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REED 101



Identification (20 pts)

1. ____________ does not suppress the natural activity of the intelligence nor the effort of
reason to reach the higher truths. Faith
2. ____________ really works from internal to external. Education
3. ______________ education is a process in which teaching-learning takes place
concerning Christian faith and beliefs in the lives of the individuals, family and church as
a whole. Christian
4. Christian _____________ is a body of natural truths which are strictly philosophical, but
would not have come into being without Christianity. Philosophy
5. _____________ should serve to strengthen the faith. Philosophy
6. ___________ means God. Theos
7. The knowledge of natural truths, by faith, is both negative and positive ___________.
8. ______________ is like distillation of the faith. Catechism
9. ___________ means study. Logos
10. Christians judge philosophical __________ in the light of his faith. Doctrines
11. _______________ is to reject errors and heresies specifically, and make the dogmas
more precise. Theology
12. The _______ provides through the principle of Truth, the foundation from which the
learner can reason to every subject. Bible
13. Christian ___________ is the elaboration of divine revelation by reason and faith.
14. The Bible is the ___________ source for all learning. Primary
15. According to _________, man can theoretically discover the natural truths concerning
himself and God, however, it is extremely difficult in practice, since very few people
would have the capacity, the patience, the leisure, the perseverance to reach all those
truths by themselves, and if they did, it would be practically impossible to avoid errors
mixed with truth. . St. Thomas
16. ___________ rejection of the Christian faith. Apostasy
17. One of the principle approach of Christian philosophy of education is to provide biblical
and ___________ model of Christian education. Historical
18. A _______ is seen as a unique individual, created in God’s image. Child
19. Christian ___________ development encourages everyone to walk in a manner worthy of
his/her calling. Character
20. Reason function in contact with ___________. Reality

True/False (20 pts)

1. Negative norm helps reason to know those natural truths. F
2. Heresy are opinion or doctrine contrary to church belief. T
3. Positive norm are truths tell man what he should not accept. F
4. Theology develop in the second centuries of Christianity. F
5. Dogma are doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and
authoritatively proclaimed by a church. T
6. Theology deals with truths which can be known by natural reason. F
7. Christian education has the role of unifying Christians, because in sharing common
heritage we are more united. F
8. Faith enlightens man so that he can see better, but then he has to see, to open his eyes. T
9. The psychologist idea of a child recognizes the inherent value of each individual as well
as his uniqueness. F
10. The purpose of Christian philosophy of education is to help people attain the knowledge
of the gospel of Jesus Christ that, they may consciously make a choice to order their lives
in accordance with what He would have them to do and be. T
11. Each child is an expression of God’s principle of individuality. T
12. Christian knows all natural truths through his faith. F
13. Christian education curriculum and methodology should be academically sound and
based upon truth; not prejudiced or biased. T
14. The goal of Christian philosophy is to attain mastery of the subject with the context of a
biblical world view. F
15. The curriculum and methodology of Christian education must be guided and grounded in
the Christian way. T
16. The light of reason is reality. T
17. Theology implies only one approach. F
18. Faith does not contradict reality at all. T
19. Faith doesn’t enlightens and empowers reason, but then reason has to move by itself. F
20. God does not treat us as puppets, but as intelligent and free beings. T

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