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Equine vet. Educ. (2019) 31 (12) 620-623

doi: 10.11 11 /eve.I302 6

How to write a clinical case report

Summary should be clearly spelled out. lf the case report supports curren!
A case report should communicate a novel occurrence, thinking. this shou ld be stated. lf the case report runs counter to
manifestation or management of a case. The goal is to add curren! dogma. it should detail how it cha llenges established
to the body of knowledge of an existing or newly recognlsed thinki ng. Where a new recommendation arises from the cose
condition, whether as documentation of a single clinical relating to diagnosis or treatment, this can be highlighted using
episode, or as part of a series of clinically similar events. aspects of the case progression as supporting evidence. lf o
rarity that could hove otherwise been missed is the subject of
lntroduction the report. how this presentation could hove been missed ond
how to avoid missing it in the future should be explained.
The publication of case reports has decreased somewhot in
the recen! literature. They hove received criticism far being
anecdotal, or far emphasising bizorre or spurious occurrences.
Should I attempt to write and publish a case
Therefore, they hove been considered to hove potential to
mislead their readership. lnstead. it cou ld be argued they The process of collating case information. searching the
should be considered to be at Jhe forefront of recognising relevan! medical literature, and writing in an organised
the unexpected. Evidence-based medicine reports hove scientific manner is a time-consuming endeavour. The
somewhat supplanted case reports in the relaying of process will greatly aid the author in developing deeper
information: they focus on determining the bes/ evidence to medical understanding. The skills developed during this
guide clinical decision-making, whether this be a particular process are then useful during research of other tapies of
therapy or diagnostic test. Ultimately. the randomised clinical interest or provide a skill set enabling further clinical reporting.
trial is considered the best way to determine whether a Contribution to the body of knowledge may also provide the
particular intervention is of clinical benefit. author both personal and professional benefits.
In their defence. case reports remain an excellent
complement to evidence-based medicine. Through the
development of medicine both veterinary and medicine. Getting started
case reports hove provided a way of relaying clinical
Search the veterinary literature . . . cose
experience and disseminating knowledge. and in sorne
Of utmost importance Is determ1n1ng whether a similar Id
cases. hove provided pivota! observations changing medical
observation has previously been reported. The author shou d
understanding and practice. They are essentially a written
search PubMed. Medline. Ovid. Agrícola, CAB abstracts an
'case rounds '. using history and presenta tion of actual cases
Google Scholar for related case material. ExIs · ¡·In g case
to teach management in a primary role as clinician . using
reports and case series may provide supporting informatio~
realistic scenarios with medica! evidence of disease, and
for the case in question. or may negate the necessity 0
detailed decision-making based upan available clinical
reporting the current episode if sufficiently similar cas~
information. They are. in practice. a dress rehearsal for the
documentation has already occurred. The author mus
reader when faced with a similar presentation. Case reports
remember to survey journals in the equine veterinary space
allow recognition of unexpected or rore clinical occurrences.
that may not be listed in the above databases.
or new observations not found in standardised textbooks.
They challenge the reader's conventional focus on recall of
rote-learned manifestations and management of diseases. Collect al/ relevant documentation related to the caset
While case documentation and clinical information is current
and_ accessible. this material should be stored in a perman:
What is a case report? fash1on so as complete 1nformation is available later. This 11
minimise interruption during the write-up phase of the case
Case reports tend to foil into three categories: an unusual or
report . The lack of critica! information may preven! complete
novel cond ition that has not been reported in the literature
reporting of case progression or reduce the qualily ot th e
that is. recognition and description of a new disease: a rore report for the reader.
complication of a previously known or routinely managed
disease condition; or a new management approacl1 to a
common and importan! clinical syndrome. Choose a target journal for the final report
While this may seem to be O decision to be made once th e
report is near completion. it is important to make this decisi~n
What makes a good case report? early_ in the case report process. Journals vary greatlY
Case reports demand a clear foc us and explicit requirements for struc ture and con tent of the case repo ·
documentation as to why they are deserving of publication, hove different formats lor references lhat make up th e
and justify the time token to read and understand them . The bi_
bliography, and differ in how references are indicate~
most importan! single message the author wishes to convey w1th1n t_he text of the manuscript. The use of referenc
manag,ng program integra ted into a word process1n9

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program is extremely useful, ollowing not only an order1y Diagnostic work-up and findings
insertion and modification of reference citation into the text. Following the initial assessment. more advanced tests to
but easy changing of formatting should this be required. The narrow the differential diagnosis will be performed. Findings of
requirements for publication of each potential target journal clinical pathology, microbiology, ultrasonography, radio-
must be carefully read as there may be lees for publication graphy, advanced imaging (computed tomography.
once !he manuscript is accepted. magnetic resonance imaging) and specific serological, patho-
logical, immunological and endocrinological testing can be
What are the steps to writlng a good case reported in this section.
report? With this information. a working diagnosis or definitive
diagnoses as a basis for the ensuing treatment plan can be
lt is importan! to be succinct and only relate those points stated.
which are germane to the reporting of the clinical
progression of the case . Case reports should not be Treatment plan
expansive, and report only the facts of the case with an A complete listing of all treatments (both generic and
appropriate supportive literature review accompanying its proprietary name where applicable) , dose rotes administered
procedural aspects . Journals may set a word limit that is (in units of !he lnternational System. SI), route of administration
importan! to adhere to as this will promote concise reporting and treatment intervals should be given. The author should
and reduce !he time token to complete !he editorial process. ensure all medications are referenced in the footnotes as per
The structure of case reports and case series will differ journal instruc tions.
from !ha! of clinical research reports. The formal of
introduction , materials and methods. results and discussion Outcome
widely used for scientific reporting is no! readily applicable to Progression of the case should be relayed in chronological formal.
relaying of clinical case material. A suitable case report Al treatment termination, degree of clinical resolution and any
formal would include the following broad categories: follow-up, or the results of any necropsy evaluation, should be
detailed as the final part of !he body of the case repcrt.
1 Preamble
A summary paragraph. designated summary, should open lmages
the case report. This is in essence an abstrae! of the article to lt is importan! to only include images of high quality and high
follow. As detailed later in this section, this is bes! written alter relevance. Captioning should be succinct and directly relate
the completion of the cose report proper. This is then to the possage of !ex! within the cose report where the imoge
followed by an opening section. designated introduction. A will eloborote on detoils to improve understonding. Highlighted
brief summary of the relevan! literature and initial justifica tion oreas and regions of interest within !he imoges should be
for production of the case report can be made in this clearly indicated and match the ossocioted coptioning.
section. As closure to !he introduction. the author can
summarise in one sentence !he essence of the case report. 3 Discussion
where !he importance and perhaps the unique nature of !he This is in sorne woy the most impoctful section of !he cose
case should be clear1y stated to the reader. report. Rationole for reporting the cose con be explained.
The case is compored with similar or supporting orticles in the
2 Body of the case reporl literature, with both case reports ond primory research
The following sections do not necessarily require their own articles being referenced. This ollows the pothophysiology.
heading or separation unless this improves reader outcome and relevance of the cose to !he general
understanding. lnstead. they should be systematically included populotion to be put into context for the reoder. This section
in the body of the text of the report and flow logically in order is also o primer for further reoding and o resource for future
from start to finish. 11 a case series is being produced, for each outhors during their literoture search in ony cose presentation
palien! the following information should be provided and reloted to the report which may olso reference it. lf limitotions
separated into individual 'case presentations'. exist in the case report they con be stated and placed in
context within the cose progression ond existing literature.
Signalment and history The closing parogroph should briefly detoil any conclusions
A brief description of the signalment of the cases should arising from the case report which add to the reoder's
open the case report. lmmediately following this. a knowledge base.
chronological report of relevan! case history should be
provided. Next. the history of the presenting condition should 4 Acknow/edgements
be detailed. lf !he case was examined over multiple visits 11 is importan! to ocknowledge individuols with an impoctful
with previous treatment episodes before the beginning of the role on the progression of the cose or those essentiol in
reported occurrence. these can be separated as preporation of the manuscript, if not listed os authors (see
'presentation episodes' within the history. outhor criterio mentioned below). This includes individuals
who hove provided technicol or writing ossistonce. Any
Examination findings funding sources must olso be included in this section.
Physical examination findings should be presented in a systematic
fashion compatible with the initial work-up of !he case. Vital signs. 5 References
auscultation findings. palpation findings and visual assessment Wherever possible. originol literoture should be cited to support
(mentation. body condition. cutaneous or other grossly visible stotements made in the introduction ond discussion. Excessive
organ system lesions) can be detailed in this section. referencing is to be ovoided, with only the most relevan!

© 20 18 EVJ Lid

supporting literature being quoted. lt is vitally important for the outcomes or medicotion-reloted events during case
author to ensure the integrity of the references quoted within manogement. it is important to capture the ottention of the
their manuscript. Continuing errors can occur throughout the chief editor ot this initial point of contact.
scientific literature when references are sourced in the
bibliography of other publications without checking the
accuracy of these citations. Submittlng for publication
Once the case report is completed in a style matching the
6 Summary/abstract requirements of the target journol, a checklist of requirements
lt is easiest and most appropriate to write the summary/ far the target journol should be compared with the cose
abstrac t that will precede the case report last. once all report submission package. Only when requirements ore
details of the case are logically relayed and the discussion of complete should the submission process begin.
relevan! literature is written. This enables the author to make
a succinct overview of the case and its relevance in a few
sentences to both attract and inform potential readers. The
The review process
abstrae! should condense the case report while maintaining Once submitted, the target journol will seek to ossess the
the important information. As this may be the only part of the monuscript. This is most otten by o peer review process.
report that potential readers access from an electronic where individuols deemed knowledgeoble in an oreo
database during a literature search, it should seek to inform relevant to the disease or techniques within the case report
and stimulate interest in accessing the entire case report. will assess the case report far content. grammar. adherence
lnformation pertaining to search engine optimisation can be to journal requirements and ultima tely suitability for
found at Wiley Author Services publication. There may be several iteratians of this
authar-resources/index.html process. with revisions recommended and requested of
the author before each review cyc le begins anew.
7 Abbreviations and keywords Considerable time may elapse during this process prior to
The first use of an abbreviation should be spelled out in the final acceptance.
case report. Subsequent entries should consistently use the Should the manuscript be rejected far publicatian in the
abbreviation. Depending on the target publication. a table target journal. close attention should be paid to the reosons
of ali abbreviations used may be required in the early part of for this. as these may indicate the case is not suitable for
the manuscript. publication. Alternatively, knowledge gained during this
A list of keywords may be requested far submission process may enable further revision of the case report and
alongside the case report. These will be used as search submission to another journal in the desired field. Under no
criterio for any resulting publication. circumstances should the manuscript be simultaneously
submitted to more than one journal.
8 Tille and tille page
The title of the case report is the initial contact with the
reader. lt should be concise. intorm the reader of the Common errors in submitted manuscripts
content, and maintain relevance to the subject. ·
While considerable effort ·1s expended by th e _au f the
The title page should be placed at the front of the report. creation of a manuscnpt, attenhon to the requ1rement O . lly
lt contains names. qualifications and contact information target journal is sometimes lacking. This may substantia
{institution. postal address, email address) far all authors. The delay the peer review process and reduce the timeliness 01
correspanding author should be clearty identified. acceptance far publication should the subject matter
The author list should only include those individuals who ultimately be deemed worthy of print. .g
hove contributed significantly to the production of the case Commonly occurring errors foil into the followin
report. An author is qualified by his/her contribution to the categories
conception and design of the case report, gathering and
interpretation of case information, and dratting and/or Language and grommor . .
revision of the resulting monuscript. Their approval should be The publication language of Equine Veterinary Educotion is
sought prior to submission af the final draft.

9 Declaratlons page
that is corree! far this language. This includes the use
digraphs ae and oe. also -our. -ce , -se and -re (in place 0
English, particularly British English. The journal requires spellin~

Ali outhors must declare their contributions to the production or. -se, -ze and -er respectively) in contras! to Americ_an
of the monuscript. Ensure thot complete author information English where these are not standard spellings. As Equine
(nome. quolifica tions. offiliotions. contoct information) is Veterinary Education is an interna tional journal. man;
included in this section if required . Any conflic ts of interest manuscripts are submitted by authors where English is no
should be noted here. their nativa language, rather, English is a second language.
or a comrnon language between peoples who share no
10 Covering leffer other common language communication. This often greailY
This should be written once the cose report is complete. increases the work of the primary reviewers and editors . to
Accomponying the submission of the c ase report monuscript, assess manuscripts . The consultation by authors of a native
this letter should be oddressed to the c hief editor and clearty English speaker during compilation of the manuscript is
detoil why the cose report is worthy of publication. Whether en_couraged. Advice and assistance with English langua 9~
due to the introduction of new or novel information on wnhng can be obtained from Wiley Editing Services htlp./
existing or unreported cose occurrences. or untoward case

© 20 18 EVJ Ud

Formatting Clinicol pathologicol values thot ore in US c onventional units

The requirements of the journal must be strictly observed bu t must olso be converted to SI.
are often an oversight. Page size, margins, type font, font size.
indenting and line spacing must be corree!. 11 requested , line Supporting material
numbering must be included to aid the review process. Word lmoges should be of high quolity ond of sufficient quantity to
or character count must be observed. illustrate key points of the cose. lmoge parameters (e.g. pixel
count/density, dimensions) will be detailed in the author
Structure instructions to ensure adequate quality post publication.
Case presentation should generally adhere to a layout Excessive numbers of images are discouroged. Coptions
compatible with thot detoiled previously in this article. There should be succinct ond oreas of interest cleorly indicated.
should be on introduction; o broodly inclusive body of the lncluded imoges should match their description in the body
cose report detailing clinicol presentotion, diognostic s, of the text, be numericolly complete . ond be in the corree!
treotments ond outcomes: o concise discussion reviewing order.
ond reloting literature relevan! to the cose : ond a list of
relevan! references. Regardless of outhor writing style, it is Summary
importan! to hove a logical flow of information ond
conclusions, and to hove cose detoils ond supporting Publication of case reports and cose series provides a means
references consistently in the correct location. of disseminating clinicol information of novel presentations,
deviotions from expected presentotions ond outcomes, and
Referencing adverse reoctions to established treatment modalities and
Within text citations and the format of the bibliography varíes therapeutics, While they moy be criticised as the lowest form
between journols. The correct formol os detoiled in the of clinicol evidence, they are often referenced as foundation
journol requirements must be consistently used during reports on newly recognised conditions and therapies.
manuscript preparation. Should resubmission to o journal Production of o good cose report requires considerable
other thon the initial target be required , ensure thot effort ond time. Language ond grommar must be corree! for
reference formol is changed to meet the new requirements. the journol ond its oudience. Comprehensive cose
References should be accurote ond complete, however, informotion must be concisely relayed and put in context
depending on the source either online or from print, with the existing literature which is reviewed os part of the
informotion con be missing: incorrect author nome(s) , discussion. Journol requirements for formol and structure must
incorrect journol nome, absent year of publication, or missing be odhered to exoctly.
poge numbers (start, finish) . Anecdotol informotion should P, R. MORRESEY
alwoys be stated to be such in the text (e.g. personal Rood and Ridd/e Equine Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky,
communication) and sporingly used. USA

Footnotes References
AII proprietary equipment and consumobles should be
Florek. A.G. and Dellavalle, R.P. (20 16) Case reports in medical
referenced in the text and listed os footnotes al the end of
education: a platrorm for training medical students, residents, and
the cose report prior to the reference section . Omissions ond fellows in scientific writing and critical thinking . J. Med. Case Rep.
incomplete informotion for manufocturers is o common 10, 86. https://doi. org/10. l 186/sl3256-016-0851-5 .
deficiency. Sun. Z. (2013) Tips for writing a c ase report for the novice author. J.
Med. Rod. Sci. 60, 108- 113.
Units of measure Vondenbroucke, J.P. ( 1999) Cose reports in a n evidence-bosed world.
The lnternationol System of Units, obbreviated SI, should be J. R. Soc. Med. 92, 159-163.
used for all reported numericol values of the potient. These Vandenbroucke. J.P. (2001 ) In defense of case reports and case
ore derived from, ond are on extension of, the metric system. series. Ann. lntern. Med. 134. 330-334.

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