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2.¿Dónde estaban el señor Wopsle, Joe y Pip al comienzo del capítulo 6?

(1 punto)
En la granja
En el bar
En el bosque

3. he was giving a very dramatic reading of a newspaper report on a murder trial.

4. the first condition is that you always use the name Pip and the second is that the name of the
person who was generous to him must remain a secret.

.¿Cuál es la profesión del Sr. Jaggers ?

(1 punto)

Joe estaba ..................... para la oportunidad de Pip.

(1 punto)
triste pero feliz
enojado y asustado
Sorprendido y hambriento

Antes de ir a Londres, Pip quería visitar ...

(1 punto)
Señor Wopsle
Su hermana
Señorita Havinsham

when he went to town he went to order his new clothes, Mr. Pumblechook was waiting for him at
the door of his shop.

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