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what is XML bursting in fusion , what is the use ?

Bursting is a process of splitting data into blocks, generating documents for each block, and
delivering the documents to one or more destinations. The data for the report is generated by
executing a query once and then splitting the data based on a key value. For each data block,
BI Publisher generates and delivers a separate document.
In the context of Oracle Fusion, XML bursting refers to a feature that allows you to generate and
deliver personalized reports or documents in XML format to multiple recipients. XML bursting is
commonly used in business intelligence and reporting scenarios.

Here's how XML bursting works in Oracle Fusion:

Report Generation: You start by creating a report or document template in XML format using
tools like Oracle BI Publisher. This template typically includes placeholders for dynamic data.

Data Source: The report data is sourced from a data model, which could be an XML file, a
database, a web service, or other data sources. The data model is linked to the report template,
enabling the retrieval of data during the bursting process.

Bursting Definition: Bursting rules are defined to specify the criteria for segmenting or splitting
the report output. For example, you can define rules based on specific data values or user

Bursting Process: When you execute the bursting process, the report is processed for each
recipient based on the defined bursting rules. The dynamic data placeholders in the template
are populated with relevant data specific to each recipient.

Output Delivery: Once the bursting process is complete, the resulting personalized reports or
documents are generated in XML format. These individual XML documents can be
automatically distributed to their respective recipients via various channels, such as email, FTP,
or printing.

The use of XML bursting in Oracle Fusion provides several benefits:

Personalization: XML bursting allows you to create customized reports or documents tailored to
individual recipients. Each output can contain personalized data, such as customer-specific
information, account details, or personalized marketing content.
Scalability: XML bursting enables the generation of a large number of personalized reports or
documents in a single process. This eliminates the need for manual report generation and
distribution, saving time and effort.

Efficiency: By automating the report generation and delivery process, XML bursting streamlines
business workflows and improves operational efficiency. It reduces the manual effort required
for generating and distributing reports to multiple recipients.

Flexibility: XML bursting provides flexibility in terms of output formats. While the initial burst
output is in XML, you can further transform it into other formats like PDF, Excel, or HTML,
depending on the specific requirements of the recipients.

what is ESS job in fusion what is the use ?

In Oracle Fusion, an ESS (Enterprise Scheduler Service) job is a type of scheduled task or
process that can be created and managed within the Fusion Middleware infrastructure. ESS
jobs are used to automate and schedule various operations, such as data extraction,
transformation, integration, and reporting.

It provides powerful toolset for managing and executing tasks in a controlled and automated
manner. Here are some key features and uses of ESS jobs:

Automation: ESS jobs enable the automation of recurring or scheduled tasks within Oracle
Fusion applications. You can define job schedules, specify job dependencies, and set up job
chains to automate complex processes.

Data Integration and Transformation: ESS jobs can be used to extract data from different
sources, transform it into the desired format, and load it into target systems or databases. This
is particularly useful for data migration, data synchronization, and data integration scenarios.

Batch Processing: ESS jobs are commonly used for batch processing tasks, where large
volumes of data need to be processed in bulk. For example, you can schedule ESS jobs to
process and import payroll data, perform inventory updates, or generate financial reports.

Concurrent Processing: ESS jobs support concurrent execution, allowing multiple jobs to run
simultaneously. This improves performance and reduces the overall processing time for tasks
that can be parallelized.

Error Handling and Retry Mechanisms: ESS jobs provide error handling mechanisms to
capture and handle exceptions during job execution. You can configure error notifications,
define retry logic, and set up automatic recovery mechanisms to ensure successful completion
of the tasks.
Monitoring and Management: Fusion applications offer a user-friendly interface to monitor and
manage ESS jobs. You can view job status, track job progress, review job logs, and perform
administrative tasks like job scheduling, prioritization, and resource allocation.

Customization and Extension: ESS jobs can be extended and customized to meet specific
business requirements. You can create custom job types, define custom parameters, and
implement custom logic within the job execution framework.

The use of ESS jobs in Oracle Fusion provides several benefits, including:

Improved Efficiency: ESS jobs automate manual tasks, reducing manual effort and improving
operational efficiency.
Enhanced Scalability: With ESS jobs, you can process large volumes of data and handle
complex processes, scaling your operations to meet business needs.
Timely Execution: By scheduling ESS jobs, you ensure that critical tasks are executed at
specific times or intervals, ensuring timely data processing and reporting.
Error Handling and Monitoring: ESS jobs provide robust error handling mechanisms and
monitoring capabilities, allowing you to identify and resolve issues quickly.

Single file Bursting Concept in fusion |

Send single file by using bursting
ESS job is basically like registering ur concurrent program in ebs , so here try to register the
report u guys build last week
***** Here we create report with xml busting and scheduling it as ESS job
Reference video :

(648) Oracle Fusion 39-1: Single file Bursting Concept in fusion | Send single file by using
bursting - YouTube

Step1 : create a report in fusion

Create an data model in fusion
I created data model like above,
Now i need to make any one column as key bcz, bcz in fusion inside split by or divided by i need
to transfer a key based upon xml will break. But here my requirement is like report shouldnot be
broken here , it should go like a single file from here


AP_INVOICES_ALL WHERE INVOICE_ID IN (300000001571058,300000003543090)
: Here where clause is compulsory bcz i used single key value
My final data model is look like above , then processed for further steps in report creation and
created report like below

Step2 : add XML busting DEFINITION

Again go for edit data model for this report

In sql query i need to write my query with pre defined pattern , now im planning to use mail
delivery chanel, so im using pattern related to it ( fusion have other delivery chanel like ftp
server, printer, for that and all query pattern will changes .)
Format For mail delivery chanel

His final query

My final query for bursting
, 'single_file_template' TEMPLATE
, 'en-US' LOCATE
, '' Parameter1
, '' Parameter3 // use this as
from address here
, 'supplier invoice details' Parameter4
, 'Please find the attachments' Parameter5
, 'true' Parameter6
AP_INVOICES_ALL WHERE INVOICE_ID IN (300000001571058,300000003543090))

Click on validate , click on save

Here in split by and deliver by i chosen as key_value, bcz i created key value column in my
database and i need to split my report upon that point ( here i given single as value for
key_value pseudo column , all rows have same value so it wont get split out as per my
requirement )

Testing of bursting
Now i added bursting to my report , in order to see this bursting details associated with my
report click on more > schedule

I will see the window like this

Here i take test upon my bursting is working or not, by click on add destination
> submit

Give some name and click ok

Ill get notification like this

I can do one more confirmation by go to select report > more >history

Step3 : registering it as ESS job as a concurrent program

click on HC > click on set up and

maintenance ,
Click on search

A new window will open , Click on + sign

A new window will open

Give customized name for display name, in name add any thing without space,
For location copy the location from

Select the job application name as = FscmEss ( bcz im working on finance )

Job type = BIP job type , add select the check box
For Report Id, go to report schedule
The report name what we seeing that nothing but report id =

Click on save and close

Step 4 : Scheduling ESS job

Home > tools > scheduled process >scheduling new process > ENTER THE DISPLAY NAME
and select that from lov and click on ok
Click on submit >
Keep on refresh

Once status successed mail will get sent with report

(648) Oracle Fusion 39-2: Multi file Bursting Concept in fusion | Send multi file by using bursting
- YouTube

(648) Oracle Fusion: Universal Content Management (UCM) - YouTube

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