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At its 752nd meeting, on 2 November 1956, the Coun- A sa 752e seance, le 2 novembre 1956, le Conseil a

cil decided to leave it to the President to decide whether decide de laisser au President le soin de decider si le
the representative of Hungary who had taken a place representant de la Hongrie qui avait pris place a la table
at the Council table in accordance with the decision taken du Conseil rnnformement a la decision prise par le Conseil
at the 746th meeting should be permitted to make a a sa 746e seance devait etre autorise a faire une declara-
statement pending the verification of his credentials. tion avant que ses lettres de crcance aient pu etre vcri-

120 (1956). Resolution of 4 November 1956 120 (1956). Resolution du 4 novembre 1956
[S/37 33] [S/3733]

The Security Council, Le Consei/ de sh:urite,

Considering that a grave situation has been created Considerant qu'une situation grave a etc creee par
by the use of Soviet military forces to suppress the efforts l 'emploi de forces armces sovietiques afin de rcprimer les
of the Hungarian people to reassert their rights, efforts que fait le peuple hongrois pour affirmer a nouveau
scs droits,
Taking into account that because of the lack of un- Prenant no!c que, faute d'unanimitc parmi ses membres
animity among its permanent members the Security pcrrnanents, le Conseil de sccurite n'a pu s'acquitter de
Council has been unable to exercise its primary respon- sa rcsponsabilite principale touchant le maintien de la
sibility for the maintenance of international peace and paix et de la securitc internationales,
Decides to call an emergency special session of the Decide de convoquer une session extraordinaire
General Assembly, as provided in General Assembly d'urgence de l'Assemblee generale conformement aux
resolution 377 A (V) of 3 November 1950, in order to dispositions de la resolution 377 A (V) de I' Assemblee
make appropriate recommendations concerning the situa- generate, en date du 3 novembre 1950, en vue de faire
tion in Hungary. les recommandations appropriees concernant la situation
en Hongrie.

Adopted at the 754th meeting Adoptee a la 754• seance par

by 10 votes to 1 (Union of JO voix contre une ( Union des
Soviet Socialist Republics). Republiques socialistes sovic-



Decision Decision
At its 750th meeting, on 30 October 1956, the Council A sa 750e seance, le 30 octobre 1956, le Conseil a
decided to invite the representative of Egypt to parti- decide d'inviter le rcprcsenlant de l'Fgyple a participer,
cipate, without vote, in the discussion of the item entitled sans droit de vote, a la discussion de la question intitulce
" Letter dated 30 October 1956 from the representative << Lettre, en date du 30 octobre 1956. adressee au Presi-
of Egypt addressed to the President of the Security dent du Conseil de secmitc par le representant de l'Egypte
Council (S/3712) ".12 (S/3712 12) ».
12 Ibid., Supplement for October, November and December 1956. 12 Ibid., Supplement d'octobre, novembre et decembr<' 1956.

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