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rudy acuna <acunarudy427@GMAIL.


( ) Conspiracy Theory or a Nightmare?, Sep 24 2011

Last August I wrote a piece tying David and Charles Koch to Arizona’s Tea Party and Arizona
politicos. I was immediately accused of propagating a conspiracy theory. However, since then
countless articles have been published about the Koch brothers, the American Chamber of
Commerce and the National Socialist Movement (Nazi Party) and their control of Arizona
politicians, the Tea Party and paramilitary groups.

Not satisfied with an almost total takeover of Arizona’s political apparatus, the Koch brothers
have moved to establish a beachhead in the state of Wisconsin. The billionaire brothers through
their political action committee gave Gov. Scott Walker $43,000 which helped fund a successful
multi-million dollar attack ad campaign against his opponent during the 2010 gubernatorial

Emulating their draconian tactics in Arizona, the Kochs have launched a campaign based on
fear. The difference is that collective bargaining rights for public workers in Wisconsin have
replaced the undocumented worker as the bogeyman.

In this campaign the Koch brothers have financed “Americans for Prosperity” that generously
funds the Tea Party movement in Wisconsin. The president of “Americans for Prosperity,” Tim
Phillips, has acknowledged that he had encouraged Walker even before the election to engineer a
showdown with labor groups. It is not incidental that the Kochs financed this campaign and
contributed a million dollars to destroy public sector unions.

Further proof of the perfidy of Walker and the Kochs is that as late as January of this year, the
Fiscal Bureau estimated that the state would end the year with a balance of $121.4 million. That
same month Walker and the Republican dominated legislature gave away $117 million in tax
breaks to businesses and private health savings accounts. The bottom line was that if it had not
been for this subsidy to the rich, Wisconsin would have had a surplus.

Because of this gift to the rich, a financial crisis has resulted. In order to cover this up, the Kochs
and the economic royalists have whipped up the hate machine and made the unions and pensions
the scapegoats. The big lie is that Wisconsin is in trouble because of the unions—not because of
its tax policies that subsidize the rich. Their solution is to bust the unions, end pensions, claiming
that the state’s fiscal problems would then go away.

Perhaps pensions are inflated, but let’s put this into context. A lot of teachers and public
employees went to work for the government because of the pensions. Their pay in the fifties and
sixties was way below the private sector. For instance, I turned down a sales job where I would
have earned three times my teaching salary. Today a beginning professor makes $50,000 a year
in the Los Angeles area—this is after twelve years of university course work. The only drawing
card is that their families will be compensated when they retire.

Beginning in the sixties lobbyists and business gained access to politicians who they used to
control government. Many elected officials began to satisfy public sector workers through
deferred salary plans which they called benefits. In this way they could keep the cost of
government down, lower taxes for business and the rich, and keep quality workers. Now the
chickens have come home to roost.

Instead of sitting down and negotiating a plan, establishing ground rules that would allow the
worker the option of a deferred payment plan or getting their money now, the Koch solution is to
smash labor. The ultimate goal is to lower taxes for themselves and increase their political
hegemony by eliminating unions as a check on their greed.

What is happening in Wisconsin is not an accident. It is a conspiracy to take over the state and
purge dissent.

A theory is an assumption. There are various stages of a theory—possibility, probability and

finally when it is proven—a fact.

The claims of fiscal responsibility, disloyalty, an alien invasion and unions causing the economic
crisis are all “big lies” to generate fear, hate, anger and racism. These passions create
smokescreens to hide the intent of the Kochs and their gaggle of economic royalists. To make
things worse, they do not pay taxes on the monies spent. Indeed, they are tax write-offs since
they are channeled through their foundations.

In Arizona the undocumented were not a problem until opportunists whipped up the public.
Inside of three years right wing extremists took over the state bureaucracy and intimidated
federal officials. This campaign saw tea partiers, minutemen, vigilantes and other thugs running
around armed to the teeth leading to the shooting of numerous innocent people.

In 2009 Shawna Forde, a leader of the Minuteman American Defense (MAD), directed a hit on
the Flores household. It led to the murder of 9 yr old Brisenia Flores and her father Raul Flores
Jr. The mainstream Arizona almost totally ignored the murder until the trial of Forde. Brisenia’s
mother testified that the young girl was shot through the head as she begged for her life.

At this very moment, Arizona is trying to shut down La Raza Studies in Tucson. It is the premier
program in the country, reducing the drop problem to almost nothing and motivating students to
stay in school and go to college.

What’s at stake? Lower taxes, Republican control of the state and greed.

Arizona ranks almost last in per capita spending per child and has one of the worse public school
systems in the nation as a consequence. It is not the greedy unions that are to blame but the
“illegals” who are smuggling in drugs, according to Gov. Jan Brewer.

Obsessed with hate, white Arizonans forget that the reason that the Mexican cartels are attracted
to the Arizona border is the availability of arms which can be freely bought in Arizona. The
National Rifle Association, gun dealers and banks profit.
This greed has created a nightmare. The only difference is that you can wake up from a
nightmare. What is happening in Wisconsin and Arizona is real, it is not just a bad dream. The
only way that we can end it is by fighting back.
Rudy Acuna


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