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Section properties text

Next n sets Sec,Secn,Lib,Mark,Ar,Ix,Iy,Iz,Ay,Az,Pa,Af,Ixf,Iyf,Izf,Shapes
of lines:
Next set of 3 ShapeType,Points,Dims
lines per Void,Parent,Transpose,Mirror,TransX,TransY,Rotate,
shape: Fabrication,Strengths
Next set of X,Y,Z
"Points" lines
per shape:
Sec Section property number (Integer)
Secn Section name (15 Char)
Lib Section library name (8 Char)
Mark Section mark (5 Char)
Ar Area of section (Real)
Ix Torsion constant (Real)
Iy Y principal moment of inertia (Real)
Iz Z principal moment of inertia (Real)
Ay Y shear area (Real)
Az Z shear area (Real)
Pa Principal angle (Real)
Af Factor applied to area (Real)
Ixf Factor applied to torsion constant (Real)
Iyf Factor applied to Y moment of inertia (Real)
Izf Factor applied to Z moment of inertia (Real)
Shapes The number of shapes in the section (Integer)
ShapeType Shape type (0=Undefined, 1=Rod, 2=Square, 3=Flat, 4=CHS, (Integer)
5=SHS, 6=RHS, 7=I-shape, 8=PWG, 9=Channel, 10=Beam Tee,
11=Column Tee, 12=Equal Angle, 13=Unequal Angle, 14=Cruciform,
15=Box Girder, 16=Wedge, 17=Slice, 18=Fillet, 19=Points, 20=LSB,
21=LSB/B2B, 22=Lines, 23=Triangle, 24=Cee, 25=Zed, 26=Top Hat,
27=DA/Short, 28=DA/Long, 29=DA/Starred, 30=Polygon,
31=PolyTube, 32=Equilateral Triangle, 33=Schifflerized Angle,
34=Back to Back Cee, 35=Rounded Angle, 36=Rack, 37=L-shape,
38=Trapezoid, 39=Flat Oval)
Points The number of perimeter points in a points shape or line shape (Integer)
Dims The shape dimensions (D,Bt,Bb,Btw,Bbw,Tt,Tb,Tw,Hf,Rr) (Integer)
Void 1=Void shape (hole), otherwise 0 (Integer)
Parent Parent shape if Void=1 (Integer)
Transpose 1=Transposed shape, otherwise 0 (Integer)
Mirror 1=Mirrored about X, 2=Mirrored about Y, 3=Mirrored about both, (Integer)
otherwise 0
TransX Translation distance along X (Integer)
TransY Translation distance along Y (Integer)
Rotate Rotation angle (degrees) (Integer)
Fabrication Fabrication code (0=Hot rolled, 1=Stress relieved, 2=Lightly welded, (Integer)
3=Heavily welded, 4=Cold formed, 5=Cold formed and stress
Strengths Material strengths (Fy,Fyw,Fu for up to 6 grades of steel) (Integer)
X,Y,Z (Integer)

Af, Ixf, Iyf and Izf are section factors that were introduced in SPACE GASS 12.60.

See also Section Property Data.

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