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GEOLOGY’S ROLE IN THE MAJOR against an increasingly strong desire

ISSUE FACING SOCIETY to stop consuming geologic

carbon–coal because of climate
Land development change.
-is the process in which you make
improvements to a piece of land. Natural resources
-are raw materials from the Earth
-a complex process that involves the that can be grown, mined, extracted, or
evaluation, planning, engineering, and collected.
construction of improvements on a piece of
land based on codes and regulations set by Natural resources are not man made.
the municipality and regulatory agencies.
Natural resource examples:
● Air
● Geology is closely related to land ● Water
development because of regional ● Soil
planning and the management of ● Plants
subsurface resources. ● Animals
● Soil fertility depends primarily on ● Petroleum/Oil
geological and climatic factors. ● Natural Gas
● Minerals
The wide variety of soil
substrates in the world shows the
Where did it all come from?
extent to which soil fertility varies, Natural resources that come from
even within the same climate. organic materials are considered biotic
● Geology provides methods for resources.
discovering new aquifers, learning
how they function, determining the Biotic resources examples are plants,
age of the water, their rate of animals, and fossil fuels.
renewal, and their vulnerability.
● Geology will discover new oil and Fossil fuels; such as coal, natural gas, and
natural gas deposits. It develops oil are classified as biotic resources
new extraction technologies that because they formed from the decay of
have become more common since organic matter over millions of years.
the sharp rise in crude oil prices
began in 2004: heavy oil to be Fossil fuels
extracted by solvents, oil Coal formed from carbon rich plants
condensates from some gas to form peat. Which then fossilised into the
deposits, bituminous shales, in-situ layers of the Earth.
volatilization of coal.
● In terms of non-carbon energy, Oil and natural gas formed from
geology will be useful in determining ancient ocean plants and small organisms
the potential of radioactive ores. that became fossilised and compressed in
● A new source of stress is developing layers of sediment.
in the area of food production:
biofuels. Large quantities of
hydrocarbons may remain trapped in
source rocks. In reality, production
from these unconventional
hydrocarbon deposits is bumping up
Where did it all come from?
Abiotic resources come from
inorganic materials.

Air, sunlight, and water are abiotic


Minerals make up rocks and ore such as

gold, copper, and iron which are considered
Problems associated with natural

Too little natural resources:

In many regions of the world have limited

Uneven distribution resources, overpopulation in the region, and
environmental degradation. This has lead to
Some areas of the Earth have access to
extreme poverty and income inequality.
many varied resources while others have
Resulting in rebellions and war situations in
few or none.
The distribution of many natural resources
Problems associated with natural
depends on the geological history and the
geological processes the land has been
through. Too much natural resources:

Geological Processes In regions with excess natural resources

leading to cooperate and government greed,
Natural resources are unevenly distributed
corruption, and conflict. Conflict does not
due to geological processes:
occur solely in local communities. Outside
● Tectonic plates nations have extreme interest in the wealth
● Volcanic activity of natural resource rich countries. This often
● Changing ocean levels leads to tensions between countries, and
● Formation of rocks and minerals can foster or engage conflicts.
● Water Cycles
● Climate/Weather
● Ancient plant and animal life in a
Geological History ~:text=Real%20world%20definition%20%
The geological processes occur and icipality%20and%20regulatory%20agenci
compound over time creating new materials es.
and natural resources. Plants and animals
can develop and repopulate in a short
period of time. Many of these processes
take hundreds of millions of years to Geology’s Role in the Major Issues
produce natural resources. Facing SocietyByAurèle Parriaux

Renewable and Non-renewable

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