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PantheVera Lotion 180ml

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Product description

Quick Overview

For relief of skin irritation & redness due to dryness or sunburns 

Product Description:

PantheVera contains high

concentration of Aloe Vera Extract and Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin


Aloe Vera Gel – natural skin cooling and humidifying agent.

Panthenol – relives and reduces skin irritation and itching in

various conditions such as:


Skin dryness


Post skin treatment; depilation, laser procedures, radiation.

Minor skin injuries

PantheVera Lotion moisturizes, soothes and cools the skin for a

long time.

PantheVera Lotion is a pleasant formulation which penetrates

skin rapidly giving a smooth and supple sensation.



J.M. – UK
Recently been on holiday where my wife bought from a chemists
a tube of Panthe Vera treatment lotion she thinks it is
wonderful product
product. It was very helpful for Sunburn and
K.S. – UK
Whilst in Cyprus on holiday I got really bad prickly heat and I
went to a pharmacy they reccommended Panthe Vera
which I absolutely loved, it is really amazing  (I have
allergies to lots of creams etc but this is really nice on
my skin)  
A.B.-Czek Republic (sales representative)
…we have tried PantheVera for our children (both our daughter
of 7 y.o. and our son of 6 months have same problem – atopic
dermatitis) and we were very much surprised that result was
even better than we had expected
expected. Before, we tried other
products and that made nothing.
C.S.- Germany
We went to our holiday, and my two sons (10) and (12) who hate
any cream or lotion had a sun-burn. They have been so
enthusiastic about PantheVera that later on they every day asked
me “Mummy, can we have that lotion, again”
S.N.- Germany
I had to treat an elderly lady with parchment skin and she was so
happy to use PantheVera as it had a relieving e"ect immediately


M.E – Israel

Dear STH team,

I would like to share my experience and recommend the

PantheVera lotion.
I have two kids with severe Atopic dermatitis and we practically
used every lotion and cream available in the market.
Throughout the past 5 years we tried more than 100 di"erent
creams and lotions (with and without steroids) to help and ease
the dryness and itchiness of the skin.
Since we started using the PantheVera with my younger
daughter (She is now 5.5 years old) we can see that skin is softer
and more moisturized.
The biggest advantage is that it doesn’t burn while we apply the
cream and therefore she is much more cooperative (super
important with young kids).
Also the fact that this is very creamy lotion, makes it easy to
apply without the need to use pressure and irritate the skin.

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