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To summarise, both fundamental and technical analysis were employed in trading, but they
can influence whether a deal makes or loses money. Fundamental analysis teaches us how to
evaluate securities by attempting to calculate their intrinsic worth by looking at external economic
variables. The business of a corporation, not its stock prices or investment strategy, was the
emphasis of the fundamental analysis.

In Technical Analysis, we can evaluate the market's analysis action. Price charts such as line
charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts are often used for the analysis. Based on the charts, we can
determine when AEON.CO (M) BHD should purchase and sell the stock.

Prediction stock price for the AEON in hereafter may be continued declining if they didn't
improve their sector. The factor including AEON mall being an old fashioned mall compared to a
newly build mall and retail store entering market. Lower-quality malls have been closing in addition
to the fast-tracked purging of the retail industry.

In addition of the used of online shopping that had been skyrocket in the pandemic has been
the more reason of the share price to drop in the future. This has also been a pattern for some time,
but the pandemic gave it more momentum.

Overall, fundamental research concentrated on the business rather than the stock prices
and the company's investment strategy. Fundamentals analysis has a high possibility of being right
because it is for long-term investing. Additionally, technical analysis may save time by swiftly
analysing equities. To enable investors to develop investment plans that balance risk and profit.

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