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1. January 02 2019 - "Worthless pieces of shit!

2. January 03 2019 - "Everything you people do is half-assed! All you people ever
do is fuck up!" , "Alexa what does cheat mean?"
3. January 04 2019 - "It's a trademark with her, putting off solutions to problems.
Im tired Im tired", "She was 7 minutes late for work did she stop somewhere or
something?", "She goes out during the day, and leaves her phone at her desk so she
lets me think iM there. I know it!", wrinkled ass, "If you want a war I'll give you
one", "Your mother is 10 times worse than tbone for messing up my head", "I would
have been fine with subway last night, but you always gotta spend more money
instead of paying the bills"
4. January 15 2019 - NO QUOTES
5. January 16 2019 - "I had rubber chicken for supper. I wouldn't feed it to my dog
its worse than dog food".
6. January 17 2019 - "All this bullshit is your mother's fucking stupid idea"
"That's ok I dont need to see a fake paper your mother up" "Didn't say it was. I
still don't like it. Sounds like another conspiracy con job"
7. Febuary 05 2019 - NO QUOTES
8. Febuary 06 2019 - "This house is a communist house. I will run it as a
communist. If you do not obey me there will be kaos, K A O S!!!" "Not to mention no
names, but someone in this house needs to be knocked down a nudge. I am the nudge
knocker down. Who gets it depends. I will put her in her place" "Yum good food, it
filled my big toe. I wouldn't feed this food to the homeless! I wouldn't feed it to
the prisoners!" "Good night, gotta get to bed, I have a BIG day ahead putting her
in her place!"
9. Febuary 07 2019 - NO QUOTES
10. Febuary 08 2019 - NO QUOTES
11. Feburary 13 2019 - GPS said you arrived to work 2 minutes late!
12. Feburary 14 2019 - Life is no laughing matter! Go ahead and test me! You will
all pay! MMmmmm good dog food! Roses are red violets are blue Its valentines day
chicks show me your tits
13. Feburary 15 2019 - NO QUOTES
14. March 07 2019 - "That soup was almost as good as sex!" "Yum I am so full, my
big toe can barely fit into my slipper! I wouldn't feed it to my dog its worse than
dog food" "Yeah you probably dont know this about me but I grew up in the florida
15. March 17 2019 - "I like to entertain my self with a lot of chaos!" There is
lots of chaos coming!
16. March 18 2019 - "Wonder why your mother didnt take box back to cox she said"
"To busy with her old clients"
17. March 22 2019 - "Youre mother is only happy at work its the only time she
doesnt have an attitude!" "Let me just bend down with my bad back" "Internet works
even worse than before" "Where is the rotor pluggged in?"
18. March 27 2019 - "Oh yeah much better" "Must be hair night tonight" "She can
take care of the rest of her body like she does her hair."
19. March 28 2019 - "And of course your mother moving everything around and fucked
up my wifi. Yup just stupid" "Just saying why screw wit something that was working
right" "I didnt say play with the wifi. Noe your desk is in front of where the ac
goes." "Yum good artificial soup. It has artificial tomato and other artifical
ingrediants." "Yum good stale artificial crackers!" "I miss the kennedy manor star.
Its a shame maintainance doesnt put it up anymore. Probably because your mother
isnt with the maintence boys anymore. It was beautiful I loved the km star."
20. March 31 2019 - "Wanna go back and hit the other pot hole why dont you"
21. April 02 2019 - "Where did you stop life 360 said you stopped" "my phone never
lieS" "Dont fucking slam things"
22. April 08 2019 - "Tbone is the biggest pain in the ass in my life behind your
23. April 09 2019 - "Wonder where youre mother is picking out work clothes!"
"Wouldnt want to bother your mother if your stuck in traffic or sitting in a
parking lot" "My back pain is all in my head, I get it when I see your mother"
24. April 10 2019 -
25. April 24 2019 -
26. April 25 2019 - "Hows school hunting going. If you dont have one soon Im taking
over from career girl! Im too busy it should have been done months ago! She ruined
my college experience. How many times have I been to that campus since you got in?
Not going to say why dont want to embarass anybody." "I seen your mother had a big
tub of macaroni to take for her lunch. I dont have no strength to go poke hunting
cause I dont have food. I had doritos and starburst for my lunch. Dog food. Thats
ok I will have my day when Im ready. Eat. Yeah and win and win big. Im the daddy.
Any word on a new school yet? Just waiting in anticipation." "I wouldnt bother
youre mother its story time after all. She probably has a headache and a stomach
ache. Oh wait its not the weekend yet"
27. April 26 2019 - "People should always listen to the daddy. Including career
girl.. Im a republican you know. Democrats are communist. You should just have your
name on your bank account and take money anytime you want. Its yours. I know im
just saying. Only democrats would want to keep you from your hard earned money"
28. May 01 2019 - "Its bull that he doesnt have chemistry, people should be banging
down our door looking for him to work for them" "We drove all this way for a
fucking mcdonalds"
29. May 02 2019 - unfriended in pokemon go
30. May 03 2019 - NO QUOTES
31. May 08 2019 - NO QUOTES
32. May 09 2019 - "You don't have school tommorow? Thats ridiculous. Just remember
my middle name is KAOS K A O S. I will strike down anybody anytime I want. That is
if I survive. That food I ate tonight was horrible." "Shhhhh.. don't be too loud.
Its your mother's story time."
33. May 10 2019 - "Alexa what is the definition of cheese. Alexa stop. Alexa what
does cheat mean? Alexa what does theif mean? Alexa what does liar mean?" "You were
home all day, guess my nightmare came true."
34. May 19 2019 - "You went home what 2 hours early on community day? Oh she had a
headache? Of course!" "Its always something, flu, headache, stomacheache! with
35. May 26 2019 - NO QUOTES
36. May 27 2019 - "INFIDELITY INVESTIGATORS" Unfriended in pokemon go
37. May 28 2019
38. June 05 2019 - "You are meeting people at dunking donuts" after saying she
should go ther
39. June 06 2019 - "I know an asshole too! Youre mother hahahahaha" "Are you stuck
in traffic or are you stopping to meet someone"
40. June 07 2019
41. June 13 2019 - "What you having for supper? I had cheese jacks for supper!"
"Yum good horsemeat" "The losers of the kentucky derby straight to my plate!" "Good
kentucky horse meat!!!" "They need to add a hazardous waste tag to this horsemeat!"
42. June 14 2019 - Conspiracy against him
43. June 16 2019 - "I'm having a fruit cup and doritos for lunch. Not sure how I
should have them. Should I dip the doritos in the fruit cup or take some fruit and
stick them inside 2 doritos to have a sandwich!" "Wow lots of cars going by, must
be people taking their fathers out for fathers day!" "I had cheese jacks for my
2 at 2 and Im having them again for supper!"
44. June 24 2019
45. June 25 2019 - "Not sure what I should have for supper maybe I'll have a peanut
butter bar." "Good night Still can't decide if I want to have chips or the peanut
butter bar for supper!"
46. June 26 2019 - "Who keeps playing with MY fucking box" "i would have had your
AC in this week but somebody was too fucking lazy and couldnt be bothered!" "Never
fall into the 2 L's. Laziness and liar. Stuff will come to those who are lazy and
lie!" "Having lunch now I had fritos for my lunch" "Your mother is probably sitting
around on her fat humpty dumpty ass haven a nice lunch. In fucking air condition.
While I eat garbage" "Nobody should get me mad!" "Guess I will have 2 cheese
crackers and put a frito between them!" "Dont need nothing from her. Especially not
dog food!" "MMMm good dog food!" "Good water to wash down the delicous dog food!"
"mMMM take that dishes. Nice knife so nice and sparkly I can see myself on it. The
same with the fork too amazing! I'm good at this!" "I do better at cleaning these
dishes than she cleans her body!"
47. June 27 2019 - "What you have for supper? It would be nice if someone asked me
if I wanted a burger! Guess I'll have that peanut butter bar!"
48. June 28 2019 - "What you having for supper tonigh. I'm having chips! Then I
wash it down with a peanut bar yum yum." "Nope I dont eat blackstone river fish!"
"Youre mother ordering food to try to get her on my good side isnt going to work on
me!" "My time will come!" "She should have gotten fish and chip and file my food
away with the chans food in the trash!" "cOULDNT GO TO SHAWS OR STOP AND SHOP
49. July 4 2019 - "I wont eat any of your fucking food you buy me" "What did you
have for supper? Mcdonalds!? I'm gonna have doritos for my supper!" "I enjoyed my
popcorn for supper! What can I have to wash down popcorn! The best thing ever, a
peanut bar THE ORIGINAL to wash it down!" "I catch pokemon and liars all the time!"
50. August 21 2019 - "Its always ignore the doctor when you have a fucking problem.
You waste youre time."
51. August 22 2019 - "Want fries for lunch? I'll have chips for lunch... since we
know how food is in this house! And for supper peanuts! yep." "I had cheese its for
lunch, its healthier for my diet. Cant have food in the house you know! While mrs
fat ass is at her nice air conditioned office having a fancy meal! Roly poly ollie
is her new name!" "You can take my phone but the twit better not touch it!" "I
don't want none of your dog food! Don't think getting me subway will win me back on
her side!"
52. August 23 2019 - "Yum good cheese its for lunch. Oh that salad? Those tomatoes
are bigger than my mouth! I can't fit them inside I bet she wants me to choke on
tomato! I bet thats why she went to walmart yesterday to get those tomatoes so I
would choke!!" "Are you going out with youre mother later? You havent talked to her
lately I guess career girl is too busy for you!" "I forgot I got to unfriend youre
mother later!" "I have a million names for youre mother, career girl, twit, many
more that I am saving for when the time is right!" "She thinks she can make me a
salad to win me back, well she has another thing coming to her!!!" "Look at that
guy, how he walks hes constipated, which means he got to shit but he cant hahaha i
got a shit and i cant!" "Did your mother pay storage? Should of been fucking done
days ago! Fucking twit is always fucking late!" "Oh youre mother just texted me she
was out. Time to ignore her again stupid twit!" "My mail is all crumped up how dare
him! Fucking Mailman Joe thats his name now. Mailman Joe Blow! Blow of course as in
Joe Blow Me which means Joe Blow my dick!" "Stop fucking slamming shit in my
house!!! You did it on purpose!" "
53. August 28 2019 - "Youre mother can't respond to me or text you, career girl
must have a meeting! Oh I bet shell say she was in a meeting. What a lie she ought
to work for cnn she lies so much shed be good at it!" "Im gonna have dog food for
my supper tonight! You know think I'm going to need to go to petco to get me some
dog food for my supper!" "I am gonna have to go to petsmart for lunch get some dog
food too!" "Then for breakfast I can try to get me some dog food,
delivered straight to me like take out yum!" "Good invisible fish sandwich! No
wonder I am going to lose weight with my invisible diet!" "I love my phone, it
works perfect, and does everything I want like catch people!"
54. August 29 2019 - "I'm having cheese its for my lunch!" "I had chewys for
breakfast, and dog food from petsmart for lunch." "For supper I will have petco dog
55. August 30 2019 - "Good steak cheese its really! I bet I can stack these cheese
its to get a nice sandwich!!"
56. September 18 2019
57. September 19 2019 - "Dog food for me! Leftovers from chewy! Its ok though
because next chewy delivery comes with a chew toy! Now Im living" "NO if i want
fucking balls i will go out and get fucking balls!"
58. September 20 2019
59. September 24 2019
60. September 30 2019
61. October 1 2019 - "I am going to cause agony and chaos!" "After I take a nap, I
am going to unleash agony and chaos! I will calculate with mathematical precision
the agony I will bring!" "Woony agony!" "That is if I survive after eating that
terrible dog food! That soup was dog food. So was that stake. It was a rubber stake
like in the joke shop!" "I'm gonna have to go on muffins phone and life360 to track
your mother, cant have her pulling anything like we know she will!" "Do I want beef
barn? Ill have to think about that. I'll have me some dog food from the barn! I'll
have purina from the barn!" "I'll have a roast beef, I don't care anymore" "I don't
care about anything anymore!"
62. October 2 2019 - "Want kfc - nope i dont eat rat poison!" "How was that rat
poison? I'm having pidgeon poison for my supper! Thats because your mother is too
lazy to go to the fucking store!" "Im having pidgeon shit tonight!" "Umm good
pidgeon food! I wouldn't feed this pidgeon shit to a pidgeon! I wouldn't feed it to
a pig! If you see me flying around tonight its because I turned into a pidgeon!"
"I'm gonna go clean my dungeon! Its my dungeon because its where I go to get away
from the world!" "I'm gonna go take a shower, and use soap. I use 4 bars of soap in
the and shes still on the first one! Just goes to show whose cleaner!"
63. October 3 2019 - "Don't know if I have the strength to go get some orbs with
all the fine meals I been eating! I had a cape cod potato chip sandwich for my
lunch" "Maybe they will feed me at the cat shelter if I beg like muff!" "I wont
mention any names, but we both know someone from this house is feeding her fat ass!
Hint it isnt you me or muff!" "Want me to take your phone for balls then? No thats
ok (then got ignored)" "Subway? No I already had some of that shit today Im not
having it again!" "No I need to keep my phone! I got something I got to keep wind
of so you can't have it!" "I'm not lazy and fat like other people! I get out there
and walk!" "Good cardboard pizza!"
64. October 4 2019 - "Lucky. I have stomach pains from not eating!" "I could have
used that pizza I eat last night and used it for a spare tire on a car!" "Hahaha.
We no a certain fat ass is eating well!" "Nothing but dog food in this house and
she buys junk!" "Don't matter I need to lose weight anyways!" "She needs to gain
it. Shes only as big as a house now. I know shes trying to be as big as a hotel!"
"I'm out of orbas. No I be ok. Muff will need orbs" "How much was key? Dust
collector" "Blackstone river fish and chip will be fine!" "That lemonade youre
mother bought me tastes like toilet swill! That means it tastes like piss!" "That
swill went good with my blackstone river fish and chip!!!" "That lemonade has a ton
of sugar in it! Thatll be enough to kill me!"
65. October 9 2019 -
66. October 10 2019 - "Where is my extra phone? Oh ok. I thought she was trying to
pull another fast one over me. But her fast ones dont work! Theres so many fast
ones you dont have time to hear them all!"
67. October 11 2019 - "Im not talking to your mother. So I ask you what happened to
Cape Cod trip." STOP AT STORE -"Good for you not ccw" "What wedding?. Oh I forgot
all about it. I guess I had more important things on my mind. Then stud. Pokemon of
course. And Cape Cod but you set me straight on that!" "I can spin for orbs
tommorrow if I decide to go out!" "Im full I had jax and soda for supper!" "We dont
have food - we have a full freezer so do you!" opens fridge what are you going to
have? "What am I going to have? I know what Im not going to have! 99 on Cape
Cod!!!" "Good cardboard pizza! Good pizza! It was so good that it was almost like
having pizza from giradinos on Cape Cod!!!"
68. October 12 2019 - "Are you lucky enough to have supper in this house?" "Im not,
and my insides are turning!" "I had a blackstone river fish sandwich for lunch!"
69. October 18 2019 - "I had poison pizza rolls for my lunch!" "Fucking toilet
70. October 19 2019 - "I wont mention any names but theres someone in this house
who thinks they can run around rampant. Time for me to put a stop to it!" "Thats a
good one to go with the daddy's sound bites on your computer!" "Sure must be nice
to eat. I guess the maid and babysitter get to starve" "Im having me chips for
lunch!" "I made a sandwich with my chips! Good lunch! Now Im going to wash it down
with some toilet swill! Yum good toilet swill lemonade! For supper tonight Im going
to have cheezeits for my main course with some toilet swill!" "Yum good toilet
swill!" "Your mother told me I was on my own. So I cooked Yes rode kill steak!"
"Yum good toilet swill! Good Road kill!" "You got your pin, I was gonna throw it
out but then I thought Id let you have it this time! Its worth 25? Well not to me!
I would have gotten it because I am mean and tough!" "You know what Im gonna throw
out something of your mothers hahahaha! Im gonna go back into my dungeon now!" "The
neighbors are having a meeting! About a crazy person who lives here! You don't get
it? Nevermind" "Your mother taking a shower is she? Shes full of shit! I bet the
soap isnt even wet!" "Im going back in my dungeon!"
71. October 29 2019 - "I was going to clean the house and do the laundry so she
would have it easier tonight but career girl put me in a bad mood so she can do it
herself but she probably wont!" "Im running low on orbs, but I will go get them
myself! I dont need nothing from her!" "good porky pig porkchops, nice and pink
like porky, not the ugly yellow and brown kind" "Taking a shower now? Did you know
that some people dont wash up in the shower!" "Did you see what I did in the
shower, that was my trick! I put my rubber spider there! Hes my bath toy like a
rubber ducky, but for me its a rubber spider!" "Did you see my mouse? Dont use the
toilet then!" "My tricks will keep people away from this house! Trick or treat will
not be coming this year to this house! Itll be like practice for christmas, winding
up!" "Did you see my rubber animals? I have put them all over this house to stop
Halloween from coming! Oh and some of them may not be rubber, but be real!" "If you
really want to be scared in this house, justlook in mirror" "Fucking internet is
out for me too, fucking should have been taken care of a long time ago, but of
course not in this house!" "Unplug it from the wall, what is she fucking ignorant!"
72. October 30 2019
73. November 13 2019 - "I'm gonna get out of here before I have to deal with her
lying face!" "Lying is all she ever does!" "It is on its way home!"
74. November 14 2019 -"Yeah same old wife too! No comment on why not ccw" "Your
imitation soup will warm you up! Its junk like the rest of the food in this house.
Im having a cheese cracker sandwich for lunch!" "I bet fatty is having something
good! Who knows what, shes always running around rampant you know! Oh Im sure she
will feed her fat face with something!" "Shit weak pokemon showing up here, yup why
should I bother! I should trade you everyone on my team you want for garbage
pokemon. Then get rid of my game!" "You can build your army and have my shinies!"
"Beef barn for supper? I don
t need shit from you!" GO TO MCDONALDS FOR CHEAP SUPPER OUT "What no beef barn? Oh
you didn't get it because of me? Well I still want beef barn!" "I'm having a cheese
it sandwich for my snack tonight! Same as what I had for lunch! Lucky me!" "Oh nice
and cozy!" "All nice and cozy!" "Nice and cozy!"
75. December 2 2019 - "Fucking bitch shes on her way out!" "Fucking drama queen,
afraid of sliding on the ice, she could have gone to the market!" "Isn't this
76. December 3 2019 - "I'll kill that fucking cat!" "I know you kick ass in school.
I kick ass in my own way the way I want to!" "Im like the grinch, Im going to stop
christmas from coming, but unlike the grinch, it wont be coming back!"
77. December 17 2019 - "Christmas isn't coming this year, Im going to stop it from
coming!" "Look at that, there is a squirell out there, doesnt look like its having
trouble with all of the ice! Look, most of the cars are gone in the parking lot,
they all went to work! Your mother could have gone to work, but she was too lazy!"
"I don't care about no update in pokemon!" after finding earing: "meh" "Im not
cranky or in a mood, you are!"
78. December 18 2019 - unfriended in pokemon go,"Did you see if the frosty the dick
man was still up? Next snow storm we have i will make a huge one! We will see how
the great condo commitee likes that! Its made up of stupid people, they must be
stupid fucking democrats!" "Sure they will cause I will make a pussy the snow woman
to!" "oh yeah they hate it when i wear my trump gear. Thats right, wait til they
see me eating my trump candy bar. there heads will explode" "Ah is that your buddy?
I don't have one, I am done with this game! The game is not worth my time! Starting
tommorow, I have something new to spend my time on. Its called the seven days of
chaos! You will find out what that means!" "I don't play pokemon! I think its
stupid and a waste of time! I may end up smashing my phone as part of my seven days
of chaos! Tommorow is gonna be a busy day of lots of chaos!" "You want your snack?
Too bad! There is no fucking food in to eat in this house!"
79. December 19 2019 - "What do you care how I slept!"
80. December 20 2019 - "I better do some laundry today or her head will explode
like a democrat!" "I can already see the steam coming out of chubbys ears
hahahahaha!" "She wanted fucking laundry, I'll give her fucking laundry hahahaaha!"
"Beep beep, Im pushing her buttons!" "Bet she'll come waddling in tonight and freak
out if I don't finish tha laundry well she can go waddling out too hahahaha, that
will mess with her!" "Its ok, I can have a heart attack going up and down these
stairs but your mother will have her rags clean!" "I'll have my day to catch
mamonia again carrying around your mother's clothes up and down the stairs!" "I did
my laundry because I wanted clean underwear! I have special pairs of underwear just
for me you know!"

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