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Date of Application and fi/ing Complete

Specification: Feb. 18, /949. No.4471/49
Application made in United States of America on Oet. 21, 1948.
Complete Speciffcation Published: Sept., 19 1951.

Index at acceptance :-C1ass 132(iii), 85.

Bubble Blowing Apparatus.
I, JOSEPH CRANE 8COTT, a citizen of the means and, there being a film of the bubble
United 8tates of America, residing at 2204 forming solution on the wand, bubbles will
Crescent Avenue, Charlotte, COlmty of thus be Îormed as the aiI' Îrom the nozzle
Mecklenburg, State oÎ North Ca;rolina, passes through the same. 50
5 United States OI Âmerica, do hereby de- The present invention comprises a bub-
clare the nature oÎ this invention and in bIe Îorming' apparatus adapted to be
what manner the same is to be perÎormed, mounted at the nozzle end OI a hand oper-
to be particularly described and ascertain- ated aiI' pllmp, said apparatuscomprising
-cd in and by the following statement :- a reservoir Îor a bubble forming solution, 55
10 This invention relates to improvements an oscillatable member pivoted intermedi-
in a bubble forming appa;ratus oÎ a type ate its ends and having a looped portion
eomprisÎng a manually operated aiI' pump at one end and a lever portion at the other,
having a reservoir secured thereto and a spring means normally urging the looped
manually movable wand pivotally seemred portion into alinement with the nozzle, and 60
15 to the reservoir which may be sU'bmerged said lever portion being engagable by the
in a bubble forming solution in the reser- operator Îor moving the looped portion into
voir and when moved outoÎ the bubble the reservoir Îor receiving a film OI bubble
Îorming solution into the path OI the nozzle forming solution thereon.
oÎ ilie man'U!ally operatedair pump a blast Some oÎ the objects OI the invention 65
200Î aiI' Îrom the aiI' pump will pass through having been stated other objects will ap-
the wandand will thus :florm a plurality oÎ peal' as the description proceeds, when
hubbles. taken in connection with the accompanying
It is an object OI this invention to pro- drawings, in which :
vide a bubble forming apparatus of the Fig. 1 18 a top plan view oÎ the bubble 70
25 type described wherein the reservoir is Îorming apparatus;
c1isposed in off centre relation to the nozzle Fig. 2 i8 a side elevation looking up at
oÎ the manually operated aiI' pump and to the lower side of Fig. 1;
provide a wand which i8 oscillatably se- Fig. 3 i8 an elevation at a reduced scale
cured to the reservoir on an axis perpendi- 100Idng at the opposite side oÎ Fig. 2, 75
30 cular to the axis oÎ the manually operated showing' how the -device is he1d in one's
air pump but being bent at right angles in hands Iar operation OI the same and show-
oPPo'3ite directions adjacent each side OI ing the wand in a different position;
the point at which it 1S secured to the re- Fig. 4 is a vertical sectional view taken
Bervoir,one oÎ the right angula.rly bent snbstantially alon:g the line 4-4 in Fig. 1, 80
35 portions extending alon~ the side oÎ the but showing the wand in a different
brrel of the aiI' pump Îor manual opera- position;
tionoÎ the same and the other portion ex- Fig. 5 is an enlarged vertical sectional
tenc1ing away from the nozzle and having view oÎ the nozzle shown in Fig. 4;
a perpendicular lObped'portion, there being Fig. 6 is anend view oÎ the apparatus 85
40 spring' means normally urging the wand looking Îrom the leÎt-hand side OI Fig. 2
out of the solutiOll in the reservoir and to the right.
when the waud is manually moved into the Referring more specifically to the draw·
reservoir, it will beaI' a'gainst the boHom ing,>, the numeral 10 iÎldicates the cylinder
of the same, and ,,,hen released the circular of a suitable hand operated compressed aiI' 9(}
45 portionoÎ the wand will be urged into r:un OI' pump and this cylinder is capped at
alinement with the nozzle by the spring it8 right-hand and left-hand ends in Figs.
[P,ice 2/-]

1 and 2, as at 11 and 12, respectively. from the lateralIy bent portion 45 and is
A suitable piston rod 13 having a handle then bent upwardly at right angles and is
14 pressed on the right~hand end thereof looped as at 47 thus defining an opening
in Figs. 1 and 2, slidably penetrates tbe 48.
5 cap 11 and the left-hand end of the piston The wand 46 has extending from the 70
rod in. Fig. 4 has a piston 15 mO'lmted opposite side of t1113 lateral portion 45 an
thereon. 'l'his piston rod 13 is cl'imped as inwardly and downwardly and inwardly
at 16, the crimped POrtiOll 16 being en- bent pOl'tion 50 forming a lever which is
gaged by a washer 17 and a suitable cup engageable by tlle hand of an operator _
10 washer 20 being provided between the pis- (Fig. 3). A torsion spring 51 sunounds 7tJ
ton 15 and the washer 17 on the piston rod tIle laterally bent portiOll 45 of the wand
13. The left-hand end of the piston rod 46 and one end of the same bears against
13 has a nut 21 threadably mounted there- the right-hand walI of the reservoir 31 in
ou ta thus secure the piston 15 and associ- Fig. 4 and the other end of the torsion
15 ated parts against the crimped portion 16 suring' :51 extends outwardlv and is <'on- SG
of the rod 13. The cup washer 20 i8 nected ta tlIe fOl"vardly projecting portion
mounted for sliding movement within the of the wand 46. This torsion spring 31
cylinder 10. normally Ul'ges the wand 46 to the positiou
The restricted portion 25 of the nozzle 26 shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 6 and it may be
20 penetrates the cap 12 and the nozzle 26 i" observed in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 how the lever 85
secureg, as by welding tti the left-hand sur- 50 OI tlIe wand 46 is moved by an operator
face of the cap 12 in Fig. 4.· The nozzle 26 in 8ueh a mauner as ta submerge the free
also had a restrieted threaded portiOll 27 end OI the wand in the solution 41 in the
which slidably penetrates an upwardly ex- reser1,'oi1' 31, in wlIich iustance, the free
25 tending portion 30 of 1'eSe1'V011' broadly de- end of the wand bears against the hottom 90
signated at 31. The restricted threaded of the reservoir 31, thus restricting its
pOl'tion 27 of the nozzle 26 has a nut 32 movement in a counterclockwise direction
thl'eac1ably mounted thereon for securing in Fig. 4: as well as insnring that tile free
tile compressed aiI' pump to the portion 30 end of tIle wand 46 will he completely

30 of the l'e.servoir 31. submerged by the solution 41 although 95

It wiU be noted in Fig. 5 that the nozzle there mav be a Vel'" limited amannt ar the
26 has a bore 29 therein in which a baU 33 solution 41 in the i'eservoir 31.
has free movement and the bore 29 is re- In operation, it is mereIy necessary for
stricted at its l'ight-hand end as at 34 to t11e operator to g1'asp the apparatus as
35 retain the ball 33 in the bore 29. The lert- shown in Fig. 3 and ta move the free end of 100
hand end of the restricted threaded portion the wand 46 ta the position shown in Figs.
27 of the nozzle 26 is crimped as at 35 to 3 and 4 and upon releasing the wand 46
thus form minute passagewa.ys 36 at the it will OCc.upy the position shown in Fi'g's.
left-hand end of the nozzle 26 through 1, 2 and 6 and by pumping the aiI' g'un the
40 which tlhe compressed aiI' from the pump compl'essed aiI' will pass from tlIe c:dinder 105
wiU escape as the ball 33 is forced against 10 through the restricted opening 3,1,.
the crimped portion 35. 'fhe pump thus through the bore 32 in the nozzle ~6 and
described may be purchased in the open wiU pass al'ound the baU 33 and escape
mal'ket and it is with this pump that this through the opening 36 at the left-·hand
45 invention is adapted ta be associated. This end of the nozzle 26 and wiU thus pass 110
wiU permit the- aiI' to spread out over a throngh the opening 48 in the wand 46 ta
wider area and wiU also limit its force and thus dislodge the film of hubble forming
rate of diseharge as it eseapes from the solution, which has been deposited over tlIe
left-hand end of the nozzle 26 and will also opening 48 in the 'vand 46, to thereby form
50 provide for quieter operation of the aiI' a plurality of bubbles. 115
pump. Having now particularly desc.ribed and
The reservoir 31 has a formed opening ascertained the nature of my said inven-
40 therein through which a suitabIe bubble tion and in what manner the same is ta he
formin!?; solution 41 (Fig. 4) may be poured performed, I declare that what 1 e1aim
55 for filling the reservoir 31. The farmed is:- 120
opening 40 is also provided to permit free J. A bubble :l:orming apparatus adapted
passage of the wand, ta be later described, ta be monnted at the nozzle end of a hand
therethrough. A fiexible substantially U- operated air pump, said apparatus com-
shaped member 43 is clampingly secured prising a 1'ese1'voi1' Îor a bnbble forming'
60 on the portion 30 of tlhe reservoir and has solutiOll, anoscillatable member pivoted 125
downwardly extending ears 44 integral intermediate lts ends and having a looped
therewith which osciUatably support a portion at one end and a lever portion at
lateral portion 45 of a wand broadly de- the other, spring means normaUy urging
signated at 46. TlIe wand 46 is bent out- the looped portion into alinement with the
65 wardly at right angles, in Figs. 1 and 2, ntizzle, and said lever portion being en- 130
657,382 3

gagable by the operator for moving the 3. Â bubble forming apparatus as

looped portion into uhe reservior for re- claimed in Claim 1 ar 2 wherein the re8er-
ceiving a film of bubble forming solution vaiI' isopen at its upper side and is adap-
th€ireon. te-d ta be Suppol'ted by the pmnp nozzle. 15
5 2. Â buhble Iorming .apparatus as 4. Â bubble farming apparatus substan-
elaimed in Olaim 1 wherein the looped pOil.'- tially as described with reference ta, and
tion and the lever portion areconnected as illustrated in, the accompanying draw-
integrally with an intermediate right ings.
angled portion, the oscillatable member be~ Dated this 18th day of February, 1949.
10 ing pivoted ta the reservoir by one arm of
said rioght angled portion. ~IARKS & CLERK.

Printed for His Majesty's Stationary Office by IVlickes & .A.ndrews, Ltd., E.C.4. 39/244.-1951.
Published at The Patent Office, 25, SouthaIll;pton Buildings, London, W.C.2, from which copies,
price 2s. Od. per copy; by post 2s. ld., may be ob:tained



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H.M.S.O. (M.F.P.)

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