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Assumption University, Graduate School of Human Sciences Final Examination - Sem.


Assumption University of Thailand

Graduate School of Human Sciences
Professional Diploma in Academic Administration
Final Examination – Semester 2/2022
Course code/title : EA6229 Academic Administration in Education (Yangon)
Lecturer : Dr. Seongdok Kim
Due Date : Sun, July 2, 2023
Time : 10pm Bangkok time

Mark Allocations:
This examination paper consists of one part
Total 100 marks or 20 % of the total course grade

• Open-book examination.
• Write every answer in the Answer Book provided.
• Write your name, code and section number clearly.
• Please use “underline” or “highlight” or “different colored pen” at your important
answers or sentences for ease of exam checking process.
• Plan your time wisely in order to complete all exam questions fairly.

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is in progress:
1. An AU Student I.D. card must be shown prior to taking the examination. An invalid I.D. or any other
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• Any source of information, whether related or unrelated to the examination topic.
• Any communication device i.e. mobile telephones, computer notebooks, hand-held computers, etc.
• Any type of calculators or dictionaries.
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academic year(s); or Dismissal from the University.

Total 2 pages

This exam paper is ABAC’s property and cannot be distributed or duplicated without proper authority.
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Assumption University, Graduate School of Human Sciences Final Examination - Sem. 2/2022

Answer 4 questions as clearly as you can. You refer to the textbook and lecture slide as
applied by APA (American Psychological Association) citation. Times New Roman 12
font size and 1.5 line space is recommended.

The 1st question requires at least 2 page long for in-depth analysis.

1. We have studied about a framework of essential supports for student performance

(Figure 9.2). You will analyze Input, Transformation, Output stages in your
school. In Input stage, there are Instructional leadership and shared leadership. You
will need to analyze what instructional and shared leadership look like in your
school. You will complete the analysis for each element in school social system
(professional capacity, school-learning climates, etc) in Transformation and
Student performance in Output stage. In addition, discuss on ‘Relational trust
across the school system’ and ‘Bonding and Bridging social capital of the
community’. Basically, you will do thorough analysis on Figure 9.2

2. We learned about Enabling or Hindering School Structure. Give 2-3 examples of

your principal’s behavior that you consider to be enabling and that of you consider
to be hindering respectively. What is the balance in your school between enabling
and hindering principal behavior as a whole?

3. Analyze 4 political powers (Formal, Informal, Coercive, Political power) at your

school. What power affects school (teachers, students, etc) positively/ negatively?
How to remove/ reduce negative impact from a certain political power while
strengthening positive impact? (at the minimum of 1 page long).

4. Bandura suggests that the major sources of self-efficacy are mastery experiences,
modeling, verbal persuasion, and physiological and emotional states.
Assume you are a principal in a school and you have hired a talented young
Her problem is that she is anxious and not very confident about her capability to
get kids to learn. 1)Develop a plan to increase this beginning teacher‘s sense of
self-efficacy. In your plan be sure to 2) explain how and why you expect to
succeed in working with this new teacher. (at the minimum of 1 page long).

This exam paper is ABAC’s property and cannot be distributed or duplicated without proper authority.
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