised a frightful cry!
Nephew: Uncle! Marley: (HOWL) OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrooge: Nephew, celebrate Christmas in your own way, and let me celebrate Scrooge: Mercy! Why do you do this to me? Why do spirits walk the earth?
it in mine. Why do they come to me?
Nephew: Celebrate it? But you don’t celebrate it! Marley: It is necessary for every man if their spirit don’t go forth in life!
Scrooge: Leave me alone, then. You’ll do good to me! They condemned to walk on the earth! I cannot rest, I cannot stay! Mark me!
Nephew: I think Christmas is the best time of the year. It is a kind, forgiving, Narrator: Scrooge was dismayed to hear the ghost talking and Scrooge
charitable, and pleasant time. God bless you uncle! began to quake.
Scrooge: GOOD afternoon! Marley: I am here to tell you that you have a chance and hope of escaping
Nephew: I’ll be happy in Christmas. So Merry Christmas, uncle! from this! Three spirits will visit you! The first spirit comes tomorrow night
Scrooge: GOOD afternoon! at 1 a.m.! The second one at 1 a.m. next night, and the third one at 12 a.m.
Nephew: And a Happy New Year! Bye Scrooge!!!! Uaaahahaha!
Scrooge: GOOD AFTERNOON!!! Narrator: scrooge couldn’t say anything at that moment! He was shocked!
Narrator: His nephew left the room happily, and Scrooge went home! ...... He thought the conversation was just a dream, and he went straight to bed!
Scrooge took his lonely dinner in his usual place…….. and went to bed. Scrooge: It was a dream! Yes!!! A dream! Just a dream! Yes! Yes! A
Someone was knocking, knocking, and knocking at the door, but no one was dream!
there. (chain sounds, ghost approaching)
Scrooge: What do you want with me?
Marley: Much! ACT II
THE FIRST SPIRIT OF THE THREE Scrooge: It isn’t that, spirit! He has the power to make people feel happy or
(Roles: Narrator, Scrooge, First ghost, Mr. Fezziwig) unhappy, to make our work easy or difficult. He has the power in his words.
Narrator: When scrooge woke up, the clock tolled a deep, hollow, and The happiness he gives is like a salary! I don’t want to be here! Don’t do this
melancholic BONG! ONE Light flashed up, the curtains of his bed drawn to me!
aside by a strange figure! Narrator: Scrooge felt very tired after having this unhappy moment with the
Scrooge: Are you the spirit? I know you are the ghost! ghost. Suddenly he was in his bed, and he fall asleep immediately! And he
First ghost: I am! started snoring!
Scrooge: Who and What are you?
First ghost: I am the ghost of Christmas Past!
(8 roles Narrator. Scrooge, Second ghost, Mrs. Cratchit, Mr. Cratchit, Tiny
Narrator: Then, both passed through the wall! And they stopped at a shop.
Tim, The Two Young Cratchit)
First ghost: Is it familiar to you?
Narrator: Scrooge awoke in his bedroom. The walls and ceiling were so
Scrooge: familiar to me? I worked here for the first time!
hung with living green, that it looked a perfect forest. The leaves og holly,
Narrator: They went in! There was a tall, and old man behind a high desk!
mistletoe, reflected back in the light. It was a perfect Christmas house!
Scrooge cried in great excitement:
Second ghost: “Come in – come in” and know me better, man! I am the
Scrooge: Why it’s Mr. Fezziwig! Bless his heart! It’s him, alive again!
Ghost of Christmas Present. Look at me! Touch my cloth!
Fezziwig: Yo ho, there! Ebenezer!
Narrator: Scrooge did what the ghost said! Suddenly they stood in the city
Narrator: Scrooge’s teacher was there! Scrooge, young and strong, was next
streets in a Christmas morning! Nobody could see them! They were in
to him!
Scrooge’s employee’s house, Mr. Cratchit.
Fezziwig: Yo Ho, My boys! Stop working! Christmas is here! Ebenezer,
Mrs. Cratchit: What has ever got your father then? And your brother Tiny
Christmas is here! We need to prepare everything for the Christmas party and
we need some space here!
The two young Cratchit: No, no! There’s father coming..!
Narrator: they clean up the place for the party! Everything was ready in a
Narrator: …cried the young men! Bob, the father, came in. Tiny Tim was
minute! Many people came to the party. People from different parts just to
upon his shoulder. Sorry for Tiny Tim because he has a little crutch!
celebrate Christmas! People were talking, dancing, and laughing.
Mrs. Cratchit: And how did little Tim behave?
First ghost: A small thing! To make this people so happy! He has spent some
Bob Cratchit: As good as gold and better! He gets thoughtful and thinks the
money for this party, a hundred or two hundred dollars perhaps! Is that so
strangest things you ever heard. He told me coming home he wants to be in
much that he deserves a thank you?
the church so people may remember him upon Christmas day.
Narrator: Master Peter and the two young Cratchit went to fetch the goose. First man: I don’t know. He didn’t give anything to me.
Mrs. Cratchit prepared a delicious dinner for everybody. Everybody help to Narrator: Everything changed for Scrooge. Suddenly he saw a person and
set the table! And they said… this person was him!
Everybody: Hurrah! Merry Christmas! Scrooge: Spirit! Let me experience love or tenderness! Spirit! Is it my future?
Narrator: After eating, they went to take the pudding! Mrs. Cratchit entered Narrator: the ghost took him to Bob Cratchit’s home. They all were very
smiling with the pudding! They all eat it! quiet! This noisy family was in silent!
Bob Cratchit: Oh! A wonderful pudding! Mrs. Cratchit: The color hurts my eyes! They’re better now again! I don’t
Narrator: At last the dinner was all done! They were happy, grateful, pleased have to show weak eyes to your father who is on his way home.
with one another, and contented with the time. Scrooge was watching Peter: Maybe he is walking too slowly!
carefully, especially Tiny Tim until the last! Mrs. Cratchit: He doesn’t walk like that when he was with Tiny Tim upon
The whole scene passed off, and he and the spirit visited many homes and all his shoulders. He liked to carry him and he loved him a lot. He was not a
of them had a happy ending. Suddenly the bell struck! Bong, Bong, Bong, problem for him!
Bong!!!!! Twelve!!!!!!!!!! Narrator: She hurried out to meet Bob! The two young said to him.
Scrooge looked for the spirit but he was not there anymore! And he Two young: Don’t be sad!
remembers Marley’s predictions!!!! Narrator: he was happy for a moment!
Mrs. Cratchit: you went to the park again then?
ACT IV Bob Cratchit: Yes I did. I will walk in the park on Sundays! My little child,
(Roles: Narrator, Scrooge, Third ghost, Mrs. Cratchit, Bob Cratchit, 2 my little child!
humor fellows, and Tiny Tim) Scrooge: Specter, something is wrong! But tell who the man we saw before
Scrooge: Ghost of the future! I fear you more than the others! Talk to me! was.
Narrator: He said nothing. Narrator: The ghost took Scrooge to the graves and pointed down. Scrooge
Scrooge: Go, go, go! Do it! It is too late at night! saw were the ghost was pointing and Scrooge read on the grave: EBENEZER
Narrator: They walked and walked! The spirit stopped where some SCROOGE.
merchants were. Scrooge hurried to listen to them. Scrooge: Is that me? It´s impossible! No, spirit! No. Oh no!!!!!!!! Listen to
First man: I don’t know who he is! What I know is that he’s dead. me! I am not there! I will not be there! Why do you this to me? I will do
Second man: When did he die? whatever you want! Tell me! I will my money to poor people! I will honor
First man: I think it was last night! Christmas! Tell me! How can I avoid this?
Third man: what about his money?
Narrator: The ghost took his hand,! And took him home! Scrooge was
crying and then he realized he was at home, in his room, in his bed! Scrooge
ran to the window and opened it!
Scrooge: What day is today?
Boy: Ah!!!!!!!!
Scrooge: What day is today, my friend?
Boy: Hello????
Scrooge: It´s Christmas! It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Boy: Nooo! It is Independence day!
Scrooge: An intelligent boy! Where can I buy a Chompipollo?
Boy: Go to Superselectos!
Scrooge: Good boy!
Boy: I can go for you!
Scrooge: Can you? Good!!!!!! Have some money and buy it! And then send
it to Bob Cratchit! Take the exchange!
Narrator: The boy was surprised! Scrooge dressed in a hurry and went out!
He was saying Merry Christmas to everybody! Then, he went to Bob’s home!
Bob: What are you doing here?
Scrooge: Let me get in! and I will let you know why! Hmmmm I am here to
tell you that . . . . . I will raise your salary!
Narrator: Bob trembled!
Scrooge: Merry Christmas, Bob! Merry Christmas Bob! I’ll raise your salary!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Narrator: Scrooge was totally different! He did what he need did! He is a
good, kind, happy and friendly person.
Tiny Tim: God Bless every one!

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