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Drs. I Nyoman Udayana,M.Lit,Ph.d


Ni Nyoman Mirah Nita Putri





TAHUN 2022
Hello this is my daily activities. And now I am going to invite you to follow my daily
activity. I woke up at 5 am this morning. I do this every day to encourage myself to be more
disciplined and organized in life. Waking up early is something healthy for me and my family
has been practicing this for a long time. The habit of getting up this morning makes it easier
for me to prepare everything properly.

After I wake up, I do various warm-up movements to strengthen the muscles before going to
school. Don't forget that sometimes I do morning exercise. Morning exercise is not only useful
for maintaining body strength. This habit turns out to be able to produce results in various
aspects of life if done regularly. I always believe that by exercising, I will get the benefits of
morning exercise and a better quality of life. ability to make the mood better. Morning exercise
can make me enjoy the fresh air and the scenery around your home environment. As a result, I
can feel more inspired and excited to start the day. Not only that, the fact is that doing exercise
in the morning can also support the production of endorphins or hormones that support feelings
of happiness. The result was true, I also feel more optimistic and freer from stress. This will be
able to support my productivity throughout the day.

After that I go to take a shower and prepared all the necessities for activities at school. The
thing I will never leave behind is breakfast. One of the benefits of breakfast is as a source of
energy. Like a car, I also need "fuel" to restore energy after a long night's sleep and cause an
empty stomach. This is the reason why breakfast is very important in starting the day in my
opinion. The habit of having breakfast in the morning can also make me more focused and
productive in doing work at the office or school because my stomach is full. If I don't eat
breakfast, then my thinking power will decrease, and I will feel weak.

After that, I am ready to go to school. It is at 6.45 am now. I use a motorbike to go to school.

I arrive at 7.15 and right now I am listening to the teacher’s explanation about mathematics. I
wrote down everything the teacher explained so I could learn. Writing activities benefit me as
a way to improve my ability to remember the lessons that have been delivered by the teacher
in class as well as from the self-study process that I often do. The activity of taking notes by
writing what the teacher says in front of the class can be done by writing down the core points
or can be directly made into a kind of mind diagram. Likewise with the independent learning
process by reading textbooks or from other sources which can also be immortalized by writing
It is at 10 am now, and it is a break time. I go to canteen. I bought a variety of food and drinks,
including fried rice. And I am drinking a glass of orange juice. At 12.30 I am doing the
assignment for the last lesson. Currently 14.00, I am on my way home. I arrived home at 1 am,
after that I cleaned up my face. In my opinion, washing your face with facial soap needs to be
done after school to remove the remaining dirt that has not been completely removed using a
cotton swab. Therefore, after school I wash my face using water and facial soap to refresh my
skin again

After that, I am watching my favourite TV program while eating my lunch. I need to take some
rest because I am going to play vollyball with my friends at 3.30 this afternoon. I am at the
field. My friends are already playing the vollyball and I am doing some stretching to prepare
myself for the match. Warming up before exercising is an important thing to do. I never thought
that the body can immediately exercise without warming up first. Even though we are skilled
at exercising, the body still needs to adjust before doing more strenuous activities than usual.
In addition to reducing the risk of injury, warming up before exercising is an adaptation process
for muscles so they don't cramp and tense when they have to endure greater pressure.

At 5 pm, I took a bath. And now I am gathering with my family. We are talking about our
activity today. In my opinion, maintaining good communication will prevent conflict.
Communication can prevent violence in the family. So, when a conflict occurs, family
members, especially parents, will get used to resolving conflicts that can lead to negative
things. No need for heavy things, just communication about the things that have been passed
during this one day. That's what makes me very happy to talk to my family.

At 9 pm, I am going to bed. But before sleeping, I am listening to the music, because I cannot
sleep without listening to the music. After I felt sleepy, I turned off the music and immediately
go to bed.

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