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6. Why did the

VCE Modern History Unit 2 would be the ideal
United States
policy for
intervene in Ideologies

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

- Proverb.
“Second, they desire to see no territorial changes
Learning Objectives: that do not accord freely with the expressed
wishes of the peoples concerned;
 Identify the events that led to the escalation of
US military involvement in Vietnam. Third, they respect the right of all peoples to
 Identify the principle explanations for the choose the form of government under which they
United States’ decisions to escalate their will live. ”
involvement in the conflict in Vietnam.
Source 1. Principles of the Atlantic Charter, 1941.

The Big Picture

Roosevelt later
During their struggle against the Japanese in
changed his mind and
(1941- 5), the Americans gave little thought to
suggested the French
French Indochina. It is difficult to isolate the point
could retain Indochina
at which the United States became involved in the
if they promised to grant it independence. There
conflict as it began and escalated gradually. It
are several explanations for Roosevelt’s
could be argued that step by step, the United
inconsistency, one of which was that he liked to
States abandoned its basic principles, with
speak to win favour depending on his audience
terrible consequences for both the Vietnamese
and he was preoccupied with winning the war, “I
and the American people. As you work through
still do not want to get mixed up in any
this reading, you will explore the circumstances
Indochina decision,” he told a colleague on the 1 st
surrounding four key turning points.
January, 1945, “Action at this time is premature.”
The Far East Division among Roosevelt’s advisors
criticized French rule and saw self- government
“I still do not want to get mixed up
of Indochina as the only way forward, whereas
in any Indochina decision.”
European specialists among Roosevelt’s advisors
saw France as an ally in Europe and they urged
President Roosevelt the President to refrain from any policy towards
Indochina that might alienate the French.

President Roosevelt was elected to office in 1933 Check Your Learning:

and was an advocate of self-determination and a 1. Summarise Roosevelt’s dilemma. What
joint architect of the Atlantic Charter of August factors does he need to consider in his
1941 (see Source 1). In 1942, he wanted to inspire decision on the best course of action in
the French to fight against the Germans, so he Vietnam?
talked of allowing France to retain colonies in
Indochina after the war, however in 1943 he said
that France had ‘milked’ Indochina for 100 years
and left the Vietnamese ‘worse off than they were
in the beginning’, which made him feel that an
international trusteeship (several countries, 1945- 1953
including the US, would guide Vietnam towards
France was important to the stability of NATO in
President Harry S. Truman western Europe. The dilemma was this: Should
America help France regain control of Vietnam?
Or should the USA help the Vietnamese gain independence from France? If America stood for
Truman’s Dilemma freedom, now was the time to stand up for its
In April, 1945, President Roosevelt died in office
from a cerebral haemorrhage and was succeeded Turning Point 1:
by Vice- President Harry S. Truman. He faced an 2. Summarise Truman’s dilemma. What factors
uncomfortable choice. For four years, the Viet does he need to consider in his decision on
Minh had fought the Japanese, assisted by the the best course of action in Vietnam?
Americans. The Organisation of Strategic Services
(OSS) sent weapons and medical supplies to
resistance groups in Indochina, encouraging
guerrilla warfare to tie down Japanese forces. On
2nd September, 1945, Japan surrendered to the
Allies and one week later, the Vietminh declared
independence from France and looked to the
United States to support their cause (see Source

The first lines of Ho’s speech claiming the

independence of Vietnam were “All men
are created equal. They are endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable rights,
among them are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.”
These are borrowed from the American
Declaration of Independence (1776).
Source 2. Extract from the speech of
Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh

Simultaneously, Truman was coming under

pressure from Britain and France to assist in
restoring their colonial empires at the end of
WWII. Restoring French sovereignty in Vietnam
would help return French national pride after the
humiliations they endured during the war (Nazi
Germany conquered France in 1940). France
warned the USA that French support to resist the
spread of communism
in Europe was
contingent on American
support for France in The North Atlantic Treaty
Indochina. America Organisation was an anti-
communist western military
needed their help in alliance, established by the
Europe to resist the USA in 1949.
spread of communism
and concluded that
“They are only interested in ‘These situations… Have a way of
replacing the French…” snowballing’

Truman’s Decision A Defence Department official warned in

November 1950 that America was becoming
According to Truman’s administration, what was
dangerously and deeply involved:
at stake in Vietnam was the expansion of
communism, rather than a Vietnamese war for We are gradually increasing our stake in the
independence. He had sided with the European outcome of the struggle… we are dangerously
specialists in the State Department. Truman close to the point of being so deeply
assured the French that America recognised their committed that we may find ourselves
pre-eminent position in Indochina, while completely committed even to direct
expressing the hope they would grant more intervention. These situations, unfortunately,
independence to the Vietnamese. It was a have a way of snowballing.
question of priorities for Truman- the fear of Truman gave over $2 billion to the French war
communism and that Ho Chi Minh was a effort during his time in office and $50 million for
communist stooge overrode any support for economic and technical aid to the Vietnamese
Vietnamese nationalism and prompted him to people. That official was right. Fearful of the
ignore future overtures from Ho and his Communist governments of Russia and China
supporters. For example, in August 1945, General and a desire to see the spread of capitalism for the
Giap told the Hanoi crowds that America was ‘a economic advantages of the United States are
good friend’, being ‘a democracy with territorial reasons put forth for Truman’s escalation of
ambitions’, however, between October 1945 and America’s involvement in the region. Two French
February 1946, eight messages from Ho to divisions arrived in Vietnam on American ships,
Washington went unanswered: fully equipped by the United States, events
They [the Americans] are only interested in seared into the Vietnamese national
replacing the French… They want to consciousness- it was clear they could never trust
reorganise our economy in order to control it. the Western powers.
They are capitalists to the core. All that counts Source 3. President Harry S. Truman’s
for them is business. Address Before a Joint Session of Congress,

By 1947 the Truman administration felt that Ho The gravity of the situation which confronts the
was probably a puppet of the Kremlin. This was world today necessitates my appearance before a
joint session of the Congress. The foreign policy
the main reason why America provided
and the national security of this country are
increasing support to the French in Vietnam
during the First Indochina War. Additionally, the
Truman administration offered $10 million in At the present moment in world history nearly every
May 1950 to support the French effort to retain nation must choose between alternative ways of life.
Indochina and established a US Military The choice is too often not a free one…
Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in Saigon.
By December 1950, the US provided France with I believe that it must be the policy of the United
States to support free peoples who are resisting
$100 million, along with aircraft, patrol boats,
attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by
napalm bombs and ground combat machinery. outside pressures.

I believe that we must assist free peoples to work

out their own destinies in their own way.
I believe that our help should be primarily through
economic and financial aid which is essential to
economic stability and orderly political processes. Check Your Learning:

3. On a separate page, summarise the reasons

Truman’s Circumstances:
under each of these headings as to why
 As a new and non-elected President, Truman involved the United States in
Truman felt he had to appear tough and Vietnam. Use evidence, quotations and
decisive in foreign policy (See Source 3) examples to support your ideas.
and relied heavily upon men like Dean
Acheson. i) The Domino Theory/Ideology: Did
 During 1945, fighting between Ho’s American presidents believe that the
Vietminh and the French escalated as defence of Vietnam was essential to
increasing numbers of French troops were prevent the spread of communism?
transported to Indochina by the British, ii) American prestige: Did American
who sympathised with France’s desire to presidents get drawn into Vietnam in
retain its empire. Truman did not want to order to protect American prestige
alienate the French and preferred them to and economic interests?
the Chinese who were present to assist in iii) Domestic politics: Did American
the withdrawal of Japan from Indochina. presidents choose to get more deeply
 Truman’s involvement in Vietnam was involved in Vietnam out of fear of
part of his fight against global what the public or opponents would
Communism. He was afraid because say if they withdrew? Were they
China and the Soviets recognised Ho’s provided with conflicting advice by
Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1950. presidential advisors?
The general atmosphere in the early days iv) Cold War rhetoric: Did American
of the Cold War was not conducive to the presidents get trapped by their own
subtle analysis required to recognise that pronouncements and promises,
Ho initially made friendly overtures forcing them to take action, or lose
towards the US. credibility if they did not?
 The USA was attracted to the market and
raw materials of South- East Asia, if not 4. At this point, what do you think was the
for itself than its trading partners, France, underlying reason for America’s involvement
Britain and Japan. in Vietnam?
 After China became Communist in 1949 5. Summarise the significance of Truman’s
under Mao Zedong, Republicans in Presidency to the future of America’s
Congress criticised Democrat Truman for intervention in Vietnam.
‘losing China’.
 In February 1950, Senator Joseph
McCarthy began whipping many
Americans into an anti- Communist
frenzy. ‘The French are a hopeless,
 Communist North Korea attacked South helpless mass of protoplasm!”
Korea in 1950, supported by Chinese
troops. This confirmed American fears of President Dwight D. Eisenhower
communist expansion and Truman feared
the world balance of power was at stake in
Southeast Asia, especially the
vulnerability of important allies such as
Japan and Australia.

In 1949, Dean Acheson, US Secretary of State under President

Truman, declared it was ‘irrelevant’ to ask whether Ho was
‘as much a nationalist as a Commie’ for ‘all Stalinists in
colonial areas are nationalists’. This American conviction that
what was at stake in Vietnam was the expansion of
Communism (rather than a Vietnamese war for
Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower.
President from 1953- 1961.
A Five Star General in the United States Army during WWII and was supreme commander of the Allied
Expeditionary Forces in Europe.
In 1946 the Viet Minh launched their war of
national liberation against the French, lasting
eight years and ending with the Battle at Dien
Bien Phu. A combination of French arrogance
blinding them to anticipate that General Giap
would bombard their defence from higher
ground and the distraction of 18 prostitutes and
49,000 bottles of wine, the French suffered at Dien
Bien Phu. On the 7th May, 1954, the victorious Viet
Minh raised their red flag at Dien Bien Phu and
the next day, delegations representing France, the
Viet Minh, Cambodia, Laos, the United States, the
Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China and
Great Britain assembled in Geneva to discuss the
end to the war in Indochina. The Geneva Accords
arose from this conference in 1954, which were
heavily influenced by Eisenhower’s domestic

He attracted massive popularity after extracting

American forces from Korea in 1953, so felt that
he could not put US troops on the Asian
mainland after he attracted massive popularity
from extracting American forces from Korea in
1953. It would be political suicide to be the
president that ‘lost’ Vietnam after ‘losing’ China
and the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles,
feared that if Vietnam fell, it would undermine
America’s position in the Far East. Dulles felt that
Truman’s Containment Policy was insufficient
and that American policy should aim at rolling
back communism in China itself, by force if
necessary. Eisenhower’s dilemma was this:
Should he support the Geneva Accord and take
the risk that Vietnam would choose a communist
government? Or should the USA help South
Vietnam become an independent, non-
communist state?

Turning Point 2:

6. Summarise Eisenhower’s dilemma. What

factors does he need to consider in his
decision on the best course of action in
troops”. He declared “no military victory is
possible in that kind of theatre”.
Eisenhower’s Decision
Eisenhower inherited a limited involvement in
Eisenhower continued American involvement in
Vietnam but his administration made Vietnam
Vietnam and assisted the French to fight
more of a priority than Truman’s. Effectively, the
Communism in the region. He did not support
United States was a guarantor of an independent
the Geneva Accord out of fear the Viet Minh, the
state of South Vietnam and gave Diem billions of
only popular organised group in Vietnam, would
dollars of aid and 1500 American advisors, nearly
win. In this case, democracy would produce an
half of whom were military. From that point it
outcome unacceptable to the United States and so
would prove to be a short step to putting
the country was split into two and a new
American soldiers into Vietnam.
unelected government was formed under the
premiership of Ngo Dinh Diem. Eisenhower
“You boys must be crazy. We can’t
coined the Domino Theory, which represented his
use those awful things against
views on the spread of Communism in 1954
Asians for the second time in less
(Source 5):
than 10 years. My God.”
Source 5. Eisenhower’s “Domino Theory”
Eisenhower to Vice President
Nixon, refusing to use atomic
weaponry to defeat the Viet

Check Your Learning:

7. Summarise the significance of President

Eisenhower to the history of US intervention
in Vietnam.
Like most of the men in his administration,
Eisenhower believed that Southeast Asia was
vital to US security but was more moderate than
Truman. He decided it was easier and cheaper to 8. Summarise the evidence under your earlier
pay other countries to help defend America: headings as to why Eisenhower committed to
Communism threatened America and the French support the French cause in Vietnam.
were fighting Communism, so it was better to
pay the French to fight Communism than send The Domino Theory/Ideology
American boys to do it. He provided $385 million American prestige
worth of armaments for an offensive against the Domestic politics
Vietminh during the First Indochina War (in Cold War rhetoric
return for the French promising greater

In 1954, Eisenhower sent US bombers and

American technicians, therefore putting the first
American personnel into Vietnam. By the end of
1954, the Americans were more convinced than
the French of the importance of Vietnam in the
global struggle against Communism, and
America was paying nearly 80% of the French bill
for Indochina. Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs
in the 1960s that “the jungles of Indochina would
have swallowed up division after division of US
communists defeated the invasion. It
“The troops will march in, the made Kennedy look weak.
bands will play; the crowds will
cheer, and in four days everyone 2) The Berlin Wall, 1961. East Germany,
will have forgotten. Then we will encouraged by the Soviet Union, built a
be told we have to send in more wall around West Berlin. Kennedy flew to
troops. It’s like taking a drink. The Berlin and made a speech affirming
effect wears off and you have to America’s determination to stand beside
take another.” its allies to prevent any further expansion
of communism.
The Kennedy Crusade (1961- 1963)
Stretching all around the globe, there
are Americans on duty who help maintain the freedom of dozens of
countries who might now be engulfed if
The immediate consequence of America’s refusal
it were not for this long thin line which
to support the 1954 Geneva Accord was that occupies such a position of
Vietnam was divided into two. In the North, a responsibility, guarding so many
communist Viet Minh government was formed gates…
under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh and General
Giap, the commander who had defeated the
French. In the South, a new unelected Source 6. In his speeches, Kennedy
government was formed under the premiership frequently used rhetoric that painted an
of Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem seemed like an ideal image of America as the lonely
leader of South Vietnam; a nationalist who had guardian of world freedom against the
opposed French control, he opposed Communism communist enemy.
and promised social reform.

John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential Kennedy’s Dilemma

election by the narrowest margin of the twentieth
century, winning just 100,000 votes more than his In 1959, the communists had formed the
Republican rival, Richard Nixon. This meant that National Liberation Front and encouraged
Kennedy was politically vulnerable so, to balance communist refugees from South Vietnam
his liberal domestic agenda, he had to show that (the Viet Cong) to return to the South and
he was tough on Communism, especially as he launch a guerrilla war, aided by the North
had criticised his predecessor, President Vietnamese Army, which was supplied by
Eisenhower, for falling behind the Soviet Union the Soviet Union and PRC. Under that
in the race to develop nuclear missiles. In his pressure, South Vietnam might collapse if
inaugural address to Congress in January 1961, left to its own devices, especially as the,
Kennedy reaffirmed America’s commitment to Ngo Dinh Diem, was unpopular. The
the Truman Doctrine. Kennedy was aware of the whole of Vietnam might be reunited
challenges America faced in the 1960s, and he under communist rule. Kennedy’s
was determined to rise to them. In the first year of dilemma was this: what could America
his presidency he faced several Cold War crises, do, short of war, to prevent the collapse of
two of the most significant being: South Vietnam? Should military advisors
1) The Bay of Pigs fiasco, 1961. This was an be sent to support the South Vietnamese
operation Kennedy inherited from Army?
Eisenhower and it went badly wrong. The
Turning Point 3:
United States encouraged a small army of
Cuban exiles opposed to the communist
leadership of Fidel Castro to invade Cuba 9. Summarise Kennedy’s dilemma. What factors
at the Bay of Pigs. Kennedy refused to does he need to consider in his decision on
give them direct military support and the the best course of action in Vietnam?
In the first two years of Kennedy’s presidency,
“…We don’t have a prayer of the number of military advisors rose alarmingly
staying in Vietnam… These people (3000 in December 1961 to nearly 12,000 by 1962).
hate us. They are going to throw By the time Kennedy was assassinated in
our asses out… But I can’t give up a November, 1963, there were 16,000 American
piece of territory like that to the military advisors in South Vietnam. Many of
Communists and then get the these were engaged in a direct combat role,
American people to re-elect me.” giving orders to American aircraft, advising
South Vietnamese officers and planning military
The End of Camelot operations. The United States was pouring
military aid into South Vietnam, alongside the
schools and medical supplies of the hearts and
… the more you become involved out minds program. Interestingly, Kennedy rejected
there against Communism, the more the idea to use nuclear weapons (yet still
the Communists will appear as permitted the use of napalm) in favour of covert
champions of national independence… operations, including the CIA’s Air America
You will sink step by step into a programme that used ‘civilian’ pilots to fly
bottomless military and political combat missions, not only in Vietnam but in Laos
quagmire, however much you spend in and Cambodia too. Kennedy publicly denied any
men and money… active involvement of these pilot ‘advisors’.
Stanley Karnow, an American journalist, saw a
US aircraft carrier bringing 47 American
President de Gaulle’s warning to helicopters to Saigon in December 1961. Shocked,
President Kennedy when visiting he pointed the carrier out to a US officer who
France in May 1961. said, “I don’t see nothing”. It is a point of
discussion what Kennedy’s approach to Vietnam
Kennedy’s decision to send military advisors in would have been, had he lived (Source 6).
1961 did not seem hard to make, given the
By the end of 1963, some of these advisers were
commitment of previous American presidents to
already warning the Pentagon that the policy was
support South Vietnam’s independence. He
failing. They were frustrated with the South
Vietnamese Government, corruption and the
American ARVN ARVN’s unwillingness to fight. They warned that
support for
Army of the Republic of Vietnam. The
something had to change. Two weeks before
ground forces of the South Vietnamese Kennedy’s assassination, President Ngo Dinh
Vietnam by military from 1955- 1975.
Diem was overthrown and murdered in a
military coup that had the tacit approval of the
military advisors to help train and command the
ARVN. This was a major step, because America
was taking control of the levers of conflict. It Check Your Learning:
would be difficult to allow South Vietnam to lose
the war once American prestige was directly 10. Summarise the significance of President
involved, yet because he had not sent combat Kennedy in the history of America’s
troops, Kennedy could still plausibly deny that intervention in Vietnam.
this was America’s war. Kennedy also met the
new threat of communist uprisings by forming
the Special Forces- the Green Berets- as a highly
trained counter- insurgency force. The Cold War
was to be fought not with large American armies,
but with counter-insurgency, covert operations, 11. Summarise the factors that influenced the US
economic aid and skilful diplomacy. decision to send military advisers to Vietnam
on your mind map.
It would have been very difficult for Kennedy’s
successor, President Johnson, to withdraw from
Vietnam. Nobody would have understood why
he had done it and if the South fell to
Communism, Johnson would receive the blame.
One recent development of great importance was
the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, possibly the
greatest crisis of the Cold War. The Soviet Union
had placed nuclear missiles on Cuba, placing
America under a direct and immediate nuclear
threat. Over two weeks of intense diplomacy and
military threats, Kennedy had narrowly avoided
nuclear war and persuaded the Soviets to remove
their missiles with the promise that the United
States would not invade Cuba. While war had
been avoided, fear of the Communist threat had
grown even greater. It was particularly important
“Nothing could be worse than to President Johnson to prove that he was just as
being responsible for America resolute and determined as Kennedy had been,
losing a war to the Communists…” especially given the tragic circumstances in which
he inherited the role (Source 7). Throughout 1964,
the situation in South Vietnam deteriorated and
President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Johnson was torn. He did not want to send troops
(1963- 1969): The Quagmire
to Vietnam yet he was unwilling to allow South
Vietnam to fall to the communists.

Johnson also needed to consider the promises he

had made to the American people. His passion
was his agenda of domestic reform known as
“The Great Society” which aimed to extend
education, alleviate poverty and promote civil
rights in America. He needed Congress to
support this program and he reasoned he could
not appear soft towards Communism. Yet, during
the 1964 presidential election campaign Johnson
made it clear that he did not intend to get drawn
into a war in Vietnam and he was re-elected in
November 1964 based on this promise. Should
Johnson send combat troops to Vietnam?

“A raggedy ass little Asian country”

Turning Point 4:
“If you let a bully come into your front yard one day,
the next day he’ll be up on your porch, and the day 12. Summarise Johnson’s dilemma. What factors
after he’ll rape your wife in your own bed.” does he need to consider in his decision on
the best course of action in Vietnam?
“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be
fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be
fighting in San Francisco.”
‘Johnson’s War’: All the way with LBJ!

Kennedy’s assassination, and the overthrow and

murder of Ngo Dinh Diem, changed the political
situation faced by, and within, the United States. conscription-1966/13798542
Johnson for America’s intervention as well as the
type of warfare that Johnson waged.

13. Add the reasons why Johnson escalated

America’s involvement to your mind map.

14. Summarise the significance of Johnson’s

presidency to US intervention in Vietnam.

15. What do you think is the long- term reason

for America’s intervention? What do you see
as the most influential? What do you think is
the most significant turning point?

President Lyndon B. Johnson listens to

16. Can America’s intervention in Vietnam be
a tape- recorded message from his
son- in-law, Marine Capt. Charles justified?
Robb, who toured Vietnam in 1968.

“It just worries the hell out of me. I don’t see Bibliography
what we can ever hope to get out of there
with, once we’re committed… I don’t think
it’s worth fighting for and I don’t think we can ABC News. (2019). Where Kennedy dreamed,
get out. It’s just the biggest damned mess Johnson achieved. [online] Available at:
that I ever saw.”
5115176 [Accessed 1 Aug. 2019].

Extract from a conversation between Aldred, J. and Mamaux, A. (2015). Oxford

Johnson and McGeorge Bundy, 27th May, AQA history A level and AS component 2 The
1964. Cold War c1945- 1991. Oxford: Oxford. (2019). Avalon Project -

Truman Doctrine. [online] Available at:
On the 8th March, 1965, Johnson ordered the US c.asp [Accessed 1 Aug. 2019].
Marines to establish a security cordon around the
US airfield at Da Nang. The arrival of combat Princeton Alumni Weekly. (2019). A War’s
troops en masse meant that American phase of Legacy. [online] Available at:
the Vietnam War had begun in earnest. On
%E2%80%99s-legacy [Accessed 3 Aug.
August 7, 1964, Congress passed the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution, authorizing President
Johnson to take any measures he believed were Sanders, V. (2007). Access to History: The
necessary to promote the maintenance of USA and Vietnam 1945- 75. 3rd ed. London:
international peace and security in southeast Hodder Education.
Asia. Johnson said that the authority from the
Scarboro, D. (2015). The Vietnam War in
resolution was so broad it was like “grandma’s
Context. London: Hodder Education Group.
nightshirt” since “it covers everything.” Clearly,
Johnson bears a major responsibility for taking Williamson, D. (2015). Access to History for
America to war in Vietnam: during his time in the IB Diploma: The Cold War: Superpower
office (1964- 1968), America’s commitment tensions and rivalries. 2nd ed. London: Hodder
increased dramatically from 16,000 at the time of Education.
Kennedy’s assassination to 500,000 by the time
Johnson left office.

In future lessons, we are going to consider the

level of responsibility that should be given to

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