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1, lions are animals from the Felidae family or thd cat family, lions are on the continent of afriva and parts of india. diet is meat, usually prey on large mammals, daily lion activities are eating, drinking, sleeping, and eradicating pesta, lions are known as brave and touhj animals 2, the horse is one ten species of modern mammals from the eqqus mountains, horses usually ilve in the grassland and savannas where there is food for horses in the from of grass and leaves, generallythe activity thar horses do is run, horses are known as mammals that are quite intelligent and have different characteristics and character 3.kangooros ate typical Australian animals, kangooros usually set grass as their main food, kangoroos can be found in tropical rainforest areas in northeastern Australia and new Guinea, in gernal, the activity that kangooros do is jumpa, kangoros have two hind and front legs of different sizes 4, the capybara or large capybara is the largest extant tupe of rodent in the world which is ¢ member of the genus hudrochoerus, capybara are native to the tropical and humid Regions of south america, capybara feed on a mixture of aquatic, plants, grasses, baru, tubers, sugarcane and plant roots, they usually swim and dive for food near water 5, the koala is one the marsupials from Australia and the only representative of the shascolarctidoe family, koala food is Eucalyptus leaves, these animals like to live in trees and spend time there 6, the giraffe is in african andemic event topped hoofed mammals and is the tallest animal species that lives on land. giraffes eat fruit, leaves from acacia trees, vegetables and fresh grass giraffes usually look for trees that have young and fresh leaves 7. zebras are animals from africa which are famous for their black and white Stripes zebras are grazing animals, zebras usually look for grass and plants that are green and fresh 8. ostrich es are warm blooded animals, have affection and bodies covered in fur, ostriches live in the african desert north and south of the equatorial forest zone, ostriches eat seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, insects, small mammals and reptiles. and bird is the sastest running animal in the world

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