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9/8/22, 2:19 PM CISC/CMPE 365 - Dynamic Stacks

Dynamic Stacks [ CLRSe3 17.4 ] back to Schedule & Notes

We'll implement a stack in an array. When the stack fills up the

array, the array is expanded to double its size. In the
below, A is the array, n is its size, and t is the index of the
next available empty slot in A.
push( x )

if t > n {

B = "allocate array of size 2n"

for i = 1 to n {

B[i] = A[i]

n = 2n

free A

A = B // A points to the B array now

A[t] = x

t = t + 1

Here's what happens when we push 5 elements into a dynamic array

with initial size n = 1 and initial index t = 1:

A push operation can be very expensive because might

require that the whole array be copied, which costs O(n)
for n

However, we can show that the amortized time of

a push is in O(1).

That means that this is an efficient approach to implementing a

dynamic array.

Amortized Analysis of push

The idea is to offset the cost of copying by having existing
elements that have not yet been copied pay for the
copying from A to B:
Upon inserting these elements pay for copying
2 1 1
3 2 1, 2
5 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1/4
9/8/22, 2:19 PM CISC/CMPE 365 - Dynamic Stacks

9 5, 6, 7, 8 1, 2, ..., 8

So each element pays only once (from the middle column

above), and each element pays for copying at most
two others
(since the right column contains at most twice the number of
elements as the middle column).

We'll use the accounting method of amortized analysis because

we are having specific elements pay for

Just before a copy from A to B, each element in the top

half of the array, A[ n

+ 1 … n] , should have
credits. That makes a total of n credits in the array.

Upon copying the n elements, A[1 … n], those n

credits will be used.

Suppose k elements are copied during a push.

k could be either zero (if the array is not yet full) or n
(if the array
is full). Then

T̂ (push) = T (push) + (# credits stored) − (# credits used)

k k
= (1 + k) + (2) − (2 )  because   elements contribute 2 credits each
2 2

= 3

Therefore, in a sequence of pushes, the

amortized time of each push is in O(1).

The pop Operation

So as not to waste memory, we should shrink the array when it
gets smaller due to repeated pop operations.

Once the array contains one-quarter of its capacity, we'll

reduce it to one-half its current size, as follows:
pop( x )

t = t - 1

x = A[t]

if t <= n/4+1 {

B = "allocate array of size n/2"

for i = 1 to n/4 {

B[i] = A[i]

n = n/2

free A

A = B

return x

Here's what happens with a full array of four elements that

gets a push and then three pops: 2/4
9/8/22, 2:19 PM CISC/CMPE 365 - Dynamic Stacks


Why not shrink the array to one-quarter its current size once it becomes one-quarter full?


Amortized Analysis of pop

Upon a pop, we will leave behind a credit on the
array slot that contained the popped element.

We cannot guarantee that there are credits on A[ + 1 … n] because there might never have been elements

those positions. Consider that the array might have been

expanded from size to size n, after which
there were

no other push operations. Then the

slots A[ + 2 … n] would never contained
any elements.

So we can only guarantee, once the array shrinks

sufficiently, that there were elements in A[ n

+ 1…

+ 1] .

Those array slots each contain a credit, so we have n

+ 1 credits to pay for the n

elements that get
copied when
the array shrinks.

There might be more than that number of credits, but we don't

need to use the excess credits and can discard

If no shrinking occurs in a pop, its amortized cost is

T̂ (pop) = T (pop) + (# credits bought) − (# credits used)

= 1 + 1 − 0 where one credit is bought and placed on the array slot that contained the p

= 2

If shrinking occurs, its amortized cost is

T̂ (pop) = T (pop) + (# credits bought) − (# credits used)

n n
= (1 + ) + (1) − ( + 1)
4 4

= 1 3/4
9/8/22, 2:19 PM CISC/CMPE 365 - Dynamic Stacks

We can maintain a dynamic stack in amortized O(1) cost per operation!

back to Schedule & Notes 4/4

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