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A) Transforme as frases abaixo para a forma negativa e interrogativa dos modais.

1) Brian can ride a bike.

2) Sheila could ride a bike because She was afraid of falling.

3) They may be riding next weekend

4) She might have a new bike.

5) Bike riders under 17 years of age must ride without helmets in Pennsylvania.

6) Riders could break the traffic rules that apply to cars.

7) Riders should use their right arm.

8) He should go riding when it rains.

9) The bike club can participate in the race because they objected to the high entrance fee.

10) Alexa should study more for the next test.

B) Organize as frases abaixo na ordem correta. Observe a posição dos modais.

1. have some I Can water ?

2. coffee Would like ? you a

3. How ? I help can you

4. do Could a favour me ? you

5. giving a you me mind Would hand?

6. up please? me Can pick you later,

7. explain you Could this, please ?

8. come for you round to like Would dinner?

9. Should Alexa work at night.

10. David English more can study.

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