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Research Design – Types, Methods and Examples

April 11, 2023by Muhammad Hassan

Table of Contents

Research Design

Types of Research Design

Descriptive Research Design

Correlational Research Design

Experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental Research Design

Case Study Research Design

Longitudinal Research Design

Structure of Research Design

Example of Research Design

How to Write Research Design

When to Write Research Design

Purpose of Research Design

Applications of Research Design

Advantages of Research Design

Research Design Vs Research Methodology

Research Design
Research Design


Research design refers to the overall strategy or plan for conducting a research study. It outlines the
methods and procedures that will be used to collect and analyze data, as well as the goals and objectives
of the study. Research design is important because it guides the entire research process and ensures
that the study is conducted in a systematic and rigorous manner.

Types of Research Design

Types of Research Design are as follows:

Descriptive Research Design

This type of research design is used to describe a phenomenon or situation. It involves collecting data
through surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The aim of descriptive research is to
provide an accurate and detailed portrayal of a particular group, event, or situation. It can be useful in
identifying patterns, trends, and relationships in the data.

Correlational Research Design

Correlational research design is used to determine if there is a relationship between two or more
variables. This type of research design involves collecting data from participants and analyzing the
relationship between the variables using statistical methods. The aim of correlational research is to
identify the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables.

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

This type of research design involves manipulating one variable and measuring the effect on another
variable. It usually involves randomly assigning participants to groups and manipulating an independent
variable to determine its effect on a dependent variable. The aim of experimental research is to
establish causality.

Quasi-experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental research design is similar to experimental research design, but it lacks one or more
of the features of a true experiment. For example, there may not be random assignment to groups or a
control group. This type of research design is used when it is not feasible or ethical to conduct a true

Case Study Research Design

Case study research design is used to investigate a single case or a small number of cases in depth. It
involves collecting data through various methods, such as interviews, observations, and document
analysis. The aim of case study research is to provide an in-depth understanding of a particular case or

Longitudinal Research Design

Longitudinal research design is used to study changes in a particular phenomenon over time. It involves
collecting data at multiple time points and analyzing the changes that occur. The aim of longitudinal
research is to provide insights into the development, growth, or decline of a particular phenomenon
over time.

Structure of Research Design

The format of a research design typically includes the following sections:

Introduction: This section provides an overview of the research problem, the research questions, and
the importance of the study. It also includes a brief literature review that summarizes previous research
on the topic and identifies gaps in the existing knowledge.

Research Questions or Hypotheses: This section identifies the specific research questions or hypotheses
that the study will address. These questions should be clear, specific, and testable.

Research Methods: This section describes the methods that will be used to collect and analyze data. It
includes details about the study design, the sampling strategy, the data collection instruments, and the
data analysis techniques.

Data Collection: This section describes how the data will be collected, including the sample size, data
collection procedures, and any ethical considerations.

Data Analysis: This section describes how the data will be analyzed, including the statistical techniques
that will be used to test the research questions or hypotheses.
Results: This section presents the findings of the study, including descriptive statistics and statistical

Discussion and Conclusion: This section summarizes the key findings of the study, interprets the results,
and discusses the implications of the findings. It also includes recommendations for future research.

References: This section lists the sources cited in the research design.

Example of Research Design

An Example of Research Design could be:

Research question: Does the use of social media affect the academic performance of high school

Research design:

Research approach: The research approach will be quantitative as it involves collecting numerical data to
test the hypothesis.

Research design: The research design will be a quasi-experimental design, with a pretest-posttest
control group design.

Sample: The sample will be 200 high school students from two schools, with 100 students in the
experimental group and 100 students in the control group.

Data collection: The data will be collected through surveys administered to the students at the
beginning and end of the academic year. The surveys will include questions about their social media
usage and academic performance.

Data analysis: The data collected will be analyzed using statistical software. The mean scores of the
experimental and control groups will be compared to determine whether there is a significant difference
in academic performance between the two groups.

Limitations: The limitations of the study will be acknowledged, including the fact that social media usage
can vary greatly among individuals, and the study only focuses on two schools, which may not be
representative of the entire population.

Ethical considerations: Ethical considerations will be taken into account, such as obtaining informed
consent from the participants and ensuring their anonymity and confidentiality.

How to Write Research Design

Writing a research design involves planning and outlining the methodology and approach that will be
used to answer a research question or hypothesis. Here are some steps to help you write a research

Define the research question or hypothesis: Before beginning your research design, you should clearly
define your research question or hypothesis. This will guide your research design and help you select
appropriate methods.

Select a research design: There are many different research designs to choose from, including
experimental, survey, case study, and qualitative designs. Choose a design that best fits your research
question and objectives.

Develop a sampling plan: If your research involves collecting data from a sample, you will need to
develop a sampling plan. This should outline how you will select participants and how many participants
you will include.

Define variables: Clearly define the variables you will be measuring or manipulating in your study. This
will help ensure that your results are meaningful and relevant to your research question.

Choose data collection methods: Decide on the data collection methods you will use to gather
information. This may include surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, or secondary data

Create a data analysis plan: Develop a plan for analyzing your data, including the statistical or qualitative
techniques you will use.

Consider ethical concerns: Finally, be sure to consider any ethical concerns related to your research,
such as participant confidentiality or potential harm.

When to Write Research Design

Research design should be written before conducting any research study. It is an important planning
phase that outlines the research methodology, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques
that will be used to investigate a research question or problem. The research design helps to ensure that
the research is conducted in a systematic and logical manner, and that the data collected is relevant and

Ideally, the research design should be developed as early as possible in the research process, before any
data is collected. This allows the researcher to carefully consider the research question, identify the
most appropriate research methodology, and plan the data collection and analysis procedures in
advance. By doing so, the research can be conducted in a more efficient and effective manner, and the
results are more likely to be valid and reliable.
Purpose of Research Design

The purpose of research design is to plan and structure a research study in a way that enables the
researcher to achieve the desired research goals with accuracy, validity, and reliability. Research design
is the blueprint or the framework for conducting a study that outlines the methods, procedures,
techniques, and tools for data collection and analysis.

Some of the key purposes of research design include:

Providing a clear and concise plan of action for the research study.

Ensuring that the research is conducted ethically and with rigor.

Maximizing the accuracy and reliability of the research findings.

Minimizing the possibility of errors, biases, or confounding variables.

Ensuring that the research is feasible, practical, and cost-effective.

Determining the appropriate research methodology to answer the research question(s).

Identifying the sample size, sampling method, and data collection techniques.

Determining the data analysis method and statistical tests to be used.

Facilitating the replication of the study by other researchers.

Enhancing the validity and generalizability of the research findings.

Applications of Research Design

There are numerous applications of research design in various fields, some of which are:

Social sciences: In fields such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology, research design is used to
investigate human behavior and social phenomena. Researchers use various research designs, such as
experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational designs, to study different aspects of social

Education: Research design is essential in the field of education to investigate the effectiveness of
different teaching methods and learning strategies. Researchers use various designs such as
experimental, quasi-experimental, and case study designs to understand how students learn and how to
improve teaching practices.

Health sciences: In the health sciences, research design is used to investigate the causes, prevention,
and treatment of diseases. Researchers use various designs, such as randomized controlled trials, cohort
studies, and case-control studies, to study different aspects of health and healthcare.

Business: Research design is used in the field of business to investigate consumer behavior, marketing
strategies, and the impact of different business practices. Researchers use various designs, such as
survey research, experimental research, and case studies, to study different aspects of the business

Engineering: In the field of engineering, research design is used to investigate the development and
implementation of new technologies. Researchers use various designs, such as experimental research
and case studies, to study the effectiveness of new technologies and to identify areas for improvement.

Advantages of Research Design

Here are some advantages of research design:

Systematic and organized approach: A well-designed research plan ensures that the research is
conducted in a systematic and organized manner, which makes it easier to manage and analyze the

Clear objectives: The research design helps to clarify the objectives of the study, which makes it easier to
identify the variables that need to be measured, and the methods that need to be used to collect and
analyze data.

Minimizes bias: A well-designed research plan minimizes the chances of bias, by ensuring that the data is
collected and analyzed objectively, and that the results are not influenced by the researcher’s personal
biases or preferences.

Efficient use of resources: A well-designed research plan helps to ensure that the resources (time,
money, and personnel) are used efficiently and effectively, by focusing on the most important variables
and methods.

Replicability: A well-designed research plan makes it easier for other researchers to replicate the study,
which enhances the credibility and reliability of the findings.

Validity: A well-designed research plan helps to ensure that the findings are valid, by ensuring that the
methods used to collect and analyze data are appropriate for the research question.

Generalizability: A well-designed research plan helps to ensure that the findings can be generalized to
other populations, settings, or situations, which increases the external validity of the study.
Research Design Vs Research Methodology

Research Design Research Methodology

The plan and structure for conducting research that outlines the procedures to be followed to collect
and analyze data. The set of principles, techniques, and tools used to carry out the research plan
and achieve research objectives.

Describes the overall approach and strategy used to conduct research, including the type of data to be
collected, the sources of data, and the methods for collecting and analyzing data. Refers to the
techniques and methods used to gather, analyze and interpret data, including sampling techniques, data
collection methods, and data analysis techniques.

Helps to ensure that the research is conducted in a systematic, rigorous, and valid way, so that the
results are reliable and can be used to make sound conclusions. Includes a set of procedures and tools
that enable researchers to collect and analyze data in a consistent and valid manner, regardless of the
research design used.

Common research designs include experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, and descriptive

studies. Common research methodologies include qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods

Determines the overall structure of the research project and sets the stage for the selection of
appropriate research methodologies. Guides the researcher in selecting the most appropriate
research methods based on the research question, research design, and other contextual factors.

Helps to ensure that the research project is feasible, relevant, and ethical. Helps to ensure that
the data collected is accurate, valid, and reliable, and that the research findings can be interpreted and
generalized to the population of interest.

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MethodologyResearch Methodology – Types, Examples and writing Guide

About the author

Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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