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Common Mistakes To
Avoid As A
Voice-Over Artist
Slow Down!
When you're about to do your first voice over, it's common
to feel a rush of adrenaline. However, if you rush through
the script, it may become difficult for listeners to
comprehend what you're saying and forget your
message. Take it slow and concentrate on articulating
every word distinctly. Doing so will enable you to convey
your message more efficiently, making an impression on
potential clients
Mouth Noises, No
Thank You!
When recording, our mouths can make all sorts of noises, like
lip smacks, pops, and clicks. While these noises are natural,
they can be distracting for listeners. To reduce the amount of
mouth noises in your recordings, make sure to stay hydrated
and take breaks to avoid dry mouth. You can also try using a
pop filter or positioning the microphone in a different spot to
minimize unwanted sounds
Volume Level -
Finding the Sweet Spot
Another common mistake is not setting the right volume
levels for your recordings. If your volume is too low, your
audience may not be able to hear you. If it's too high, your
audio may clip and become distorted. Aim for a volume
level between -10 and -20 dB to ensure that your
recordings are clear and audible
Don't Rely on Editing
While editing can help fix minor issues, it's important
not to rely on it too heavily. Trying to fix major
problems in post-production can damage the quality
of your recording and make it sound unnatural.
Instead, try to minimize background noise and other
issues during the recording process to avoid having
to edit too much later
Mistakes Happen,
Don't Stop
No one is perfect, and mistakes happen. When you
make a mistake while recording, resist the urge to
stop and apologize. Instead, keep going and trust
the audio engineer to edit out any errors later.
Taking too many breaks to fix mistakes can slow
down the recording process and make you feel self-
Invest in Quality Equipment
The quality of your recording equipment can make a big
difference in the final product. While you don't need to break
the bank, investing in a decent microphone and recording
software can help you produce high-quality voice overs. If
you're on a budget, try to strike a balance between
affordability and quality
Thank You
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to learn more about voice-overs

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