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TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021


The 1948 PKI rebellion or what is also called the Madiun Incident is a communist
rebellion that took place on 18 September 1948 in the city of Madiun. This rebellion was
carried out by the People’s Democratic Front, which consisted of the Indonesian Communist
Party, the Indonesian Socialist Party, the Indonesian Workers’ Party, the People’s Youth, and
the Indonesian Central Labor Organization. This rebellion was preceded by the fall of the
Indonesian cabinet which at that time was led by Amir Sjarifuddin because his cabinet had
no more support since the signing of the Renville Agreement. Then a new cabinet was
formed with Mohammad Hatta as prime minister, but Amir and other left-wing groups did
not agree with the cabinet change.
At the PKI Politburo session on 13-14 August 1948, Musso, an Indonesian communist
figure who had lived in the Soviet Union for a long time (now Russia) explained the “work
and mistakes of the party on the basis of organization and politics” and offered an idea
which he called “The New Way. For the Republic of Indonesia ”. Musso wanted a working
class party to use a historic name, namely PKI. For this reason, a fusion of three parties with
the ideals of Marxism-Leninism must be carried out: the illegal PKI, the Indonesian Labor
Party (PBI), and the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI). The PKI as a result of this fusion would
lead the proletarian revolution to establish a government called the “National Front
Next, Musso held a giant meeting in Yogya. Here he pointed out the importance of
changing a presidential cabinet to a united front cabinet. Musso also called for international
cooperation, especially with the Soviet Union, to break the Dutch blockade. To spread their
ideas, Musso and Amir and other leftist groups planned to control strategic areas in Central
and East Java, namely Solo, Madiun, Kediri, Jombang, Bojonegoro, Cepu, Purwodadi and
Wonosobo. The control was carried out by agitation, demonstrations, and other acts of
disorder. The plan began with the kidnapping and murder of figures deemed enemies in the
city of Surakarta, as well as playing local TNI units against each other, including the Siliwangi
unit there. Knowing this, the government immediately ordered TNI units not involved in
fighting each other to restore security in Surakarta and its surroundings. This operation was
led by Colonel Gatot Subroto.
While the attention of all pro-government parties was concentrated on the recovery of
Surakarta, on 18 September 1948 the PKI / FDR headed east and took control of Madiun
City, East Java, and on that day the establishment of the “Indonesian Soviet Republic” was
also proclaimed. The following day, the PKI / FDR announced the formation of a new
government. Apart from Madiun, the PKI also announced the same thing in Pati, Central
Java. This rebellion killed East Java Governor RM Suryo, pro-independence doctor
Moewardi, as well as several police officers and religious leaders.

To restore overall security to Madiun, the government acted quickly. East Java Province
was made a special area, then Colonel Sungkono was appointed as military governor. The
suppression operation began on September 20, 1948, led by Colonel A. H. Nasution. While,
most of the TNI troops in East Java concentrated on facing the Dutch by using 2 brigades
from the Siliwangi 3rd Division reserves and other units that supported the Republic, all
rebel forces could eventually be annihilated. One of these suppression operations was the
pursuit of Musso who had fled to Sumoroto, west of Ponorogo. In that incident, Musso was
shot dead. Meanwhile, Amir Sjarifuddin and other leftist figures were arrested and
sentenced to death. Amir himself was caught in the Grobogan area, Central Java.

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