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What is retractable propulsion system??

A retractable propulsion system is a concept in aerospace engineering that

involves designing a propulsion system for an aircraft, spacecraft, or other
vehicles that can be partially or fully retracted into the vehicle's structure when
not in use. The primary purpose of a retractable propulsion system is to
improve the vehicle's aerodynamics, reduce drag, and enhance overall
efficiency during different phases of flight or operation.

In aircraft, a retractable propulsion system might involve engines that can be

pivoted or stowed inside the wings or fuselage when cruising, reducing the
drag and increasing the aircraft's speed and fuel efficiency. When additional
thrust is needed, such as during takeoff or climbing, the engines can be
extended or rotated to their operational position.

For spacecraft, a retractable propulsion system could involve having thrusters

or propulsion units that are concealed within the spacecraft's body during
launch and re-entry. Once in space, these propulsion units could extend or
deploy to provide the necessary thrust for maneuvers, orbital adjustments, or
interplanetary travel.

The retractable propulsion system concept is aimed at striking a balance

between the need for efficient propulsion during active phases of flight and
the need for streamlined aerodynamics during passive or high-speed flight.
This concept can contribute to improved performance, fuel efficiency, and
versatility of aerospace vehicles.

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