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Solve for α in the oblique triangle ABC; AB=30 AC=15 and angle B=20°

1. Type out the two equations substituting the numbers from the diagram
2. Type out the law of sines set of relationships and type out the most appropriate version to use the
law of cosines for this solution
3. Solve for A using both methods (show step-by-step work)

1. Get angle C by using of cosine law
sin B sin C
15 30
sin 20 sin C
C = 43.16 degrees

2. Get angle A by subtracting angle B and C from 180

A = 180 – 20 – 43.16

Angle of A = 116.84

3. Get side BC by using cosine law

BC= √ A C 2+ A B2−2 ( AC ) ( AB ) cos A

BC= √ ( 15 ) + ( 30 ) −2 ( 15 ) ( 30 ) cos 116.84 \

2 2

Side of BC = 39.14 units

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