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Font Awesome 5 Free's Cheatsheet

After you're set up on the

or in
code, quickly copy and paste the glyph, name, or unicode value of any icon.

Brand Icons

 500px f26e  accessible-icon f368  accusoft f369  acquisitions-incorpo f6af


 adn f170  adversal f36a  affiliatetheme f36b  airbnb f834

 algolia f36c  alipay f642  amazon f270  amazon-pay f42c

 amilia f36d  android f17b  angellist f209  angrycreative f36e

 angular f420  app-store f36f  app-store-ios f370  apper f371

 apple f179  apple-pay f415  artstation f77a  asymmetrik f372

 atlassian f77b  audible f373  autoprefixer f41c  avianex f374

 aviato f421  aws f375  bandcamp f2d5  battle-net f835

 behance f1b4  behance-square f1b5  bimobject f378  bitbucket f171

 bitcoin f379  bity f37a  black-tie f27e  blackberry f37b

 blogger f37c  blogger-b f37d  bluetooth f293  bluetooth-b f294

 bootstrap f836  btc f15a  buffer f837  buromobelexperte f37f

 buy-n-large f8a6  buysellads f20d  canadian-maple-lea f785  cc-amazon-pay f42d

 cc-amex f1f3

 cc-apple-pay f416  cc-diners-club f24c  cc-discover f1f2  cc-jcb f24b

 cc-mastercard f1f1  cc-paypal f1f4  cc-stripe f1f5  cc-visa f1f0

 centercode f380  centos f789  chrome f268  chromecast f838

 cloudflare e07d  cloudscale f383  cloudsmith f384  cloudversify f385

 codepen f1cb  codiepie f284  confluence f78d  connectdevelop f20e

 contao f26d  cotton-bureau f89e  cpanel f388  creative-commons f25e

 creative-commons- f4e7  creative-commons- f4e8  creative-commons- f4e9  creative-commons- f4ea

by nc nc-eu nc-jp

 creative-commons- f4eb  creative-commons- f4ec  creative-commons- f4ed  creative-commons-r f4ee

nd pd pd-alt emix

 creative-commons-s f4ef  creative-commons-s f4f0  creative-commons-s f4f1  creative-commons-s f4f2

a ampling ampling-plus hare

 creative-commons-z f4f3  critical-role f6c9  css3 f13c  css3-alt f38b

 cuttlefish f38c  d-and-d f38d  d-and-d-beyond f6ca

 dailymotion e052  dashcube f210  deezer e077  delicious f1a5

 deploydog f38e  deskpro f38f  dev f6cc  deviantart f1bd

 dhl f790  diaspora f791  digg f1a6  digital-ocean f391

 discord f392  discourse f393  dochub f394  docker f395

 draft2digital f396  dribbble f17d  dribbble-square f397  dropbox f16b

 drupal f1a9  dyalog f399  earlybirds f39a  ebay f4f4

 edge f282  edge-legacy e078  elementor f430  ello f5f1

 ember f423  empire f1d1  envira f299  erlang f39d

 ethereum f42e  etsy f2d7  evernote f839  expeditedssl f23e

 facebook f09a  facebook-f f39e  facebook-messenge f39f  facebook-square f082

 fantasy-flight-game f6dc

 fedex f797  fedora f798  figma f799  firefox f269

 firefox-browser e007  first-order f2b0  first-order-alt f50a  firstdraft f3a1

 flickr f16e  flipboard f44d  fly f417  font-awesome f2b4

 font-awesome-alt f35c  font-awesome-flag f425  fonticons f280  fonticons-fi f3a2

 fort-awesome f286  fort-awesome-alt f3a3  forumbee f211  foursquare f180

 free-code-camp f2c5  freebsd f3a4  fulcrum f50b  galactic-republic f50c

 galactic-senate f50d  get-pocket f265  gg f260  gg-circle f261

 git f1d3  git-alt f841  git-square f1d2  github f09b

 github-alt f113  github-square f092  gitkraken f3a6  gitlab f296

 gitter f426  glide f2a5  glide-g f2a6  gofore f3a7

 goodreads f3a8  goodreads-g f3a9  google f1a0  google-drive f3aa

 google-pay e079  google-play f3ab  google-plus f2b3  google-plus-g f0d5

 google-plus-square f0d4  google-wallet f1ee  gratipay f184  grav f2d6

 gripfire f3ac  grunt f3ad  guilded e07e  gulp f3ae

 hacker-news f1d4  hacker-news-square f3af  hackerrank f5f7  hips f452

 hire-a-helper f3b0  hive e07f  hooli f427  hornbill f592

 hotjar f3b1  houzz f27c  html5 f13b  hubspot f3b2

 ideal e013  imdb f2d8  innosoft e080  instagram f16d

 instagram-square e055  instalod e081  intercom f7af  internet-explorer f26b

 invision f7b0  ioxhost f208  itch-io f83a  itunes f3b4

 itunes-note f3b5  java f4e4  jedi-order f50e  jenkins f3b6

 jira f7b1  joget f3b7  joomla f1aa  js f3b8

 js-square f3b9  jsfiddle f1cc  kaggle f5fa  keybase f4f5

 keycdn f3ba  kickstarter f3bb  kickstarter-k f3bc  korvue f42f

 laravel f3bd  lastfm f202  lastfm-square f203  leanpub f212

 less f41d  line f3c0  linkedin f08c  linkedin-in f0e1

 linode f2b8  linux f17c  lyft f3c3  magento f3c4

 mailchimp f59e  mandalorian f50f  markdown f60f  mastodon f4f6

 maxcdn f136  mdb f8ca  medapps f3c6  medium f23a

 medium-m f3c7  medrt f3c8  meetup f2e0  megaport f5a3

 mendeley f7b3  microblog e01a  microsoft f3ca  mix f3cb

 mixcloud f289  mixer e056  mizuni f3cc  modx f285

 monero f3d0  napster f3d2  neos f612  nimblr f5a8

 node f419  node-js f3d3  npm f3d4  ns8 f3d5

 nutritionix f3d6  octopus-deploy e082  odnoklassniki f263  odnoklassniki-squa f264


 old-republic f510  opencart f23d  openid f19b  opera f26a

 optin-monster f23c  orcid f8d2  osi f41a  page4 f3d7

 pagelines f18c  palfed f3d8  patreon f3d9  paypal f1ed

 penny-arcade f704  perbyte e083  periscope f3da  phabricator f3db

 phoenix-framework f3dc  phoenix-squadron f511  php f457  pied-piper f2ae

 pied-piper-alt f1a8  pied-piper-hat f4e5  pied-piper-pp f1a7  pied-piper-square e01e

 pinterest f0d2  pinterest-p f231  pinterest-square f0d3  playstation f3df

 product-hunt f288  pushed f3e1  python f3e2  qq f1d6

 quinscape f459  quora f2c4  r-project f4f7  raspberry-pi f7bb

 ravelry f2d9  react f41b  reacteurope f75d  readme f4d5

 rebel f1d0  red-river f3e3  reddit f1a1  reddit-alien f281

 reddit-square f1a2  redhat f7bc  renren f18b  replyd f3e6

 researchgate f4f8  resolving f3e7  rev f5b2  rocketchat f3e8

 rockrms f3e9  rust e07a  safari f267  salesforce f83b

 sass f41e  schlix f3ea  scribd f28a  searchengin f3eb

 sellcast f2da  sellsy f213  servicestack f3ec  shirtsinbulk f214

 shopify e057  shopware f5b5  simplybuilt f215  sistrix f3ee

 sith f512  sketch f7c6  skyatlas f216  skype f17e

 slack f198  slack-hash f3ef  slideshare f1e7  snapchat f2ab

 snapchat-ghost f2ac  snapchat-square f2ad  soundcloud f1be  sourcetree f7d3

 speakap f3f3  speaker-deck f83c  spotify f1bc  squarespace f5be

 stack-exchange f18d  stack-overflow f16c  stackpath f842  staylinked f3f5

 steam f1b6  steam-square f1b7  steam-symbol f3f6  sticker-mule f3f7

 strava f428  stripe f429  stripe-s f42a  studiovinari f3f8

 stumbleupon f1a4  stumbleupon-circle f1a3  superpowers f2dd  supple f3f9

 suse f7d6  swift f8e1  symfony f83d  teamspeak f4f9

  
 telegram f2c6  telegram-plane f3fe  tencent-weibo f1d5  the-red-yeti f69d

 themeco f5c6  themeisle f2b2  think-peaks f731  tiktok e07b

 trade-federation f513  trello f181  tumblr f173  tumblr-square f174

 twitch f1e8  twitter f099  twitter-square f081  typo3 f42b

 uber f402  ubuntu f7df  uikit f403  umbraco f8e8

 uncharted e084  uniregistry f404  unity e049  unsplash e07c

 untappd f405  ups f7e0  usb f287  usps f7e1

 ussunnah f407  vaadin f408  viacoin f237  viadeo f2a9

 viadeo-square f2aa  viber f409  vimeo f40a  vimeo-square f194

 vimeo-v f27d  vine f1ca  vk f189  vnv f40b

 vuejs f41f  watchman-monitor e087  waze f83f  weebly f5cc

 weibo f18a  weixin f1d7

 whatsapp f232  whatsapp-square f40c  whmcs f40d  wikipedia-w f266

 windows f17a  wix f5cf  wizards-of-the-coas f730  wodu e088

 wolf-pack-battalion f514

 wordpress f19a  wordpress-simple f411  wpbeginner f297  wpexplorer f2de

 wpforms f298  wpressr f3e4  xbox f412  xing f168

 xing-square f169  y-combinator f23b  yahoo f19e  yammer f840

 yandex f413  yandex-internationa f414  yarn f7e3  yelp f1e9

 yoast f2b1  youtube f167

 youtube-square f431  zhihu f63f

On the Web
After you have Font Awesome set up in your web project, you can copy any icon's name here and paste it into our
standard markup
. Using
CSS pseudo-elements
? Copy and paste the unicode value into your specific CSS rule.

On the Desktop
After you have
Font Awesome set up on the desktop
, you can copy any icon's name here and paste it into a text
field and let
do the rest of the work (when supported by your desktop app). Or you can also copy and paste
the icon (not the unicode) directly from this page into a text layer as a

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