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Special Senses | Semicircular Canals | Cristae Ampularis | BPPV Medical Editor: Dr. Christina Perry


II) INSIDE THE SEMICIRCULAR CANALS labyrinth which is composed of perilymph fluid (high in
III) INSIDE THE AMPULLA Na+ and low in K+)
IV) INSIDE THE CNS o It contains a special structure inside of it called the
V) VERTIGO & BPPV inner membranous labyrinth which consists of
VI) REVIEW QUESTIONS endolymph (low in Na+ and high in K+)
NEW: the SEMICIRCULAR CANALS contain the outer
bony labyrinth composed of perilymph
o Inside is the inner membranous labyrinth called the
semicircular ducts which are composed of endolymph
o Special detector (sensory epithelium) located in the
ampulla called the cristae ampularis


Figure 1: Overview of inner ear structures

Cochlea – role with sound transduction and sound waves
Vestibule – via macula within the utricle and saccule and
their response to linear acceleration and horizontal/
vertical axis and head tilting
Semicircular canals – there are 3 that are oriented in
three different planes (x, y, and x axis) and help to orient
with rotational/angular acceleration
o Dynamic equilibrium*

Figure 3: Inside the ampulla – right side

When the head is rotated to the right, the endolymph will
stay stationary in the ducts due to inertia, but the
semicircular canal will continue to rotate with head
o Results in the endolymph pushes on the cristae
ampularis structure and bends
Hair cells lie under the ampullary cupula – these have
stereocilia that extend into the cupula
o Under the hair cells are afferent nerve terminals that
connect to Scarpa’s (vestibular) ganglion and travels
to the central nervous system
Figure 2: Canal orientation
This canal is 25˚ above the horizontal plane


This canal is 41˚ anterolateral to the sagittal plane


This canal is 56˚ posterolateral to the sagittal plane

The canals are located 90° from each other and allows
for them to pick up rotations and angular accelerations.

Figure 4: Hair cell depolarization

Semicircular Canals | Cristae Ampullaris | BPPV SPECIAL SENSES: Note #1. 1 of 4

When the cupula bends, the stereocilia beat together Stereocilia beat away from the kinocilium, the Ca2+ or K+
toward the kinocilium and open the channels to allow will not move into the cell
Ca2+ and K+ into the cell The cell will then hyperpolarize, and glutamate will not be
The cations rush in  cell depolarization released
Ca2+ accumulate and cause synaptoproteins on these The afferent nerve terminals will not be stimulated  very
vesicles to fuse with the cell membrane  exocytose little to no action potentials will be sent to Scarpa’s
chemicals and release glutamate ganglion or into the CNS
o Glutamate will stimulate the afferent nerve terminal
and send action potentials down the peripheral IV) INSIDE THE CNS
process to the pseudo-unipolar ganglion and then
The vestibular branch of CN VIII Vestibulocochlear n. will
down the central processes to the CNS
exit the skull through the internal acoustic
Ex) If we rotate to the right, inertia causes the meatus/canal (IAC) and travel to the medulla
endolymph to push on the ampullary cupula causing the From there, it will travel and synapse on the vestibular
stereocilia to beat toward the kinocilium nuclear complex – mainly the medial vestibular nucleus
o If they beat toward the kinocilium, it’s going to If the hair cell depolarized, it will stimulate the medial
stimulate action potentials to Scarpa’s ganglion and vestibular nucleus on that side, however, if the hair cell
then into the CNS was hyperpolarized and no action potentials were
created, then the vestibular nucleus on that side will be

Figure 8: Stimulating/Inhibiting vestibular nuclei

Medial vestibular nuclei will then cross to the
contralateral side of the medulla to the contralateral
nucleus of CN VI Abducens n.
Action potentials that were sent to the medial vestibular
Figure 5: Ampullopedal movement nucleus will then stimulate the contralateral CN VI nerve
When we rotate to the R, the fluid stays stationary due to nucleus and send signals to the ipsilateral lateral rectus
inertia  semicircular canals still rotate

Figure 6: Ampullofugal movement

If the endolymph flows away from the cupula, it is called
ampullofugal movement

Figure 9: CN VI pathway stimulation

The contralateral CN VI nucleus action potentials can

cross again to the contralateral side to the oculomotor
nucleus and stimulate that pathway. This will stimulate
the medial rectus muscle on the contralateral side

Figure 7: Hair cell hyperpolarization

2 of 4 SPECIAL SENSES: Note #1. Semicircular Canals | Cristae Ampullaris | BPPV
Figure 11: Eye movements
Eyes beating in the opposite direction is called
saccadic movement
When the eyes beat to both sides, it is called
vestibular nystagmus
o Occurs naturally
o Turning head to right side will activate right
semicircular canals


Vertigo = the feeling or sensation that your head and/or
body is rotating and moving around without an actual
Figure 10: CN III nucleus pathway stimulation stimulus
The otoconia (crystals) in the macula become dislodged
This is what happens with head rotation:
and stuck in the semicircular canals
o Head rotates to the left  gaze is stabilized
o The most common canal for the otoconia to become
o The left eye adducts; the right eye abducts
lodged in is the posterior semicircular canal
o This is a result of the vestibulocochlear reflex (VOR)
 This is called posterior BPPV (benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo)
When we run, the image we see is not jumbled or  Diagnosed via the Dix-Hallpike maneuver
bounding up and down, it is stabilized.  Eyes will bounce around (rotational nystagmus)
Due to the semicircular canal, the utricle and the
saccule because they allow for gaze stabilization This will then cause action potentials inside the ducts to
go to the CNS which tells us that we are moving/rotating
o This will produce nystagmus
On the side where the hair cell hyperpolarized and
inhibited action potentials to the CN VIII nucleus, it also Treatment for posterior BPPV is done with the Epley’s
inhibited potentials to the ipsilateral lateral rectus maneuver
muscle as well as the contralateral CN III nucleus If the otoconia get stuck in the anterior semicircular
canal, it is called anterior BPPV
When we rotate our head to the right, the eyes will beat o Dix-Hallpike maneuver will cause vertical nystagmus
fast to the left  they will then move back to the right If the otoconia get stuck in the lateral semicircular
nystagmus, it is called lateral semicircular canal BPPV
Frontal eye field is an area on the cerebral cortex that will o Deep head hanging maneuvers will cause horizontal
send an action potential down to a nucleus in the pons nystagmus
called the paramedian pontine reticular formation

If we inhibit the left CN VI nerve nucleus from the

paramedian pontine reticular formation, the action
potentials via the right medial longitudinal fasciculus to
the lateral rectus will be inhibited

Action potentials to the right CN III nucleus will also be

o Ex) Rotate head to the R  eyes beat to the left 
medial rectus contract on the R eye and lateral rectus
contracted on the L eye

Semicircular Canals | Cristae Ampullaris | BPPV SPECIAL SENSES: Note #1. 3 of 4

T/F: Three semicircular canals work to determine
changes in static equilibrium and linear movement
a. True
b. False

Describe what happens inside the ampularis when

the head is first turned to the R
a. The endolymph will push on the cristae ampularis
b. Glutamate stimulates the afferent nerve terminals
c. Endolymph will stay stationary due to inertia
d. The cell will depolarize

When the stereocilia beat together toward the

kinocilium the hair cell will ________ and allows Ca2+
and K+ into the cell which will then cause a release of
this neurotransmitter
a. Hyperpolarize, Dopamine
b. Hyperpolarize, Glutamate
c. Depolarize, Serotonin
d. Depolarize, Glutamate

T/F: If the endolymph flows away from the cupula, it

is called ampullofugal movement
a. True
b. False
During gaze fixation, when the head is rotated to the
left, the left eye will _____ and the right eye will ______.
a. Abduct, abduct
b. Abduct, adduct
c. Adduct, adduct
d. Adduct, Abduct

This sensation or feeling happens when the brain

senses that the environment around us is moving or
a. Dizziness
b. Vertigo
c. Meclizine

This canal is the most common one to have

otoconia become lodged in it, thus creating BPPV
a. Horizontal
b. Lateral
c. Anterior
d. Posterior

This diagnostic test can be performed to determine

if someone has posterior BPPV which can then be
treated by this maneuver
a. Dix-Hallpike, Epley’s maneuver
b. Dix-Hallpike, deep head hanging maneuvers
c. Epley’s maneuver, Dix-Hallpike maneuver
d. Deep head hanging maneuver, Epley’s maneuver


● Wikimedia Commons. (2017, August 3). Vertigo. Retrieved from
Wikimedia Commons:

4 of 4 SPECIAL SENSES: Note #1. Semicircular Canals | Cristae Ampullaris | BPPV

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