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Hello everyone and welcome to our television network channel.

Here today we have a very special

guest with the name of Paul Pogba and he will introduce himself to us today. So Paul, good afternoon
and welcome to the pitch for your recently produced biopic film series ‘The Pogmentary.’ Tell us a
little bit about yourself.

Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a fantastic day. If you don’t already know me, I am Paul Labile
Pogba, a professional world-class footballer. Some people call it soccer, but here in the UK we call it
football. I am a world-class midfield maestro and play as a proud Muslim player. The television series,
‘The Pogmentary’, tells the story of my life, from growing up in France to playing professional football
at some of the biggest teams in the world, such as Juventus and Manchester United. Watching ‘The
Pogmentary’ is a great opportunity for fans and others to see the real me both on and off the pitch.

(Little pause…) The title of your proposed biopic film series sounds interesting. Tell me, why do you
think our audience needs to hear your story?

Personally, I think that this will motivate all over the world, who have the ability and the capabilities,
to try their hardest and reach their full potential in whatever they are aspiring to be. Goals such as
becoming a football player or becoming a basketball player or whatever your goals may be, make
sure you never give up. There are so many people who were just like you, and are now the top
players in the world, which means you can be one of them if you keep on trying harder and push
yourself beyond your limit to reach the top.

That’s inspiring. So, when did your love of football really  begin?

My love for football began when I first played with my friends at a very young age and we would go
and play in the community park. When I was 6 years old, I went to Roissy-en-Brie (Roy-on-bree), a
local football club in France where I formally first played football.

Interesting... So, could you describe yourself to us in four  words?

That's a tough question. Well, I would say I am considered (1 sec pause) skilful (2 sec pause),
leaderful, charismatic and (1 second pause) creative.

In a business sense are you able to tell us why airing your biopic will prove beneficial  for us?

It will prove beneficial to you because many people will be curious to see behind-the-scenes footage
from my time with Juventus, Manchester United and the French national team. This will make people
want to watch the show, which if aired on your television network which will grant your
business many benefits.

Hmm… and just out of curiosity what was it that kind-of piqued your interest in Islam because you
grew up in France, and France is known for being secular and not a religious society.

I was lucky to have a lot of friends that were Muslim, and I always believed in God, and for me I got
to know about Islam like that. I told my mum that I became Muslim, and she was very happy with

Thanks for that Paul. I would also like to ask about how you would want to be remembered when
that time comes?

Just as a good person, a good Muslim, someone that helps and… a good football player. Just to be
honest, I want people to smile, ‘Oh he was funny, he was crazy, he was a good football player’ and
that’s it. It’s not my goal to be someone that tries and lives just to be remembered. I just want to
help and inspire people from the next generation. I want to help them to get better, I want to help
them to get ready for life and all the ups and downs and stuff like that. I would also like you to put on
display a portion of my biopic film, ‘The Pogmentary’, for people to get a sneak peek of what could
be aired on your television network.

Wow! That really was an amazing motion graphic and is definitely an inspiration to young people
around the world. Thanks for your time here today, Paul. We have your contact details and we'll be in
touch with the outcome of your interview. Did you have anything more you wished to share with me,
which you think will convince our network to air your biopic film series?

You're welcome. Not much really, I have already mentioned my reasons, such as it will be an
inspiration for younger generations. I think that your television network has a great reputation, so for
me it is a bonus for hopefully being partnered with you.

Well Paul, thanks again for being here with us today and telling us about ‘The Pogmentary.’ We'll
definitely take all this into consideration and get back  to you soon.

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it

Your welcome.

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