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Choose the correct answers

1. The table is below the window. The window is ____ the table.

a) Behind
b) Between
c) By
2. Steve, Alex, David. Alex is ____ Steve and David.
a) Below
b) next to
c) between

Contable or incontable nouns….

1. Tomato
a) Countable
b) Uncountable

2. Wine
a) Countable
b) Uncountable

3. Newspaper
a) Countable
b) Uncountable

4. sugar
a) Countable
b) Uncountable
Write the correct verb TO BE in simple present

1. David ____ happy. (negative)

2. ____ you Spanish?
3. The cat ____ on the table.
4. Peter and Mark ____ brothers
5. We ____ in the park.

Write the correct verb in simple present

1. I sometimes ____ (go) to work by car.

2. ____ you _____ (like) fish?
3. She _____ (not/teach) English.
4. They always _____ (eat) dinner at 7 o'clock.
5. We _____ (not/live) in a big house.

Write the frequency adverbs

Write what did you do the last week

Write about you, introduce yourself.

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