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AMAZON LONG TALL REYWORDS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE EW TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Z i, LONG-TAIL REYWORDS Y For new e-commerce sellers, long-tail Z keywords are a group of keywords that % are more specific for the products used by your buyers. Customers choose to use these keyword phrases if they are close to the point of purchase product of their choice. Also, long-tail keywords are more beneficial if customers use voice search to search for their product. TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Cénie >») >>> IMPORTANCE OF LONG-TAIL REYWORDS Long-tail keywords increase your conversion rate This, in turn, increases your product ranking on your marketplace like Amazon. Typically, long-tail keywords are ideal fora new seller as they have: «Less competition «Low CPC « high buying intent. EW TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Cénie >») >>> USES OF LONG-TAIL REYWORDS Main reasons to implement long-tail keywords strategy in PPC Campaings are: EW Less competition: As mentioned, they have less competition because long-tail keywords are relevant for fewer products. So, it is easier to rank organically More Conversions: Customers searching with long-tail keywords have high purchasing intent, and they are considered more qualified leads. TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Cénie >») >>> HOW TO FIND LONG-TAZL KEYWORDS You can find relevant long-tail keywords using three popular ways: EW 1.Keyword research tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, Viral launch 2.Google Keyword Planner (search term report) 3.Amazon Sponsored Ad Search term report (if you’re already running ads on Amazon) TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Cénie >») >>> Often, long-tail keywords are the most overlooked and under-utilized ones in improving your conversion rate. Not all long-tail keywords are relevant to your business. You can narrow down the best long-tail keywords and phrases that align the most with your products/services. EW TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT Swipe >>> FIND THIS HELPFULL? SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS Y Mv, TALHA KHALID AMAZON PPC CONSULTANT

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