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My Dearest Charlotte,

I hope this letter finds you. I hope and pray that you'll treasure this; my words of truly profound and
deep love for you always and forever!

Charlotte, I never knew a love like this could exist. I never thought it possible. Then I met you. I
thought I knew what love was. You've shown me that I didn't know what it was at all. Not until I met
you. Now, My Charlotte; I know what love is. I know; finally know what true love is. It is you. You are
love itself. You are love incarnate! You are loves very soul. You are it's heart.

Charlotte; you fell from heaven and into my arms. You vanquished my lonely heart; my sorrow, my
sadness, the emptiness inside, my despair of living without ever knowing and having all that which
is you. True love! A love that is so pure, so precious a thing it can never be tainted. Nothing will ever
tear us apart! No force in this world or in the heavens could ever take me away from you! No
distance however great will ever diminish my unwavering devotion to you. Time; time will never get
our love! Time apart from you will only make my love for you that much stronger. Stronger than it
already is for you.

Charlotte, you are my beating heart. You are the air I breathe. You complete me. You make me
whole. You; Charlotte, are my life! Without you I could not exist. Without you I wouldn't want to go
on living! Without you I'd die!

My Dearest Charlotte,

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