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Title: "Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit"

Scripture: Luke 23:46 (NIV) "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into your hands I commit my
spirit.' When he had said this, he breathed his last."


As we continue to journey through the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to the seventh and
final saying from the cross. In this moment, we witness Jesus entrusting his spirit to God the Father,
just before his death. Today, we will explore the significance of this moment and what it means for us
as followers of Christ.


1. Surrender to God: Jesus' final words on the cross remind us of the importance of
surrendering our lives to God. Just as Jesus entrusts his spirit to the Father, we too are called
to surrender our lives and trust in God's plan for us. This moment reminds us that we can
find peace and comfort in surrendering our lives to God, knowing that he has our best
interests at heart.

2. The Power of Faith: Jesus' final words also demonstrate the power of faith. Even in the face
of death, Jesus has complete faith in God the Father. This moment reminds us of the
importance of faith in our lives, and the power that it can bring. We are called to have faith
in God, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, knowing that he is with us and will never
leave us.

3. Trust in the Father's Plan: At the moment of his death, Jesus entrusts his spirit to the Father,
demonstrating his complete trust in God's plan for his life. This moment reminds us of the
importance of trusting in God's plan for our lives, even when we don't understand it. As we
follow Jesus, we too are called to trust in the Father's plan and surrender our lives to him.

4. The Unity of the Trinity: In his final statement, Jesus addresses God the Father, highlighting
the unity and intimacy of the Trinity. This moment reminds us of the profound mystery of the
Trinity and the unity of the Godhead. As we contemplate the Trinity, we are reminded of the
richness and complexity of our faith. In addition, Jesus' words also demonstrate his unity
with the Father. Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus has emphasized his intimate
relationship with God, and his complete obedience to the Father's will. Now, even in his final
moments, Jesus remains in perfect harmony with the Father, submitting himself fully to
God's plan and purpose. One additional aspect to consider is the relationship between Jesus
and the Father in this moment. By committing his spirit into the hands of the Father, Jesus is
acknowledging that he and the Father are one. In John 10:30, Jesus declares, "I and the
Father are one." This unity between Jesus and the Father is not just a conceptual or
intellectual idea, but a deep and abiding spiritual reality.

5. The Promise of Eternal Life: Finally, Jesus' final words on the cross remind us of the promise
of eternal life. Just as Jesus entrusts his spirit to the Father, we too can entrust our lives to
God and have the assurance of eternal life. This moment reminds us that death is not the
end for those who trust in Jesus, but rather the beginning of a new life with God.

6. The Hope of Resurrection: Finally, Jesus' final words on the cross remind us of the hope of
resurrection. Although Jesus has died, he knows that he will be raised from the dead and
reunited with the Father. This moment reminds us that we too have the hope of
resurrection, and that our ultimate destination is eternal life with God.

7. Furthermore, Jesus' words echo the sentiments of several psalms, including Psalm 31, which
reads "Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God" (verse 5). By
invoking these words, Jesus shows that he is not only fulfilling Scripture, but also identifying
himself with the suffering and hope of God's people throughout history.

8. At a deeper level, Jesus' seventh saying reveals the nature of salvation itself. By committing
his spirit into the hands of the Father, Jesus is showing that he is not simply dying as a martyr
or a hero, but as the sinless Son of God who is offering himself as a sacrifice for the sins of
the world. Through his death, Jesus is fulfilling the Father's plan of redemption, and
reconciling humanity to God.

9. Moreover, Jesus' words also demonstrate the continuity between his life, death, and
resurrection. By committing his spirit into the hands of the Father, Jesus is not only dying, but
also preparing to be raised to new life. His words express his confidence that even in death,
he will remain in the loving care of the Father, and that he will be reunited with him in

10. Finally, Jesus' words have implications for our own lives as believers. In entrusting our spirits
into the hands of the Father, we too can experience the same trust, surrender, and unity with
God that Jesus demonstrates on the cross. As we face the trials and challenges of life, we can
be assured that we are not alone, but are held in the loving care of the Father, who will never
leave us or forsake us.

11. In conclusion, Jesus' seventh saying on the cross, "Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit," is a
powerful statement of trust, surrender, and unity with the Father, and has profound
theological implications for our understanding of salvation, the nature of God, and our own
lives as believers. Let us follow Jesus' example, and entrust our own spirits into the loving
care of the Father, who holds us in the palm of his hand.

12. One aspect that is worth exploring further is the significance of the word "spirit" in this
saying. In the original Greek, the word used for "spirit" is "pneuma," which can also be
translated as "breath" or "life." By committing his spirit into the hands of the Father, Jesus is
not only surrendering his physical body to death, but also offering his very life, breath, and
essence to God.

13. This idea of surrendering our very selves to God is a central theme in Christian theology. In
Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul writes, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of
God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your
true and proper worship." Just as Jesus offered his whole being to God on the cross, so too
are we called to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God.

14. Another important aspect of Jesus' seventh saying is the language of "committing" his spirit
into the hands of the Father. This word can also be translated as "entrusting" or "depositing."
By using this language, Jesus is emphasizing the security and trustworthiness of the Father.
He knows that his spirit is safe in the hands of the one who created him, who has sustained
him throughout his life, and who will raise him from the dead.

15. This idea of trust in the faithfulness of God is echoed throughout the Bible. In Psalm 62:8,
the psalmist writes, "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for
God is our refuge." Similarly, in Proverbs 3:5-6, we read, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make
your paths straight."


As we reflect on Jesus' seventh and final saying from the cross, we are reminded of the importance
of surrendering our lives to God, the power of faith, and the hope of resurrection. Let us take a
moment to give thanks to God for the gift of salvation, and let us continue to place our trust in him,
surrendering our lives to his plan for us. And may we look forward with hope to the promise of
eternal life with God.

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