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English Teaching and Linguistics Journal (ETLiJ)

Vol. 2. No.1, 2022, pp. 160 - 164

E-ISSN: 2716-083  160

The Analysis of Circumstantial Adjuncts in Jakarta Post Headlines News

Ratna Sari Dewi
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara


Received The purpose of this research is to describe the types of adjuncts and
08/11/21 the dominant types of circumstantial adjuncts found in Jakarta Post
12/12/21 Headline News because it expresses the meaning through sentences.
Accepted This qualitative descriptive research used library research and
08/01/21 documentation method. The data in Jakarta Post headline news dated
5th January 2021 from the two articles entitled “Israel is the fastest
Keywords: in the Covid-19 vaccination program, PM Netanyahu estimates the
Circumstantial country is pandemic free in February, and “Japan’s indigenous
adjuncts, people, the Ainu, were the earliest settlers of Hokkaido, Japan’s
headline, news. Northern island be the sources of data. There are 202 circumstantial
adjuncts found in this headline news. Then, the data was selected
based on the topic discussion by identifying and making a list from
those sentences in the headlines news. After that, data were analyzed
by using Halliday’s theory and then classified these adjuncts and
calculated the percentage of the adjunct’s occurrences. Through this
study, it was discovered that there were eight circumstantial types of
adjuncts used in this headlines news such as location, extent, role,
manner, accompaniment, cause, matter, and angle but there are no
circumstantial adjuncts of contingency in these articles. Besides, it
was also found that location adjuncts became the most dominant
adjuncts with a percentage of 42.57 %.

How to cite: Dewi., R, S., (2021). The Analysis of Circumstantial Adjuncts in Jakarta Post Headlines News.
English Teaching and Linguistics Journal, 3(1), 160-164.
A lot of media can be easily accessible to people to get information such as news.
We can get actual news from many sources such as television, radio, newspaper, etc. Based
on the way of publishing, we know that news is not only reported in spoken language but
also in written form. The conventional written news often we find in offices, bookstores, at
home, etc. such as newspapers and magazines. That written news can be called the
conventional one because nowadays many news publishers publish written news by using
newer technology which is more popular and easily accessed namely internet service.
It can not be denied that in the modern era some media use English, newspaper is
one of the written media that provide English. Newspapers use a fairly standard language as
it is intended for the general public. However, its rigidity sometimes makes it difficult to
understand, and sometimes it gives an ambiguous impression in the structure of the sentence
which seems quite long. The other reason is that it is more difficult to understand in written

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ISSN: 2721-3838  161

language rather than oral language. The reader may also get the idea differently from what
the writer means.
In Indonesia, The Jakarta Post is one of the news publishers that publishes its news
online under the website address beside printed edition. In this
study, The Jakarta Post is used by the researcher to analyze the circumstantial adjunct. The
Jakarta Post does not easily get to read but also be accessible for everyone in freeways. In
this news headlines contain the elements of the sentences such as tense, aspect, adjunct,
clause, phrase, etc. For example, circumstantial adjunct in this news headline can give more
information or meaning through the whole sentence. The positions of these adjuncts can be
optional and obligatory.
Circumstantial adjunct is one of the important elements in the clause. Therefore, it is
significant to know as part of the clause which is used to express meaning through sentences.
Moreover, it often occurs in many kinds of processes. Halliday (1994:150) notes that there
are three perspectives of circumstantial adjunct, first, that it is associated with the attendant
on the process, referring to examples such as the location of an event in time or space, its
manner, or its cause; and these notions of when, where, how, and why, the things happened
provided adverbs rather than nouns. The circumstance is equipment in the Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary
The writer is interested in investigating these adjuncts especially adjuncts in news
written that provided in The Jakarta Post. . In some newspapers, feature news is not
mentioned, but there are some titles such as sport, music, entertainment, and so on. But,
in The Jakarta Post, feature news is mentioned well as a header. Feature news is news that
contains information about something (humanity, art, people, things, and so on) that mostly
trending topic. This study is entitled “The Analysis of Circumstantial Adjuncts in Jakarta
Post Headlines News “

This research used the descriptive quantitative method. The primary data were taken
from the headlines news in Jakarta Post Newspaper dated on 5th January 2021 entitled
“Israel is the fastest in the Covid-19 vaccination program, PM Netanyahu estimates the
country is pandemic free in February, and “Japan’s indigenous people, the Ainu, were the
earliest settlers of Hokkaido, Japan’s northern island. But most travelers will not have heard
of them”. This study does not focus on all the aspects of the sentences but is limited to the
circumstantial adjuncts found in this headlines news. This study aims to find out the types
of circumstantial adjuncts and the most dominants adjuncts in this headlines news. The
researcher reads all the sentences in these two articles, next collected and sorted the data
based on the focus of the study. Furthermore, to analyze the data, the writer used the theory
proposed by Halliday (1994).
Next, the techniques in analyzing the data are as follow:
1. Reading the headlines in Jakarta Post
2. Determining the types of circumstances
3. Classifying the types of circumstance in the headlines news into nine types; extent,
location, manner, cause, contingency accompaniment, role, matter, and angel.
4. Counting the percentage of the circumstances by using the percentage formula as

X = F/N x 100%

The Analysis of Circumstantial Adjuncts in Jakarta Post Headlines News. (Ratna Sari D)
162  ISSN: 2716-0831

X: The percentage of the obtained items

F: The total circumstances of each type
N: The total circumstances from all types

5. Finding the types of circumstances that are frequently used in the headlines news
6. Concluding the result


This research focuses on the analysis of adjuncts found from the two articles in Jakarta
Post headlines news dated 5th January 2021 entitled “Israel is the fastest in the Covid-19
vaccination program, PM Netanyahu estimates the country is pandemic free in February, and
“Japan’s indigenous people, the Ainu, were the earliest settlers of Hokkaido, Japan’s
northern island. So, the aim is to find out the types and the dominant adjuncts in this
headlines news. The data are taken from these two articles and then the data are sorted based
on the topic discussed.
After collecting the data, they were classified according to the types of circumstantial
adjuncts used Halliday’s theory (1994) about adjuncts in the headlines news. The total
circumstantial adjuncts are 202 occurrences of circumstantial adjunct found in the headlines
news with the details are as follows: 28 circumstantial adjuncts of extent, 86 circumstantial
adjuncts of location, 41 circumstantial adjuncts of manner, 4 circumstantial adjuncts of
cause, 19 circumstantial adjuncts of accompaniment, 13 circumstantial adjuncts of role, 3
circumstantial adjuncts of matter and 2 circumstantial adjuncts of angle but there are no
circumstantial adjuncts of contingency and the percentage of the data can be seen in the table
below :
No Types of circumstantial Adjuncts Total Percentage
1 Location 86 42.57 %
2 Manner 41 20.29 %
3 Extent 28 13.86 %
4 Accompaniment 19 9.4 %
5 Role 13 6.43 %
6 Cause 4 1.98 %
7 Matter 3 1.48 %
8 Angle 2 0.99 %

From the above table, it can be concluded that the circumstantial adjuncts of location
had the highest percentages of all and always appear in these two articles in Jakarta Post
headlines news which means that the news is always followed by the adjuncts of place and
time to show when and where something happens. The second is the adjuncts of manner
with the percentage 20.29 % and the adjuncts of extent are slightly lower than the adjuncts
of manner with the percentage 13.86 %. Finally, the least is the adjunct of angle with the
percentage 0.99 % which means that these adjuncts do not always appear in the headlines

There are 9 types of circumstantial adjunct: extent, location, manner, cause, contingency,
accompaniment, role, matter, and angle according to Systemic Functional Grammar. The
conclusion is obtained in the following description:

ETLiJ, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2021: 160– 163

ISSN: 2721-3838  163

1. From the nine types of circumstantial adjunct as proposed by Halliday (1994), there
are only eight of them are found in the Jakarta Post headlines news because
circumstantial adjunct of contingency is not found in the Jakarta Post headlines
2. The percentage described shows that the occurrences of circumstantial adjunct
systematically from the highest number to the lowest number is given as follows
location 42.57 %, followed by manner 20.29 %, extent 13.86 %, accompaniment
9.40 %, role 6.43 %, cause 1.98 %, matter 1.48 %, and the least is angle 0.99 %
respectively. Therefore, it may be concluded that the dominant type of
circumstantial adjunct which is most dominant is circumstantial adjuncts of
location with the percentage of 42.57 %.
3. Circumstantial adjunct can be said as one of the essential elements in the clause
because their occurrences usually exist in all types of processes.

After making the conclusion of the research, it came to the suggestions as below:
1. Mastering the types of circumstantial grammar before doing analysis is an
important thing to do in this study
2. The theory of Functional Grammar be studied by readers of literary works, so that
they may get a better comprehension of what they read.
3. 3. This study can be used for learners who are interested in studying English as this
scientific writing gives a description of an aspect of linguistic studies.

The Analysis of Circumstantial Adjuncts in Jakarta Post Headlines News. (Ratna Sari D)
164  ISSN: 2716-0831


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ETLiJ, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2021: 160– 163

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