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Honour School of History
Honour School of Ancient and Modern History
Honour School of History and Economics
Honour School of History and Modern Languages
Honour School of History and Politics


XVII: The History of the United States since 1863


Wednesday, 30 May 2018, 2.30pm – 5.30pm

Candidates must answer THREE questions, and COMPLETE all their answers. An asterisk (*)
draws attention to questions which may be answered with reference to any part of the period.

Do not turn over until told that you may do so.



Candidates must answer THREE questions, and COMPLETE all their answers. An asterisk (*)
draws attention to questions which may be answered with reference to any part of the period.

*1. Has ‘big business’ been a source of social and political fragmentation in the United

*2. How did class influence immigration restrictions?

*3. Why did historians promote the idea of ‘American exceptionalism’?

*4. Have historians successfully demonstrated the importance of transnational

influences on the United States?

*5. Is there a relationship between movements of cultural liberation and ones of political

*6. What role has socialism played in the politics and society of the United States?

*7. How important has the use of 'soft power' been to American foreign policy?

*8. What has been the relationship between American religion and capitalism?

*9. How has urban and suburban development shaped American politics?

*10. Does the West have a distinct regional history?

11. To what extent was the Civil War a global conflict?

12. Is Reconstruction best understood as an era of paramilitary politics?

13. What explains the rise and fall of Populism?

14. Was American imperial expansion between 1867 and 1914 driven solely by strategic

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15. Why did some women reformers consider suffrage of secondary importance in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

16. How did African Americans respond to Jim Crow?

17. Did the Progressive Era end with US entry to the First World War?

18. Was isolationism the most significant influence on inter-war foreign relations?

19. How successful was the New Deal?

20. What was the effect of World War II on American society?

21. Was domestic anti-Communism an irrational mass movement?

22. Who was to blame for the Cold War?

23. How significant have issues around sexuality been to women's movements in the US
since 1945?

24. What was the impact of the Great Society?

25. How much did the civil rights and Black Power movements have in common?

26. What was the legacy of the Vietnam War for American foreign policy?

27. Was the late twentieth century an ‘Age of Fracture’ (RODGERS)?

28. To what extent was US conservatism from 2001 onwards a departure from that of
the New Right in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s?

29. Why is 'chain migration' a fraught concept?

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